Problem: With generated ReasonLIGO grammar we need to develop its parser as well. With it we also need to restructure AST a bit and add expressions that are used for ReasonLIGO specifically. Solution: Add ReasonLIGO parser and some dummy examples of its usage, adapt AST to it, rename LIGO to AST.
226 lines
7.8 KiB
226 lines
7.8 KiB
-- | Parser for ReasonLigo contract
module AST.Reasonligo.Parser where
import Duplo.Error
import Duplo.Pretty
import Duplo.Tree
import AST.Skeleton
import Parser
import ParseTree
import Product
example :: FilePath
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/counter.religo"
-- example = "./contracts/variant.religo"
-- example = "./contracts/amount.religo"
example = "./contracts/multisig.religo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/FA1.2.religo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/multisig.religo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/lambda.religo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/record.religo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/tuple_type.religo"
-- example = "../../../src/test/contracts/empty_case.religo"
-- example = "./contracts/empty_case.religo"
-- example = "./contracts/tuple_type.religo"
-- example = "./contracts/assert.religo"
-- example = "./contracts/tuples_no_annotation.religo"
-- example = "./contracts/match.religo"
-- example = "./contracts/let_multiple.religo"
-- example = "./contracts/attributes.religo"
-- example = "./contracts/lambda.religo"
-- example = "./contracts/arithmetic.religo"
-- example = "./contracts/letin.religo"
raw :: IO ()
raw = mkRawTreeReason (Path example)
>>= print . pp
sample :: IO ()
sample = mkRawTreeReason (Path example)
>>= runParserM . recognise
>>= print . pp . fst
recognise :: RawTree -> ParserM (LIGO Info)
recognise = descent (\_ -> error . show . pp) $ map usingScope
[ -- Contract
Descent do
boilerplate $ \case
"contract" -> RawContract <$> fields "declaration"
_ -> fallthrough
-- ReasonExpr
, Descent do
boilerplate $ \case
"bracket_block" -> Block <$> fields "statement" <*> fieldOpt "return"
_ -> fallthrough
-- Expr
, Descent do
boilerplate $ \case
"fun_call" -> Apply <$> field "f" <*> field "arguments"
"lambda_call" -> Apply <$> field "lambda" <*> field "arguments" -- TODO: maybe a separate apply?
"arguments" -> Tuple <$> fields "argument"
"unary_call" -> UnOp <$> field "negate" <*> field "arg"
"binary_call" -> BinOp <$> field "left" <*> field "op" <*> field "right"
"constructor_call" -> Apply <$> field "constructor" <*> field "parameters"
"block" -> Seq <$> fields "statement"
"list_expr" -> List <$> fields "element"
"list_access" -> ListAccess <$> field "name" <*> fields "indexes"
"annot_expr" -> Annot <$> field "subject" <*> field "type"
"conditional" -> If <$> field "selector" <*> field "then" <*> field "else"
"record_expr" -> Record <$> fields "assignment"
"tuple_expr" -> Tuple <$> fields "element"
"switch_instr" -> Case <$> field "subject" <*> fields "case"
"lambda" -> Lambda <$> field "arguments" <*> fieldOpt "lambda_type" <*> field "lambda_body"
_ -> fallthrough
-- Pattern
, Descent do
boilerplate $ \case
"constr_pattern" -> IsConstr <$> field "constr" <*> fieldOpt "arguments"
"tuple_pattern" -> IsTuple <$> fields "element"
"cons_pattern" -> IsCons <$> field "head" <*> field "tail"
"annot_pattern" -> IsAnnot <$> field "subject" <*> field "type"
_ -> fallthrough
-- Alt
, Descent do
boilerplate $ \case
"alt" -> Alt <$> field "pattern" <*> field "body"
_ -> fallthrough
-- Record fields
, Descent do
boilerplate $ \case
"record_field" -> FieldAssignment <$> field "name" <*> field "value"
"spread" -> Spread <$> field "name"
_ -> fallthrough
-- MapBinding
, Descent do
boilerplate $ \case
"binding" -> MapBinding <$> field "key" <*> field "value"
_ -> fallthrough
, Descent do
boilerplate' $ \case
("+", _) -> return $ Op "+"
("-", _) -> return $ Op "-"
("mod", _) -> return $ Op "mod"
("/", _) -> return $ Op "/"
("*", _) -> return $ Op "*"
(">", _) -> return $ Op ">"
("<", _) -> return $ Op "<"
(">=", _) -> return $ Op ">="
("<=", _) -> return $ Op "<="
("==", _) -> return $ Op "=="
("!=", _) -> return $ Op "!="
("||", _) -> return $ Op "||"
("&&", _) -> return $ Op "&&"
("negate", n) -> return $ Op n
_ -> fallthrough
, Descent do
boilerplate $ \case
"module_qualified" -> QualifiedName <$> field "module" <*> fields "method"
"struct_qualified" -> QualifiedName <$> field "struct" <*> fields "method"
_ -> fallthrough
-- Literal
, Descent do
boilerplate' $ \case
("Int", i) -> return $ Int i
("Nat", i) -> return $ Nat i
("Bytes", i) -> return $ Bytes i
("String", i) -> return $ String i
("Tez", i) -> return $ Tez i
_ -> fallthrough
-- Declaration
, Descent do
boilerplate $ \case
-- TODO: Current `Let` in ast is untyped
"let_declaration" -> Var <$> field "binding" <*> fieldOpt "let_type" <*> field "let_value"
"type_decl" -> TypeDecl <$> field "type_name" <*> field "type_value"
"attr_decl" -> Attribute <$> field "name"
_ -> fallthrough
-- Parameters
, Descent do
boilerplate $ \case
"parameters" -> Parameters <$> fields "parameter"
_ -> fallthrough
-- VarDecl
, Descent do
boilerplate $ \case
"param_decl" -> Decl <$> field "access" <*> field "name" <*> field "type"
_ -> fallthrough
-- Name
, Descent do
boilerplate' $ \case
("Name", n) -> return $ Name n
("and", _) -> return $ Name "and"
("or", _) -> return $ Name "or"
_ -> fallthrough
-- Type
, Descent do
boilerplate $ \case
"fun_type" -> TArrow <$> field "domain" <*> field "codomain"
-- TODO: maybe only one argument of parameter list is considered
"type_application" -> TApply <$> field "functor" <*> field "parameter"
"type_tuple" -> TTuple <$> fields "element"
"record_type" -> TRecord <$> fields "field"
"sum_type" -> TSum <$> fields "variant"
_ -> fallthrough
-- Variant
, Descent do
boilerplate $ \case
"variant" -> Variant <$> field "constructor" <*> fieldOpt "arguments"
_ -> fallthrough
-- TField
, Descent do
boilerplate $ \case
"field_decl" -> TField <$> field "field_name" <*> field "field_type"
_ -> fallthrough
-- TypeName
, Descent do
boilerplate' $ \case
("TypeName", name) -> return $ TypeName name
_ -> fallthrough
-- Ctor
, Descent do
boilerplate' $ \case
("Name_Capital", name) -> return $ Ctor name
("Some", _) -> return $ Ctor "Some"
("None", _) -> return $ Ctor "None"
("Bool", b) -> return $ Ctor b
("Unit", _) -> return $ Ctor "Unit"
("Nil", _) -> return $ Ctor "Nil"
_ -> fallthrough
-- Err
, Descent do
\(r :> _, ParseTree _ _ msg) -> do
withComments do
return (r :> N :> Nil, Err msg)
, Descent do
(r :> _, ParseTree "ERROR" _ msg) -> do
return ([] :> r :> Y :> Nil, Err msg)
_ -> fallthrough