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(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
(** View over the context store, restricted to types, access and
functional manipulation of an existing context. *)
type t
(** Keys in (kex x value) database implementations *)
type key = string list
(** Values in (kex x value) database implementations *)
type value = MBytes.t
val mem: t -> key -> bool Lwt.t
val dir_mem: t -> key -> bool Lwt.t
val get: t -> key -> value option Lwt.t
val set: t -> key -> value -> t Lwt.t
val del: t -> key -> t Lwt.t
val remove_rec: t -> key -> t Lwt.t
val fold:
t -> key -> init:'a ->
f:([ `Key of key | `Dir of key ] -> 'a -> 'a Lwt.t) ->
'a Lwt.t
val keys: t -> key -> key list Lwt.t
val fold_keys:
t -> key -> init:'a -> f:(key -> 'a -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a Lwt.t
val register_resolver:
'a Base58.encoding -> (t -> string -> 'a list Lwt.t) -> unit
val complete: t -> string -> string list Lwt.t