2020-01-21 13:26:38 +01:00

65 lines
2.8 KiB

open Tezos_utils
open Proto_alpha_utils
open Trace
module Errors = struct
TODO: those errors should have been caught in the earlier stages on the ligo pipeline
build_contract is a kind of security net
let title_type_check_msg () = "generated Michelson contract failed to typecheck"
let bad_parameter c () =
let message () =
let code = Format.asprintf "%a" Michelson.pp c in
"bad contract parameter type (some michelson types are forbidden as contract parameter):\n"^code in
error title_type_check_msg message
let bad_storage c () =
let message () =
let code = Format.asprintf "%a" Michelson.pp c in
"bad storage type (some michelson types are forbidden as contract storage):\n"^code in
error title_type_check_msg message
let bad_contract c () =
let message () =
let code = Format.asprintf "%a" Michelson.pp c in
"bad contract type\n"^code in
error title_type_check_msg message
let unknown () =
let message () =
"unknown error" in
error title_type_check_msg message
let build_contract : Compiler.compiled_expression -> Michelson.michelson result =
fun compiled ->
let%bind ((Ex_ty _param_ty),(Ex_ty _storage_ty)) = Self_michelson.fetch_contract_inputs compiled.expr_ty in
let%bind param_michelson =
Trace.trace_tzresult_lwt (simple_error "Could not unparse parameter") @@
Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.unparse_ty_michelson _param_ty in
let%bind storage_michelson =
Trace.trace_tzresult_lwt (simple_error "Could not unparse storage") @@
Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.unparse_ty_michelson _storage_ty in
let contract = Michelson.contract param_michelson storage_michelson compiled.expr in
let%bind res =
Trace.trace_tzresult_lwt (simple_error "Could not typecheck the code") @@
Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.typecheck_contract contract in
match res with
| Type_checked -> ok contract
| Err_parameter -> fail @@ Errors.bad_parameter contract ()
| Err_storage -> fail @@ Errors.bad_storage contract ()
| Err_contract -> fail @@ Errors.bad_contract contract ()
| Err_unknown -> fail @@ Errors.unknown ()
type check_type = Check_parameter | Check_storage
let assert_equal_contract_type : check_type -> Compiler.compiled_expression -> Compiler.compiled_expression -> unit result =
fun c compiled_prg compiled_param ->
let%bind (Ex_ty expected_ty) =
let%bind (c_param_ty,c_storage_ty) = Self_michelson.fetch_contract_inputs compiled_prg.expr_ty in
match c with
| Check_parameter -> ok c_param_ty
| Check_storage -> ok c_storage_ty in
let (Ex_ty actual_ty) = compiled_param.expr_ty in
let%bind _ =
Trace.trace_tzresult (simple_error "Passed parameter does not match the contract type") @@
Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.assert_equal_michelson_type expected_ty actual_ty in
ok ()