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(* Destructive implementation of union/find with height-balanced
forests but without path compression: O(n*log(n)). *)
module Make (Item: Partition.Item) =
type item = Item.t
let equal i j = Item.compare i j = 0
type height = int
(** Each equivalence class is implemented by a Catalan tree linked
upwardly and otherwise is a link to another node. Those trees
are height-balanced. The type [node] implements nodes in those
trees. *)
type node = {
item : item;
mutable height : int;
mutable parent : node
module ItemMap = Map.Make (Item)
(** The type [partition] implements a partition of classes of
equivalent items by means of a map from items to nodes of type
[node] in trees. *)
type partition = node ItemMap.t
type t = partition
let empty = ItemMap.empty
(** The impure function [repr] is faster than a pure
implementation in the worst case because, in the latter case,
the cost is O(log n) for accessing each node in the path to
the root, whereas, in the former, only the access to the first
node in the path incurs a cost of O(log n) -- the other nodes
are accessed in constant time by following the [next] field of
type [node]. *)
let seek (i: item) (p: partition) : node =
let rec find_root node =
if node.parent == node then node else find_root node.parent
in find_root (ItemMap.find i p)
let repr i p = (seek i p).item
let is_equiv (i: item) (j: item) (p: partition) : bool =
try equal (repr i p) (repr j p) with
Not_found -> false
let get_or_set item (p: partition) =
try seek item p, p with
Not_found ->
let rec loop = {item; height=0; parent=loop}
in loop, ItemMap.add item loop p
let mem i p = try Some (repr i p) with Not_found -> None
let repr i p = try repr i p with Not_found -> i
let link src dst = src.parent <- dst
let equiv (i: item) (j: item) (p: partition) : partition =
let ni,p = get_or_set i p in
let nj,p = get_or_set j p in
let hi,hj = ni.height, nj.height in
let () =
if not (equal ni.item nj.item)
then if hi > hj
then link nj ni
else (link ni nj; nj.height <- max hj (hi+1))
in p
let alias (i: item) (j: item) (p: partition) : partition =
let ni,p = get_or_set i p in
let nj,p = get_or_set j p in
let hi,hj = ni.height, nj.height in
let () =
if not (equal ni.item nj.item)
then if hi = hj || equal ni.item i
then (link ni nj; nj.height <- max hj (hi+1))
else if hi < hj then link ni nj
else link nj ni
in p
(* Printing *)
let print (p: partition) =
let buffer = Buffer.create 80 in
let print _ node =
let link =
Printf.sprintf "%s,%d -> %s,%d\n"
(Item.to_string node.item) node.height
(Item.to_string node.parent.item) node.parent.height
in Buffer.add_string buffer link
in ItemMap.iter print p; buffer