Christian Rinderknecht 623683839f
Removed keyword "null", replaced by two keywords "do"
and "nothing".

Until now only products of type names were allowed: I extended
them to allow type expressions.

Removed the destructive update of a map binding "a[b] := c".

Record projection has been extended to allow for qualified
names: "a.b.c" and "a.b.c[d]".

Changed the LIGO extension from ".li" to ".ligo".

Fixed the name of the language to be "LIGO" (instead of "Ligo").
2019-03-18 17:47:11 +01:00

56 lines
1.5 KiB

(* Driver for the lexer of LIGO *)
open! EvalOpt (* Reads the command-line options: Effectful! *)
(* Error printing and exception tracing *)
let () = Printexc.record_backtrace true
let external_ text =
Utils.highlight (Printf.sprintf "External error: %s" text); exit 1;;
(* Path for CPP inclusions (#include) *)
let lib_path =
match EvalOpt.libs with
[] -> ""
| libs -> let mk_I dir path = Printf.sprintf " -I %s%s" dir path
in List.fold_right mk_I libs ""
(* Preprocessing the input source and opening the input channels *)
let prefix =
match EvalOpt.input with
None | Some "-" -> "temp"
| Some file -> Filename.(file |> basename |> remove_extension)
let suffix = ""
let pp_input =
if Utils.String.Set.mem "cpp" EvalOpt.verbose
then prefix ^ suffix
else let pp_input, pp_out = Filename.open_temp_file prefix suffix
in close_out pp_out; pp_input
let cpp_cmd =
match EvalOpt.input with
None | Some "-" ->
Printf.sprintf "cpp -traditional-cpp%s - -o %s"
lib_path pp_input
| Some file ->
Printf.sprintf "cpp -traditional-cpp%s %s -o %s"
lib_path file pp_input
let () =
if Utils.String.Set.mem "cpp" EvalOpt.verbose
then Printf.eprintf "%s\n%!" cpp_cmd;
if Sys.command cpp_cmd <> 0 then
external_ (Printf.sprintf "the command \"%s\" failed." cpp_cmd)
(* Running the lexer on the input file *)
module Lexer = Lexer.Make (LexToken)
let () = Lexer.trace ~offsets:EvalOpt.offsets
EvalOpt.mode (Some pp_input) EvalOpt.cmd