
189 lines
4.8 KiB

// Test while loops in PascaLIGO
function counter (var n : nat) : nat is
block {
var i : nat := 0n;
while i < n block {
i := i + 1n
} with i
function while_sum (var n : nat) : nat is
block {
var i : nat := 0n;
var r : nat := 0n;
while i < n block {
i := i + 1n;
r := r + i
} with r
function for_sum (var n : nat) : int is
block {
var acc : int := 0;
for i := 1 to int (n)
block {
acc := acc + i
} with acc
function for_collection_list (var nee : unit) : (int * string) is
block {
var acc : int := 0;
var st : string := "to";
var mylist : list (int) := list [1; 1; 1];
for x in list mylist
block {
acc := acc + x;
st := st ^ "to"
} with (acc, st)
function for_collection_set (var nee : unit) : int * string is
block {
var acc : int := 0;
var st : string := "to";
var myset : set (int) := set [1; 2; 3];
for x in set myset block {
acc := acc + x;
st := st ^ "to"
} with (acc, st)
function for_collection_if_and_local_var (var nee : unit) : int is
block {
var acc : int := 0;
const theone : int = 1;
const thetwo : int = 2;
var myset : set (int) := set [1; 2; 3];
for x in set myset block {
if x = theone then acc := acc + x
else if x = thetwo then acc := acc + thetwo
else acc := acc + 10
} with acc
function for_collection_rhs_capture (var nee : unit) : int is
block {
var acc : int := 0;
const mybigint : int = 1000;
var myset : set (int) := set [1; 2; 3];
for x in set myset block {
if x = 1 then acc := acc + mybigint
else acc := acc + 10
} with acc
function for_collection_proc_call (var nee : unit) : int is
block {
var acc : int := 0;
var myset : set (int) := set [1; 2; 3];
for x in set myset block {
if x = 1 then
acc := acc + for_collection_rhs_capture (unit)
else acc := acc + 10
} with acc
function for_collection_comp_with_acc (var nee : unit) : int is
block {
var myint : int := 0;
var mylist : list (int) := list [1; 10; 15];
for x in list mylist block {
if x < myint then skip;
else myint := myint + 10
} with myint
function for_collection_with_patches (var nee : unit) : map (string,int) is
block {
var myint : int := 12;
var mylist : list (string) := list ["I"; "am"; "foo"];
var mymap : map (string,int) := map [];
for x in list mylist block {
patch mymap with map [x -> myint]
} with mymap
function for_collection_empty (var nee : unit) : int is
block {
var acc : int := 0;
var myset : set(int) := set [1; 2; 3];
for x in set myset block {
} with acc
function for_collection_map_kv (var nee : unit) : int * string is
block {
var acc : int := 0;
var st : string := "";
var mymap : map (string, int) := map ["1" -> 1; "2" -> 2; "3" -> 3];
for k -> v in map mymap block {
acc := acc + v;
st := st ^ k;
} with (acc, st)
function for_collection_map_k (var nee : unit) : string is
block {
var st : string := "";
var mymap : map (string, int) := map ["1" -> 1; "2" -> 2; "3" -> 3];
for k in map mymap block {
st := st ^ k
} with st
function nested_for_collection (var nee : unit) : int * string is
block {
var myint : int := 0;
var mystoo : string := "";
var mylist : list(int) := list [1; 2; 3];
var mymap : map (string, string) := map [" one" -> ","; "two" -> " "];
for i in list mylist block {
myint := myint + i;
var myset : set (string) := set ["1"; "2"; "3"];
for st in set myset block {
myint := myint + i;
mystoo := mystoo ^ st;
for k -> v in map mymap block {
mystoo := mystoo ^ k ^ v
} with (myint, mystoo)
function nested_for_collection_local_var (var nee : unit) : int*string is
block {
var myint : int := 0;
var myst : string := "";
var mylist : list (int) := list [1; 2; 3];
for i in list mylist block {
var myst_loc : string := "";
myint := myint + i;
var myset : set (string) := set ["1"; "2"; "3"];
for st in set myset block {
myint := myint + i;
myst_loc := myst_loc ^ st;
myst := myst_loc ^ myst
} with (myint, myst)
function dummy (const n : nat) : nat is block {
while False block { skip }
} with n
function inner_capture_in_conditional_block (var nee : unit) : bool * int is
block {
var count : int := 1;
var ret : bool := False;
var mylist : list (int) := list [1; 2; 3];
for it1 in list mylist block {
for it2 in list mylist block {
if count = it2 then ret := not (ret) else skip
count := count + 1
} with (ret, count)