Pierre-Emmanuel Wulfman 2abd737ed3 compiling
2020-03-18 16:00:34 +01:00

78 lines
2.1 KiB

open Trace
open Mini_c
open Environment
open Michelson
let empty : environment = []
let get : environment -> expression_variable -> michelson result = fun e s ->
let%bind (_ , position) =
let error =
let title () = "Environment.get" in
let content () = Format.asprintf "%a in %a"
Var.pp s
PP.environment e in
error title content in
generic_try error @@
(fun () -> Environment.get_i s e) in
let rec aux_bubble = fun n ->
match n with
| 0 -> i_dup
| n -> seq [
dip @@ aux_bubble (n - 1) ;
i_swap ;
let aux_dig = fun n -> seq [
dipn n i_dup ;
i_dig n ;
let code =
if position < 2
then aux_bubble position
else aux_dig position in
ok code
let pack_closure : environment -> selector -> michelson result = fun e lst ->
let%bind () = Assert.assert_true (e <> []) in
(* Tag environment with selected elements. Only the first occurence
of each name from the selector in the environment is kept. *)
let e_lst =
let e_lst = Environment.to_list e in
let aux selector (s , _) =
match List.mem s selector with
| true -> List.remove_element s selector , true
| false -> selector , false in
let e_lst' = List.fold_map_right aux lst e_lst in
let e_lst'' = List.combine e_lst e_lst' in
let (_ , code) =
let aux = fun (first , code) (_ , b) ->
match b with
| false -> (first , seq [dip code ; i_swap])
| true -> (false ,
match first with
| true -> i_dup
| false -> seq [dip code ; i_dup ; dip i_pair ; i_swap]
List.fold_right' aux (true , seq []) e_lst in
ok code
let unpack_closure : environment -> michelson result = fun e ->
match e with
| [] -> ok @@ seq []
| _ :: tl -> (
let aux = fun code _ -> seq [ i_unpair ; dip code ] in
let unpairs = (List.fold_right' aux (seq []) tl) in
ok @@ seq [ i_unpiar ; dip unpairs ]
(* let aux = fun code _ -> seq [ i_unpair ; dip code ] in
* ok (List.fold_right' aux (seq []) e) *)