Christian Rinderknecht ce5464f9af The preprocessor library depends now on the kinds of comments
instead of a closed set of languages. I also removed the offsets:
I simply use the current region to determine whether the
preprocessing directie starts at the beginning of a line. I also
removed scanning line indicators, to make the lexer simpler.
2020-04-24 20:54:13 +02:00

44 lines
1.4 KiB

(* Standalone parser for booleans expression of preprocessing
directives for PascaLIGO *)
module Region = Simple_utils.Region
let highlight msg = Printf.eprintf "\027[31m%s\027[0m%!" msg
let options = ".ligo" (* No comments allowed *)
let parse in_chan =
let buffer = Lexing.from_channel in_chan in
let open Lexing in
let () =
match options#input with
Some "-" | None -> ()
| Some pos_fname ->
buffer.lex_curr_p <- {buffer.lex_curr_p with pos_fname} in
let () =
let tree = E_Parser.expr E_Lexer.scan buffer in
let value = Preproc.(eval Env.empty tree)
in Printf.printf "%s\n" (string_of_bool value)
E_Lexer.Error error ->
let formatted =
E_Lexer.format ~offsets:options#offsets ~file:true error
in highlight formatted.Region.value
| E_Parser.Error ->
let region = Preproc.mk_reg buffer
and value = Preproc.Parse_error in
let error = Region.{value; region} in
let formatted =
Preproc.format ~offsets:options#offsets
~file:true error
in highlight formatted.Region.value
in close_in in_chan
let () =
match options#input with
Some "-" | None -> parse stdin
| Some file_path ->
try open_in file_path |> parse with
Sys_error msg -> highlight msg