2019-10-17 11:45:27 +02:00

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(* *)
(* Open Source License *)
(* Copyright (c) 2018 Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *)
(* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),*)
(* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *)
(* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, *)
(* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the *)
(* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *)
(* *)
(* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included *)
(* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *)
(* *)
(* *)
open Storage_sigs
module Registered = struct let ghost = false end
module Ghost = struct let ghost = true end
module Make_encoder (V : VALUE) = struct
let of_bytes ~key b =
match Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes V.encoding b with
| None -> error (Raw_context.Storage_error (Corrupted_data key))
| Some v -> Ok v
let to_bytes v =
match Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes V.encoding v with
| Some b -> b
| None -> MBytes.create 0
let len_name = "len"
let data_name = "data"
let encode_len_value bytes =
let length = MBytes.length bytes in
Data_encoding.(Binary.to_bytes_exn int31) length
let decode_len_value key len =
match Data_encoding.(Binary.of_bytes int31) len with
| None ->
fail (Raw_context.Storage_error (Corrupted_data key))
| Some len ->
return len
let map_key f = function
| `Key k -> `Key (f k)
| `Dir k -> `Dir (f k)
module Make_subcontext (R : REGISTER) (C : Raw_context.T) (N : NAME)
: Raw_context.T with type t = C.t = struct
type t = C.t
type context = t
let name_length = List.length N.name
let to_key k = N.name @ k
let of_key k = Misc.remove_elem_from_list name_length k
let mem t k = C.mem t (to_key k)
let dir_mem t k = C.dir_mem t (to_key k)
let get t k = C.get t (to_key k)
let get_option t k = C.get_option t (to_key k)
let init t k v = C.init t (to_key k) v
let set t k v = C.set t (to_key k) v
let init_set t k v = C.init_set t (to_key k) v
let set_option t k v = C.set_option t (to_key k) v
let delete t k = C.delete t (to_key k)
let remove t k = C.remove t (to_key k)
let remove_rec t k = C.remove_rec t (to_key k)
let copy t ~from ~to_ = C.copy t ~from:(to_key from) ~to_:(to_key to_)
let fold t k ~init ~f =
C.fold t (to_key k) ~init
~f:(fun k acc -> f (map_key of_key k) acc)
let keys t k = C.keys t (to_key k) >|= fun keys -> List.map of_key keys
let fold_keys t k ~init ~f =
C.fold_keys t (to_key k) ~init ~f:(fun k acc -> f (of_key k) acc)
let project = C.project
let absolute_key c k = C.absolute_key c (to_key k)
let consume_gas = C.consume_gas
let check_enough_gas = C.check_enough_gas
let description =
let description = if R.ghost then Storage_description.create ()
else C.description in
Storage_description.register_named_subcontext description N.name
module Make_single_data_storage (R : REGISTER) (C : Raw_context.T) (N : NAME) (V : VALUE)
: Single_data_storage with type t = C.t
and type value = V.t = struct
type t = C.t
type context = t
type value = V.t
let mem t =
C.mem t N.name
include Make_encoder(V)
let get t =
C.get t N.name >>=? fun b ->
let key = C.absolute_key t N.name in
Lwt.return (of_bytes ~key b)
let get_option t =
C.get_option t N.name >>= function
| None -> return_none
| Some b ->
let key = C.absolute_key t N.name in
match of_bytes ~key b with
| Ok v -> return_some v
| Error _ as err -> Lwt.return err
let init t v =
C.init t N.name (to_bytes v) >>=? fun t ->
return (C.project t)
let set t v =
C.set t N.name (to_bytes v) >>=? fun t ->
return (C.project t)
let init_set t v =
C.init_set t N.name (to_bytes v) >>= fun t ->
Lwt.return (C.project t)
let set_option t v =
C.set_option t N.name (Option.map ~f:to_bytes v) >>= fun t ->
Lwt.return (C.project t)
let remove t =
C.remove t N.name >>= fun t ->
Lwt.return (C.project t)
let delete t =
C.delete t N.name >>=? fun t ->
return (C.project t)
let () =
let open Storage_description in
let description = if R.ghost then Storage_description.create ()
else C.description in
(register_named_subcontext description N.name)
module type INDEX = sig
type t
val path_length: int
val to_path: t -> string list -> string list
val of_path: string list -> t option
type 'a ipath
val args: ('a, t, 'a ipath) Storage_description.args
module Pair(I1 : INDEX)(I2 : INDEX)
: INDEX with type t = I1.t * I2.t = struct
type t = I1.t * I2.t
let path_length = I1.path_length + I2.path_length
let to_path (x, y) l = I1.to_path x (I2.to_path y l)
let of_path l =
match Misc.take I1.path_length l with
| None -> None
| Some (l1, l2) ->
match I1.of_path l1, I2.of_path l2 with
| Some x, Some y -> Some (x, y)
| _ -> None
type 'a ipath = 'a I1.ipath I2.ipath
let args = Storage_description.Pair (I1.args, I2.args)
module Make_data_set_storage (C : Raw_context.T) (I : INDEX)
: Data_set_storage with type t = C.t and type elt = I.t = struct
type t = C.t
type context = t
type elt = I.t
let inited = MBytes.of_string "inited"
let mem s i =
C.mem s (I.to_path i [])
let add s i =
C.init_set s (I.to_path i []) inited >>= fun t ->
Lwt.return (C.project t)
let del s i =
C.remove s (I.to_path i []) >>= fun t ->
Lwt.return (C.project t)
let set s i = function
| true -> add s i
| false -> del s i
let clear s =
C.remove_rec s [] >>= fun t ->
Lwt.return (C.project t)
let fold s ~init ~f =
let rec dig i path acc =
if Compare.Int.(i <= 1) then
C.fold s path ~init:acc ~f:begin fun k acc ->
match k with
| `Dir _ -> Lwt.return acc
| `Key file ->
match I.of_path file with
| None -> assert false
| Some p -> f p acc
C.fold s path ~init:acc ~f:begin fun k acc ->
match k with
| `Dir k ->
dig (i-1) k acc
| `Key _ ->
Lwt.return acc
end in
dig I.path_length [] init
let elements s =
fold s ~init:[] ~f:(fun p acc -> Lwt.return (p :: acc))
let () =
let open Storage_description in
let unpack = unpack I.args in
(* TODO fixme 'elements...' *)
~get:(fun c ->
let (c, k) = unpack c in
mem c k >>= function
| true -> return_some true
| false -> return_none)
~list:(fun c -> elements c >>= return)
C.description I.args)
module Make_indexed_data_storage
(C : Raw_context.T) (I : INDEX) (V : VALUE)
: Indexed_data_storage with type t = C.t
and type key = I.t
and type value = V.t = struct
type t = C.t
type context = t
type key = I.t
type value = V.t
include Make_encoder(V)
let mem s i =
C.mem s (I.to_path i [])
let get s i =
C.get s (I.to_path i []) >>=? fun b ->
let key = C.absolute_key s (I.to_path i []) in
Lwt.return (of_bytes ~key b)
let get_option s i =
C.get_option s (I.to_path i []) >>= function
| None -> return_none
| Some b ->
let key = C.absolute_key s (I.to_path i []) in
match of_bytes ~key b with
| Ok v -> return_some v
| Error _ as err -> Lwt.return err
let set s i v =
C.set s (I.to_path i []) (to_bytes v) >>=? fun t ->
return (C.project t)
let init s i v =
C.init s (I.to_path i []) (to_bytes v) >>=? fun t ->
return (C.project t)
let init_set s i v =
C.init_set s (I.to_path i []) (to_bytes v) >>= fun t ->
Lwt.return (C.project t)
let set_option s i v =
C.set_option s (I.to_path i []) (Option.map ~f:to_bytes v) >>= fun t ->
Lwt.return (C.project t)
let remove s i =
C.remove s (I.to_path i []) >>= fun t ->
Lwt.return (C.project t)
let delete s i =
C.delete s (I.to_path i []) >>=? fun t ->
return (C.project t)
let clear s =
C.remove_rec s [] >>= fun t ->
Lwt.return (C.project t)
let fold_keys s ~init ~f =
let rec dig i path acc =
if Compare.Int.(i <= 1) then
C.fold s path ~init:acc ~f:begin fun k acc ->
match k with
| `Dir _ -> Lwt.return acc
| `Key file ->
match I.of_path file with
| None -> assert false
| Some path -> f path acc
C.fold s path ~init:acc ~f:begin fun k acc ->
match k with
| `Dir k -> dig (i-1) k acc
| `Key _ -> Lwt.return acc
end in
dig I.path_length [] init
let fold s ~init ~f =
let f path acc =
get s path >>= function
| Error _ ->
(* FIXME: silently ignore unparsable data *)
Lwt.return acc
| Ok v ->
f path v acc in
fold_keys s ~init ~f
let bindings s =
fold s ~init:[] ~f:(fun p v acc -> Lwt.return ((p,v) :: acc))
let keys s =
fold_keys s ~init:[] ~f:(fun p acc -> Lwt.return (p :: acc))
let () =
let open Storage_description in
let unpack = unpack I.args in
~get:(fun c ->
let (c, k) = unpack c in
get_option c k)
~list:(fun c -> keys c >>= return)
C.description I.args)
module Make_indexed_carbonated_data_storage
(C : Raw_context.T) (I : INDEX) (V : VALUE)
: Non_iterable_indexed_carbonated_data_storage with type t = C.t
and type key = I.t
and type value = V.t = struct
type t = C.t
type context = t
type key = I.t
type value = V.t
include Make_encoder(V)
let data_key i =
I.to_path i [data_name]
let len_key i =
I.to_path i [len_name]
let consume_mem_gas c =
Lwt.return (C.consume_gas c (Gas_limit_repr.read_bytes_cost Z.zero))
let existing_size c i =
C.get_option c (len_key i) >>= function
| None -> return (0, false)
| Some len -> decode_len_value (len_key i) len >>=? fun len -> return (len, true)
let consume_read_gas get c i =
get c (len_key i) >>=? fun len ->
decode_len_value (len_key i) len >>=? fun len ->
Lwt.return (C.consume_gas c (Gas_limit_repr.read_bytes_cost (Z.of_int len)))
let consume_serialize_write_gas set c i v =
let bytes = to_bytes v in
let len = MBytes.length bytes in
Lwt.return (C.consume_gas c (Gas_limit_repr.alloc_mbytes_cost len)) >>=? fun c ->
Lwt.return (C.consume_gas c (Gas_limit_repr.write_bytes_cost (Z.of_int len))) >>=? fun c ->
set c (len_key i) (encode_len_value bytes) >>=? fun c ->
return (c, bytes)
let consume_remove_gas del c i =
Lwt.return (C.consume_gas c (Gas_limit_repr.write_bytes_cost Z.zero)) >>=? fun c ->
del c (len_key i)
let mem s i =
consume_mem_gas s >>=? fun s ->
C.mem s (data_key i) >>= fun exists ->
return (C.project s, exists)
let get s i =
consume_read_gas C.get s i >>=? fun s ->
C.get s (data_key i) >>=? fun b ->
let key = C.absolute_key s (data_key i) in
Lwt.return (of_bytes ~key b) >>=? fun v ->
return (C.project s, v)
let get_option s i =
consume_mem_gas s >>=? fun s ->
C.mem s (data_key i) >>= fun exists ->
if exists then
get s i >>=? fun (s, v) ->
return (s, Some v)
return (C.project s, None)
let set s i v =
existing_size s i >>=? fun (prev_size, _) ->
consume_serialize_write_gas C.set s i v >>=? fun (s, bytes) ->
C.set s (data_key i) bytes >>=? fun t ->
let size_diff = MBytes.length bytes - prev_size in
return (C.project t, size_diff)
let init s i v =
consume_serialize_write_gas C.init s i v >>=? fun (s, bytes) ->
C.init s (data_key i) bytes >>=? fun t ->
let size = MBytes.length bytes in
return (C.project t, size)
let init_set s i v =
let init_set s i v = C.init_set s i v >>= return in
existing_size s i >>=? fun (prev_size, existed) ->
consume_serialize_write_gas init_set s i v >>=? fun (s, bytes) ->
init_set s (data_key i) bytes >>=? fun t ->
let size_diff = MBytes.length bytes - prev_size in
return (C.project t, size_diff, existed)
let remove s i =
let remove s i = C.remove s i >>= return in
existing_size s i >>=? fun (prev_size, existed) ->
consume_remove_gas remove s i >>=? fun s ->
remove s (data_key i) >>=? fun t ->
return (C.project t, prev_size, existed)
let delete s i =
existing_size s i >>=? fun (prev_size, _) ->
consume_remove_gas C.delete s i >>=? fun s ->
C.delete s (data_key i) >>=? fun t ->
return (C.project t, prev_size)
let set_option s i v =
match v with
| None -> remove s i
| Some v -> init_set s i v
let fold_keys_unaccounted s ~init ~f =
let rec dig i path acc =
if Compare.Int.(i <= 0) then
C.fold s path ~init:acc ~f:begin fun k acc ->
match k with
| `Dir _ -> Lwt.return acc
| `Key file ->
match List.rev file with
| last :: _ when Compare.String.(last = len_name) ->
Lwt.return acc
| last :: rest when Compare.String.(last = data_name) ->
let file = List.rev rest in
begin match I.of_path file with
| None -> assert false
| Some path -> f path acc
| _ -> assert false
C.fold s path ~init:acc ~f:begin fun k acc ->
match k with
| `Dir k -> dig (i-1) k acc
| `Key _ -> Lwt.return acc
end in
dig I.path_length [] init
let keys_unaccounted s =
fold_keys_unaccounted s ~init:[] ~f:(fun p acc -> Lwt.return (p :: acc))
let () =
let open Storage_description in
let unpack = unpack I.args in
(* TODO export consumed gas ?? *)
~get:(fun c ->
let (c, k) = unpack c in
get_option c k >>=? fun (_, v) ->
return v)
~list:(fun c -> keys_unaccounted c >>= return)
C.description I.args)
module Make_indexed_data_snapshotable_storage (C : Raw_context.T)
(Snapshot_index : INDEX) (I : INDEX) (V : VALUE)
: Indexed_data_snapshotable_storage with type t = C.t
and type snapshot = Snapshot_index.t
and type key = I.t
and type value = V.t = struct
type snapshot = Snapshot_index.t
let data_name = ["current"]
let snapshot_name = ["snapshot"]
module C_data = Make_subcontext(Registered)(C)(struct let name = data_name end)
module C_snapshot = Make_subcontext(Registered)(C)(struct let name = snapshot_name end)
include Make_indexed_data_storage(C_data)(I) (V)
module Snapshot = Make_indexed_data_storage(C_snapshot)(Pair(Snapshot_index)(I))(V)
let snapshot_path id = snapshot_name @ Snapshot_index.to_path id []
let snapshot_exists s id =
C.dir_mem s (snapshot_path id)
let snapshot s id =
C.copy s ~from:data_name ~to_:(snapshot_path id) >>=? fun t ->
return (C.project t)
let delete_snapshot s id =
C.remove_rec s (snapshot_path id) >>= fun t ->
Lwt.return (C.project t)
module Make_indexed_subcontext (C : Raw_context.T) (I : INDEX)
: Indexed_raw_context with type t = C.t
and type key = I.t
and type 'a ipath = 'a I.ipath = struct
type t = C.t
type context = t
type key = I.t
type 'a ipath = 'a I.ipath
let clear t =
C.remove_rec t [] >>= fun t ->
Lwt.return (C.project t)
let fold_keys t ~init ~f =
let rec dig i path acc =
if Compare.Int.(i <= 0) then
match I.of_path path with
| None -> assert false
| Some path -> f path acc
C.fold t path ~init:acc ~f:begin fun k acc ->
match k with
| `Dir k -> dig (i-1) k acc
| `Key _ -> Lwt.return acc
end in
dig I.path_length [] init
let keys t =
fold_keys t ~init:[] ~f:(fun i acc -> Lwt.return (i :: acc))
let list t k = C.fold t k ~init:[] ~f:(fun k acc -> Lwt.return (k :: acc))
let remove_rec t k =
C.remove_rec t (I.to_path k [])
let copy t ~from ~to_ =
C.copy t ~from:(I.to_path from []) ~to_:(I.to_path to_ [])
let description =
~list:(fun c -> keys c >>= return)
let unpack = Storage_description.unpack I.args
let pack = Storage_description.pack I.args
module Raw_context = struct
type t = C.t I.ipath
type context = t
let to_key i k = I.to_path i k
let of_key k = Misc.remove_elem_from_list I.path_length k
let mem c k = let (t, i) = unpack c in C.mem t (to_key i k)
let dir_mem c k = let (t, i) = unpack c in C.dir_mem t (to_key i k)
let get c k = let (t, i) = unpack c in C.get t (to_key i k)
let get_option c k = let (t, i) = unpack c in C.get_option t (to_key i k)
let init c k v =
let (t, i) = unpack c in
C.init t (to_key i k) v >>=? fun t -> return (pack t i)
let set c k v =
let (t, i) = unpack c in
C.set t (to_key i k) v >>=? fun t -> return (pack t i)
let init_set c k v =
let (t, i) = unpack c in
C.init_set t (to_key i k) v >>= fun t -> Lwt.return (pack t i)
let set_option c k v =
let (t, i) = unpack c in
C.set_option t (to_key i k) v >>= fun t -> Lwt.return (pack t i)
let delete c k =
let (t, i) = unpack c in
C.delete t (to_key i k) >>=? fun t -> return (pack t i)
let remove c k =
let (t, i) = unpack c in
C.remove t (to_key i k) >>= fun t -> Lwt.return (pack t i)
let remove_rec c k =
let (t, i) = unpack c in
C.remove_rec t (to_key i k) >>= fun t -> Lwt.return (pack t i)
let copy c ~from ~to_ =
let (t, i) = unpack c in
C.copy t ~from:(to_key i from) ~to_:(to_key i to_) >>=? fun t ->
return (pack t i)
let fold c k ~init ~f =
let (t, i) = unpack c in
C.fold t (to_key i k) ~init
~f:(fun k acc -> f (map_key of_key k) acc)
let keys c k =
let (t, i) = unpack c in
C.keys t (to_key i k) >|= fun keys -> List.map of_key keys
let fold_keys c k ~init ~f =
let (t, i) = unpack c in
C.fold_keys t (to_key i k) ~init ~f:(fun k acc -> f (of_key k) acc)
let project c =
let (t, _) = unpack c in
C.project t
let absolute_key c k =
let (t, i) = unpack c in
C.absolute_key t (to_key i k)
let consume_gas c g =
let (t, i) = unpack c in
C.consume_gas t g >>? fun t -> ok (pack t i)
let check_enough_gas c g =
let (t, _i) = unpack c in
C.check_enough_gas t g
let description = description
let resolve t prefix =
let rec loop i prefix = function
| [] when Compare.Int.(i = I.path_length) -> begin
match I.of_path prefix with
| None -> assert false
| Some path -> Lwt.return [path]
| [] ->
list t prefix >>= fun prefixes ->
Lwt_list.map_s (function
| `Key prefix | `Dir prefix -> loop (i+1) prefix []) prefixes
>|= List.flatten
| [d] when Compare.Int.(i = I.path_length - 1) ->
if Compare.Int.(i >= I.path_length) then invalid_arg "IO.resolve" ;
list t prefix >>= fun prefixes ->
Lwt_list.map_s (function
| `Key prefix | `Dir prefix ->
match Misc.remove_prefix ~prefix:d (List.hd (List.rev prefix)) with
| None -> Lwt.return_nil
| Some _ -> loop (i+1) prefix [])
>|= List.flatten
| "" :: ds ->
list t prefix >>= fun prefixes ->
Lwt_list.map_s (function
| `Key prefix | `Dir prefix -> loop (i+1) prefix ds) prefixes
>|= List.flatten
| d :: ds ->
if Compare.Int.(i >= I.path_length) then invalid_arg "IO.resolve" ;
C.dir_mem t (prefix @ [d]) >>= function
| true -> loop (i+1) (prefix @ [d]) ds
| false -> Lwt.return_nil in
loop 0 [] prefix
module Make_set (R : REGISTER) (N : NAME) = struct
type t = C.t
type context = t
type elt = I.t
let inited = MBytes.of_string "inited"
let mem s i = Raw_context.mem (pack s i) N.name
let add s i =
Raw_context.init_set (pack s i) N.name inited >>= fun c ->
let (s, _) = unpack c in
Lwt.return (C.project s)
let del s i =
Raw_context.remove (pack s i) N.name >>= fun c ->
let (s, _) = unpack c in
Lwt.return (C.project s)
let set s i = function
| true -> add s i
| false -> del s i
let clear s =
fold_keys s
~f:begin fun i s ->
Raw_context.remove (pack s i) N.name >>= fun c ->
let (s, _) = unpack c in
Lwt.return s
end >>= fun t ->
Lwt.return (C.project t)
let fold s ~init ~f =
fold_keys s ~init
~f:(fun i acc ->
mem s i >>= function
| true -> f i acc
| false -> Lwt.return acc)
let elements s =
fold s ~init:[] ~f:(fun p acc -> Lwt.return (p :: acc))
let () =
let open Storage_description in
let unpack = unpack I.args in
let description = if R.ghost then Storage_description.create ()
else Raw_context.description in
~get:(fun c ->
let (c, k) = unpack c in
mem c k >>= function
| true -> return_some true
| false -> return_none)
(register_named_subcontext description N.name)
module Make_map (N : NAME) (V : VALUE) = struct
type t = C.t
type context = t
type key = I.t
type value = V.t
include Make_encoder(V)
let mem s i =
Raw_context.mem (pack s i) N.name
let get s i =
Raw_context.get (pack s i) N.name >>=? fun b ->
let key = Raw_context.absolute_key (pack s i) N.name in
Lwt.return (of_bytes ~key b)
let get_option s i =
Raw_context.get_option (pack s i) N.name >>= function
| None -> return_none
| Some b ->
let key = Raw_context.absolute_key (pack s i) N.name in
match of_bytes ~key b with
| Ok v -> return_some v
| Error _ as err -> Lwt.return err
let set s i v =
Raw_context.set (pack s i) N.name (to_bytes v) >>=? fun c ->
let (s, _) = unpack c in
return (C.project s)
let init s i v =
Raw_context.init (pack s i) N.name (to_bytes v) >>=? fun c ->
let (s, _) = unpack c in
return (C.project s)
let init_set s i v =
Raw_context.init_set (pack s i) N.name (to_bytes v) >>= fun c ->
let (s, _) = unpack c in
Lwt.return (C.project s)
let set_option s i v =
Raw_context.set_option (pack s i)
N.name (Option.map ~f:to_bytes v) >>= fun c ->
let (s, _) = unpack c in
Lwt.return (C.project s)
let remove s i =
Raw_context.remove (pack s i) N.name >>= fun c ->
let (s, _) = unpack c in
Lwt.return (C.project s)
let delete s i =
Raw_context.delete (pack s i) N.name >>=? fun c ->
let (s, _) = unpack c in
return (C.project s)
let clear s =
fold_keys s ~init:s
~f:begin fun i s ->
Raw_context.remove (pack s i) N.name >>= fun c ->
let (s, _) = unpack c in
Lwt.return s
end >>= fun t ->
Lwt.return (C.project t)
let fold s ~init ~f =
fold_keys s ~init
~f:(fun i acc ->
get s i >>= function
| Error _ -> Lwt.return acc
| Ok v -> f i v acc)
let bindings s =
fold s ~init:[] ~f:(fun p v acc -> Lwt.return ((p,v) :: acc))
let fold_keys s ~init ~f =
fold_keys s ~init
~f:(fun i acc ->
mem s i >>= function
| false -> Lwt.return acc
| true -> f i acc)
let keys s =
fold_keys s ~init:[] ~f:(fun p acc -> Lwt.return (p :: acc))
let () =
let open Storage_description in
let unpack = unpack I.args in
~get:(fun c ->
let (c, k) = unpack c in
get_option c k)
(register_named_subcontext Raw_context.description N.name)
module Make_carbonated_map (N : NAME) (V : VALUE) = struct
type t = C.t
type context = t
type key = I.t
type value = V.t
include Make_encoder(V)
let len_name = len_name :: N.name
let data_name = data_name :: N.name
let consume_mem_gas c =
Lwt.return (Raw_context.consume_gas c (Gas_limit_repr.read_bytes_cost Z.zero))
let existing_size c =
Raw_context.get_option c len_name >>= function
| None -> return (0, false)
| Some len -> decode_len_value len_name len >>=? fun len -> return (len, true)
let consume_read_gas get c =
get c (len_name) >>=? fun len ->
decode_len_value len_name len >>=? fun len ->
Lwt.return (Raw_context.consume_gas c (Gas_limit_repr.read_bytes_cost (Z.of_int len)))
let consume_write_gas set c v =
let bytes = to_bytes v in
let len = MBytes.length bytes in
Lwt.return (Raw_context.consume_gas c (Gas_limit_repr.write_bytes_cost (Z.of_int len))) >>=? fun c ->
set c len_name (encode_len_value bytes) >>=? fun c ->
return (c, bytes)
let consume_remove_gas del c =
Lwt.return (Raw_context.consume_gas c (Gas_limit_repr.write_bytes_cost Z.zero)) >>=? fun c ->
del c len_name
let mem s i =
consume_mem_gas (pack s i) >>=? fun c ->
Raw_context.mem c data_name >>= fun res ->
return (Raw_context.project c, res)
let get s i =
consume_read_gas Raw_context.get (pack s i) >>=? fun c ->
Raw_context.get c data_name >>=? fun b ->
let key = Raw_context.absolute_key c data_name in
Lwt.return (of_bytes ~key b) >>=? fun v ->
return (Raw_context.project c, v)
let get_option s i =
consume_mem_gas (pack s i) >>=? fun c ->
let (s, _) = unpack c in
Raw_context.mem (pack s i) data_name >>= fun exists ->
if exists then
get s i >>=? fun (s, v) ->
return (s, Some v)
return (C.project s, None)
let set s i v =
existing_size (pack s i) >>=? fun (prev_size, _) ->
consume_write_gas Raw_context.set (pack s i) v >>=? fun (c, bytes) ->
Raw_context.set c data_name bytes >>=? fun c ->
let size_diff = MBytes.length bytes - prev_size in
return (Raw_context.project c, size_diff)
let set_free s i v =
let c = pack s i in
let bytes = to_bytes v in
existing_size c >>=? fun (prev_size, _) ->
Raw_context.set c len_name (encode_len_value bytes) >>=? fun c ->
Raw_context.set c data_name bytes >>=? fun c ->
let size_diff = MBytes.length bytes - prev_size in
return (Raw_context.project c, size_diff)
let init s i v =
consume_write_gas Raw_context.init (pack s i) v >>=? fun (c, bytes) ->
Raw_context.init c data_name bytes >>=? fun c ->
let size = MBytes.length bytes in
return (Raw_context.project c, size)
let init_free s i v =
let c = pack s i in
let bytes = to_bytes v in
let size = MBytes.length bytes in
Raw_context.init c len_name (encode_len_value bytes) >>=? fun c ->
Raw_context.init c data_name bytes >>=? fun c ->
return (Raw_context.project c, size)
let init_set s i v =
let init_set c k v = Raw_context.init_set c k v >>= return in
existing_size (pack s i) >>=? fun (prev_size, existed) ->
consume_write_gas init_set (pack s i) v >>=? fun (c, bytes) ->
init_set c data_name bytes >>=? fun c ->
let size_diff = MBytes.length bytes - prev_size in
return (Raw_context.project c, size_diff, existed)
let remove s i =
let remove c k = Raw_context.remove c k >>= return in
existing_size (pack s i) >>=? fun (prev_size, existed) ->
consume_remove_gas remove (pack s i) >>=? fun c ->
remove c data_name >>=? fun c ->
return (Raw_context.project c, prev_size, existed)
let delete s i =
existing_size (pack s i) >>=? fun (prev_size, _) ->
consume_remove_gas Raw_context.delete (pack s i) >>=? fun c ->
Raw_context.delete c data_name >>=? fun c ->
return (Raw_context.project c, prev_size)
let set_option s i v =
match v with
| None -> remove s i
| Some v -> init_set s i v
let () =
let open Storage_description in
let unpack = unpack I.args in
~get:(fun c ->
let (c, k) = unpack c in
get_option c k >>=? fun (_, v) ->
return v)
(register_named_subcontext Raw_context.description N.name)
module Wrap_indexed_data_storage
(C : Indexed_data_storage)
(K : sig
type t
val wrap: t -> C.key
val unwrap: C.key -> t option
end) = struct
type t = C.t
type context = C.t
type key = K.t
type value = C.value
let mem ctxt k = C.mem ctxt (K.wrap k)
let get ctxt k = C.get ctxt (K.wrap k)
let get_option ctxt k = C.get_option ctxt (K.wrap k)
let set ctxt k v = C.set ctxt (K.wrap k) v
let init ctxt k v = C.init ctxt (K.wrap k) v
let init_set ctxt k v = C.init_set ctxt (K.wrap k) v
let set_option ctxt k v = C.set_option ctxt (K.wrap k) v
let delete ctxt k = C.delete ctxt (K.wrap k)
let remove ctxt k = C.remove ctxt (K.wrap k)
let clear ctxt = C.clear ctxt
let fold ctxt ~init ~f =
C.fold ctxt ~init ~f:(fun k v acc ->
match K.unwrap k with
| None -> Lwt.return acc
| Some k -> f k v acc)
let bindings s =
fold s ~init:[] ~f:(fun p v acc -> Lwt.return ((p,v) :: acc))
let fold_keys s ~init ~f =
C.fold_keys s ~init
~f:(fun k acc ->
match K.unwrap k with
| None -> Lwt.return acc
| Some k -> f k acc)
let keys s =
fold_keys s ~init:[] ~f:(fun p acc -> Lwt.return (p :: acc))