Grégoire Henry f3555488c7 Shell: use one 'validation worker' per peer.
The single validation module is split in multiple (simpler)
modules. In the process, we introduce one "validation worker" per
peer. This worker handle all the `New_head` and `New_branch`
advertised by a given peer. For so, it sends "fetching request" and
"validation request" to respectively the `Distributed_db` and and the
`Block_validator`. These two global workers are responsible of the
'fair' allocation of network and CPU ressources amongst the connected
2017-11-17 14:13:55 +01:00

696 lines
25 KiB

(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
open Lwt.Infix
open Logging.Node.Worker
let inject_operation validator ?force bytes =
let t =
match Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes Operation.encoding bytes with
| None -> failwith "Can't parse the operation"
| Some operation ->
validator >>=? fun net_validator ->
let pv = Net_validator.prevalidator net_validator in
Prevalidator.inject_operation pv ?force operation in
let hash = Operation_hash.hash_bytes [bytes] in
Lwt.return (hash, t)
let inject_protocol state ?force:_ proto =
let proto_bytes =
Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes Protocol.encoding proto in
let hash = Protocol_hash.hash_bytes [proto_bytes] in
let validation =
Updater.compile hash proto >>= function
| false ->
"Compilation failed (%a)"
Protocol_hash.pp_short hash
| true -> state proto >>= function
| None ->
"Previously registred protocol (%a)"
Protocol_hash.pp_short hash
| Some _ -> return ()
Lwt.return (hash, validation)
let inject_block validator ?force bytes operations =
validator ?force bytes operations >>=? fun (hash, block) ->
return (hash, (block >>=? fun _ -> return ()))
type t = {
state: State.t ;
distributed_db: Distributed_db.t ;
validator: Validator.t ;
mainnet_validator: Net_validator.t ;
?force:bool ->
MBytes.t -> Distributed_db.operation list list ->
(Block_hash.t * unit tzresult Lwt.t) tzresult Lwt.t ;
?force:bool -> MBytes.t ->
(Operation_hash.t * unit tzresult Lwt.t) Lwt.t ;
?force:bool -> Protocol.t ->
(Protocol_hash.t * unit tzresult Lwt.t) Lwt.t ;
p2p: Distributed_db.p2p ; (* For P2P RPCs *)
shutdown: unit -> unit Lwt.t ;
let init_p2p net_params =
match net_params with
| None ->
lwt_log_notice "P2P layer is disabled" >>= fun () ->
Error_monad.return (P2p.faked_network Distributed_db_metadata.cfg)
| Some (config, limits) ->
lwt_log_notice "bootstraping network..." >>= fun () ->
~config ~limits
Distributed_db_message.cfg >>=? fun p2p ->
Lwt.async (fun () -> P2p.maintain p2p) ;
Error_monad.return p2p
type config = {
genesis: State.Net.genesis ;
store_root: string ;
context_root: string ;
patch_context: (Context.t -> Context.t Lwt.t) option ;
p2p: (P2p.config * P2p.limits) option ;
test_network_max_tll: int option ;
bootstrap_threshold: int ;
let may_create_net state genesis =
State.Net.get state (Net_id.of_block_hash genesis.State.Net.block) >>= function
| Ok net -> Lwt.return net
| Error _ ->
State.Net.create state genesis
let create { genesis ; store_root ; context_root ;
patch_context ; p2p = net_params ;
test_network_max_tll = max_child_ttl ;
bootstrap_threshold } =
init_p2p net_params >>=? fun p2p ->
~store_root ~context_root ?patch_context () >>=? fun state ->
let distributed_db = Distributed_db.create state p2p in
let validator = Validator.create state distributed_db in
may_create_net state genesis >>= fun mainnet_state ->
Validator.activate validator
?max_child_ttl mainnet_state >>= fun mainnet_validator ->
let shutdown () =
State.close state >>= fun () ->
P2p.shutdown p2p >>= fun () ->
Validator.shutdown validator >>= fun () ->
return {
state ;
distributed_db ;
validator ;
mainnet_validator ;
inject_block = inject_block validator ;
inject_operation = inject_operation validator ;
inject_protocol = inject_protocol state ;
p2p ;
shutdown ;
let shutdown node = node.shutdown ()
module RPC = struct
type block = Node_rpc_services.Blocks.block
type block_info = Node_rpc_services.Blocks.block_info = {
hash: Block_hash.t ;
net_id: Net_id.t ;
level: Int32.t ;
proto_level: int ; (* uint8 *)
predecessor: Block_hash.t ;
timestamp: Time.t ;
validation_passes: int ; (* uint8 *)
operations_hash: Operation_list_list_hash.t ;
fitness: MBytes.t list ;
data: MBytes.t ;
operations: Operation_hash.t list list option ;
protocol: Protocol_hash.t ;
test_network: Context.test_network;
let convert (block: State.Block.t) =
let hash = State.Block.hash block in
let header = State.Block.header block in
State.Block.all_operation_hashes block >>= fun operations ->
State.Block.context block >>= fun context ->
Context.get_protocol context >>= fun protocol ->
Context.get_test_network context >>= fun test_network ->
Lwt.return {
hash ;
net_id = ;
level = ;
proto_level = ;
predecessor = ;
timestamp = ;
validation_passes = ;
operations_hash = ;
fitness = ;
data = header.proto ;
operations = Some operations ;
protocol ;
test_network ;
let inject_block node = node.inject_block
let inject_operation node = node.inject_operation
let inject_protocol node = node.inject_protocol
let raw_block_info node hash =
State.read_block node.state hash >>= function
| Some block ->
convert block
| None -> Not_found
let prevalidation_hash =
let get_validator node = function
| `Genesis | `Head _ | `Prevalidation -> node.mainnet_validator
| `Test_head _ | `Test_prevalidation ->
match Net_validator.child node.mainnet_validator with
| None -> raise Not_found
| Some v -> v
let get_validator_per_hash node hash =
State.read_block_exn node.state hash >>= fun block ->
let header = State.Block.header block in
if Net_id.equal
(Net_validator.net_id node.mainnet_validator) then
Lwt.return (Some node.mainnet_validator)
match Net_validator.child node.mainnet_validator with
| Some test_validator ->
if Net_id.equal
(Net_validator.net_id test_validator) then
Lwt.return_some test_validator
| _ -> Lwt.return_none
let read_valid_block node h =
State.read_block node.state h
let read_valid_block_exn node h =
State.read_block_exn node.state h
let rec predecessor net_db n v =
if n <= 0 then
Lwt.return v
State.Block.predecessor v >>= function
| None -> Lwt.return v
| Some v -> predecessor net_db (n-1) v
let block_info node (block: block) =
match block with
| `Genesis ->
let net_state = Net_validator.net_state node.mainnet_validator in
Chain.genesis net_state >>= convert
| ( `Head n | `Test_head n ) as block ->
let validator = get_validator node block in
let net_db = Net_validator.net_db validator in
let net_state = Net_validator.net_state validator in
Chain.head net_state >>= fun head ->
predecessor net_db n head >>= convert
| `Hash h ->
read_valid_block_exn node h >>= convert
| ( `Prevalidation | `Test_prevalidation ) as block ->
let validator = get_validator node block in
let pv = Net_validator.prevalidator validator in
let net_state = Net_validator.net_state validator in
Chain.head net_state >>= fun head ->
let head_header = State.Block.header head in
let head_hash = State.Block.hash head in
State.Block.context head >>= fun head_context ->
Context.get_protocol head_context >>= fun head_protocol ->
Prevalidator.context pv >>= function
| Error _ -> Not_found
| Ok { context ; fitness } ->
Context.get_protocol context >>= fun protocol ->
Context.get_test_network context >>= fun test_network ->
let proto_level =
if Protocol_hash.equal protocol head_protocol then
(( + 1) mod 256) in
let operations =
let pv_result, _ = Prevalidator.operations pv in
[ pv_result.applied ] in
{ hash = prevalidation_hash ;
level = Int32.succ ;
proto_level ;
predecessor = head_hash ;
fitness ;
timestamp = Prevalidator.timestamp pv ;
protocol ;
validation_passes = List.length operations ;
operations_hash =
( Operation_list_hash.compute operations) ;
operations = Some operations ;
data = MBytes.of_string "" ;
net_id = ;
test_network ;
let rpc_context block : Updater.rpc_context Lwt.t =
let block_hash = State.Block.hash block in
let block_header = State.Block.header block in
State.Block.context block >|= fun context ->
{ Updater.block_hash ;
block_header ;
operation_hashes = (fun () -> State.Block.all_operation_hashes block) ;
operations = (fun () -> State.Block.all_operations block) ;
context ;
let get_rpc_context node block =
match block with
| `Genesis ->
let net_state = Net_validator.net_state node.mainnet_validator in
Chain.genesis net_state >>= fun block ->
rpc_context block >>= fun ctxt ->
Lwt.return (Some ctxt)
| ( `Head n | `Test_head n ) as block ->
let validator = get_validator node block in
let net_state = Net_validator.net_state validator in
let net_db = Net_validator.net_db validator in
Chain.head net_state >>= fun head ->
predecessor net_db n head >>= fun block ->
rpc_context block >>= fun ctxt ->
Lwt.return (Some ctxt)
| `Hash hash-> begin
read_valid_block node hash >>= function
| None ->
| Some block ->
rpc_context block >>= fun ctxt ->
Lwt.return (Some ctxt)
| ( `Prevalidation | `Test_prevalidation ) as block ->
let validator = get_validator node block in
let pv = Net_validator.prevalidator validator in
let net_db = Net_validator.net_db validator in
let net_state = Net_validator.net_state validator in
Chain.head net_state >>= fun head ->
let head_header = State.Block.header head in
let head_hash = State.Block.hash head in
State.Block.context head >>= fun head_context ->
Context.get_protocol head_context >>= fun head_protocol ->
Prevalidator.context pv >>= function
| Error _ -> Not_found
| Ok { context ; fitness } ->
Context.get_protocol context >>= fun protocol ->
let proto_level =
if Protocol_hash.equal protocol head_protocol then
(( + 1) mod 256) in
let operation_hashes =
let pv_result, _ = Prevalidator.operations pv in
[ pv_result.applied ] in
let operations_hash =
( Operation_list_hash.compute operation_hashes) in
Lwt.return (Some {
Updater.block_hash = prevalidation_hash ;
block_header = {
shell = {
net_id = ;
level = Int32.succ ;
proto_level ;
predecessor = head_hash ;
timestamp = Prevalidator.timestamp pv ;
validation_passes = List.length operation_hashes ;
operations_hash ;
fitness ;
} ;
proto = MBytes.create 0 ;
} ;
operation_hashes = (fun () -> Lwt.return operation_hashes) ;
operations = begin fun () ->
(Distributed_db.Operation.read_exn net_db))
end ;
context ;
let operation_hashes node block =
match block with
| `Genesis -> Lwt.return []
| ( `Head n | `Test_head n ) as block ->
let validator = get_validator node block in
let net_state = Net_validator.net_state validator in
let net_db = Net_validator.net_db validator in
Chain.head net_state >>= fun head ->
predecessor net_db n head >>= fun block ->
State.Block.all_operation_hashes block
| (`Prevalidation | `Test_prevalidation) as block ->
let validator = get_validator node block in
let pv = Net_validator.prevalidator validator in
let { Prevalidation.applied }, _ = Prevalidator.operations pv in
Lwt.return [applied]
| `Hash hash ->
read_valid_block node hash >>= function
| None -> Lwt.return_nil
| Some block ->
State.Block.all_operation_hashes block
let operations node block =
match block with
| `Genesis -> Lwt.return []
| ( `Head n | `Test_head n ) as block ->
let validator = get_validator node block in
let net_state = Net_validator.net_state validator in
let net_db = Net_validator.net_db validator in
Chain.head net_state >>= fun head ->
predecessor net_db n head >>= fun block ->
State.Block.all_operations block
| (`Prevalidation | `Test_prevalidation) as block ->
let validator = get_validator node block in
let net_db = Net_validator.net_db validator in
let pv = Net_validator.prevalidator validator in
let { Prevalidation.applied }, _ = Prevalidator.operations pv in
(Distributed_db.Operation.read_exn net_db) applied >>= fun applied ->
Lwt.return [applied]
| `Hash hash ->
read_valid_block node hash >>= function
| None -> Lwt.return_nil
| Some block ->
State.Block.all_operations block
let pending_operations node (block: block) =
match block with
| ( `Head 0 | `Prevalidation
| `Test_head 0 | `Test_prevalidation ) as block ->
let validator = get_validator node block in
let pv = Net_validator.prevalidator validator in
Lwt.return (Prevalidator.operations pv)
| ( `Head n | `Test_head n ) as block ->
let validator = get_validator node block in
let prevalidator = Net_validator.prevalidator validator in
let net_state = Net_validator.net_state validator in
let net_db = Net_validator.net_db validator in
Chain.head net_state >>= fun head ->
predecessor net_db n head >>= fun b ->
Prevalidator.pending ~block:b prevalidator >|= fun ops ->
Prevalidation.empty_result, ops
| `Genesis ->
let net_state = Net_validator.net_state node.mainnet_validator in
let prevalidator =
Net_validator.prevalidator node.mainnet_validator in
Chain.genesis net_state >>= fun b ->
Prevalidator.pending ~block:b prevalidator >|= fun ops ->
Prevalidation.empty_result, ops
| `Hash h -> begin
get_validator_per_hash node h >>= function
| None ->
Lwt.return (Prevalidation.empty_result, Operation_hash.Set.empty)
| Some validator ->
let net_state = Net_validator.net_state validator in
let prevalidator = Net_validator.prevalidator validator in
State.Block.read_exn net_state h >>= fun block ->
Prevalidator.pending ~block prevalidator >|= fun ops ->
Prevalidation.empty_result, ops
let protocols { state } =
State.Protocol.list state >>= fun set ->
Lwt.return (Protocol_hash.Set.elements set)
let protocol_content node hash = node.state hash
let preapply
node block
~timestamp ~proto_header ~sort_operations:sort ops =
match block with
| `Genesis ->
let net_state = Net_validator.net_state node.mainnet_validator in
Chain.genesis net_state >>= return
| ( `Head 0 | `Prevalidation
| `Test_head 0 | `Test_prevalidation ) as block ->
let validator = get_validator node block in
let net_state = Net_validator.net_state validator in
Chain.head net_state >>= return
| `Head n | `Test_head n as block -> begin
let validator = get_validator node block in
let net_state = Net_validator.net_state validator in
let net_db = Net_validator.net_db validator in
Chain.head net_state >>= fun head ->
predecessor net_db n head >>= return
| `Hash hash ->
read_valid_block node hash >>= function
| None -> Lwt.return (error_exn Not_found)
| Some data -> return data
end >>=? fun predecessor ->
let net_db = Net_validator.net_db node.mainnet_validator in
map_p (Distributed_db.resolve_operation net_db) ops >>=? fun rops ->
~proto_header ~predecessor ~timestamp () >>=? fun validation_state ->
let rops = (fun x -> Operation.hash x, x) rops in
validation_state ~sort rops >>= fun (validation_state, r) ->
let operations_hash =
[Operation_list_hash.compute r.applied] in
validation_state >>=? fun { fitness ; context } ->
let pred_shell_header = State.Block.shell_header predecessor in
State.Block.protocol_hash predecessor >>= fun pred_protocol ->
Context.get_protocol context >>= fun protocol ->
let proto_level =
if Protocol_hash.equal protocol pred_protocol then
((pred_shell_header.proto_level + 1) mod 256) in
let shell_header : Block_header.shell_header = {
net_id = pred_shell_header.net_id ;
level = Int32.succ pred_shell_header.level ;
proto_level ;
predecessor = State.Block.hash predecessor ;
timestamp ;
validation_passes = 1 ;
operations_hash ;
fitness ;
} in
return (shell_header, r)
let complete node ?block str =
match block with
| None ->
Base58.complete str
| Some block ->
get_rpc_context node block >>= function
| None -> Not_found
| Some { context = ctxt } ->
Context.get_protocol ctxt >>= fun protocol_hash ->
let (module Proto) = State.Registred_protocol.get_exn protocol_hash in
Base58.complete str >>= fun l1 ->
Proto.complete_b58prefix ctxt str >>= fun l2 ->
Lwt.return (l1 @ l2)
let context_dir node block =
get_rpc_context node block >>= function
| None -> Lwt.return None
| Some rpc_context ->
Context.get_protocol rpc_context.context >>= fun protocol_hash ->
let (module Proto) = State.Registred_protocol.get_exn protocol_hash in
let dir = (fun () -> rpc_context) Proto.rpc_services in
Lwt.return (Some ( (fun _ -> ()) dir))
let heads node =
let net_state = Net_validator.net_state node.mainnet_validator in
Chain.known_heads net_state >>= fun heads ->
match Net_validator.child node.mainnet_validator with
| None -> Lwt.return_nil
| Some test_validator ->
let net_state = Net_validator.net_state test_validator in
Chain.known_heads net_state
end >>= fun test_heads ->
(fun map block ->
convert block >|= fun bi ->
(State.Block.hash block) bi map)
Block_hash.Map.empty (test_heads @ heads)
let predecessors node len head =
let rec loop acc len block =
if len = 0 then
Lwt.return (List.rev acc)
State.Block.predecessor block >>= function
| None -> Lwt.return (List.rev acc)
| Some block ->
loop (State.Block.hash block :: acc) (len-1) block
State.read_block_exn node.state head >>= fun block ->
loop [] len block
with Not_found -> Lwt.return_nil
let predecessors_bi ignored len head =
let rec loop acc len block =
convert block >>= fun bi ->
State.Block.predecessor block >>= function
| None ->
Lwt.return (List.rev (bi :: acc))
| Some pred ->
if len = 0 ||
Block_hash.Set.mem (State.Block.hash block) ignored then
Lwt.return (List.rev acc)
loop (bi :: acc) (len-1) pred
loop [] len head
with Not_found -> Lwt.return_nil
let list node len heads =
(fun (ignored, acc) head ->
State.read_block_exn node.state head >>= fun block ->
predecessors_bi ignored len block >>= fun predecessors ->
let ignored =
(fun x s -> Block_hash.Set.add x.hash s)
predecessors ignored in
Lwt.return (ignored, predecessors :: acc)
(Block_hash.Set.empty, [])
heads >>= fun (_, blocks) ->
Lwt.return (List.rev blocks)
let block_header_watcher node =
Distributed_db.watch_block_header node.distributed_db
let block_watcher node =
let stream, shutdown = Validator.watcher node.validator in
Lwt_stream.map_s (fun block -> convert block) stream,
let operation_watcher node =
Distributed_db.watch_operation node.distributed_db
let protocol_watcher node =
Distributed_db.watch_protocol node.distributed_db
let bootstrapped node =
let block_stream, stopper =
Net_validator.new_head_watcher node.mainnet_validator in
let first_run = ref true in
let next () =
if !first_run then begin
first_run := false ;
let net_state = Net_validator.net_state node.mainnet_validator in
Chain.head net_state >>= fun head ->
let head_hash = State.Block.hash head in
let head_header = State.Block.header head in
Lwt.return (Some (head_hash,
end else begin
Lwt.pick [
( Lwt_stream.get block_stream >|=
map_option ~f:(fun b ->
(State.Block.hash b, (State.Block.header b).shell.timestamp)) ) ;
(Net_validator.bootstrapped node.mainnet_validator >|= fun () -> None) ;
end in
let shutdown () = Watcher.shutdown stopper in
RPC.Answer.{ next ; shutdown }
module Network = struct
let stat (node : t) =
P2p.RPC.stat node.p2p
let watch (node : t) = node.p2p
let connect (node : t) =
P2p.RPC.connect node.p2p
module Connection = struct
let info (node : t) = node.p2p
let kick (node : t) =
P2p.RPC.Connection.kick node.p2p
let list (node : t) =
P2p.RPC.Connection.list node.p2p
let count (node : t) =
P2p.RPC.Connection.count node.p2p
module Point = struct
let info (node : t) = node.p2p
let list (node : t) restrict =
P2p.RPC.Point.list ~restrict node.p2p
let events (node : t) = node.p2p
let watch (node : t) = node.p2p
module Peer_id = struct
let info (node : t) = node.p2p
let list (node : t) restrict =
P2p.RPC.Peer_id.list ~restrict node.p2p
let events (node : t) = node.p2p
let watch (node : t) = node.p2p