2018-06-04 13:53:29 +02:00

328 lines
10 KiB

(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
type json =
[ `O of (string * json) list
| `Bool of bool
| `Float of float
| `A of json list
| `Null
| `String of string ]
type schema = Json_schema.schema
type pair_builder = {
build: 'a 'b. Encoding.Kind.t -> 'a Encoding.t -> 'b Encoding.t -> ('a * 'b) Encoding.t
exception Parse_error of string
let wrap_error f =
fun str ->
try f str
with exn -> raise (Json_encoding.Cannot_destruct ([], exn))
let int64_encoding =
let open Json_encoding in
union [
(fun i ->
let j = Int64.to_int32 i in
if Int64.equal (Int64.of_int32 j) i then Some j else None)
Int64.of_int32 ;
(fun i -> Some (Int64.to_string i))
let n_encoding =
let open Json_encoding in
def "positive_bignum"
~title: "Positive big number"
~description: "Decimal representation of a positive big number" @@
(fun z ->
if Z.sign z < 0 then
raise (Json_encoding.Cannot_destruct ([], Failure "negative natural")) ;
Z.to_string z)
(fun s ->
let n = Z.of_string s in
if Z.sign n < 0 then
raise (Json_encoding.Cannot_destruct ([], Failure "negative natural")) ;
let z_encoding =
let open Json_encoding in
def "bignum"
~title: "Big number"
~description: "Decimal representation of a big number" @@
conv Z.to_string Z.of_string string
let bytes_jsont =
let open Json_encoding in
let schema =
let open Json_schema in
{ title = None ;
description = None ;
default = None ;
enum = None ;
kind = String {
pattern = Some "^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$" ;
min_length = 0 ;
max_length = None ;
} ;
format = None ;
id = None } in
conv ~schema
(wrap_error MBytes.of_hex)
(fun (`Hex h) -> h)
(fun h -> `Hex h)
let rec lift_union : type a. a Encoding.t -> a Encoding.t = fun e ->
let open Encoding in
match e.encoding with
| Conv { proj ; inj ; encoding = e ; schema } -> begin
match lift_union e with
| { encoding = Union { kind ; tag_size ; cases } } ->
let cases =
(fun (Case { name ; encoding ; proj = proj' ; inj = inj' ; tag }) ->
Case { encoding ;
name ;
proj = (fun x -> proj' (proj x)) ;
inj = (fun x -> inj (inj' x)) ;
tag })
cases in
make @@ Union { kind ; tag_size ; cases }
| e -> make @@ Conv { proj ; inj ; encoding = e ; schema }
| Objs { kind ; left ; right } ->
{ build = fun kind left right -> make @@ Objs { kind ; left ; right } }
kind left right
| Tups { kind ; left ; right } ->
{ build = fun kind left right -> make @@ Tups { kind ; left ; right } }
kind left right
| _ -> e
and lift_union_in_pair
: type a b. pair_builder -> Encoding.Kind.t -> a Encoding.t -> b Encoding.t -> (a * b) Encoding.t
= fun b p e1 e2 ->
let open Encoding in
match lift_union e1, lift_union e2 with
| e1, { encoding = Union { tag_size ; cases } } ->
let cases =
(fun (Case { name ; encoding = e2 ; proj ; inj ; tag }) ->
Case { encoding = lift_union_in_pair b p e1 e2 ;
name ;
proj = (fun (x, y) ->
match proj y with
| None -> None
| Some y -> Some (x, y)) ;
inj = (fun (x, y) -> (x, inj y)) ;
tag })
cases in
make @@ Union { kind = `Dynamic (* ignored *) ; tag_size ; cases }
| { encoding = Union { tag_size ; cases } }, e2 ->
let cases =
(fun (Case { name ; encoding = e1 ; proj ; inj ; tag }) ->
Case { encoding = lift_union_in_pair b p e1 e2 ;
name ;
proj = (fun (x, y) ->
match proj x with
| None -> None
| Some x -> Some (x, y)) ;
inj = (fun (x, y) -> (inj x, y)) ;
tag })
cases in
make @@ Union { kind = `Dynamic (* ignored *) ; tag_size ; cases }
| e1, e2 -> p e1 e2
let rec json : type a. a Encoding.desc -> a Json_encoding.encoding =
let open Encoding in
let open Json_encoding in
| Null -> null
| Empty -> empty
| Constant s -> constant s
| Ignore -> unit
| Int8 -> ranged_int ~minimum:~-(1 lsl 7) ~maximum:((1 lsl 7) - 1) "int8"
| Uint8 -> ranged_int ~minimum:0 ~maximum:((1 lsl 8) - 1) "uint8"
| Int16 -> ranged_int ~minimum:~-(1 lsl 15) ~maximum:((1 lsl 15) - 1) "int16"
| Uint16 -> ranged_int ~minimum:0 ~maximum:((1 lsl 16) - 1) "uint16"
| RangedInt { minimum ; maximum } -> ranged_int ~minimum ~maximum "rangedInt"
| Int31 -> int
| Int32 -> int32
| Int64 -> int64_encoding
| N -> n_encoding
| Z -> z_encoding
| Bool -> bool
| Float -> float
| RangedFloat { minimum ; maximum } -> ranged_float ~minimum ~maximum "rangedFloat"
| String (`Fixed expected) ->
let check s =
let found = String.length s in
if found <> expected then
raise (Cannot_destruct
([] ,
Unexpected (Format.asprintf "string (len %d)" found,
Format.asprintf "string (len %d)" expected))) ;
s in
conv check check string
| String _ -> string
| Bytes (`Fixed expected) ->
let check s =
let found = MBytes.length s in
if found <> expected then
raise (Cannot_destruct
([] ,
Unexpected (Format.asprintf "string (len %d)" found,
Format.asprintf "string (len %d)" expected))) ;
s in
conv check check bytes_jsont
| Bytes _ -> bytes_jsont
| String_enum (tbl, _) -> string_enum (Hashtbl.fold (fun a (str, _) acc -> (str, a) :: acc) tbl [])
| Array e -> array (get_json e)
| List e -> list (get_json e)
| Obj f -> obj1 (field_json f)
| Objs { left ; right } ->
merge_objs (get_json left) (get_json right)
| Tup e -> tup1 (get_json e)
| Tups { left ; right } ->
merge_tups (get_json left) (get_json right)
| Conv { proj ; inj ; encoding = e ; schema } -> conv ?schema proj inj (get_json e)
| Describe { id ; title ; description ; encoding = e } ->
def id ?title ?description (get_json e)
| Mu { name ; fix } as ty ->
mu name (fun json_encoding -> get_json @@ fix (make ~json_encoding ty))
| Union { cases } -> union ( case_json cases)
| Splitted { json_encoding } -> json_encoding
| Dynamic_size { encoding = e } -> get_json e
| Check_size { encoding } -> get_json encoding
| Delayed f -> get_json (f ())
and field_json
: type a. a Encoding.field -> a Json_encoding.field =
let open Json_encoding in
| Encoding.Req { name ; encoding = e } -> req name (get_json e)
| Encoding.Opt { name ; encoding = e } -> opt name (get_json e)
| Encoding.Dft { name ; encoding = e ; default = d} -> dft name (get_json e) d
and case_json : type a. a -> a =
let open Json_encoding in
| Encoding.Case { encoding = e ; proj ; inj ; _ } -> case (get_json e) proj inj
and get_json : type a. a Encoding.t -> a Json_encoding.encoding = fun e ->
match e.json_encoding with
| None ->
let json_encoding = json (lift_union e).encoding in
e.json_encoding <- Some json_encoding ;
| Some json_encoding -> json_encoding
let convert = get_json
type path = path_item list
and path_item =
[ `Field of string
(** A field in an object. *)
| `Index of int
(** An index in an array. *)
| `Star
(** Any / every field or index. *)
| `Next
(** The next element after an array. *) ]
include Json_encoding
let construct e v = construct (get_json e) v
let destruct e v = destruct (get_json e) v
let schema e = schema (get_json e)
let cannot_destruct fmt =
(fun msg -> raise (Cannot_destruct ([], Failure msg)))
type t = json
let to_root = function
| `O ctns -> `O ctns
| `A ctns -> `A ctns
| `Null -> `O []
| oth -> `A [ oth ]
let to_string ?minify j =
Format.asprintf "%a" Json_repr.(pp ?compact:minify (module Ezjsonm)) j
let pp = Json_repr.(pp (module Ezjsonm))
let from_string s =
match Ezjsonm.from_string ("[" ^ s ^ "]") with
| exception Ezjsonm.Parse_error (_, msg) -> Error msg
| `A [ json ] -> Ok json
| _ -> Error "Malformed value"
let from_stream (stream: string Lwt_stream.t) =
let buffer = ref "" in
(fun str ->
buffer := !buffer ^ str ;
let json = Ezjsonm.from_string !buffer in
buffer := "" ;
Some (Ok json)
with Ezjsonm.Parse_error _ ->
let encoding =
let binary : Json_repr.ezjsonm Encoding.t =
(fun json ->
(module Json_repr.Ezjsonm)
(module Json_repr_bson.Repr)
json |>
Json_repr_bson.bson_to_bytes |>
(fun s -> try
Bytes.of_string s |>
Json_repr_bson.bytes_to_bson ~copy:false |>
(module Json_repr_bson.Repr)
(module Json_repr.Ezjsonm)
| Json_repr_bson.Bson_decoding_error (msg, _, _) ->
raise (Parse_error msg))
Encoding.string in
let json =
Json_encoding.any_ezjson_value in
Encoding.raw_splitted ~binary ~json
let schema_encoding =