Christian Rinderknecht f4d688df7b Fixed the tutorial. Enabled underscores in tez amounts. Fixed docs on
Tez and tuples (zero-indexation).
2020-02-21 17:16:53 +01:00

1001 lines
35 KiB

(* Lexer specification for LIGO, to be processed by [ocamllex]. *)
[@@@warning "-42"]
module Region = Simple_utils.Region
module Pos = Simple_utils.Pos
type lexeme = string
(* The value of [mk_str len p] ("make string") is a string of length
[len] containing the [len] characters in the list [p], in reverse
order. For instance, [mk_str 3 ['c';'b';'a'] = "abc"]. *)
let mk_str (len: int) (p: char list) : string =
let bytes = Bytes.make len ' ' in
let rec fill i = function
[] -> bytes
| char::l -> Bytes.set bytes i char; fill (i-1) l
in fill (len-1) p |> Bytes.to_string
(* The call [explode s a] is the list made by pushing the characters
in the string [s] on top of [a], in reverse order. For example,
[explode "ba" ['c';'d'] = ['a'; 'b'; 'c'; 'd']]. *)
let explode s acc =
let rec push = function
0 -> acc
| i -> s.[i-1] :: push (i-1)
in push (String.length s)
(* Resetting file name and line number in the lexing buffer
The call [reset ~file ~line buffer] modifies in-place the lexing
buffer [buffer] so the lexing engine records that the file
associated with [buffer] is named [file], and the current line is
[line]. This function is useful when lexing a file that has been
previously preprocessed by the C preprocessor, in which case the
argument [file] is the name of the file that was preprocessed,
_not_ the preprocessed file (of which the user is not normally
aware). By default, the [line] argument is [1].
let reset_file ~file buffer =
let open Lexing in
buffer.lex_curr_p <- {buffer.lex_curr_p with pos_fname = file}
let reset_line ~line buffer =
assert (line >= 0);
let open Lexing in
buffer.lex_curr_p <- {buffer.lex_curr_p with pos_lnum = line}
let reset_offset ~offset buffer =
assert (offset >= 0);
let open Lexing in
let bol = buffer.lex_curr_p.pos_bol in
buffer.lex_curr_p <- {buffer.lex_curr_p with pos_cnum = bol + offset }
let reset ?file ?line ?offset buffer =
let () =
match file with
Some file -> reset_file ~file buffer
| None -> () in
let () =
match line with
Some line -> reset_line ~line buffer
| None -> () in
match offset with
Some offset -> reset_offset ~offset buffer
| None -> ()
(* Rolling back one lexeme _within the current semantic action_ *)
let rollback buffer =
let open Lexing in
let len = String.length (lexeme buffer) in
let pos_cnum = buffer.lex_curr_p.pos_cnum - len in
buffer.lex_curr_pos <- buffer.lex_curr_pos - len;
buffer.lex_curr_p <- {buffer.lex_curr_p with pos_cnum}
let sprintf = Printf.sprintf
(* TOKENS *)
(* The signature [TOKEN] exports an abstract type [token], so a lexer
can be a functor over tokens. Consequently, generic functions to
construct tokens are provided. Note predicate [is_eof], which
caracterises the virtual token for end-of-file, because it requires
special handling. *)
module type TOKEN =
type token
(* Errors *)
type int_err = Non_canonical_zero
type ident_err = Reserved_name
type nat_err = Invalid_natural
| Non_canonical_zero_nat
type sym_err = Invalid_symbol
type attr_err = Invalid_attribute
(* Injections *)
val mk_int : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, int_err) result
val mk_nat : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, nat_err) result
val mk_mutez : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, int_err) result
val mk_ident : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, ident_err) result
val mk_sym : lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, sym_err) result
val mk_string : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_bytes : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_constr : lexeme -> Region.t -> token
val mk_attr : string -> lexeme -> Region.t -> (token, attr_err) result
val eof : Region.t -> token
(* Predicates *)
val is_string : token -> bool
val is_bytes : token -> bool
val is_int : token -> bool
val is_ident : token -> bool
val is_kwd : token -> bool
val is_constr : token -> bool
val is_sym : token -> bool
val is_eof : token -> bool
(* Projections *)
val to_lexeme : token -> lexeme
val to_string : token -> ?offsets:bool -> [`Byte | `Point] -> string
val to_region : token -> Region.t
(* The module type for lexers is [S]. *)
module type S =
module Token : TOKEN
type token = Token.token
type file_path = string
type logger = Markup.t list -> token -> unit
type window =
| One of token
| Two of token * token
val slide : token -> window -> window
type instance = {
read : log:logger -> Lexing.lexbuf -> token;
buffer : Lexing.lexbuf;
get_win : unit -> window;
get_pos : unit -> Pos.t;
get_last : unit -> Region.t;
get_file : unit -> file_path;
close : unit -> unit
type input =
File of file_path (* "-" means stdin *)
| Stdin
| String of string
| Channel of in_channel
| Buffer of Lexing.lexbuf
type open_err = File_opening of string
val open_token_stream : input -> (instance, open_err) Stdlib.result
(* Error reporting *)
type error
val error_to_string : error -> string
exception Error of error Region.reg
val format_error :
?offsets:bool -> [`Byte | `Point] ->
error Region.reg -> file:bool -> string Region.reg
(* The functorised interface
Note that the module parameter [Token] is re-exported as a
submodule in [S].
module Make (Token: TOKEN) : (S with module Token = Token) =
module Token = Token
type token = Token.token
type file_path = string
(* When scanning structured constructs, like strings and comments,
we need to keep the region of the opening symbol (like double
quote, "//" or "(*") in order to report any error more
precisely. Since ocamllex is byte-oriented, we need to store
the parsed bytes as characters in an accumulator [acc] and
also its length [len], so, we are done, it is easy to build the
string making up the structured construct with [mk_str] (see
The resulting data structure is called a _thread_.
(Note for Emacs: "*)".)
type thread = {
opening : Region.t;
len : int;
acc : char list
let push_char char {opening; len; acc} = {opening; len=len+1; acc=char::acc}
let push_string str {opening; len; acc} =
len = len + String.length str;
acc = explode str acc}
(* STATE *)
(** The type [buffer] models a two-slot buffer of tokens for
reporting after a parse error.
In [Two(t1,t2)], the token [t2] is the next to be sent to the
The call [slide token buffer] pushes the token [token] in the
buffer [buffer]. If the buffer is full, that is, it is
[Two(t1,t2)], then the token [t2] is discarded to make room for
type window =
| One of token
| Two of token * token
let slide token = function
Nil -> One token
| One t | Two (t,_) -> Two (token,t)
(** Beyond tokens, the result of lexing is a state. The type
[state] represents the logical state of the lexing engine, that
is, a value which is threaded during scanning and which denotes
useful, high-level information beyond what the type
[Lexing.lexbuf] in the standard library already provides for
all generic lexers.
Tokens are the smallest units used by the parser to build the
abstract syntax tree. The state includes a queue of recognised
tokens, with the markup at the left of its lexeme until either
the start of the file or the end of the previously recognised
The markup from the last recognised token or, if the first
token has not been recognised yet, from the beginning of the
file is stored in the field [markup] of the state because it is
a side-effect, with respect to the output token list, and we
use a record with a single field [units] because that record
may be easily extended during the future maintenance of this
The state also includes a field [pos] which holds the current
position in the LIGO source file. The position is not always
updated after a single character has been matched: that depends
on the regular expression that matched the lexing buffer.
The field [win] is a two-token window, that is, a buffer that
contains the last recognised token, and the penultimate (if
The fields [decoder] and [supply] offer the support needed
for the lexing of UTF-8 encoded characters in comments (the
only place where they are allowed in LIGO). The former is the
decoder proper and the latter is the effectful function
[supply] that takes a byte, a start index and a length and feed
it to [decoder]. See the documentation of the third-party
library Uutf.
type state = {
units : (Markup.t list * token) FQueue.t;
markup : Markup.t list;
window : window;
last : Region.t;
pos : Pos.t;
decoder : Uutf.decoder;
supply : Bytes.t -> int -> int -> unit
(* The call [enqueue (token, state)] updates functionally the
state [state] by associating the token [token] with the stored
markup and enqueuing the pair into the units queue. The field
[markup] is then reset to the empty list. *)
let enqueue (token, state) = {
state with
units = FQueue.enq (state.markup, token) state.units;
markup = []
(* The call [sync state buffer] updates the current position in
accordance with the contents of the lexing buffer, more
precisely, depending on the length of the string which has just
been recognised by the scanner: that length is used as a
positive offset to the current column. *)
let sync state buffer =
let lex = Lexing.lexeme buffer in
let len = String.length lex in
let start = state.pos in
let stop = start#shift_bytes len in
let state = {state with pos = stop}
in Region.make ~start ~stop, lex, state
(* MARKUP *)
(* Committing markup to the current logical state *)
let push_newline state buffer =
let value = Lexing.lexeme buffer
and () = Lexing.new_line buffer
and start = state.pos in
let stop = start#new_line value in
let state = {state with pos = stop}
and region = Region.make ~start ~stop in
let unit = Markup.Newline Region.{region; value} in
let markup = unit :: state.markup
in {state with markup}
let push_line (thread, state) =
let start = thread.opening#start in
let region = Region.make ~start ~stop:state.pos
and value = mk_str thread.len thread.acc in
let unit = Markup.LineCom Region.{region; value} in
let markup = unit :: state.markup
in {state with markup}
let push_block (thread, state) =
let start = thread.opening#start in
let region = Region.make ~start ~stop:state.pos
and value = mk_str thread.len thread.acc in
let unit = Markup.BlockCom Region.{region; value} in
let markup = unit :: state.markup
in {state with markup}
let push_space state buffer =
let region, lex, state = sync state buffer in
let value = String.length lex in
let unit = Markup.Space Region.{region; value} in
let markup = unit :: state.markup
in {state with markup}
let push_tabs state buffer =
let region, lex, state = sync state buffer in
let value = String.length lex in
let unit = Markup.Tabs Region.{region; value} in
let markup = unit :: state.markup
in {state with markup}
let push_bom state buffer =
let region, value, state = sync state buffer in
let unit = Markup.BOM Region.{region; value} in
let markup = unit :: state.markup
in {state with markup}
(* ERRORS *)
type error =
| Unexpected_character of char
| Undefined_escape_sequence
| Missing_break
| Unterminated_string
| Unterminated_integer
| Odd_lengthed_bytes
| Unterminated_comment
| Orphan_minus
| Non_canonical_zero
| Negative_byte_sequence
| Broken_string
| Invalid_character_in_string
| Reserved_name of string
| Invalid_symbol
| Invalid_natural
| Invalid_attribute
let error_to_string = function
Invalid_utf8_sequence ->
"Invalid UTF-8 sequence.\n"
| Unexpected_character c ->
sprintf "Unexpected character '%s'.\n" (Char.escaped c)
| Undefined_escape_sequence ->
"Undefined escape sequence.\n\
Hint: Remove or replace the sequence.\n"
| Missing_break ->
"Missing break.\n\
Hint: Insert some space.\n"
| Unterminated_string ->
"Unterminated string.\n\
Hint: Close with double quotes.\n"
| Unterminated_integer ->
"Unterminated integer.\n\
Hint: Remove the sign or proceed with a natural number.\n"
| Odd_lengthed_bytes ->
"The length of the byte sequence is an odd number.\n\
Hint: Add or remove a digit.\n"
| Unterminated_comment ->
"Unterminated comment.\n\
Hint: Close with \"*)\".\n"
| Orphan_minus ->
"Orphan minus sign.\n\
Hint: Remove the trailing space.\n"
| Non_canonical_zero ->
"Non-canonical zero.\n\
Hint: Use 0.\n"
| Negative_byte_sequence ->
"Negative byte sequence.\n\
Hint: Remove the leading minus sign.\n"
| Broken_string ->
"The string starting here is interrupted by a line break.\n\
Hint: Remove the break, close the string before or insert a \
| Invalid_character_in_string ->
"Invalid character in string.\n\
Hint: Remove or replace the character.\n"
| Reserved_name s ->
sprintf "Reserved name: \"%s\".\n\
Hint: Change the name.\n" s
| Invalid_symbol ->
"Invalid symbol.\n\
Hint: Check the LIGO syntax you use.\n"
| Invalid_natural ->
"Invalid natural."
| Invalid_attribute ->
"Invalid attribute."
exception Error of error Region.reg
let format_error ?(offsets=true) mode Region.{region; value} ~file =
let msg = error_to_string value
and reg = region#to_string ~file ~offsets mode in
let value = sprintf "Lexical error %s:\n%s" reg msg
in Region.{value; region}
let fail region value = raise (Error Region.{region; value})
(* TOKENS *)
(* Making tokens *)
let mk_string (thread, state) =
let start = thread.opening#start in
let stop = state.pos in
let region = Region.make ~start ~stop in
let lexeme = mk_str thread.len thread.acc in
let token = Token.mk_string lexeme region
in token, state
let mk_bytes bytes state buffer =
let region, _, state = sync state buffer in
let token = Token.mk_bytes bytes region
in token, state
let mk_int state buffer =
let region, lexeme, state = sync state buffer in
match Token.mk_int lexeme region with
Ok token -> token, state
| Error Token.Non_canonical_zero ->
fail region Non_canonical_zero
let mk_nat state buffer =
let region, lexeme, state = sync state buffer in
match Token.mk_nat lexeme region with
Ok token -> token, state
| Error Token.Non_canonical_zero_nat ->
fail region Non_canonical_zero
| Error Token.Invalid_natural ->
fail region Invalid_natural
let mk_mutez state buffer =
let region, lexeme, state = sync state buffer in
match Token.mk_mutez lexeme region with
Ok token -> token, state
| Error Token.Non_canonical_zero ->
fail region Non_canonical_zero
let mk_tez state buffer =
let region, lexeme, state = sync state buffer in
let lexeme = Str.string_before lexeme (String.index lexeme 't') in
let lexeme = Z.mul (Z.of_int 1_000_000) (Z.of_string lexeme) in
match Token.mk_mutez (Z.to_string lexeme ^ "mutez") region with
Ok token -> token, state
| Error Token.Non_canonical_zero ->
fail region Non_canonical_zero
let format_tez s =
match String.index s '.' with
index ->
let len = String.length s in
let integral = Str.first_chars s index
and fractional = Str.last_chars s (len-index-1) in
let num = Z.of_string (integral ^ fractional)
and den = Z.of_string ("1" ^ String.make (len-index-1) '0')
and million = Q.of_string "1000000" in
let mutez = Q.make num den |> Q.mul million in
let should_be_1 = Q.den mutez in
if Z.equal should_be_1 then Some (Q.num mutez) else None
| exception Not_found -> assert false
let mk_tez_decimal state buffer =
let region, lexeme, state = sync state buffer in
let lexeme = Str.(global_replace (regexp "_") "" lexeme) in
let lexeme = Str.string_before lexeme (String.index lexeme 't') in
match format_tez lexeme with
None -> assert false
| Some tz ->
match Token.mk_mutez (Z.to_string tz ^ "mutez") region with
Ok token -> token, state
| Error Token.Non_canonical_zero ->
fail region Non_canonical_zero
let mk_ident state buffer =
let region, lexeme, state = sync state buffer in
match Token.mk_ident lexeme region with
Ok token -> token, state
| Error Token.Reserved_name -> fail region (Reserved_name lexeme)
let mk_attr header attr state buffer =
let region, _, state = sync state buffer in
match Token.mk_attr header attr region with
Ok token ->
token, state
| Error Token.Invalid_attribute ->
fail region Invalid_attribute
let mk_constr state buffer =
let region, lexeme, state = sync state buffer
in Token.mk_constr lexeme region, state
let mk_sym state buffer =
let region, lexeme, state = sync state buffer in
match Token.mk_sym lexeme region with
Ok token -> token, state
| Error Token.Invalid_symbol -> fail region Invalid_symbol
let mk_eof state buffer =
let region, _, state = sync state buffer
in Token.eof region, state
(* Named regular expressions *)
let utf8_bom = "\xEF\xBB\xBF" (* Byte Order Mark for UTF-8 *)
let nl = ['\n' '\r'] | "\r\n"
let blank = ' ' | '\t'
let digit = ['0'-'9']
let natural = digit | digit (digit | '_')* digit
let decimal = natural '.' natural
let small = ['a'-'z']
let capital = ['A'-'Z']
let letter = small | capital
let ident = small (letter | '_' | digit)*
let constr = capital (letter | '_' | digit)*
let attr = ident | constr
let hexa_digit = digit | ['A'-'F' 'a'-'f']
let byte = hexa_digit hexa_digit
let byte_seq = byte | byte (byte | '_')* byte
let bytes = "0x" (byte_seq? as seq)
let esc = "\\n" | "\\\"" | "\\\\" | "\\b"
| "\\r" | "\\t" | "\\x" byte
let pascaligo_sym = "=/=" | '#' | ":="
let cameligo_sym = "<>" | "::" | "||" | "&&"
let reasonligo_sym = '!' | "=>" | "!=" | "==" | "++" | "..." | "||" | "&&"
let symbol =
';' | ',' | '(' | ')'| '[' | ']' | '{' | '}'
| '=' | ':' | '|' | "->" | '.' | '_' | '^'
| '+' | '-' | '*' | '/'
| '<' | "<=" | '>' | ">="
| pascaligo_sym | cameligo_sym | reasonligo_sym
let string = [^'"' '\\' '\n']* (* For strings of #include *)
(* RULES *)
(* Except for the first rule [init], all rules bear a name starting
with "scan".
All have a parameter [state] that they thread through their
recursive calls. The rules for the structured constructs (strings
and comments) have an extra parameter of type [thread] (see above).
rule init state = parse
utf8_bom { scan (push_bom state lexbuf) lexbuf }
| _ { rollback lexbuf; scan state lexbuf }
and scan state = parse
nl { scan (push_newline state lexbuf) lexbuf }
| ' '+ { scan (push_space state lexbuf) lexbuf }
| '\t'+ { scan (push_tabs state lexbuf) lexbuf }
| ident { mk_ident state lexbuf |> enqueue }
| constr { mk_constr state lexbuf |> enqueue }
| bytes { mk_bytes seq state lexbuf |> enqueue }
| natural 'n' { mk_nat state lexbuf |> enqueue }
| natural "mutez" { mk_mutez state lexbuf |> enqueue }
| natural "tz"
| natural "tez" { mk_tez state lexbuf |> enqueue }
| decimal "tz"
| decimal "tez" { mk_tez_decimal state lexbuf |> enqueue }
| natural { mk_int state lexbuf |> enqueue }
| symbol { mk_sym state lexbuf |> enqueue }
| eof { mk_eof state lexbuf |> enqueue }
| "[@" (attr as a) "]" { mk_attr "[@" a state lexbuf |> enqueue }
| "[@@" (attr as a) "]" { mk_attr "[@@" a state lexbuf |> enqueue }
| '"' { let opening, _, state = sync state lexbuf in
let thread = {opening; len=1; acc=['"']} in
scan_string thread state lexbuf |> mk_string |> enqueue }
| "(*" { let opening, _, state = sync state lexbuf in
let thread = {opening; len=2; acc=['*';'(']} in
let state = scan_block thread state lexbuf |> push_block
in scan state lexbuf }
| "//" { let opening, _, state = sync state lexbuf in
let thread = {opening; len=2; acc=['/';'/']} in
let state = scan_line thread state lexbuf |> push_line
in scan state lexbuf }
(* Management of #include CPP directives
An input LIGO program may contain GNU CPP (C preprocessor)
directives, and the entry modules (named * run CPP on them
in traditional mode:
The main interest in using CPP is that it can stand for a poor
man's (flat) module system for LIGO thanks to #include
directives, and the traditional mode leaves the markup mostly
Some of the #line resulting from processing #include directives
deal with system file headers and thus have to be ignored for our
purpose. Moreover, these #line directives may also carry some
additional flags:
of which 1 and 2 indicate, respectively, the start of a new file
and the return from a file (after its inclusion has been
| '#' blank* ("line" blank+)? (natural as line) blank+
'"' (string as file) '"' {
let _, _, state = sync state lexbuf in
let flags, state = scan_flags state [] lexbuf in
let () = ignore flags in
let line = int_of_string line
and file = Filename.basename file in
let pos = state.pos#set ~file ~line ~offset:0 in
let state = {state with pos} in
scan state lexbuf }
(* Some special errors
Some special errors are recognised in the semantic actions of the
following regular expressions. The first error is a minus sign
separated from the integer it applies to by some markup (space or
tabs). The second is a minus sign immediately followed by
anything else than a natural number (matched above) or markup and
a number (previous error). The third is the strange occurrence of
an attempt at defining a negative byte sequence. Finally, the
catch-all rule reports unexpected characters in the buffer (and
is not so special, after all).
| '-' { let region, _, state = sync state lexbuf in
let state = scan state lexbuf in
let open Markup in
match FQueue.peek state.units with
None -> assert false
| Some (_, ((Space _ | Tabs _)::_, token))
when Token.is_int token ->
fail region Orphan_minus
| _ -> fail region Unterminated_integer }
| "-0x" byte_seq?
{ let region, _, _ = sync state lexbuf
in fail region Negative_byte_sequence }
| _ as c { let region, _, _ = sync state lexbuf
in fail region (Unexpected_character c) }
(* Scanning CPP #include flags *)
and scan_flags state acc = parse
blank+ { let _, _, state = sync state lexbuf
in scan_flags state acc lexbuf }
| natural as code { let _, _, state = sync state lexbuf in
let acc = int_of_string code :: acc
in scan_flags state acc lexbuf }
| nl { List.rev acc, push_newline state lexbuf }
| eof { let _, _, state = sync state lexbuf
in List.rev acc, state (* TODO *) }
(* Finishing a string *)
and scan_string thread state = parse
nl { fail thread.opening Broken_string }
| eof { fail thread.opening Unterminated_string }
| ['\t' '\r' '\b']
{ let region, _, _ = sync state lexbuf
in fail region Invalid_character_in_string }
| '"' { let _, _, state = sync state lexbuf
in push_char '"' thread, state }
| esc { let _, lexeme, state = sync state lexbuf
in scan_string (push_string lexeme thread) state lexbuf }
| '\\' _ { let region, _, _ = sync state lexbuf
in fail region Undefined_escape_sequence }
| _ as c { let _, _, state = sync state lexbuf in
scan_string (push_char c thread) state lexbuf }
(* Finishing a block comment
(Note for Emacs: ("(*")
The lexing of block comments must take care of embedded block
comments that may occur within, as well as strings, so no substring
"*)" may inadvertently close the block. This is the purpose
of the first case of the scanner [scan_block].
and scan_block thread state = parse
'"' | "(*" { let opening = thread.opening in
let opening', lexeme, state = sync state lexbuf in
let thread = push_string lexeme thread in
let thread = {thread with opening=opening'} in
let next = if lexeme = "\"" then scan_string
else scan_block in
let thread, state = next thread state lexbuf in
let thread = {thread with opening}
in scan_block thread state lexbuf }
| "*)" { let _, lexeme, state = sync state lexbuf
in push_string lexeme thread, state }
| nl as nl { let () = Lexing.new_line lexbuf
and state = {state with pos = state.pos#new_line nl}
and thread = push_string nl thread
in scan_block thread state lexbuf }
| eof { fail thread.opening Unterminated_comment }
| _ { let () = rollback lexbuf in
let len = thread.len in
let thread,
status = scan_utf8 thread state lexbuf in
let delta = thread.len - len in
let pos = state.pos#shift_one_uchar delta in
match status with
None -> scan_block thread {state with pos} lexbuf
| Some error ->
let region = Region.make ~start:state.pos ~stop:pos
in fail region error }
(* Finishing a line comment *)
and scan_line thread state = parse
nl as nl { let () = Lexing.new_line lexbuf
and thread = push_string nl thread
and state = {state with pos = state.pos#new_line nl}
in thread, state }
| eof { thread, state }
| _ { let () = rollback lexbuf in
let len = thread.len in
let thread,
status = scan_utf8 thread state lexbuf in
let delta = thread.len - len in
let pos = state.pos#shift_one_uchar delta in
match status with
None -> scan_line thread {state with pos} lexbuf
| Some error ->
let region = Region.make ~start:state.pos ~stop:pos
in fail region error }
and scan_utf8 thread state = parse
eof { fail thread.opening Unterminated_comment }
| _ as c { let thread = push_char c thread in
let lexeme = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
let () = (Bytes.of_string lexeme) 0 1 in
match Uutf.decode state.decoder with
`Uchar _ -> thread, None
| `Malformed _ -> thread, Some Invalid_utf8_sequence
| `Await -> scan_utf8 thread state lexbuf
| `End -> assert false }
(* Scanning the lexing buffer for tokens (and markup, as a
Because we want the lexer to have access to the right lexical
context of a recognised lexeme (to enforce stylistic constraints or
report special error patterns), we need to keep a hidden reference
to a queue of recognised lexical units (that is, tokens and markup)
that acts as a mutable state between the calls to [read]. When
[read] is called, that queue is examined first and, if it contains
at least one token, that token is returned; otherwise, the lexing
buffer is scanned for at least one more new token. That is the
general principle: we put a high-level buffer (our queue) on top of
the low-level lexing buffer.
One tricky and important detail is that we must make any parser
generated by Menhir (and calling [read]) believe that the last
region of the input source that was matched indeed corresponds to
the returned token, despite that many tokens and markup may have
been matched since it was actually read from the input. In other
words, the parser requests a token that is taken from the
high-level buffer, but the parser requests the source regions from
the _low-level_ lexing buffer, and they may disagree if more than
one token has actually been recognised.
Consequently, in order to maintain a consistent view for the
parser, we have to patch some fields of the lexing buffer, namely
[lex_start_p] and [lex_curr_p], as these fields are read by parsers
generated by Menhir when querying source positions (regions). This
is the purpose of the function [patch_buffer]. After reading one
or more tokens and markup by the scanning rule [scan], we have to
save in the hidden reference [buf_reg] the region of the source
that was matched by [scan]. This atomic sequence of patching,
scanning and saving is implemented by the _function_ [scan]
(beware: it shadows the scanning rule [scan]). The function
[patch_buffer] is, of course, also called just before returning the
token, so the parser has a view of the lexing buffer consistent
with the token.
Note that an additional reference [first_call] is needed to
distinguish the first call to the function [scan], as the first
scanning rule is actually [init] (which can handle the BOM), not
type logger = Markup.t list -> token -> unit
type instance = {
read : log:logger -> Lexing.lexbuf -> token;
buffer : Lexing.lexbuf;
get_win : unit -> window;
get_pos : unit -> Pos.t;
get_last : unit -> Region.t;
get_file : unit -> file_path;
close : unit -> unit
type input =
File of file_path (* "-" means stdin *)
| Stdin
| String of string
| Channel of in_channel
| Buffer of Lexing.lexbuf
type open_err = File_opening of string
let open_token_stream input =
let file_path = match input with
File file_path ->
if file_path = "-" then "" else file_path
| _ -> "" in
let pos = Pos.min ~file:file_path in
let buf_reg = ref (pos#byte, pos#byte)
and first_call = ref true
and decoder = Uutf.decoder ~encoding:`UTF_8 `Manual in
let supply = Uutf.Manual.src decoder in
let state = ref {units = FQueue.empty;
last = Region.ghost;
window = Nil;
markup = [];
supply} in
let get_pos () = !state.pos
and get_last () = !state.last
and get_win () = !state.window
and get_file () = file_path in
let patch_buffer (start, stop) buffer =
let open Lexing in
let file_path = buffer.lex_curr_p.pos_fname in
buffer.lex_start_p <- {start with pos_fname = file_path};
buffer.lex_curr_p <- {stop with pos_fname = file_path}
and save_region buffer =
buf_reg := Lexing.(buffer.lex_start_p, buffer.lex_curr_p) in
let scan buffer =
patch_buffer !buf_reg buffer;
(if !first_call
then (state := init !state buffer; first_call := false)
else state := scan !state buffer);
save_region buffer in
let next_token buffer =
scan buffer;
match FQueue.peek !state.units with
None -> assert false
| Some (units, ext_token) ->
state := {!state with units}; Some ext_token in
let check_right_context token buffer =
let open Token in
if is_int token || is_bytes token then
match next_token buffer with
Some ([], next) ->
let pos = (Token.to_region token)#stop in
let region = Region.make ~start:pos ~stop:pos in
if is_int next then
fail region Odd_lengthed_bytes
if is_ident next || is_string next || is_bytes next then
fail region Missing_break
| _ -> ()
if is_ident token || is_string token then
match next_token buffer with
Some ([], next) ->
if is_ident next || is_string next
|| is_bytes next || is_int next
let pos = (Token.to_region token)#stop in
let region = Region.make ~start:pos ~stop:pos
in fail region Missing_break
| _ -> () in
let rec read ~log buffer =
match FQueue.deq !state.units with
None ->
scan buffer;
read ~log buffer
| Some (units, (left_mark, token)) ->
log left_mark token;
state := {!state with units;
last = Token.to_region token;
window = slide token !state.window};
check_right_context token buffer;
patch_buffer (Token.to_region token)#byte_pos buffer;
token in
let buf_close_res =
match input with
File "" | File "-" | Stdin ->
Ok (Lexing.from_channel stdin, fun () -> close_in stdin)
| File path ->
let chan = open_in path in
let close () = close_in chan in
Ok (Lexing.from_channel chan, close)
Sys_error msg -> Stdlib.Error (File_opening msg))
| String s ->
Ok (Lexing.from_string s, fun () -> ())
| Channel chan ->
let close () = close_in chan in
Ok (Lexing.from_channel chan, close)
| Buffer b -> Ok (b, fun () -> ()) in
match buf_close_res with
Ok (buffer, close) ->
let () =
match input with
File path when path <> "" -> reset ~file:path buffer
| _ -> () in
let instance = {
read; buffer; get_win; get_pos; get_last; get_file; close}
in Ok instance
| Error _ as e -> e
end (* of functor [Make] in HEADER *)