Problem: We need to add stylish config to settle code style for our project. Makefile to simplify its building. Also we need to check our project for trailing whitespaces so we need to add the corresponding script to be used later in CI. Solution: Add - stylish-haskell config - Makefile - `check_trailing_whitespace` script
67 lines
1.4 KiB
67 lines
1.4 KiB
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Serokell <https://serokell.io>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
# Default stylish-haskell config used in Serokell.
- simple_align:
cases: false
top_level_patterns: false
records: false
- imports:
align: none
list_align: after_alias
pad_module_names: false
long_list_align: new_line
empty_list_align: inherit
list_padding: 2
separate_lists: true
space_surround: false
- language_pragmas:
style: compact
remove_redundant: true
- trailing_whitespace: {}
columns: 100
newline: native
- BangPatterns
- BlockArguments
- ConstraintKinds
- DataKinds
- DefaultSignatures
- DeriveAnyClass
- DeriveDataTypeable
- DeriveGeneric
- DerivingStrategies
- DerivingVia
- EmptyCase
- ExistentialQuantification
- ExplicitNamespaces
- FlexibleContexts
- FlexibleInstances
- FunctionalDependencies
- GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
- LambdaCase
- MultiParamTypeClasses
- MultiWayIf
- NamedFieldPuns
- NoImplicitPrelude
- OverloadedLabels
- OverloadedStrings
- PatternSynonyms
- RebindableSyntax
- RecordWildCards
- RecursiveDo
- ScopedTypeVariables
- StandaloneDeriving
- TemplateHaskell
- TemplateHaskellQuotes
- TupleSections
- TypeApplications
- TypeFamilies
- TypeOperators
- ViewPatterns
- QuasiQuotes