![Raphaël Proust](/assets/img/avatar_default.png)
This makes the scheduling its own separate problem the solution of which can be tackled separately from the specificities of the three binaries.
207 lines
6.7 KiB
207 lines
6.7 KiB
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
open Proto_alpha
open Alpha_context
include Logging.Make(struct let name = "client.endorsement" end)
module State = Daemon_state.Make(struct let name = "endorsement" end)
let get_signing_slots cctxt ?(chain = `Main) block delegate level =
Alpha_services.Delegate.Endorsing_rights.get cctxt
(chain, block) >>=? function
| [{ slots }] -> return (Some slots)
| _ -> return None
let inject_endorsement
(cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full)
?(chain = `Main) block hash level ?async
src_sk pkh =
Alpha_services.Forge.endorsement cctxt
(chain, block)
() >>=? fun bytes ->
Client_keys.append cctxt
src_sk ~watermark:Endorsement bytes >>=? fun signed_bytes ->
Shell_services.Injection.operation cctxt ?async ~chain signed_bytes >>=? fun oph ->
State.record cctxt pkh level >>=? fun () ->
return oph
let check_endorsement cctxt level pkh =
State.get cctxt pkh >>=? function
| None -> return ()
| Some recorded_level ->
if Raw_level.(level = recorded_level) then
Error_monad.failwith "Level %a already endorsed" Raw_level.pp recorded_level
return ()
let previously_endorsed_level cctxt pkh new_lvl =
State.get cctxt pkh >>=? function
| None -> return false
| Some last_lvl ->
return (Raw_level.(last_lvl >= new_lvl))
let forge_endorsement (cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full)
?(chain = `Main) block ?async
~src_sk src_pk =
let src_pkh = Signature.Public_key.hash src_pk in
Alpha_block_services.metadata cctxt
~chain ~block () >>=? fun { protocol_data = { level = { level } } } ->
check_endorsement cctxt level src_pkh >>=? fun () ->
previously_endorsed_level cctxt src_pkh level >>=? function
| true ->
cctxt#error "Level %a : previously endorsed."
Raw_level.pp level
| false ->
Shell_services.Blocks.hash cctxt ~chain ~block () >>=? fun hash ->
inject_endorsement cctxt ~chain ?async block hash level src_sk src_pkh >>=? fun oph ->
Client_keys.get_key cctxt src_pkh >>=? fun (name, _pk, _sk) ->
"Injected endorsement level %a, contract %s '%a'"
Raw_level.pp level
Operation_hash.pp_short oph >>= fun () ->
return oph
(** Worker *)
type state = {
delegates: public_key_hash list tzlazy ;
delay: int64 ;
mutable pending: endorsements option ;
and endorsements = {
time: Time.t ;
timeout: unit Lwt.t ;
delegates: public_key_hash list ;
block: Client_baking_blocks.block_info ;
let create_state delegates delay =
{ delegates ; delay ; pending = None }
let endorse_for_delegate cctxt block delegate =
let { Client_baking_blocks.hash ; level } = block in
let b = `Hash (hash, 0) in
Client_keys.get_key cctxt delegate >>=? fun (name, _pk, sk) ->
lwt_debug "Endorsing %a for %s (level %a)!"
Block_hash.pp_short hash name
Raw_level.pp level >>= fun () ->
inject_endorsement cctxt
b hash level
sk delegate >>=? fun oph ->
"Injected endorsement for block '%a' \
(level %a, contract %s) '%a'"
Block_hash.pp_short hash
Raw_level.pp level
Operation_hash.pp_short oph >>= fun () ->
return ()
let allowed_to_endorse cctxt bi delegate =
Client_keys.Public_key_hash.name cctxt delegate >>=? fun name ->
lwt_debug "Checking if allowed to endorse block %a for %s"
Block_hash.pp_short bi.Client_baking_blocks.hash name >>= fun () ->
let b = `Hash (bi.hash, 0) in
let level = bi.level in
get_signing_slots cctxt b delegate level >>=? function
| None | Some [] ->
lwt_debug "No slot found for %a/%s"
Block_hash.pp_short bi.hash name >>= fun () ->
return false
| Some (_ :: _ as slots) ->
lwt_debug "Found slots for %a/%s (%d)"
Block_hash.pp_short bi.hash name (List.length slots) >>= fun () ->
previously_endorsed_level cctxt delegate level >>=? function
| true ->
lwt_debug "Level %a (or higher) previously endorsed: do not endorse."
Raw_level.pp level >>= fun () ->
return false
| false ->
return true
let prepare_endorsement ~(max_past:int64) () (cctxt : #Proto_alpha.full) state bi =
if Time.diff (Time.now ()) bi.Client_baking_blocks.timestamp > max_past then
lwt_log_info "Ignore block %a: forged too far the past"
Block_hash.pp_short bi.hash >>= fun () ->
return ()
lwt_log_info "Received new block %a"
Block_hash.pp_short bi.hash >>= fun () ->
let time = Time.(add (now ()) state.delay) in
let timeout = Lwt_unix.sleep (Int64.to_float state.delay) in
tzforce state.delegates >>=? fun delegates ->
filter_p (allowed_to_endorse cctxt bi) delegates >>=? fun delegates ->
state.pending <- Some {
time ;
timeout ;
block = bi ;
delegates ;
} ;
return ()
let compute_timeout state =
match state.pending with
| None -> Lwt_utils.never_ending ()
| Some { timeout ; block ; delegates } ->
timeout >>= fun () ->
Lwt.return (block, delegates)
let check_error f =
f >>= function
| Ok () -> Lwt.return_unit
| Error errs -> lwt_log_error "Error while endorsing:@\n%a" pp_print_error errs
let create
(cctxt: #Proto_alpha.full)
let state_maker _ _ =
let contracts = match contracts with
| [] ->
tzlazy (fun () ->
Client_keys.get_keys cctxt >>=? fun keys ->
return (List.map (fun (_, pkh, _, _) -> pkh) keys)
| _ :: _ ->
tzlazy (fun () -> return contracts) in
let state = create_state contracts (Int64.of_int delay) in
return state
let timeout_k cctxt state (block, delegates) =
state.pending <- None ;
iter_p (endorse_for_delegate cctxt block) delegates
let event_k cctxt state bi =
state.pending <- None ;
prepare_endorsement ~max_past () cctxt state bi
~pre_loop:(prepare_endorsement ~max_past ())