1062 lines
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1062 lines
29 KiB
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
module Ptree_sig = struct
module type Value = sig
type t
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val hash : t -> int
type prefix_order =
| Equal
| Shorter
| Longer
| Different
module type Prefix = sig
type key (* bit sequence *)
type prefix (* prefix of a bit sequence *)
type mask (* integer length of a bit sequence *)
val equal_key : key -> key -> bool
val equal_mask : mask -> mask -> bool
val equal_prefix : prefix -> prefix -> bool
val hash_key : key -> int
val hash_mask : mask -> int
val hash_prefix : prefix -> int
val full_length_mask : mask
val strictly_shorter_mask : mask -> mask -> bool
val key_prefix : key -> prefix
(* Full lenght prefix *)
val prefix_key : prefix -> mask -> key
(* Some key matching the prefix with the given mask *)
val match_prefix : key:key -> prefix:prefix -> mask:mask -> bool
(* Does the prefix of length [mask] of [key] equals to [prefix] *)
val select_bit : prefix:prefix -> mask:mask -> bool
(* Get the bit of [prefix] at position [mask] assumes that [mask] is
less than the length of prefix *)
val common_mask : prefix -> prefix -> mask
(* The length of the common part of given prefixes *)
val apply_mask : prefix -> mask -> prefix
(* Cut the prefix to the given length *)
val compare_prefix : mask -> prefix -> mask -> prefix -> prefix_order
(* [compare_prefix m1 p1 m2 p2]:
let p1' (resp p2') be the sub-prefix of length m1 of p1 (resp m2 of p2)
The result is
Equal if p1' equal p2'
Shorter if p1' is a prefix of p2'
Longer if p2' is a prefix of p1'
Different if those not ordered
module type S = sig
type key
type prefix
type mask
type value
type not_empty = TNot_empty
type empty = TEmpty
type _ t = private
| Leaf : {
mutable id: int; (* Mutable to get a good sharing semantics *)
mask : mask;
key : key;
value : value;
} -> not_empty t
| Node : {
mutable id : int;
mask : mask;
prefix : prefix;
true_ : not_empty t;
false_ : not_empty t;
} -> not_empty t
| Empty : empty t
val leaf : key:key -> mask:mask -> value -> not_empty t
val node : prefix:prefix -> mask:mask -> true_:not_empty t -> false_:not_empty t -> not_empty t
val empty : empty t
val equal : not_empty t -> not_empty t -> bool
val fast_partial_equal : not_empty t -> not_empty t -> bool
(* if [fast_partial_equal x y] is true, then [equal x y] is true,
but if fast_partial_equal returns false, nothing can be
asserted. *)
val id : not_empty t -> int
module Shared_tree : sig
module Hash_consed_tree(P:Ptree_sig.Prefix)(V:Ptree_sig.Value) : Ptree_sig.S
with type value = V.t
and type key = P.key
and type prefix = P.prefix
and type mask = P.mask
module Simple_tree(P:Ptree_sig.Prefix)(V:sig type t val equal : t -> t -> bool end) : Ptree_sig.S
with type value = V.t
and type key = P.key
and type prefix = P.prefix
and type mask = P.mask
end = struct
open Ptree_sig
type int2 = { mutable i1 : int; mutable i2 : int }
let h2 = { i1 = 0; i2 = 0 }
let hash2int x1 x2 =
h2.i1 <- x1; h2.i2 <- x2;
Hashtbl.hash h2
type int3 = { mutable i1 : int; mutable i2 : int; mutable i3 : int }
let h3 = { i1 = 0; i2 = 0; i3 = 0 }
let hash3int x1 x2 x3 =
h3.i1 <- x1; h3.i2 <- x2; h3.i3 <- x3;
Hashtbl.hash h3
type int4 = { mutable i1 : int; mutable i2 : int; mutable i3 : int; mutable i4 : int }
let h4 = { i1 = 0; i2 = 0; i3 = 0; i4 = 0 }
let hash4int x1 x2 x3 x4 =
h4.i1 <- x1; h4.i2 <- x2; h4.i3 <- x3; h4.i4 <- x4;
Hashtbl.hash h4
module Hash_consed_tree(P:Prefix)(V:Value) : S
with type value = V.t
and type key = P.key
and type prefix = P.prefix
and type mask = P.mask
= struct
type key = P.key
type mask = P.mask
type prefix = P.prefix
type value = V.t
type not_empty = TNot_empty
type empty = TEmpty
type _ t =
| Leaf : {
mutable id: int; (* Mutable to get a good sharing semantics *)
mask : mask;
key : key;
value : value;
} -> not_empty t
| Node : {
mutable id : int;
mask : mask;
prefix : prefix;
true_ : not_empty t;
false_ : not_empty t;
} -> not_empty t
| Empty : empty t
let id : not_empty t -> int = function
| Leaf { id ; _ } -> id
| Node { id ; _ } -> id
let set_id (n : not_empty t) id = match n with
| Leaf r -> r.id <- id
| Node r -> r.id <- id
(*let mask : not_empty t -> mask = function
| Leaf { mask ; _ } -> mask
| Node { mask ; _ } -> mask
(* let prefix_table = WeakPrefixTbl.create 20 *)
module Tree :
Hashtbl.HashedType with type t = not_empty t
= struct
type nonrec t = not_empty t
let equal (t1 : t) (t2 : t) = match t1, t2 with
| Leaf _, Node _ | Node _, Leaf _-> false
| Leaf { key = p1; value = v1; mask = m1 ; _ },
Leaf { key = p2; value = v2; mask = m2 ; _ } ->
P.equal_key p1 p2 && P.equal_mask m1 m2 && V.equal v1 v2
| Node { prefix = p1; mask = m1; true_ = t1; false_ = f1 ; _ },
Node { prefix = p2; mask = m2; true_ = t2; false_ = f2 ; _ } ->
(* Assumes that only the head can be unshared: this means
that structural equality implies physical one on children *)
P.equal_prefix p1 p2 &&
P.equal_mask m1 m2 && t1 == t2 && f1 == f2
let hash : t -> int = function
| Leaf { key; value; mask ; _ } ->
hash3int (P.hash_key key) (V.hash value) (P.hash_mask mask)
| Node { mask; prefix; true_; false_ ; _ } ->
(P.hash_mask mask) (P.hash_prefix prefix)
(id true_) (id false_)
module WeakTreeTbl = Weak.Make(Tree)
(* Or move that to a state ? *)
let weak_tree_tbl = WeakTreeTbl.create 10
let next =
let r = ref 0 in
fun () -> incr r; !r
let leaf ~key ~mask value =
let l = Leaf { id = 0; key; value; mask } in
match WeakTreeTbl.find weak_tree_tbl l with
| exception Not_found ->
set_id l (next ());
WeakTreeTbl.add weak_tree_tbl l;
| l -> l
let node ~prefix ~mask ~true_ ~false_ =
let l = Node { id = 0; mask; prefix; true_; false_ } in
match WeakTreeTbl.find weak_tree_tbl l with
| exception Not_found ->
set_id l (next ());
WeakTreeTbl.add weak_tree_tbl l;
| l -> l
let empty = Empty
(* Is there a better way to do ? *)
let equal (x:'a t) (y:'b t) =
(Obj.magic x) == (Obj.magic y)
let fast_partial_equal = equal
end [@@inline]
module Simple_tree(P:Ptree_sig.Prefix)(V:sig type t val equal : t -> t -> bool end) : S
with type value = V.t
and type key = P.key
and type prefix = P.prefix
and type mask = P.mask
= struct
type key = P.key
type mask = P.mask
type prefix = P.prefix
type value = V.t
type not_empty = TNot_empty
type empty = TEmpty
type _ t =
| Leaf : {
mutable id: int; (* Mutable to get a good sharing semantics *)
mask : mask;
key : key;
value : value;
} -> not_empty t
| Node : {
mutable id : int;
mask : mask;
prefix : prefix;
true_ : not_empty t;
false_ : not_empty t;
} -> not_empty t
| Empty : empty t
let id : not_empty t -> int = function
| Leaf { id ; _ } -> id
| Node { id ; _ } -> id
(*let set_id (n : not_empty t) id = match n with
| Leaf r -> r.id <- id
| Node r -> r.id <- id
let mask : not_empty t -> mask = function
| Leaf { mask ; _ } -> mask
| Node { mask ; _ } -> mask
let leaf ~key ~mask value =
Leaf { id = 0; key; value; mask }
let node ~prefix ~mask ~true_ ~false_ =
Node { id = 0; mask; prefix; true_; false_ }
let empty = Empty
let rec equal_not_empty (x:not_empty t) (y:not_empty t) =
x == y ||
match x, y with
| Leaf l1, Leaf l2 ->
P.equal_key l1.key l2.key &&
V.equal l1.value l2.value
| Node n1, Node n2 ->
P.equal_prefix n1.prefix n2.prefix &&
P.equal_mask n1.mask n2.mask &&
equal_not_empty n1.true_ n2.true_ &&
equal_not_empty n1.false_ n2.false_
| Node _, Leaf _ | Leaf _, Node _ -> false
let equal : type a b. a t -> b t -> bool = fun x y ->
match x, y with
| Empty, Empty -> true
| Leaf _, Leaf _ ->
equal_not_empty x y
| Node _, Node _ ->
equal_not_empty x y
| _, _ ->
let fast_partial_equal (x:'a t) (y:'b t) =
(Obj.magic x) == (Obj.magic y)
end [@@inline]
module type Value = sig
type t
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val hash : t -> int
module type Bits = sig
type t
val lnot : t -> t
val (land) : t -> t -> t
val (lxor) : t -> t -> t
val (lor) : t -> t -> t
val (lsr) : t -> int -> t
val (lsl) : t -> int -> t
val pred : t -> t
val less_than : t -> t -> bool
val highest_bit : t -> t
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val hash : t -> int
val zero : t
val one : t
val size : int
module type Size = sig
val size : int
module Bits(S:Size) = struct
type t = Z.t
let size = S.size
let higher_bit = Z.shift_left Z.one size
let mask = Z.pred higher_bit
let mark n = Z.logor higher_bit n
let unmark n = Z.logxor higher_bit n
let one = mark Z.one
let zero = higher_bit
let hash = Z.hash
let equal = Z.equal
let less_than = Z.lt
let highest_bit_unmarked n =
if Z.equal Z.zero n then
Z.(Z.one lsl (Pervasives.pred (numbits n)))
let highest_bit n = mark (highest_bit_unmarked (unmark n))
let lnot x = Z.logor (Z.lognot x) higher_bit
let (land) = Z.logand
let (lxor) a b = Z.logor (Z.logxor a b) higher_bit
let (lor) = Z.logor
let (lsr) a n =
(Z.shift_right_trunc (Z.logxor a higher_bit) n)
let (lsl) a n =
(Z.logand (Z.shift_left a n) mask)
let pred = Z.pred
let of_z n = mark n
let to_z n = unmark n
module BE_gen_prefix(Bits:Bits) : Ptree_sig.Prefix
with type key = Bits.t
and type prefix = Bits.t
and type mask = Bits.t
= struct
type key = Bits.t
type mask = Bits.t (* Only a single bit set *)
type prefix = Bits.t
let equal_key = Bits.equal
let equal_mask = Bits.equal
let equal_prefix = Bits.equal
let hash_key x = Bits.hash x
let hash_mask x = Bits.hash x
let hash_prefix x = Bits.hash x
open Bits
let full_length_mask = Bits.one
let strictly_shorter_mask (m1:mask) m2 =
Bits.less_than m2 m1
let select_bit ~prefix ~mask =
not (Bits.equal (prefix land mask) Bits.zero)
let apply_mask prefix mask =
prefix land (lnot (pred mask))
let match_prefix ~key ~prefix ~mask =
equal_prefix (apply_mask key mask) prefix
let common_mask p0 p1 =
(Bits.highest_bit (* [@inlined] *)) (p0 lxor p1)
let key_prefix x = x
let prefix_key p _m = p
let smaller_set_mask m1 m2 =
(lnot (pred m1))
(lnot (pred m2))
let compare_prefix m1 p1 m2 p2 =
let min_mask = smaller_set_mask m1 m2 in
let applied_p1 = p1 land min_mask in
let applied_p2 = p2 land min_mask in
if applied_p1 = applied_p2 then
if m1 > m2 then Ptree_sig.Shorter
else if m1 < m2 then Ptree_sig.Longer
else Ptree_sig.Equal
module LE_prefix : Ptree_sig.Prefix
with type key = int
and type prefix = int
and type mask = int
= struct
type key = int
type mask = int (* Only a single bit set *)
type prefix = int
let equal_key = (==)
let equal_mask = (==)
let equal_prefix = (==)
let hash_key x = x
let hash_mask x = x
let hash_prefix x = x
let full_length_mask = (-1) lxor ((-1) lsr 1)
let strictly_shorter_mask (m1:mask) m2 =
m1 < m2
let select_bit ~prefix ~mask = (prefix land mask) != 0
let apply_mask prefix mask = prefix land (mask-1)
let match_prefix ~key ~prefix ~mask =
(apply_mask key mask) == prefix
let lowest_bit x = x land (-x)
let common_mask p0 p1 = lowest_bit (p0 lxor p1)
let key_prefix x = x
let prefix_key p _m = p
let smaller_set_mask m1 m2 = (m1-1) land (m2-1)
let compare_prefix m1 p1 m2 p2 =
let min_mask = smaller_set_mask m1 m2 in
let applied_p1 = p1 land min_mask in
let applied_p2 = p2 land min_mask in
if applied_p1 = applied_p2 then
if m1 < m2 then Ptree_sig.Shorter
else if m1 > m2 then Ptree_sig.Longer
else Ptree_sig.Equal
module BE_prefix : Ptree_sig.Prefix
with type key = int
and type prefix = int
and type mask = int
= struct
type key = int
type mask = int (* Only a single bit set *)
type prefix = int
let equal_key = (==)
let equal_mask = (==)
let equal_prefix = (==)
let hash_key x = x
let hash_mask x = x
let hash_prefix x = x
let full_length_mask = 1
let strictly_shorter_mask (m1:mask) m2 =
m1 > m2
let select_bit ~prefix ~mask = (prefix land mask) != 0
module Nativeint_infix = struct
let (lor) = Nativeint.logor
(*let (lsl) = Nativeint.shift_left*)
let (lsr) = Nativeint.shift_right_logical
(*let (asr) = Nativeint.shift_right*)
let (land) = Nativeint.logand
let (lnot) = Nativeint.lognot
let (lxor) = Nativeint.logxor
let (-) = Nativeint.sub
let apply_mask prefix mask =
let open Nativeint_infix in
let prefix = Nativeint.of_int prefix in
let mask = Nativeint.of_int mask in
prefix land
(lnot (mask - 1n))
let match_prefix ~key ~prefix ~mask =
(apply_mask key mask) == prefix
let highest_bit x =
let x = x lor (x lsr 1) in
let x = x lor (x lsr 2) in
let x = x lor (x lsr 4) in
let x = x lor (x lsr 8) in
let x = x lor (x lsr 16) in
let x =
if Sys.word_size > 32 then
x lor (x lsr 32)
Nativeint.to_int (x - (x lsr 1))
let common_mask p0 p1 =
let open Nativeint_infix in
let p0 = Nativeint.of_int p0 in
let p1 = Nativeint.of_int p1 in
highest_bit (p0 lxor p1)
let key_prefix x = x
let prefix_key p _m = p
let smaller_set_mask m1 m2 =
let open Nativeint_infix in
(lnot (m1 - 1n))
(lnot (m2 - 1n))
let compare_prefix m1 p1 m2 p2 =
let open Nativeint_infix in
let m1 = Nativeint.of_int m1 in
let m2 = Nativeint.of_int m2 in
let p1 = Nativeint.of_int p1 in
let p2 = Nativeint.of_int p2 in
let min_mask = smaller_set_mask m1 m2 in
let applied_p1 = p1 land min_mask in
let applied_p2 = p2 land min_mask in
if applied_p1 = applied_p2 then
if m1 > m2 then Ptree_sig.Shorter
else if m1 < m2 then Ptree_sig.Longer
else Ptree_sig.Equal
module Make(P:Ptree_sig.Prefix)(V:Value) = struct
module T = Shared_tree.Hash_consed_tree(P)(V)
type t = E : 'a T.t -> t [@@ocaml.unboxed]
type key = T.key
type value = T.value
type mask = T.mask
let (=) = `Do_not_use_polymorphic_equality
let (<=) = `Do_not_use_polymorphic_comparison
let (>=) = `Do_not_use_polymorphic_comparison
let (<) = `Do_not_use_polymorphic_comparison
let (>) = `Do_not_use_polymorphic_comparison
let compare = `Do_not_use_polymorphic_comparison
let equal (E t1) (E t2) =
match t1, t2 with
| T.Empty, T.Empty -> true
| T.Empty, T.Leaf _ -> false
| T.Empty, T.Node _ -> false
| T.Leaf _, T.Empty -> false
| T.Node _, T.Empty -> false
| T.Node _, T.Node _ -> T.equal t1 t2
| T.Node _, T.Leaf _ -> T.equal t1 t2
| T.Leaf _, T.Node _ -> T.equal t1 t2
| T.Leaf _, T.Leaf _ -> T.equal t1 t2
let select_key_bit k m =
P.select_bit ~prefix:(P.key_prefix k) ~mask:m
let matching_key k1 k2 mask =
let p1 = P.apply_mask (P.key_prefix k1) mask in
let p2 = P.apply_mask (P.key_prefix k2) mask in
P.equal_prefix p1 p2
let rec mem : type k. key -> k T.t -> bool = fun k -> function
| T.Empty ->
| T.Leaf { key; mask ; _} ->
matching_key key k mask
| T.Node { prefix = _; mask; true_; false_ ; _ } ->
mem k
(if select_key_bit k mask then true_ else false_)
let rec mem_exact : type k. key -> k T.t -> bool = fun k -> function
| T.Empty ->
| T.Leaf { key; mask ; _ } ->
P.equal_key k key && P.equal_mask mask P.full_length_mask
| T.Node { prefix = _; mask; true_; false_ ; _ } ->
mem_exact k
(if select_key_bit k mask then true_ else false_)
let rec find_ne k (t: T.not_empty T.t) = match t with
| T.Leaf { key; value; mask ; _ } ->
if matching_key key k mask then
Some value
| T.Node { prefix = _; mask; true_; false_ ; _ } ->
find_ne k
(if select_key_bit k mask then true_ else false_)
let find : type k. key -> k T.t -> value option = fun k -> function
| T.Empty ->
| T.Leaf _ as t ->
find_ne k t
| T.Node _ as t ->
find_ne k t
let singleton ~key ~value ~mask =
T.leaf ~key value ~mask
let join ~mask p0 t0 p1 t1 =
(* assumes p0 <> p1 *)
let c_mask = P.common_mask p0 p1 in
let mask = if P.strictly_shorter_mask c_mask mask then c_mask else mask in
let prefix = P.apply_mask p1 mask in
let true_, false_ =
if P.select_bit ~prefix:p0 ~mask then
t0, t1
t1, t0
T.node ~prefix ~mask ~true_ ~false_
let rebuild_ne_branch node prefix mask ~node_true ~node_false ~true_ ~false_ =
if T.fast_partial_equal node_true true_ &&
T.fast_partial_equal node_false false_ then
T.node ~prefix ~mask ~true_ ~false_
let rec add_ne combine ~key ~value ?(mask=P.full_length_mask) t =
match t with
| T.Leaf leaf ->
if P.equal_key key leaf.key && P.equal_mask leaf.mask P.full_length_mask then
if value == leaf.value then
T.leaf ~key (combine value leaf.value) ~mask
else if
P.strictly_shorter_mask leaf.mask mask &&
P.match_prefix ~key ~prefix:(P.key_prefix leaf.key) ~mask:leaf.mask then
(* The previous leaf shadows the new one: no modification *)
else if
P.strictly_shorter_mask mask leaf.mask &&
P.match_prefix ~key:leaf.key ~prefix:(P.key_prefix key) ~mask then
(* The new leaf shadows the previous one: replace *)
T.leaf ~key (combine value leaf.value) ~mask
join ~mask
(P.key_prefix key) (T.leaf ~key value ~mask)
(P.key_prefix leaf.key) t
| T.Node node ->
if P.match_prefix ~key ~prefix:node.prefix ~mask:node.mask then
let true_, false_ =
if select_key_bit key node.mask then
add_ne combine ~key ~value ~mask node.true_, node.false_
node.true_, add_ne combine ~key ~value ~mask node.false_
rebuild_ne_branch t node.prefix node.mask
~node_false:node.false_ ~node_true:node.true_
~true_ ~false_
join ~mask
(P.key_prefix key) (T.leaf ~key value ~mask)
node.prefix t
let add : type k.
(value -> value -> value) -> key:key -> value:value ->
?mask:P.mask -> k T.t ->
T.not_empty T.t = fun combine ~key ~value ?(mask=P.full_length_mask) ->
| T.Empty ->
singleton ~key ~value ~mask
(* Should be merged by matcher *)
| T.Leaf _ as t ->
add_ne combine ~key ~value ~mask t
| T.Node _ as t ->
add_ne combine ~key ~value ~mask t
let empty = E T.empty
let rebuild_branch
node prefix mask ~node_true ~node_false
~true_:(E true_) ~false_:(E false_) =
match true_, false_ with
| T.Empty, T.Empty ->
| T.Empty, t ->
E t
| t, T.Empty ->
E t
| T.Leaf _ as true_, (T.Leaf _ as false_) ->
E (rebuild_ne_branch node prefix mask ~node_true ~node_false ~true_ ~false_)
| T.Leaf _ as true_, (T.Node _ as false_) ->
E (rebuild_ne_branch node prefix mask ~node_true ~node_false ~true_ ~false_)
| T.Node _ as true_, (T.Leaf _ as false_) ->
E (rebuild_ne_branch node prefix mask ~node_true ~node_false ~true_ ~false_)
| T.Node _ as true_, (T.Node _ as false_) ->
E (rebuild_ne_branch node prefix mask ~node_true ~node_false ~true_ ~false_)
let rec remove_ne : key -> T.not_empty T.t -> t =
fun key t ->
match t with
| T.Leaf leaf ->
if matching_key leaf.key key leaf.mask then
E T.empty
E t
| T.Node node ->
if P.match_prefix ~key ~prefix:node.prefix ~mask:node.mask then
let true_, false_ =
if select_key_bit key node.mask then
remove_ne key node.true_, E node.false_
E node.true_, remove_ne key node.false_
rebuild_branch t node.prefix node.mask
~node_true:node.true_ ~node_false:node.false_ ~true_ ~false_
E t
let remove key (E t) =
match t with
| T.Empty ->
| T.Leaf _ as t ->
remove_ne key t
| T.Node _ as t ->
remove_ne key t
let rec remove_prefix_ne : key -> mask -> T.not_empty T.t -> t =
fun key mask t ->
match t with
| T.Leaf leaf ->
if matching_key key leaf.key mask then
E T.empty
E t
| T.Node node ->
match P.compare_prefix mask (P.key_prefix key) node.mask node.prefix with
| Different ->
E t
| Equal ->
E T.empty
| Shorter ->
E T.empty
| Longer ->
let true_, false_ =
if select_key_bit key node.mask then
remove_prefix_ne key mask node.true_, E node.false_
E node.true_, remove_prefix_ne key mask node.false_
rebuild_branch t node.prefix node.mask
~node_true:node.true_ ~node_false:node.false_ ~true_ ~false_
let remove_prefix key mask (E t) =
match t with
| T.Empty ->
| T.Leaf _ as t ->
remove_prefix_ne key mask t
| T.Node _ as t ->
remove_prefix_ne key mask t
let rec remove_ne_exact : key -> T.not_empty T.t -> t =
fun key t ->
match t with
| T.Leaf leaf ->
if P.equal_key leaf.key key && P.equal_mask leaf.mask P.full_length_mask then
E T.empty
E t
| T.Node node ->
if P.match_prefix ~key ~prefix:node.prefix ~mask:node.mask then
let true_, false_ =
if select_key_bit key node.mask then
remove_ne_exact key node.true_, E node.false_
E node.true_, remove_ne_exact key node.false_
rebuild_branch t node.prefix node.mask
~node_true:node.true_ ~node_false:node.false_ ~true_ ~false_
E t
let remove_exact key (E t) =
match t with
| T.Empty ->
| T.Leaf _ as t ->
remove_ne_exact key t
| T.Node _ as t ->
remove_ne_exact key t
let rec replace_subtree_ne ~key ~id value t =
match t with
| T.Leaf leaf ->
if leaf.id == id then
T.leaf ~key:leaf.key ~mask:leaf.mask value
| T.Node node ->
if node.id == id then
T.leaf ~key:(P.prefix_key node.prefix node.mask) ~mask:node.mask value
if P.match_prefix ~key ~prefix:node.prefix ~mask:node.mask then
let true_, false_ =
if select_key_bit key node.mask then
replace_subtree_ne ~key ~id value node.true_, node.false_
node.true_, replace_subtree_ne ~key ~id value node.false_
rebuild_ne_branch t node.prefix node.mask
~node_true:node.true_ ~node_false:node.false_ ~true_ ~false_
let replace_subtree ~replaced:(E replaced) value t =
let replace_subtree_aux ~key ~id value (E t) =
match t with
| T.Empty ->
| T.Leaf _ as t ->
E (replace_subtree_ne ~key ~id value t)
| T.Node _ as t ->
E (replace_subtree_ne ~key ~id value t)
match replaced with
| T.Empty ->
| T.Leaf leaf ->
replace_subtree_aux ~key:leaf.key ~id:leaf.id value t
| T.Node node ->
~key:(P.prefix_key node.prefix node.mask)
~id:node.id value t
let rec fold_ne : (key -> mask -> value -> 'a -> 'a) -> T.not_empty T.t -> 'a -> 'a =
fun f t acc ->
match t with
| T.Leaf {key; mask; value; _} ->
f key mask value acc
| T.Node node ->
let acc = fold_ne f node.false_ acc in
fold_ne f node.true_ acc
let fold f (E t) acc =
match t with
| T.Empty ->
| T.Leaf _ as t ->
fold_ne f t acc
| T.Node _ as t ->
fold_ne f t acc
module T_id = struct
type t = T.not_empty T.t
let hash = T.id
let equal t1 t2 = T.id t1 == T.id t2
module Map_cache = Ephemeron.K1.Make(T_id)
module type Map_Reduce = sig
type result
val default : result
val map : t -> key -> T.value -> result
val reduce : t -> result -> result -> result
module Map_Reduce(M:Map_Reduce) = struct
let cache : M.result Map_cache.t = Map_cache.create 10
let rec map_reduce_ne t =
match Map_cache.find cache t with
| v -> v
| exception Not_found ->
let v =
match t with
| T.Leaf leaf ->
M.map (E t) leaf.key leaf.value
| T.Node node ->
let v_true = map_reduce_ne node.true_ in
let v_false = map_reduce_ne node.false_ in
M.reduce (E t) v_true v_false
Map_cache.add cache t v;
let run (E t) = match t with
| T.Empty ->
| T.Leaf _ as t ->
map_reduce_ne t
| T.Node _ as t ->
map_reduce_ne t
let rec filter_ne f t =
let result = map_reduce_ne t in
if f result then
E t
match t with
| T.Leaf _ ->
| T.Node node ->
let true_ = filter_ne f node.true_ in
let false_ = filter_ne f node.false_ in
rebuild_branch t node.prefix node.mask
~node_true:node.true_ ~node_false:node.false_ ~true_ ~false_
let filter f (E t) = match t with
| T.Empty ->
| T.Leaf _ as t ->
filter_ne f t
| T.Node _ as t ->
filter_ne f t
(* Packing in the existential *)
let mem key (E t) =
mem key t
let mem_exact key (E t) =
mem_exact key t
let find key (E t) =
find key t
let singleton ~key ~value ~mask =
E (singleton ~key ~value ~mask)
let add combine ~key ~value ?mask (E t) =
E (add combine ~key ~value ?mask t)
end [@@inline]
module type S = sig
type key
type value
type mask
type t
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val empty : t
val singleton : key:key -> value:value -> mask:mask -> t
val add : (value -> value -> value) -> key:key -> value:value ->
?mask:mask -> t -> t
val remove : key -> t -> t
val remove_exact : key -> t -> t
val remove_prefix : key -> mask -> t -> t
val mem : key -> t -> bool
val mem_exact : key -> t -> bool
val find : key -> t -> value option
val replace_subtree : replaced:t -> value -> t -> t
val fold : (key -> mask -> value -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
module type Map_Reduce = sig
type result
val default : result
val map : t -> key -> value -> result
val reduce : t -> result -> result -> result
module Map_Reduce(M:Map_Reduce) : sig
val run : t -> M.result
val filter : (M.result -> bool) -> t -> t
module Make_LE(V:Value) = Make(LE_prefix)(V)
module Make_BE(V:Value) = Make(BE_prefix)(V)
module Make_BE_gen(V:Value)(B:Bits) = Make(BE_gen_prefix(B))(V)
module Make_BE_sized(V:Value)(S:Size) = Make(BE_gen_prefix(Bits(S)))(V)