
261 lines
10 KiB

(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
let string_of_errors exns =
Format.asprintf " @[<v>%a@]" pp_print_error exns
let handle_error cctxt = function
| Ok res -> Lwt.return res
| Error exns ->
pp_print_error Format.err_formatter exns ;
cctxt.Client_commands.error "%s" "cannot continue"
type net = State.net_id = Net of Block_hash.t
type block = [
| `Genesis
| `Head of int | `Prevalidation
| `Test_head of int | `Test_prevalidation
| `Hash of Block_hash.t
let call_service1 cctxt s block a1 =
Client_node_rpcs.call_service1 cctxt
(s Node_rpc_services.Blocks.proto_path) block a1
let call_error_service1 cctxt s block a1 =
call_service1 cctxt s block a1 >|= wrap_error
let call_service2 cctxt s block a1 a2 =
Client_node_rpcs.call_service2 cctxt
(s Node_rpc_services.Blocks.proto_path) block a1 a2
let call_error_service2 cctxt s block a1 a2 =
call_service2 cctxt s block a1 a2 >|= wrap_error
module Constants = struct
let bootstrap cctxt block =
call_service1 cctxt Services.Constants.bootstrap block ()
let errors cctxt block =
call_service1 cctxt Services.Constants.errors block ()
let cycle_length cctxt block =
call_error_service1 cctxt Services.Constants.cycle_length block ()
let voting_period_length cctxt block =
call_error_service1 cctxt Services.Constants.voting_period_length block ()
let time_before_reward cctxt block =
call_error_service1 cctxt Services.Constants.time_before_reward block ()
let time_between_slots cctxt block =
call_error_service1 cctxt Services.Constants.time_between_slots block ()
let first_free_mining_slot cctxt block =
call_error_service1 cctxt Services.Constants.first_free_mining_slot block ()
let max_signing_slot cctxt block =
call_error_service1 cctxt Services.Constants.max_signing_slot block ()
let instructions_per_transaction cctxt block =
call_error_service1 cctxt Services.Constants.instructions_per_transaction block ()
let stamp_threshold cctxt block =
call_error_service1 cctxt Services.Constants.proof_of_work_threshold block ()
module Context = struct
let level cctxt block =
call_error_service1 cctxt Services.Context.level block ()
let next_level cctxt block =
call_error_service1 cctxt Services.Context.next_level block ()
module Nonce = struct
type nonce_info = Services.Context.Nonce.nonce_info =
| Revealed of Nonce.t
| Missing of Nonce_hash.t
| Forgotten
let get cctxt block level =
call_error_service2 cctxt Services.Context.Nonce.get block level ()
let hash cctxt block =
call_error_service1 cctxt Services.Context.Nonce.hash block ()
module Key = struct
let get cctxt block pk_h =
call_error_service2 cctxt Services.Context.Key.get block pk_h ()
let list cctxt block =
call_error_service1 cctxt Services.Context.Key.list block ()
module Contract = struct
let list cctxt b =
call_error_service1 cctxt Services.Context.Contract.list b ()
type info = = {
manager: public_key_hash ;
balance: Tez.t ;
spendable: bool ;
delegate: bool * public_key_hash option ;
script: Script.t ;
assets: Asset.Map.t ;
counter: int32 ;
let get cctxt b c =
call_error_service2 cctxt Services.Context.Contract.get b c ()
let balance cctxt b c =
call_error_service2 cctxt Services.Context.Contract.balance b c ()
let manager cctxt b c =
call_error_service2 cctxt Services.Context.Contract.manager b c ()
let delegate cctxt b c =
call_error_service2 cctxt Services.Context.Contract.delegate b c ()
let counter cctxt b c =
call_error_service2 cctxt Services.Context.Contract.counter b c ()
let spendable cctxt b c =
call_error_service2 cctxt Services.Context.Contract.spendable b c ()
let delegatable cctxt b c =
call_error_service2 cctxt Services.Context.Contract.delegatable b c ()
let script cctxt b c =
call_error_service2 cctxt Services.Context.Contract.script b c ()
let assets cctxt b c =
call_error_service2 cctxt Services.Context.Contract.assets b c ()
module Helpers = struct
let minimal_time cctxt block ?prio () =
call_error_service1 cctxt Services.Helpers.minimal_timestamp block prio
let typecheck_code cctxt =
call_error_service1 cctxt Services.Helpers.typecheck_code
let apply_operation cctxt block pred_block hash forged_operation signature =
call_error_service1 cctxt Services.Helpers.apply_operation
block (pred_block, hash, forged_operation, signature)
let run_code cctxt block code (storage, input) =
call_error_service1 cctxt Services.Helpers.run_code
block (code, storage, input, None, None, None)
let trace_code cctxt block code (storage, input) =
call_error_service1 cctxt Services.Helpers.trace_code
block (code, storage, input, None, None, None)
let typecheck_data cctxt =
call_error_service1 cctxt Services.Helpers.typecheck_data
let hash_data cctxt =
call_error_service1 cctxt Services.Helpers.hash_data
let level cctxt block ?offset lvl =
call_error_service2 cctxt Services.Helpers.level block lvl offset
let levels cctxt block cycle =
call_error_service2 cctxt Services.Helpers.levels block cycle ()
module Rights = struct
type slot = Raw_level.t * int * Time.t option
let mining_rights_for_delegate cctxt
b c ?max_priority ?first_level ?last_level () =
call_error_service2 cctxt Services.Helpers.Rights.mining_rights_for_delegate
b c (max_priority, first_level, last_level)
let endorsement_rights_for_delegate cctxt
b c ?max_priority ?first_level ?last_level () =
call_error_service2 cctxt Services.Helpers.Rights.endorsement_rights_for_delegate
b c (max_priority, first_level, last_level)
module Forge = struct
let script_of_option = function
| None -> Script.No_script
| Some (code, storage) -> Script { code ; storage }
open Operation
module Manager = struct
let operations cctxt
block ~net ~source ?sourcePubKey ~counter ~fee operations =
let ops =
Manager_operations { source ; public_key = sourcePubKey ;
counter ; operations ; fee } in
(call_error_service1 cctxt Services.Helpers.Forge.operations block
({net_id=net}, Sourced_operations ops))
let transaction cctxt
block ~net ~source ?sourcePubKey ~counter
~amount ~destination ?parameters ~fee ()=
operations cctxt block ~net ~source ?sourcePubKey ~counter ~fee
Tezos_context.[Transaction { amount ; parameters ; destination }]
let origination cctxt
block ~net
~source ?sourcePubKey ~counter
~managerPubKey ~balance
?(spendable = true)
?(delegatable = true)
?delegatePubKey ?script ~fee () =
let script = script_of_option script in
operations cctxt block ~net ~source ?sourcePubKey ~counter ~fee
Origination { manager = managerPubKey ;
delegate = delegatePubKey ;
script ;
spendable ;
delegatable ;
credit = balance }
let issuance cctxt
block ~net ~source ?sourcePubKey ~counter ~assetType ~quantity ~fee ()=
operations cctxt block ~net ~source ?sourcePubKey ~counter ~fee
Tezos_context.[Issuance { asset = assetType ; amount = quantity }]
let delegation cctxt
block ~net ~source ?sourcePubKey ~counter ~fee delegate =
operations cctxt block ~net ~source ?sourcePubKey ~counter ~fee
Tezos_context.[Delegation delegate]
module Delegate = struct
let operations cctxt
block ~net ~source operations =
let ops = Delegate_operations { source ; operations } in
(call_error_service1 cctxt Services.Helpers.Forge.operations block
({net_id=net}, Sourced_operations ops))
let endorsement cctxt
b ~net ~source ~block ~slot () =
operations cctxt b ~net ~source
Tezos_context.[Endorsement { block ; slot }]
module Anonymous = struct
let operations cctxt block ~net operations =
(call_error_service1 cctxt Services.Helpers.Forge.operations block
({net_id=net}, Anonymous_operations operations))
let seed_nonce_revelation cctxt
block ~net ~level ~nonce () =
operations cctxt block ~net [Seed_nonce_revelation { level ; nonce }]
let block cctxt
block ~net ~predecessor ~timestamp ~fitness ~operations
~level ~priority ~seed_nonce_hash ~proof_of_work_nonce () =
call_error_service1 cctxt Services.Helpers.Forge.block block
(net, predecessor, timestamp, fitness, operations,
level, priority, seed_nonce_hash, proof_of_work_nonce)
module Parse = struct
let operations cctxt
block ?check shell bytes =
call_error_service1 cctxt Services.Helpers.Parse.operations block (shell, bytes, check)
(* type slot = *)
(* raw_level * int * timestamp option *)
(* let mining_possibilities *)
(* b c ?max_priority ?first_level ?last_level () = *)
(* call_error_service2 Services.Helpers.Context.Contract.mining_possibilities *)
(* b c (max_priority, first_level, last_level) *)
(* (\* let endorsement_possibilities b c ?max_priority ?first_level ?last_level () = *\) *)
(* call_error_service2 Services.Helpers.Context.Contract.endorsement_possibilities *)
(* b c (max_priority, first_level, last_level) *)