2018-01-27 13:34:02 +01:00

501 lines
18 KiB

(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
open Prevalidator_worker_state
type limits = {
max_refused_operations : int ;
operation_timeout : float ;
worker_limits : Worker_types.limits ;
module Name = struct
type t = Net_id.t
let encoding = Net_id.encoding
let base = [ "prevalidator" ]
let pp = Net_id.pp_short
module Types = struct
(* Invariants:
- an operation is in only one of these sets (map domains):
pv.refusals pv.pending pv.fetching pv.live_operations pv.in_mempool
- pv.in_mempool is the domain of all fields of pv.prevalidation_result
- pv.prevalidation_result.refused = Ø, refused ops are in pv.refused
- the 'applied' operations in pv.validation_result are in reverse order. *)
type state = {
net_db : Distributed_db.net_db ;
limits : limits ;
mutable predecessor : State.Block.t ;
mutable timestamp : Time.t ;
mutable live_blocks : Block_hash.Set.t ; (* just a cache *)
mutable live_operations : Operation_hash.Set.t ; (* just a cache *)
refused : Operation_hash.t Ring.t ;
mutable refusals : error list Operation_hash.Map.t ;
mutable fetching : Operation_hash.Set.t ;
mutable pending : Operation.t Operation_hash.Map.t ;
mutable mempool : Mempool.t ;
mutable in_mempool : Operation_hash.Set.t ;
mutable validation_result : error Preapply_result.t ;
mutable validation_state : Prevalidation.prevalidation_state tzresult ;
mutable advertisement : [ `Pending of Mempool.t | `None ] ;
type parameters = limits * Distributed_db.net_db
include Worker_state
let view (state : state) _ : view =
let domain map =
(fun elt _ acc -> Operation_hash.Set.add elt acc)
map Operation_hash.Set.empty in
{ head = State.Block.hash state.predecessor ;
timestamp = state.timestamp ;
fetching = state.fetching ;
pending = domain state.pending ;
applied =
( (fun (h, _) -> h)
state.validation_result.applied) ;
delayed =
(domain state.validation_result.branch_delayed)
(domain state.validation_result.branch_refused) }
module Worker = Worker.Make (Name) (Event) (Request) (Types)
open Types
type t = Worker.infinite Worker.queue Worker.t
type error += Closed = Worker.Closed
let debug w =
Format.kasprintf (fun msg -> Worker.record_event w (Debug msg))
let list_pendings ?maintain_net_db ~from_block ~to_block old_mempool =
let rec pop_blocks ancestor block mempool =
let hash = State.Block.hash block in
if Block_hash.equal hash ancestor then
Lwt.return mempool
State.Block.all_operations block >>= fun operations ->
(Lwt_list.fold_left_s (fun mempool op ->
let h = Operation.hash op in
Lwt_utils.may maintain_net_db
~f:begin fun net_db ->
Distributed_db.inject_operation net_db h op >>= fun _ ->
end >>= fun () ->
Lwt.return (Operation_hash.Map.add h op mempool)))
mempool operations >>= fun mempool ->
State.Block.predecessor block >>= function
| None -> assert false
| Some predecessor -> pop_blocks ancestor predecessor mempool
let push_block mempool block =
State.Block.all_operation_hashes block >|= fun operations ->
Option.iter maintain_net_db
~f:(fun net_db ->
(List.iter (Distributed_db.Operation.clear_or_cancel net_db))
operations) ;
(List.fold_left (fun mempool h -> Operation_hash.Map.remove h mempool))
mempool operations
Chain_traversal.new_blocks ~from_block ~to_block >>= fun (ancestor, path) ->
(State.Block.hash ancestor)
from_block old_mempool >>= fun mempool ->
Lwt_list.fold_left_s push_block mempool path >>= fun new_mempool ->
Lwt.return new_mempool
let already_handled pv oph =
Operation_hash.Map.mem oph pv.refusals
|| Operation_hash.Map.mem oph pv.pending
|| Operation_hash.Set.mem oph pv.fetching
|| Operation_hash.Set.mem oph pv.live_operations
|| Operation_hash.Set.mem oph pv.in_mempool
let mempool_of_prevalidation_result (r : error Preapply_result.t) : Mempool.t =
{ Mempool.known_valid = fst r.applied ;
pending =
(fun k _ s -> Operation_hash.Set.add k s)
r.branch_delayed @@
(fun k _ s -> Operation_hash.Set.add k s)
r.branch_refused @@
Operation_hash.Set.empty }
let merge_validation_results ~old ~neu =
let open Preapply_result in
let merge _key a b =
match a, b with
| None, None -> None
| Some x, None -> Some x
| _, Some y -> Some y in
let filter_out s m =
List.fold_right (fun (h, _op) -> Operation_hash.Map.remove h) s m in
{ applied = List.rev_append neu.applied old.applied ;
refused = Operation_hash.Map.empty ;
branch_refused =
Operation_hash.Map.merge merge
(* filtering should not be required if the protocol is sound *)
(filter_out neu.applied old.branch_refused)
neu.branch_refused ;
branch_delayed =
Operation_hash.Map.merge merge
(filter_out neu.applied old.branch_delayed)
neu.branch_delayed }
let advertise (w : t) pv mempool =
match pv.advertisement with
| `Pending { Mempool.known_valid ; pending } ->
pv.advertisement <-
{ known_valid = known_valid @ mempool.Mempool.known_valid ;
pending = Operation_hash.Set.union pending mempool.pending }
| `None ->
pv.advertisement <- `Pending mempool ;
Lwt.async (fun () ->
Lwt_unix.sleep 0.01 >>= fun () ->
Worker.push_request_now w Advertise ;
let handle_unprocessed w pv =
begin match pv.validation_state with
| Error err ->
pv.validation_result <-
{ Preapply_result.empty with
branch_delayed =
(fun h op m -> Operation_hash.Map.add h (op, err) m)
pv.pending Operation_hash.Map.empty } ;
pv.pending <-
Operation_hash.Map.empty ;
Lwt.return ()
| Ok validation_state ->
match Operation_hash.Map.cardinal pv.pending with
| 0 -> Lwt.return ()
| n -> debug w "processing %d operations" n ;
Prevalidation.prevalidate validation_state ~sort:true
(Operation_hash.Map.bindings pv.pending)
>>= fun (validation_state, validation_result) ->
pv.validation_state <-
Ok validation_state ;
pv.in_mempool <-
(fun h _ in_mempool -> Operation_hash.Set.add h in_mempool)
pv.pending @@
(fun h _ in_mempool -> Operation_hash.Set.remove h in_mempool)
pv.validation_result.refused @@
pv.in_mempool) ;
(fun h (_, errs) ->
Option.iter (Ring.add_and_return_erased pv.refused h)
~f:(fun e -> pv.refusals <- Operation_hash.Map.remove e pv.refusals) ;
pv.refusals <-
Operation_hash.Map.add h errs pv.refusals)
pv.validation_result.refused ;
(fun oph _ -> Distributed_db.Operation.clear_or_cancel pv.net_db oph)
pv.validation_result.refused ;
pv.validation_result <-
~neu:validation_result ;
pv.pending <-
Operation_hash.Map.empty ;
advertise w pv
(mempool_of_prevalidation_result validation_result) ;
Lwt.return ()
end >>= fun () ->
pv.mempool <-
{ Mempool.known_valid =
List.rev_map fst pv.validation_result.applied ;
pending =
(fun k _ s -> Operation_hash.Set.add k s)
pv.validation_result.branch_delayed @@
(fun k _ s -> Operation_hash.Set.add k s)
pv.validation_result.branch_refused @@
Operation_hash.Set.empty } ;
State.Current_mempool.set (Distributed_db.net_state pv.net_db)
~head:(State.Block.hash pv.predecessor) pv.mempool >>= fun () ->
Lwt.return ()
let fetch_operation w pv ?peer oph =
debug w
"fetching operation %a"
Operation_hash.pp_short oph ;
pv.net_db ?peer oph () >>= function
| Ok op ->
Worker.push_request_now w (Arrived (oph, op)) ;
| Error [ Distributed_db.Operation.Canceled _ ] ->
debug w
"operation %a included before being prevalidated"
Operation_hash.pp_short oph ;
| Error _ -> (* should not happen *)
let on_operation_arrived (pv : state) oph op =
pv.fetching <- Operation_hash.Set.remove oph pv.fetching ;
if not (Block_hash.Set.mem pv.live_blocks) then begin
Distributed_db.Operation.clear_or_cancel pv.net_db oph
(* TODO: put in a specific delayed map ? *)
end else if not (already_handled pv oph) (* prevent double inclusion on flush *) then begin
pv.pending <- Operation_hash.Map.add oph op pv.pending
let on_inject pv op =
let oph = Operation.hash op in
if already_handled pv oph then
return pv.validation_result
Lwt.return pv.validation_state >>=? fun validation_state ->
validation_state ~sort:false [ (oph, op) ] >>= fun (_, result) ->
match result.applied with
| [ app_oph, _ ] when Operation_hash.equal app_oph oph ->
Distributed_db.inject_operation pv.net_db oph op >>= fun (_ : bool) ->
pv.pending <- Operation_hash.Map.add oph op pv.pending ;
return result
| _ ->
return result
end >>=? fun result ->
if List.mem_assoc oph result.applied then
return ()
let try_in_map map proj or_else =
Lwt.return (Error (proj (Operation_hash.Map.find oph map)))
with Not_found -> or_else () in
try_in_map pv.refusals (fun h -> h) @@ fun () ->
try_in_map result.refused snd @@ fun () ->
try_in_map result.branch_refused snd @@ fun () ->
try_in_map result.branch_delayed snd @@ fun () ->
if Operation_hash.Set.mem oph pv.live_operations then
failwith "Injected operation %a included in a previous block."
Operation_hash.pp oph
failwith "Injected operation %a is not in prevalidation result."
Operation_hash.pp oph
let on_notify w pv peer mempool =
let all_ophs =
(fun s oph -> Operation_hash.Set.add oph s)
mempool.Mempool.pending mempool.known_valid in
let to_fetch =
(fun oph -> not (already_handled pv oph))
all_ophs in
pv.fetching <-
pv.fetching ;
(fun oph -> Lwt.ignore_result (fetch_operation w pv ~peer oph))
let on_flush w pv predecessor =
~from_block:pv.predecessor ~to_block:predecessor
(Preapply_result.operations pv.validation_result) >>= fun pending ->
let timestamp = () in
(State.Block.max_operations_ttl predecessor)
>>= fun (new_live_blocks, new_live_operations) ->
~predecessor ~timestamp () >>= fun validation_state ->
begin match validation_state with
| Error _ -> Lwt.return (validation_state, Preapply_result.empty)
| Ok validation_state ->
validation_state ~sort:false [] >>= fun (state, result) ->
Lwt.return (Ok state, result)
end >>= fun (validation_state, validation_result) ->
debug w "%d operations were not washed by the flush"
(Operation_hash.Map.cardinal pending) ;
pv.predecessor <- predecessor ;
pv.live_blocks <- new_live_blocks ;
pv.live_operations <- new_live_operations ;
pv.timestamp <- timestamp ;
pv.mempool <- { known_valid = [] ; pending = Operation_hash.Set.empty };
pv.pending <- pending ;
pv.in_mempool <- Operation_hash.Set.empty ;
pv.validation_result <- validation_result ;
pv.validation_state <- validation_state ;
return ()
let on_advertise pv =
match pv.advertisement with
| `None -> () (* should not happen *)
| `Pending mempool ->
pv.advertisement <- `None ;
Distributed_db.Advertise.current_head pv.net_db ~mempool pv.predecessor
let on_request
: type r. t -> r Request.t -> r tzresult Lwt.t
= fun w request ->
let pv = Worker.state w in
begin match request with
| Request.Flush hash ->
on_advertise pv ;
(* TODO: rebase the advertisement instead *)
let net_state = Distributed_db.net_state pv.net_db in net_state hash >>=? fun block ->
on_flush w pv block >>=? fun () ->
return (() : r)
| Request.Notify (peer, mempool) ->
on_notify w pv peer mempool ;
return ()
| Request.Inject op ->
on_inject pv op >>= fun tzresult ->
return tzresult
| Request.Arrived (oph, op) ->
on_operation_arrived pv oph op ;
return ()
| Request.Advertise ->
on_advertise pv ;
return ()
end >>=? fun r ->
handle_unprocessed w pv >>= fun () ->
return r
let on_close w =
let pv = Worker.state w in
(Distributed_db.Operation.clear_or_cancel pv.net_db)
pv.fetching ;
let on_launch w _ (limits, net_db) =
let net_state = Distributed_db.net_state net_db in
State.read_chain_store net_state
(fun _ { current_head ; current_mempool ; live_blocks ; live_operations } ->
Lwt.return (current_head, current_mempool, live_blocks, live_operations))
>>= fun (predecessor, mempool, live_blocks, live_operations) ->
let timestamp = () in
~predecessor ~timestamp () >>= fun validation_state ->
begin match validation_state with
| Error _ -> Lwt.return (validation_state, Preapply_result.empty)
| Ok validation_state ->
Prevalidation.prevalidate validation_state ~sort:false []
>>= fun (validation_state, validation_result) ->
Lwt.return (Ok validation_state, validation_result)
end >>= fun (validation_state, validation_result) ->
let fetching =
(fun s h -> Operation_hash.Set.add h s)
Operation_hash.Set.empty mempool.known_valid in
let pv =
{ limits ; net_db ;
predecessor ; timestamp ; live_blocks ; live_operations ;
mempool = { known_valid = [] ; pending = Operation_hash.Set.empty };
refused = Ring.create limits.max_refused_operations ;
refusals = Operation_hash.Map.empty ;
fetching ;
pending = Operation_hash.Map.empty ;
in_mempool = Operation_hash.Set.empty ;
validation_result ; validation_state ;
advertisement = `None } in
(fun oph -> Lwt.ignore_result (fetch_operation w pv oph))
mempool.known_valid ;
Lwt.return pv
let on_error w r st errs =
Worker.record_event w (Event.Request (r, st, Some errs)) ;
Lwt.return (Error errs)
let on_completion w r _ st =
Worker.record_event w (Event.Request (Request.view r, st, None )) ;
Lwt.return ()
let table = Worker.create_table Queue
let create limits net_db =
let net_state = Distributed_db.net_state net_db in
let module Handlers = struct
type self = t
let on_launch = on_launch
let on_request = on_request
let on_close = on_close
let on_error = on_error
let on_completion = on_completion
let on_no_request _ = return ()
end in
Worker.launch table limits.worker_limits
( net_state)
(limits, net_db)
(module Handlers)
let shutdown = Worker.shutdown
let flush w head =
Worker.push_request_and_wait w (Flush head)
let notify_operations w peer mempool =
Worker.push_request_now w (Notify (peer, mempool))
let operations w =
let pv = Worker.state w in
{ pv.validation_result with
applied = List.rev pv.validation_result.applied },
let pending ?block w =
let pv = Worker.state w in
let ops = Preapply_result.operations pv.validation_result in
match block with
| Some to_block ->
~from_block:pv.predecessor ~to_block ops
| None -> Lwt.return ops
let timestamp w =
let pv = Worker.state w in
let context w =
let pv = Worker.state w in
Lwt.return pv.validation_state >>=? fun validation_state ->
Prevalidation.end_prevalidation validation_state
let inject_operation w op =
Worker.push_request_and_wait w (Inject op) >>=? fun result ->
Lwt.return result
let status = Worker.status
let running_workers () = Worker.list table
let pending_requests t = Worker.pending_requests t
let current_request t = Worker.current_request t
let last_events = Worker.last_events