Problem: With generated ReasonLIGO grammar we need to develop its parser as well. With it we also need to restructure AST a bit and add expressions that are used for ReasonLIGO specifically. Solution: Add ReasonLIGO parser and some dummy examples of its usage, adapt AST to it, rename LIGO to AST.
413 lines
13 KiB
413 lines
13 KiB
{- | The AST and auxillary types along with their pretty-printers.
The comments for fields in types are the type before it was made untyped.
module AST.Skeleton where
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Duplo.Pretty
import Duplo.Tree
import Duplo.Error
-- | The AST for Pascali... wait. It is, em, universal one.
-- TODO: Rename; add stuff if CamlLIGO/ReasonLIGO needs something.
type LIGO = Tree RawLigoList
type RawLigoList =
[ Name, Path, QualifiedName, Pattern, Constant, FieldAssignment, Assignment
, MapBinding, LHS, Alt, Expr, TField, Variant, Type, Mutable, VarDecl, Binding
, RawContract, TypeName, FieldName, Language
, Err Text, Parameters, Ctor, Contract, ReasonExpr
-- | ReasonLigo specific expressions
data ReasonExpr it
-- TODO: Block may not need Maybe since last expr may be always `return`
= Block [it] (Maybe it) -- [Declaration] (Return)
deriving (Show) via PP (ReasonExpr it)
deriving stock (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data Undefined it
= Undefined Text
deriving (Show) via PP (Undefined it)
deriving stock (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data Language it
= Language Lang it
deriving (Show) via PP (Language it)
deriving stock (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data Lang
= Pascal
| Caml
| Reason
-- deriving (Show) via PP Lang
data Contract it
= ContractEnd
| ContractCons it it -- ^ Declaration
deriving (Show) via PP (Contract it)
deriving stock (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data RawContract it
= RawContract [it] -- ^ Declaration
deriving (Show) via PP (RawContract it)
deriving stock (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data Binding it
= Irrefutable it it -- ^ (Pattern) (Expr)
| Function Bool it it it it -- ^ (Name) (Parameters) (Type) (Expr)
| Var it (Maybe it) it -- ^ (Name) (Type) (Expr)
| Const it it it -- ^ (Name) (Type) (Expr)
| TypeDecl it it -- ^ (Name) (Type)
| Attribute it -- ^ (Name)
| Include it
deriving (Show) via PP (Binding it)
deriving stock (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data Parameters it
= Parameters [it]
deriving (Show) via PP (Parameters it)
deriving stock (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data VarDecl it
= Decl it it it -- ^ (Mutable) (Name) (Type)
deriving (Show) via PP (VarDecl it)
deriving stock (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data Mutable it
= Mutable
| Immutable
deriving (Show) via PP (Mutable it)
deriving stock (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data Type it
= TArrow it it -- ^ (Type) (Type)
| TRecord [it] -- ^ [TField]
| TVar it -- ^ (Name)
| TSum [it] -- ^ [Variant]
| TProduct [it] -- ^ [Type]
| TApply it it -- (Name) [Type]
| TTuple [it]
| TOr it it it it
| TAnd it it it it
deriving (Show) via PP (Type it)
deriving stock (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data Variant it
= Variant it (Maybe it) -- (Name) (Maybe (Type))
deriving (Show) via PP (Variant it)
deriving stock (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data TField it
= TField it it -- (Name) (Type)
deriving (Show) via PP (TField it)
deriving stock (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
-- | TODO: break onto smaller types? Literals -> Constant; mapOps; mmove Annots to Decls.
data Expr it
= Let it it -- Declaration Expr
| Apply it it -- (Expr) [Expr]
| Constant it -- (Constant)
| Ident it -- (QualifiedName)
| BinOp it it it -- (Expr) Text (Expr)
| UnOp it it -- (Expr)
| Op Text
| Record [it] -- [Assignment]
| If it it it -- (Expr) (Expr) (Expr)
| Assign it it -- (LHS) (Expr)
| List [it] -- [Expr]
| ListAccess it [it] -- (Name) [Indexes]
| Set [it] -- [Expr]
| Tuple [it] -- [Expr]
| Annot it it -- (Expr) (Type)
| Attrs [it]
| BigMap [it] -- [MapBinding]
| Map [it] -- [MapBinding]
| MapRemove it it -- (Expr) (QualifiedName)
| SetRemove it it -- (Expr) (QualifiedName)
| Indexing it it -- (QualifiedName) (Expr)
| Case it [it] -- (Expr) [Alt]
| Skip
| ForLoop it it it (Maybe it) it -- (Name) (Expr) (Expr) (Expr)
| WhileLoop it it -- (Expr) (Expr)
| Seq [it] -- [Declaration]
| Lambda it (Maybe it) it -- [VarDecl] (Maybe (Type)) (Expr)
| ForBox it (Maybe it) it it it -- (Name) (Maybe (Name)) Text (Expr) (Expr)
| MapPatch it [it] -- (QualifiedName) [MapBinding]
| SetPatch it [it] -- (QualifiedName) [Expr]
| RecordUpd it [it] -- (QualifiedName) [FieldAssignment]
deriving (Show) via PP (Expr it)
deriving stock (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data Alt it
= Alt it it -- (Pattern) (Expr)
deriving (Show) via PP (Alt it)
deriving stock (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data LHS it
= LHS it (Maybe it) -- (QualifiedName) (Maybe (Expr))
deriving (Show) via PP (LHS it)
deriving stock (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data MapBinding it
= MapBinding it it -- (Expr) (Expr)
deriving (Show) via PP (MapBinding it)
deriving stock (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data Assignment it
= Assignment it it -- (Name) (Expr)
deriving (Show) via PP (Assignment it)
deriving stock (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data FieldAssignment it
= FieldAssignment it it -- (QualifiedName) (Expr)
| Spread it -- (Name)
deriving (Show) via PP (FieldAssignment it)
deriving stock (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data Constant it
= Int Text
| Nat Text
| String Text
| Float Text
| Bytes Text
| Tez Text
deriving (Show) via PP (Constant it)
deriving stock (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data Pattern it
= IsConstr it (Maybe it) -- (Name) (Maybe (Pattern))
| IsConstant it -- (Constant)
| IsVar it -- (Name)
| IsCons it it -- (Pattern) (Pattern)
| IsAnnot it it -- (Pattern) (Type) -- Semantically `Var`
| IsWildcard
| IsList [it] -- [Pattern]
| IsTuple [it] -- [Pattern]
deriving (Show) via PP (Pattern it)
deriving stock (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data QualifiedName it
= QualifiedName
{ qnSource :: it -- Name
, qnPath :: [it] -- [Path]
deriving (Show) via PP (QualifiedName it)
deriving stock (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data Path it
= At it -- (Name)
| Ix Text
deriving (Show) via PP (Path it)
deriving stock (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
newtype Name it = Name
{ _raw :: Text
deriving (Show) via PP (Name it)
deriving stock (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
newtype TypeName it = TypeName Text
deriving (Show) via PP (TypeName it)
deriving stock (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
newtype Ctor it = Ctor Text
deriving (Show) via PP (Ctor it)
deriving stock (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
newtype FieldName it = FieldName Text
deriving (Show) via PP (TypeName it)
deriving stock (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
instance Pretty1 Language where
pp1 = \case
Language _ p -> p
instance Pretty1 Undefined where
pp1 = \case
Undefined mess -> "{{{" <.> pp (Text.take 20 mess) <.> "}}}"
instance Pretty1 Contract where
pp1 = \case
ContractEnd -> "(* end *)"
ContractCons x xs -> x $$ " " $$ xs
instance Pretty1 RawContract where
pp1 = \case
RawContract xs -> "(* begin *)" `indent` sparseBlock xs `above` "(* end *)"
instance Pretty1 Binding where
pp1 = \case
Irrefutable pat expr -> "irref" <+> pat <+> "=" `indent` expr
TypeDecl n ty -> "type" <+> n <+> "=" `indent` ty
Var name ty value -> "var" <+> name <+> ":" <+> fromMaybe "<unnanotated>" ty <+> ":=" `indent` value
Const name ty body -> "const" <+> name <+> ":" <+> ty <+> "=" `indent` body
Attribute name -> "[@" <.> name <.> "]"
Include fname -> "#include" <+> fname
Function isRec name params ty body ->
( (if isRec then "recursive" else empty)
<+> "function"
<+> name
`indent` params
`indent` (":" <+> ty `above` "is")
`indent` body
instance Pretty1 Parameters where
pp1 = \case
Parameters them -> tuple them
instance Pretty1 VarDecl where
pp1 = \case
Decl mutability name ty -> mutability <+> name <+> ":" `indent` ty
instance Pretty1 Mutable where
pp1 = \case
Mutable -> "var"
Immutable -> "const"
instance Pretty1 Type where
pp1 = \case
TArrow dom codom -> parens (dom `indent` "->" <+> codom)
TRecord fields -> "record [" `indent` block fields `above` "]"
TVar name -> name
TSum variants -> block variants
TProduct elements -> train " *" elements
TApply f xs -> f <+> xs
TTuple xs -> tuple xs
TOr l n r m -> "michelson_or" <+> tuple [l, n, r, m]
TAnd l n r m -> "michelson_pair" <+> tuple [l, n, r, m]
instance Pretty1 Variant where
pp1 = \case
Variant ctor (Just ty) -> "|" <+> ctor <+> "of" `indent` ty
Variant ctor _ -> "|" <+> ctor
instance Pretty1 ReasonExpr where
pp1 = \case
-- TODO: prettify
Block decls ret -> "block' {"
`indent` block decls
<+> (if null decls then "" else ";")
`above` maybe "" ("return" `indent`) ret `above` "}"
instance Pretty1 Expr where
pp1 = \case
Let decl body -> "let" <+> decl `above` body
Apply f xs -> "(" <.> f <.> ")" <+> xs
Constant constant -> constant
Ident qname -> qname
BinOp l o r -> parens (l <+> pp o <+> r)
UnOp o r -> parens (pp o <+> r)
Op o -> pp o
Record az -> "record" <+> list az
If b t e -> fsep ["if" `indent` b, "then" `indent` t, "else" `indent` e]
Assign l r -> l <+> ":=" `indent` r
List l -> "list" <+> list l
ListAccess l ids -> l <.> cat ((("[" <.>) . (<.> "]") . pp) <$> ids)
Set l -> "set" <+> list l
Tuple l -> tuple l
Annot n t -> parens (n <+> ":" `indent` t)
Attrs ts -> "attributes" <+> list ts
BigMap bs -> "big_map" <+> list bs
Map bs -> "map" <+> list bs
MapRemove k m -> "remove" `indent` k `above` "from" <+> "map" `indent` m
SetRemove k s -> "remove" `indent` k `above` "from" <+> "set" `indent` s
Indexing a j -> a <.> list [j]
Case s az -> "case" <+> s <+> "of" `indent` block az
Skip -> "skip"
ForLoop j s f d b -> "for" <+> j <+> ":=" <+> s <+> "to" <+> f <+> mb ("step" <+>) d `indent` b
ForBox k mv t z b -> "for" <+> k <+> mb ("->" <+>) mv <+> "in" <+> pp t <+> z `indent` b
WhileLoop f b -> "while" <+> f `indent` b
Seq es -> "block {" `indent` block es `above` "}"
Lambda ps ty b -> (("lam" `indent` ps) `indent` (":" <+> fromMaybe "<unnanotated>" ty)) `indent` "=>" `indent` b
MapPatch z bs -> "patch" `indent` z `above` "with" <+> "map" `indent` list bs
SetPatch z bs -> "patch" `indent` z `above` "with" <+> "set" `indent` list bs
RecordUpd r up -> r `indent` "with" <+> "record" `indent` list up
instance Pretty1 Alt where
pp1 = \case
Alt p b -> "|" <+> p <+> "->" `indent` b
instance Pretty1 MapBinding where
pp1 = \case
MapBinding k v -> k <+> "->" `indent` v
instance Pretty1 Assignment where
pp1 = \case
Assignment n e -> n <+> "=" `indent` e
instance Pretty1 FieldAssignment where
pp1 = \case
FieldAssignment n e -> n <+> "=" `indent` e
Spread n -> "..." <+> n
instance Pretty1 Constant where
pp1 = \case
Int z -> pp z
Nat z -> pp z
String z -> pp z
Float z -> pp z
Bytes z -> pp z
Tez z -> pp z
instance Pretty1 QualifiedName where
pp1 = \case
QualifiedName src path -> src <.> sepByDot path
instance Pretty1 Pattern where
pp1 = \case
IsConstr ctor arg -> ctor <+> maybe empty id arg
IsConstant z -> z
IsVar name -> name
IsCons h t -> h <+> ("#" <+> t)
IsAnnot s t -> "(" <+> s <+> ":" <+> t <+> ")"
IsWildcard -> "_"
IsList l -> list l
IsTuple t -> tuple t
instance Pretty1 Name where
pp1 = \case
Name raw -> pp raw
instance Pretty1 TypeName where
pp1 = \case
TypeName raw -> pp raw
instance Pretty1 FieldName where
pp1 = \case
FieldName raw -> pp raw
instance Pretty1 Ctor where
pp1 = \case
Ctor raw -> pp raw
instance Pretty1 Path where
pp1 = \case
At n -> n
Ix j -> pp j
instance Pretty1 TField where
pp1 = \case
TField n t -> n <.> ":" `indent` t
instance Pretty1 LHS where
pp1 = \case
LHS qn mi -> qn <.> foldMap brackets mi