146 lines
3.5 KiB
146 lines
3.5 KiB
[@@@warning "-42"]
module Region = Simple_utils.Region
type t =
Reserved_name of AST.variable
| Duplicate_variant of AST.variable
| Non_linear_pattern of AST.variable
| Duplicate_field of AST.variable
type error = t
exception Error of t
open Region
(* Useful modules *)
module SSet = Utils.String.Set
module Ord =
type t = AST.variable
let compare v1 v2 =
String.compare v1.value v2.value
module VarSet = Set.Make (Ord)
(* Checking the definition of reserved names (shadowing) *)
let reserved =
let open SSet in
|> add "abs"
|> add "address"
|> add "amount"
|> add "assert"
|> add "balance"
|> add "black2b"
|> add "check"
|> add "continue"
|> add "failwith"
|> add "gas"
|> add "hash"
|> add "hash_key"
|> add "implicit_account"
|> add "int"
|> add "pack"
|> add "self_address"
|> add "sender"
|> add "sha256"
|> add "sha512"
|> add "source"
|> add "stop"
|> add "time"
|> add "unit"
|> add "unpack"
let check_reserved_names vars =
let is_reserved elt = SSet.mem elt.value reserved in
let inter = VarSet.filter is_reserved vars in
if not (VarSet.is_empty inter) then
let clash = VarSet.choose inter in
raise (Error (Reserved_name clash))
else vars
let check_reserved_name var =
if SSet.mem var.value reserved then
raise (Error (Reserved_name var))
(* Checking the linearity of patterns *)
open! AST
let rec vars_of_pattern env = function
PConstr p -> vars_of_pconstr env p
| PUnit _ | PFalse _ | PTrue _
| PInt _ | PNat _ | PBytes _
| PString _ | PVerbatim _
| PWild _ -> env
| PVar var ->
if VarSet.mem var env then
raise (Error (Non_linear_pattern var))
else VarSet.add var env
| PList l -> vars_of_plist env l
| PTuple t -> Utils.nsepseq_foldl vars_of_pattern env t.value
| PPar p -> vars_of_pattern env p.value.inside
| PRecord p -> vars_of_fields env p.value.ne_elements
| PTyped p -> vars_of_pattern env p.value.pattern
and vars_of_fields env fields =
Utils.nsepseq_foldl vars_of_field_pattern env fields
and vars_of_field_pattern env field =
let var = field.value.field_name in
if VarSet.mem var env then
raise (Error (Non_linear_pattern var))
let p = field.value.pattern
in vars_of_pattern (VarSet.add var env) p
and vars_of_pconstr env = function
PNone _ -> env
| PSomeApp {value=_, pattern; _} ->
vars_of_pattern env pattern
| PConstrApp {value=_, Some pattern; _} ->
vars_of_pattern env pattern
| PConstrApp {value=_,None; _} -> env
and vars_of_plist env = function
PListComp {value; _} ->
Utils.sepseq_foldl vars_of_pattern env value.elements
| PCons {value; _} ->
let head, _, tail = value in
List.fold_left vars_of_pattern env [head; tail]
let check_linearity = vars_of_pattern VarSet.empty
(* Checking patterns *)
let check_pattern p =
check_linearity p |> check_reserved_names |> ignore
(* Checking variants for duplicates *)
let check_variants variants =
let add acc {value; _} =
if VarSet.mem value.constr acc then
raise (Error (Duplicate_variant value.constr))
else VarSet.add value.constr acc in
let variants =
List.fold_left add VarSet.empty variants
in ignore variants
(* Checking record fields *)
let check_fields fields =
let add acc {value; _} =
if VarSet.mem (value: field_decl).field_name acc then
raise (Error (Duplicate_field value.field_name))
else VarSet.add value.field_name acc in
let fields =
List.fold_left add VarSet.empty fields
in ignore fields