* `lib_stdlib`: basic extended OCaml stdlib and generic data structures * `lib_data_encoding`: almost independant 'Data_encoding' * `lib_error_monad`: almost independant 'Error_monad' * `lib_stdlib_lwt`: extended Lwt library * `lib_crypto`: all the crypto stuff (hashing, signing, cryptobox). * `lib_base`: - basic type definitions (Block_header, Operation, ...) - a module `TzPervasives` to bind them all and to be the single module opened everywhere. In the process, I splitted `Tezos_data` and `Hash` in multiple submodules, thus removing a lot of `-open`. The following two modules may not have found their place yet: - Base58 (currently in `lib_crypto`) - Cli_entries (currently in `lib_stdlib_lwt`)
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(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
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(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
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open Lwt.Infix
exception Closed
type 'a t =
{ mutable data : 'a option ;
mutable closed : bool ;
mutable put_waiter : unit Lwt.u option ;
let create () =
{ data = None ;
closed = false ;
put_waiter = None ;
let notify_put dropbox =
match dropbox.put_waiter with
| None -> ()
| Some w ->
dropbox.put_waiter <- None ;
Lwt.wakeup_later w ()
let put dropbox elt =
if dropbox.closed then
raise Closed
else begin
dropbox.data <- Some elt ;
notify_put dropbox
let peek dropbox = dropbox.data
let close dropbox =
if not dropbox.closed then begin
dropbox.closed <- true ;
notify_put dropbox ;
let wait_put ~timeout dropbox =
match dropbox.put_waiter with
| Some w ->
Lwt.choose [
timeout ;
Lwt.protected (Lwt.waiter_of_wakener w)
| None ->
let waiter, wakener = Lwt.wait () in
dropbox.put_waiter <- Some wakener ;
Lwt.choose [
timeout ;
Lwt.protected waiter ;
let rec take dropbox =
match dropbox.data with
| Some elt ->
dropbox.data <- None ;
Lwt.return elt
| None ->
if dropbox.closed then
Lwt.fail Closed
wait_put ~timeout:Lwt_utils.never_ending dropbox >>= fun () ->
take dropbox
let rec take_with_timeout timeout dropbox =
match dropbox.data with
| Some elt ->
Lwt.cancel timeout ;
dropbox.data <- None ;
Lwt.return (Some elt)
| None ->
if Lwt.is_sleeping timeout then
if dropbox.closed then
Lwt.fail Closed
wait_put ~timeout dropbox >>= fun () ->
take_with_timeout timeout dropbox
let take_with_timeout timeout dropbox =
take_with_timeout (Lwt_unix.sleep timeout) dropbox