Benjamin Canou adf860ea40 Docs: new documentation structure using Sphinx/RST
- Provides a toplevel documentation structure using Sphinx
 - Adds a `doc-html` target to the main Makefile
 - Converts existing documentation to RST format
 - Add some new documentation / tutorials
 - Links the developer manual and OCaml documentation
 - Synchronized documentation on Gitlab pages

This patch is co-authored by:
 - Benjamin Canou <>
 - Bruno Bernardo <>
 - Pietro Abate <>
2018-01-23 08:02:17 +01:00

Building documentation locally

Building instructions

To build the documentaion, you can use the main Makefile target ``doc-html``

.. code:: bash

    make doc-html

The documentation is built by Sphinx, and uses the Read The Docs theme.

On a debian system, you can install the needed dependencies with:

.. code:: bash

    sudo apt install \
      python3-recommonmark \
      python3-sphinx \

OCaml documentation

Odoc is used for OCaml API generation, that you can install with:

.. code:: bash

    opam install odoc

Tezos generates the API documentation for all libraries in HTML format.  The
generated HTML pages in ``_build/<context>/_doc``. It creates one sub-directory
per public library and generates an ``index.html`` file in each sub-directory.

The documentation is not installed on the system by Tezos. It is meant to be
read locally while developing and then published on the www when releasing