It now takes a `proto_header` in parameter, and it returns a full `shell_header`. This prepares the inclusion of the context's hash in the `shell_header`.
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(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
open Client_embedded_proto_alpha
open Tezos_context
open Client_alpha
val init : ?sandbox:string -> unit -> (int * Block_hash.t) tzresult Lwt.t
(** [init ()] sets up the test environment, and return the PID of
forked Tezos node and the block info of the block from where the
tests will begin. *)
val level : Client_proto_rpcs.block -> Tezos_context.Level.t tzresult Lwt.t
module Account : sig
type t = {
alias : string ;
sk : Ed25519.Secret_key.t ;
pk : Ed25519.Public_key.t ;
pkh : Ed25519.Public_key_hash.t ;
contract : Contract.t ;
val encoding : t Data_encoding.t
val pp_account : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val create : ?keys:(secret_key * public_key) -> string -> t
(** [create ?keys alias] is an account with alias [alias]. If
[?keys] is [None], a pair of keys will be minted. *)
type destination = {
alias : string ;
contract : Contract.t ;
pk : public_key ;
pkh : public_key_hash ;
val destination_encoding : destination Data_encoding.t
val pp_destination : Format.formatter -> destination -> unit
val create_destination :
alias:string ->
contract:Contract.t ->
pk:public_key -> destination
(** [create_destination ~alias ~contract ~pk] is a destination
contract [contract] with manager's publick key [pk]. *)
type bootstrap_accounts = { b1 : t ; b2 : t ; b3 : t ; b4 : t ; b5 : t }
val bootstrap_accounts : bootstrap_accounts
(** The hardcoded bootstrap accounts. *)
val transfer :
?block:Client_proto_rpcs.block ->
?fee:int64 ->
account:t ->
destination:Contract.t ->
amount:int64 ->
unit ->
(Operation_hash.t * Contract.t list) tzresult Lwt.t
val originate :
?block:Client_proto_rpcs.block ->
?delegate:public_key_hash ->
?fee:int64 ->
src:t ->
manager_pkh:public_key_hash ->
spendable:bool ->
balance:int64 ->
unit -> (Operation_hash.t * Contract.t) tzresult Lwt.t
val set_delegate :
?block:Client_proto_rpcs.block ->
?fee:int64 ->
contract:Contract.t ->
manager_sk:secret_key ->
public_key_hash option ->
Operation_hash.t tzresult Lwt.t
val balance : ?block:Client_proto_rpcs.block -> t -> Tez.t tzresult Lwt.t
val delegate :
?block:Client_proto_rpcs.block ->
Contract.t ->
public_key_hash option tzresult Lwt.t
module Mining : sig
val mine:
Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.block ->
Account.t ->
Operation.raw list ->
Block_hash.t tzresult Lwt.t
val endorsement_reward:
Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.block -> int64 tzresult Lwt.t
module Endorse : sig
val endorse :
?slot:int ->
Account.t ->
Client_alpha.Client_proto_rpcs.block ->
Operation.raw tzresult Lwt.t
val endorsers_list :
Client_alpha.Client_proto_rpcs.block ->
Account.bootstrap_accounts ->
Account.t array tzresult Lwt.t
val endorsement_rights :
?max_priority:int ->
Account.t ->
Client_proto_rpcs.block ->
Client_proto_rpcs.Helpers.Rights.endorsement_slot list tzresult Lwt.t
module Protocol : sig
val proposals :
?block:Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.block ->
src:Account.t ->
Protocol_hash.t list ->
Operation.raw tzresult Lwt.t
val ballot :
?block:Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.block ->
src:Account.t ->
proposal:Protocol_hash.t ->
Vote.ballot ->
Operation.raw tzresult Lwt.t
module Assert : sig
include module type of Assert
val balance_equal:
?block:Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.block ->
msg:string -> Account.t -> int64 -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
val delegate_equal:
?block:Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.block ->
msg:string -> Contract.t -> public_key_hash option -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
val failed_to_preapply:
msg:string ->
?op:Client_node_rpcs.operation ->
(Register_client_embedded_proto_alpha.Packed_protocol.error ->
bool) ->
'a tzresult -> unit
val ecoproto_error:
(Register_client_embedded_proto_alpha.Packed_protocol.error -> bool) ->
error -> bool
val generic_economic_error : msg:string -> 'a tzresult -> unit
(** Transaction assertions *)
val unknown_contract : msg:string -> 'a tzresult -> unit
(** [unknown_contract ~msg result] raises if result is not a
[Storage_error]. *)
val non_existing_contract : msg:string -> 'a tzresult -> unit
val balance_too_low : msg:string -> 'a tzresult -> unit
val non_spendable : msg:string -> 'a tzresult -> unit
val inconsistent_pkh : msg:string -> 'a tzresult -> unit
(** Origination assertions *)
val initial_amount_too_low : msg:string -> 'a tzresult -> unit
val non_delegatable : msg:string -> 'a tzresult -> unit
(** Endorsement / mining assertions *)
val wrong_delegate : msg:string -> 'a tzresult -> unit
val check_protocol :
?msg:string -> block:Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.block ->
Protocol_hash.t -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
val check_voting_period_kind :
?msg:string -> block:Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.block ->
Voting_period.kind -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
val rpc_config: Client_rpcs.config
val display_level: Client_proto_rpcs.block -> unit tzresult Lwt.t