Grégoire Henry f39eca214a Shell: remove the on-disk index of operations
Let's get serious. The full index of operations is not sustainable in
the production code. We now only keep the index of operations not yet
in the chain (i.e. the mempool/prevalidation). Operations from the
chain are now only accesible through a block. For instance, see the

2017-06-12 11:04:43 +02:00

1681 lines
56 KiB

(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
open Utils
type json =
[ `O of (string * json) list
| `Bool of bool
| `Float of float
| `A of json list
| `Null
| `String of string ]
and document =
[ `O of (string * json) list
| `A of json list ]
type json_schema = Json_schema.schema
exception No_case_matched
exception Unexpected_tag of int
exception Duplicated_tag of int
exception Invalid_tag of int * [ `Uint8 | `Uint16 ]
exception Unexpected_enum of string * string list
exception Invalid_size of int
let apply fs v =
let rec loop = function
| [] -> raise No_case_matched
| f :: fs ->
match f v with
| Some l -> l
| None -> loop fs in
loop fs
module Size = struct
let bool = 1
let int8 = 1
let uint8 = 1
let char = 1
let int16 = 2
let uint16 = 2
let int31 = 4
let int32 = 4
let int64 = 8
let float = 8
type tag_size = [ `Uint8 | `Uint16 ]
let tag_size = function
| `Uint8 -> Size.uint8
| `Uint16 -> Size.uint16
module Kind = struct
type t =
[ `Fixed of int
| `Dynamic
| `Variable ]
type length =
[ `Fixed of int
| `Variable ]
type enum =
[ `Dynamic
| `Variable ]
let combine name : t -> t -> t = fun k1 k2 ->
match k1, k2 with
| `Fixed n1, `Fixed n2 -> `Fixed (n1 + n2)
| `Dynamic, `Dynamic | `Fixed _, `Dynamic
| `Dynamic, `Fixed _ -> `Dynamic
| `Variable, `Fixed _
| (`Dynamic | `Fixed _), `Variable -> `Variable
| `Variable, `Dynamic ->
Printf.ksprintf invalid_arg
"Cannot merge two %s when the left element is of variable length \
and the right one of dynamic length. \
You should use the reverse order, or wrap the second one \
with Data_encoding.dynamic_size."
| `Variable, `Variable ->
Printf.ksprintf invalid_arg
"Cannot merge two %s with variable length. \
You should wrap one of them with Data_encoding.dynamic_size."
let merge : t -> t -> t = fun k1 k2 ->
match k1, k2 with
| `Fixed n1, `Fixed n2 when n1 = n2 -> `Fixed n1
| `Fixed _, `Fixed _ -> `Dynamic
| `Dynamic, `Dynamic | `Fixed _, `Dynamic
| `Dynamic, `Fixed _ -> `Dynamic
| `Variable, (`Dynamic | `Fixed _)
| (`Dynamic | `Fixed _), `Variable
| `Variable, `Variable -> `Variable
let merge_list sz : t list -> t = function
| [] -> assert false (* should be rejected by Data_encoding.union *)
| k :: ks ->
match List.fold_left merge k ks with
| `Fixed n -> `Fixed (n + tag_size sz)
| k -> k
type 'a desc =
| Null : unit desc
| Empty : unit desc
| Ignore : unit desc
| Constant : string -> unit desc
| Bool : bool desc
| Int8 : int desc
| Uint8 : int desc
| Int16 : int desc
| Uint16 : int desc
| Int31 : int desc
| Int32 : Int32.t desc
| Int64 : Int64.t desc
| Float : float desc
| Bytes : Kind.length -> MBytes.t desc
| String : Kind.length -> string desc
| String_enum : Kind.length * (string * 'a) list -> 'a desc
| Array : 'a t -> 'a array desc
| List : 'a t -> 'a list desc
| Obj : 'a field -> 'a desc
| Objs : Kind.t * 'a t * 'b t -> ('a * 'b) desc
| Tup : 'a t -> 'a desc
| Tups : Kind.t * 'a t * 'b t -> ('a * 'b) desc
| Union : Kind.t * tag_size * 'a case list -> 'a desc
| Mu : Kind.enum * string * ('a t -> 'a t) -> 'a desc
| Conv :
{ proj : ('a -> 'b) ;
inj : ('b -> 'a) ;
encoding : 'b t ;
schema : Json_schema.schema option } -> 'a desc
| Describe :
{ title : string option ;
description : string option ;
encoding : 'a t } -> 'a desc
| Def : { name : string ;
encoding : 'a t } -> 'a desc
| Splitted :
{ encoding : 'a t ;
json_encoding : 'a Json_encoding.encoding } -> 'a desc
| Dynamic_size : 'a t -> 'a desc
and _ field =
| Req : string * 'a t -> 'a field
| Opt : Kind.enum * string * 'a t -> 'a option field
| Dft : string * 'a t * 'a -> 'a field
and 'a case =
| Case : { encoding : 'a t ;
proj : ('t -> 'a option) ;
inj : ('a -> 't) ;
tag : int option } -> 't case
and 'a t = {
encoding: 'a desc ;
mutable json_encoding: 'a Json_encoding.encoding option ;
type 'a encoding = 'a t
let rec classify : type a l. a t -> Kind.t = fun e ->
let open Kind in
match e.encoding with
(* Fixed *)
| Null -> `Fixed 0
| Empty -> `Fixed 0
| Constant _ -> `Fixed 0
| Bool -> `Fixed Size.bool
| Int8 -> `Fixed Size.int8
| Uint8 -> `Fixed Size.uint8
| Int16 -> `Fixed Size.int16
| Uint16 -> `Fixed Size.uint16
| Int31 -> `Fixed Size.int31
| Int32 -> `Fixed Size.int32
| Int64 -> `Fixed Size.int64
| Float -> `Fixed Size.float
(* Tagged *)
| Bytes kind -> (kind :> Kind.t)
| String kind -> (kind :> Kind.t)
| String_enum (kind, _) -> (kind :> Kind.t)
| Obj (Opt (kind, _, _)) -> (kind :> Kind.t)
| Objs (kind, _, _) -> kind
| Tups (kind, _, _) -> kind
| Union (kind, _, _) -> (kind :> Kind.t)
| Mu (kind, _, _) -> (kind :> Kind.t)
(* Variable *)
| Ignore -> `Variable
| Array _ -> `Variable
| List _ -> `Variable
(* Recursive *)
| Obj (Req (_, encoding)) -> classify encoding
| Obj (Dft (_, encoding, _)) -> classify encoding
| Tup encoding -> classify encoding
| Conv { encoding } -> classify encoding
| Describe { encoding } -> classify encoding
| Def { encoding } -> classify encoding
| Splitted { encoding } -> classify encoding
| Dynamic_size _ -> `Dynamic
let make ?json_encoding encoding = { encoding ; json_encoding }
module Json = struct
type pair_builder = {
build: 'a 'b. Kind.t -> 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t
exception Parse_error of string
type nonrec json = json
let wrap_error f =
fun str ->
try f str
with exn -> raise (Json_encoding.Cannot_destruct ([], exn))
let int64_encoding =
let open Json_encoding in
union [
(fun i ->
let j = Int64.to_int32 i in
if Compare.Int64.(=) (Int64.of_int32 j) i then Some j else None)
Int64.of_int32 ;
(fun i -> Some (Int64.to_string i))
let bytes_jsont =
let open Json_encoding in
let schema =
let open Json_schema in
{ title = None ;
description = None ;
default = None;
enum = None;
kind = String {
pattern = Some "^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$";
min_length = 0;
max_length = None;
format = None ;
id = None } in
conv ~schema
(wrap_error Hex_encode.bytes_of_hex)
let rec lift_union : type a. a t -> a t = fun e ->
match e.encoding with
| Conv { proj ; inj ; encoding = e ; schema } -> begin
match lift_union e with
| { encoding = Union (kind, tag, cases) } ->
make @@
Union (kind, tag,
(fun (Case { encoding ; proj = proj' ; inj = inj' ; tag }) ->
Case { encoding ;
proj = (fun x -> proj' (proj x));
inj = (fun x -> inj (inj' x)) ;
tag })
| e -> make @@ Conv { proj ; inj ; encoding = e ; schema }
| Objs (p, e1, e2) ->
{ build = fun p e1 e2 -> make @@ Objs (p, e1, e2) }
p e1 e2
| Tups (p, e1, e2) ->
{ build = fun p e1 e2 -> make @@ Tups (p, e1, e2) }
p e1 e2
| _ -> e
and lift_union_in_pair
: type a a_l b b_l. pair_builder -> Kind.t -> a t -> b t -> (a * b) t
= fun b p e1 e2 ->
match lift_union e1, lift_union e2 with
| e1, { encoding = Union (_kind, tag, cases) } ->
make @@
Union (`Dynamic (* ignored *), tag,
(fun (Case { encoding = e2 ; proj ; inj ; tag }) ->
Case { encoding = lift_union_in_pair b p e1 e2 ;
proj = (fun (x, y) ->
match proj y with
| None -> None
| Some y -> Some (x, y)) ;
inj = (fun (x, y) -> (x, inj y)) ;
tag })
| { encoding = Union (_kind, tag, cases) }, e2 ->
make @@
Union (`Dynamic (* ignored *), tag,
(fun (Case { encoding = e1 ; proj ; inj ; tag }) ->
Case { encoding = lift_union_in_pair b p e1 e2 ;
proj = (fun (x, y) ->
match proj x with
| None -> None
| Some x -> Some (x, y)) ;
inj = (fun (x, y) -> (inj x, y)) ;
tag })
| e1, e2 -> p e1 e2
let rec json : type a l. a desc -> a Json_encoding.encoding =
let open Json_encoding in
| Null -> null
| Empty -> empty
| Constant s -> string_enum [s, ()]
| Ignore -> unit
| Int8 -> ranged_int ~minimum:~-(1 lsl 7) ~maximum:((1 lsl 7) - 1) "int8"
| Uint8 -> ranged_int ~minimum:0 ~maximum:((1 lsl 8) - 1) "uint8"
| Int16 -> ranged_int ~minimum:~-(1 lsl 15) ~maximum:((1 lsl 15) - 1) "int16"
| Uint16 -> ranged_int ~minimum:0 ~maximum:((1 lsl 16) - 1) "uint16"
| Int31 -> int
| Int32 -> int32
| Int64 -> int64_encoding
| Bool -> bool
| Float -> float
| String _ -> string (* TODO: check length *)
| Bytes _ -> bytes_jsont (* TODO check length *)
| String_enum (_, l) -> string_enum l
| Array e -> array (get_json e)
| List e -> list (get_json e)
| Obj f -> obj1 (field_json f)
| Objs (_, e1, e2) ->
merge_objs (get_json e1) (get_json e2)
| Tup e -> tup1 (get_json e)
| Tups (_, e1, e2) ->
merge_tups (get_json e1) (get_json e2)
| Conv { proj ; inj ; encoding = e ; schema } -> conv ?schema proj inj (get_json e)
| Describe { title ; description ; encoding = e } ->
describe ?title ?description (get_json e)
| Def { name ; encoding = e } -> def name (get_json e)
| Mu (_, name, self) as ty ->
mu name (fun json_encoding -> get_json @@ self (make ~json_encoding ty))
| Union (_tag_size, _, cases) -> union ( case_json cases)
| Splitted { json_encoding } -> json_encoding
| Dynamic_size e -> get_json e
and field_json
: type a l. a field -> a Json_encoding.field =
let open Json_encoding in
| Req (name, e) -> req name (get_json e)
| Opt (_, name, e) -> opt name (get_json e)
| Dft (name, e, d) -> dft name (get_json e) d
and case_json : type a l. a case -> a =
let open Json_encoding in
| Case { encoding = e ; proj ; inj ; _ } -> case (get_json e) proj inj
and get_json : type a l. a t -> a Json_encoding.encoding = fun e ->
match e.json_encoding with
| None ->
let json_encoding = json (lift_union e).encoding in
e.json_encoding <- Some json_encoding ;
| Some json_encoding -> json_encoding
let convert = get_json
type path = path_item list
and path_item =
[ `Field of string
(** A field in an object. *)
| `Index of int
(** An index in an array. *)
| `Star
(** Any / every field or index. *)
| `Next
(** The next element after an array. *) ]
include Json_encoding
let construct e v = construct (get_json e) v
let destruct e v = destruct (get_json e) v
let schema e = schema (get_json e)
let cannot_destruct fmt =
(fun msg -> raise (Cannot_destruct ([], Failure msg)))
module Encoding = struct
module Fixed = struct
let string n = make @@ String (`Fixed n)
let bytes n = make @@ Bytes (`Fixed n)
module Variable = struct
let string = make @@ String `Variable
let bytes = make @@ Bytes `Variable
let check_not_variable name e =
match classify e with
| `Variable ->
Printf.ksprintf invalid_arg
"Cannot insert variable length element in %s. \
You should wrap the contents using Data_encoding.dynamic_size." name
| `Dynamic | `Fixed _ -> ()
let array e =
check_not_variable "an array" e ;
make @@ Array e
let list e =
check_not_variable "a list" e ;
make @@ List e
let string_enum l = make @@ String_enum (`Variable, l)
let dynamic_size e =
make @@ Dynamic_size e
let null = make @@ Null
let empty = make @@ Empty
let unit = make @@ Ignore
let constant s = make @@ Constant s
let bool = make @@ Bool
let int8 = make @@ Int8
let uint8 = make @@ Uint8
let int16 = make @@ Int16
let uint16 = make @@ Uint16
let int31 = make @@ Int31
let int32 = make @@ Int32
let int64 = make @@ Int64
let float = make @@ Float
let string = dynamic_size Variable.string
let bytes = dynamic_size Variable.bytes
let array e = dynamic_size (Variable.array e)
let list e = dynamic_size (Variable.list e)
let conv (type l) proj inj ?schema encoding =
make @@ Conv { proj ; inj ; encoding ; schema }
let string_enum l = dynamic_size (Variable.string_enum l)
let describe ?title ?description encoding =
match title, description with
| None, None -> encoding
| _, _ -> make @@ Describe { title ; description ; encoding }
let def name encoding = make @@ Def { name ; encoding }
let req ?title ?description n t =
Req (n, describe ?title ?description t)
let opt ?title ?description n encoding =
let kind =
match classify encoding with
| `Variable -> `Variable
| `Fixed _ | `Dynamic -> `Dynamic in
Opt (kind, n, make @@ Describe { title ; description ; encoding })
let varopt ?title ?description n encoding =
Opt (`Variable, n, make @@ Describe { title ; description ; encoding })
let dft ?title ?description n t d =
Dft (n, describe ?title ?description t, d)
let raw_splitted ~json ~binary =
make @@ Splitted { encoding = binary ; json_encoding = json }
let splitted ~json ~binary =
let json = Json.convert json in
raw_splitted ~binary ~json
let json =
let binary =
(fun json ->
(module Json_repr.Ezjsonm)
(module Json_repr_bson.Repr)
json |>
Json_repr_bson.bson_to_bytes |>
(fun s -> try
Bytes.of_string s |>
Json_repr_bson.bytes_to_bson ~copy:false |>
(module Json_repr_bson.Repr)
(module Json_repr.Ezjsonm)
| Json_repr_bson.Bson_decoding_error (msg, _, _) ->
raise (Json.Parse_error msg))
string in
let json =
Json_encoding.any_ezjson_value in
raw_splitted ~binary ~json
let json_schema =
let raw_merge_objs e1 e2 =
let kind = Kind.combine "objects" (classify e1) (classify e2) in
make @@ Objs (kind, e1, e2)
let obj1 f1 = make @@ Obj f1
let obj2 f2 f1 =
raw_merge_objs (obj1 f2) (obj1 f1)
let obj3 f3 f2 f1 =
raw_merge_objs (obj1 f3) (obj2 f2 f1)
let obj4 f4 f3 f2 f1 =
raw_merge_objs (obj2 f4 f3) (obj2 f2 f1)
let obj5 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 =
raw_merge_objs (obj1 f5) (obj4 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let obj6 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 =
raw_merge_objs (obj2 f6 f5) (obj4 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let obj7 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 =
raw_merge_objs (obj3 f7 f6 f5) (obj4 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let obj8 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 =
raw_merge_objs (obj4 f8 f7 f6 f5) (obj4 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let obj9 f9 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 =
raw_merge_objs (obj1 f9) (obj8 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let obj10 f10 f9 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 =
raw_merge_objs (obj2 f10 f9) (obj8 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let merge_objs o1 o2 =
let rec is_obj : type a l. a t -> bool = fun e ->
match e.encoding with
| Obj _ -> true
| Objs _ (* by construction *) -> true
| Conv { encoding = e } -> is_obj e
| Union (_,_,cases) ->
List.for_all (fun (Case { encoding = e }) -> is_obj e) cases
| Empty -> true
| Ignore -> true
| _ -> false in
if is_obj o1 && is_obj o2 then
raw_merge_objs o1 o2
invalid_arg "Json_encoding.merge_objs"
let raw_merge_tups e1 e2 =
let kind = Kind.combine "tuples" (classify e1) (classify e2) in
make @@ Tups (kind, e1, e2)
let tup1 e1 = make @@ Tup e1
let tup2 e2 e1 =
raw_merge_tups (tup1 e2) (tup1 e1)
let tup3 e3 e2 e1 =
raw_merge_tups (tup1 e3) (tup2 e2 e1)
let tup4 e4 e3 e2 e1 =
raw_merge_tups (tup2 e4 e3) (tup2 e2 e1)
let tup5 e5 e4 e3 e2 e1 =
raw_merge_tups (tup1 e5) (tup4 e4 e3 e2 e1)
let tup6 e6 e5 e4 e3 e2 e1 =
raw_merge_tups (tup2 e6 e5) (tup4 e4 e3 e2 e1)
let tup7 e7 e6 e5 e4 e3 e2 e1 =
raw_merge_tups (tup3 e7 e6 e5) (tup4 e4 e3 e2 e1)
let tup8 e8 e7 e6 e5 e4 e3 e2 e1 =
raw_merge_tups (tup4 e8 e7 e6 e5) (tup4 e4 e3 e2 e1)
let tup9 e9 e8 e7 e6 e5 e4 e3 e2 e1 =
raw_merge_tups (tup1 e9) (tup8 e8 e7 e6 e5 e4 e3 e2 e1)
let tup10 e10 e9 e8 e7 e6 e5 e4 e3 e2 e1 =
raw_merge_tups (tup2 e10 e9) (tup8 e8 e7 e6 e5 e4 e3 e2 e1)
let merge_tups t1 t2 =
let rec is_tup : type a l. a t -> bool = fun e ->
match e.encoding with
| Tup _ -> true
| Tups _ (* by construction *) -> true
| Conv { encoding = e } -> is_tup e
| Union (_,_,cases) ->
List.for_all (function Case { encoding = e} -> is_tup e) cases
| _ -> false in
if is_tup t1 && is_tup t2 then
raw_merge_tups t1 t2
invalid_arg "Tezos_serial.Encoding.merge_tups"
let conv3 ty =
(fun (c, b, a) -> (c, (b, a)))
(fun (c, (b, a)) -> (c, b, a))
let obj3 f3 f2 f1 = conv3 (obj3 f3 f2 f1)
let tup3 f3 f2 f1 = conv3 (tup3 f3 f2 f1)
let conv4 ty =
(fun (d, c, b, a) -> ((d, c), (b, a)))
(fun ((d, c), (b, a)) -> (d, c, b, a))
let obj4 f4 f3 f2 f1 = conv4 (obj4 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let tup4 f4 f3 f2 f1 = conv4 (tup4 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let conv5 ty =
(fun (e, d, c, b, a) -> (e, ((d, c), (b, a))))
(fun (e, ((d, c), (b, a))) -> (e, d, c, b, a))
let obj5 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 = conv5 (obj5 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let tup5 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 = conv5 (tup5 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let conv6 ty =
(fun (f, e, d, c, b, a) -> ((f, e), ((d, c), (b, a))))
(fun ((f, e), ((d, c), (b, a))) -> (f, e, d, c, b, a))
let obj6 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 = conv6 (obj6 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let tup6 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 = conv6 (tup6 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let conv7 ty =
(fun (g, f, e, d, c, b, a) -> ((g, (f, e)), ((d, c), (b, a))))
(fun ((g, (f, e)), ((d, c), (b, a))) -> (g, f, e, d, c, b, a))
let obj7 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 = conv7 (obj7 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let tup7 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 = conv7 (tup7 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let conv8 ty =
conv (fun (h, g, f, e, d, c, b, a) ->
(((h, g), (f, e)), ((d, c), (b, a))))
(fun (((h, g), (f, e)), ((d, c), (b, a))) ->
(h, g, f, e, d, c, b, a))
let obj8 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 = conv8 (obj8 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let tup8 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 = conv8 (tup8 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let conv9 ty =
(fun (i, h, g, f, e, d, c, b, a) ->
(i, (((h, g), (f, e)), ((d, c), (b, a)))))
(fun (i, (((h, g), (f, e)), ((d, c), (b, a)))) ->
(i, h, g, f, e, d, c, b, a))
let obj9 f9 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 =
conv9 (obj9 f9 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let tup9 f9 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 =
conv9 (tup9 f9 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let conv10 ty =
(fun (j, i, h, g, f, e, d, c, b, a) ->
((j, i), (((h, g), (f, e)), ((d, c), (b, a)))))
(fun ((j, i), (((h, g), (f, e)), ((d, c), (b, a)))) ->
(j, i, h, g, f, e, d, c, b, a))
let obj10 f10 f9 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 =
conv10 (obj10 f10 f9 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let tup10 f10 f9 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1 =
conv10 (tup10 f10 f9 f8 f7 f6 f5 f4 f3 f2 f1)
let check_cases tag_size cases =
if cases = [] then
invalid_arg "Data_encoding.union: empty list of cases." ;
let max_tag =
match tag_size with
| `Uint8 -> 256
| `Uint16 -> 256 * 256 in
ignore @@
(fun others (Case { tag }) ->
match tag with
| None -> others
| Some tag ->
if List.mem tag others then raise (Duplicated_tag tag) ;
if tag < 0 || max_tag <= tag then
raise (Invalid_tag (tag, tag_size)) ;
tag :: others
[] cases
let union ?(tag_size = `Uint8) cases =
check_cases tag_size cases ;
let kinds = (fun (Case { encoding }) -> classify encoding) cases in
let kind = Kind.merge_list tag_size kinds in
make @@ Union (kind, tag_size, cases)
let case ?tag encoding proj inj = Case { encoding ; proj ; inj ; tag }
let option ty =
[ case ~tag:1 ty
(fun x -> x)
(fun x -> Some x) ;
case ~tag:0 empty
(function None -> Some () | Some _ -> None)
(fun () -> None) ;
let mu name self =
let kind =
match classify (self (make @@ Mu (`Dynamic, name, self))) with
| `Fixed _ | `Dynamic -> `Dynamic
| `Variable -> raise Exit
with Exit | _ (* TODO variability error *) ->
ignore @@ classify (self (make @@ Mu (`Variable, name, self))) ;
`Variable in
make @@ Mu (kind, name, self)
let result ok_enc error_enc =
[ case ~tag:1 ok_enc
(function Ok x -> Some x | Error _ -> None)
(fun x -> Ok x) ;
case ~tag:0 error_enc
(function Ok _ -> None | Error x -> Some x)
(fun x -> Error x) ;
let assoc enc =
let json = Json_encoding.assoc (Json.get_json enc) in
let binary = list (tup2 string enc) in
raw_splitted ~json ~binary
include Encoding
module Binary = struct
type 'l writer = {
write: 'a. 'a t -> 'a -> MBytes.t -> int -> int ;
type 'l reader = {
read: 'a. 'a t -> MBytes.t -> int -> int -> (int * 'a) ;
let rec length : type x. x t -> x -> int = fun e ->
let open Kind in
match e.encoding with
(* Fixed *)
| Null -> fun _ -> 0
| Empty -> fun _ -> 0
| Constant _ -> fun _ -> 0
| Bool -> fun _ -> Size.bool
| Int8 -> fun _ -> Size.int8
| Uint8 -> fun _ -> Size.uint8
| Int16 -> fun _ -> Size.int16
| Uint16 -> fun _ -> Size.uint16
| Int31 -> fun _ -> Size.int31
| Int32 -> fun _ -> Size.int32
| Int64 -> fun _ -> Size.int64
| Float -> fun _ -> Size.float
| Bytes `Fixed n -> fun _ -> n
| String `Fixed n -> fun _ -> n
| String_enum (`Fixed n, _) -> fun _ -> n
| Objs (`Fixed n, _, _) -> fun _ -> n
| Tups (`Fixed n, _, _) -> fun _ -> n
| Union (`Fixed n, _, _) -> fun _ -> n
(* Dynamic *)
| Objs (`Dynamic, e1, e2) ->
let length1 = length e1 in
let length2 = length e2 in
fun (v1, v2) -> length1 v1 + length2 v2
| Tups (`Dynamic, e1, e2) ->
let length1 = length e1 in
let length2 = length e2 in
fun (v1, v2) -> length1 v1 + length2 v2
| Union (`Dynamic, sz, cases) ->
let case_length = function
| Case { tag = None } -> None
| Case { encoding = e ; proj ; tag = Some _ } ->
let length v = tag_size sz + length e v in
Some (fun v -> Utils.map_option length (proj v)) in
apply (Utils.filter_map case_length cases)
| Mu (`Dynamic, _name, self) ->
fun v -> length (self e) v
| Obj (Opt (`Dynamic, _, e)) ->
let length = length e in
(function None -> 1 | Some x -> 1 + length x)
(* Variable *)
| Ignore -> fun _ -> 0
| Bytes `Variable -> MBytes.length
| String `Variable -> String.length
| String_enum (`Variable, l) -> begin
fun v ->
let l = (fun (x,y) -> (y,x)) l in
String.length (List.assoc v l)
with Not_found -> raise No_case_matched
| Array e ->
let length = length e in
fun v ->
(fun acc v -> length v + acc)
0 v
| List e ->
let length = length e in
fun v ->
(fun acc v -> length v + acc)
0 v
| Objs (`Variable, e1, e2) ->
let length1 = length e1 in
let length2 = length e2 in
fun (v1, v2) -> length1 v1 + length2 v2
| Tups (`Variable, e1, e2) ->
let length1 = length e1
and length2 = length e2 in
fun (v1, v2) -> length1 v1 + length2 v2
| Obj (Opt (`Variable, _, e)) ->
let length = length e in
(function None -> 0 | Some x -> length x)
| Union (`Variable, sz, cases) ->
let case_length = function
| Case { tag = None } -> None
| Case { encoding = e ; proj ; tag = Some _ } ->
let length v = tag_size sz + length e v in
Some (fun v ->
match proj v with
| None -> None
| Some v -> Some (length v)) in
apply (Utils.filter_map case_length cases)
| Mu (`Variable, _name, self) ->
fun v -> length (self e) v
(* Recursive*)
| Obj (Req (_, e)) -> length e
| Obj (Dft (_, e, _)) -> length e
| Tup e -> length e
| Conv { encoding = e ; proj } ->
let length = length e in
fun v -> length (proj v)
| Describe { encoding = e } -> length e
| Def { encoding = e } -> length e
| Splitted { encoding = e } -> length e
| Dynamic_size e ->
let length = length e in
fun v -> Size.int32 + length v
(** Writer *)
module Writer = struct
let int8 v buf ofs =
if (v < - (1 lsl 7) || v >= 1 lsl 7) then
invalid_arg "Data_encoding.Binary.Writer.int8" ;
MBytes.set_int8 buf ofs v;
ofs + Size.int8
let uint8 v buf ofs =
if (v < 0 || v >= 1 lsl 8) then
invalid_arg "Data_encoding.Binary.Writer.uint8" ;
MBytes.set_int8 buf ofs v;
ofs + Size.uint8
let char v buf ofs =
MBytes.set_char buf ofs v;
ofs + Size.char
let bool v buf ofs =
uint8 (if v then 255 else 0) buf ofs
let int16 v buf ofs =
if (v < - (1 lsl 15) || v >= 1 lsl 15) then
invalid_arg "Data_encoding.Binary.Writer.int16" ;
MBytes.set_int16 buf ofs v;
ofs + Size.int16
let uint16 v buf ofs =
if (v < 0 || v >= 1 lsl 16) then
invalid_arg "Data_encoding.Binary.Writer.uint16" ;
MBytes.set_int16 buf ofs v;
ofs + Size.uint16
let int31 v buf ofs =
MBytes.set_int32 buf ofs (Int32.of_int v);
ofs + Size.int31
let int32 v buf ofs =
MBytes.set_int32 buf ofs v;
ofs + Size.int32
let int64 v buf ofs =
MBytes.set_int64 buf ofs v;
ofs + Size.int64
(** write a float64 (double) **)
let float v buf ofs =
(*Here, float means float64, which is written using MBytes.set_double !!*)
MBytes.set_double buf ofs v;
ofs + Size.float
let fixed_kind_bytes length s buf ofs =
MBytes.blit s 0 buf ofs length;
ofs + length
let variable_length_bytes s buf ofs =
let length = MBytes.length s in
MBytes.blit s 0 buf ofs length ;
ofs + length
let fixed_kind_string length s buf ofs =
if String.length s <> length then invalid_arg "fixed_kind_string";
MBytes.blit_from_string s 0 buf ofs length;
ofs + length
let variable_length_string s buf ofs =
let length = String.length s in
MBytes.blit_from_string s 0 buf ofs length ;
ofs + length
let objs w1 w2 (v1,v2) buf ofs =
w1 v1 buf ofs |> w2 v2 buf
let array w a buf ofs =
Array.fold_left (fun ofs v -> w v buf ofs) ofs a
let list w l buf ofs =
List.fold_left (fun ofs v -> w v buf ofs) ofs l
let conv proj w v buf ofs =
w (proj v) buf ofs
let write_tag = function
| `Uint8 -> uint8
| `Uint16 -> uint16
let union w sz cases =
let writes_case = function
| Case { tag = None } ->
(fun _ -> None)
| Case { encoding = e ; proj ; tag = Some tag } ->
let write = w.write e in
let write v buf ofs =
write_tag sz tag buf ofs |> write v buf in
fun v ->
match proj v with
| None -> None
| Some v -> Some (write v) in
apply ( writes_case cases)
let rec write_rec
: type a l. a t -> a -> MBytes.t -> int -> int = fun e ->
let open Kind in
let open Writer in
match e.encoding with
| Null -> (fun () _buf ofs -> ofs)
| Empty -> (fun () _buf ofs -> ofs)
| Constant _ -> (fun () _buf ofs -> ofs)
| Ignore -> (fun () _buf ofs -> ofs)
| Bool -> bool
| Int8 -> int8
| Uint8 -> uint8
| Int16 -> int16
| Uint16 -> uint16
| Int31 -> int31
| Int32 -> int32
| Int64 -> int64
| Float -> float
| Bytes (`Fixed n) -> fixed_kind_bytes n
| String (`Fixed n) -> fixed_kind_string n
| Bytes `Variable -> variable_length_bytes
| String `Variable -> variable_length_string
| Array t -> array (write_rec t)
| List t -> list (write_rec t)
| String_enum (kind, l) -> begin
fun v ->
let l = (fun (x,y) -> (y,x)) l in
write_rec (make @@ String kind) (List.assoc v l)
with Not_found -> raise No_case_matched
| Obj (Req (_, e)) -> write_rec e
| Obj (Opt (`Dynamic, _, e)) ->
let write = write_rec e in
(function None -> int8 0
| Some x -> fun buf ofs -> int8 1 buf ofs |> write x buf)
| Obj (Opt (`Variable, _, e)) ->
let write = write_rec e in
(function None -> fun _buf ofs -> ofs
| Some x -> write x)
| Obj (Dft (_, e, _)) -> write_rec e
| Objs (_, e1, e2) ->
objs (write_rec e1) (write_rec e2)
| Tup e -> write_rec e
| Tups (_, e1, e2) ->
objs (write_rec e1) (write_rec e2)
| Conv { encoding = e; proj } -> conv proj (write_rec e)
| Describe { encoding = e } -> write_rec e
| Def { encoding = e } -> write_rec e
| Splitted { encoding = e } -> write_rec e
| Union (_, sz, cases) -> union { write = write_rec } sz cases
| Mu (_, _, self) -> fun v buf ofs -> write_rec (self e) v buf ofs
| Dynamic_size e ->
let length = length e
and write = write_rec e in
fun v buf ofs ->
int32 (Int32.of_int @@ length v) buf ofs |> write v buf
let write t v buf ofs =
try Some (write_rec t v buf ofs)
with _ -> None
let to_bytes t v =
let length = length t v in
let bytes = MBytes.create length in
let ofs = write_rec t v bytes 0 in
assert(ofs = length);
let to_bytes_list ?(copy_blocks=false) block_sz t v =
assert (block_sz > 0);
let bytes = to_bytes t v in (* call to generic function to_bytes *)
let length = MBytes.length bytes in
if length <= block_sz then
[bytes] (* if the result fits in the given block_sz *)
let may_copy = if copy_blocks then MBytes.copy else fun t -> t in
let nb_full = length / block_sz in (* nb of blocks of size block_sz *)
let sz_full = nb_full * block_sz in (* size of the full part *)
let acc = (* eventually init acc with a non-full block *)
if sz_full = length then []
else [may_copy (MBytes.sub bytes sz_full (length - sz_full))]
let rec split_full_blocks curr_upper_limit acc =
let start = curr_upper_limit - block_sz in
assert (start >= 0);
(* copy the block [ start, curr_upper_limit [ of size block_sz *)
let acc = (may_copy (MBytes.sub bytes start block_sz)) :: acc in
if start = 0 then acc else split_full_blocks start acc
split_full_blocks sz_full acc
(** Reader *)
module Reader = struct
let int8 buf ofs _len =
ofs + Size.int8, MBytes.get_int8 buf ofs
let uint8 buf ofs _len =
ofs + Size.uint8, MBytes.get_uint8 buf ofs
let char buf ofs _len =
ofs + Size.char, MBytes.get_char buf ofs
let bool buf ofs len =
let ofs, v = int8 buf ofs len in
ofs, v <> 0
let int16 buf ofs _len =
ofs + Size.int16, MBytes.get_int16 buf ofs
let uint16 buf ofs _len =
ofs + Size.uint16, MBytes.get_uint16 buf ofs
let int31 buf ofs _len =
ofs + Size.int31, Int32.to_int (MBytes.get_int32 buf ofs)
let int32 buf ofs _len =
ofs + Size.int32, MBytes.get_int32 buf ofs
let int64 buf ofs _len =
ofs + Size.int64, MBytes.get_int64 buf ofs
(** read a float64 (double) **)
let float buf ofs _len =
(*Here, float means float64, which is read using MBytes.get_double !!*)
ofs + Size.float, MBytes.get_double buf ofs
let int_of_int32 i =
let i' = Int32.to_int i in
let i'' = Int32.of_int i' in
if i'' = i then
invalid_arg "int_of_int32 overflow"
let fixed_length_bytes length buf ofs _len =
let s = MBytes.sub buf ofs length in
ofs + length, s
let fixed_length_string length buf ofs _len =
let s = MBytes.substring buf ofs length in
ofs + length, s
let seq r1 r2 buf ofs len =
let ofs', v1 = r1 buf ofs len in
let ofs'', v2 = r2 buf ofs' (len - (ofs' - ofs)) in
ofs'', (v1, v2)
let varseq r e1 e2 buf ofs len =
let k1 = classify e1
and k2 = classify e2 in
match k1, k2 with
| (`Dynamic | `Fixed _), `Variable ->
let ofs', v1 = e1 buf ofs len in
let ofs'', v2 = e2 buf ofs' (len - (ofs' - ofs)) in
ofs'', (v1, v2)
| `Variable, `Fixed n ->
let ofs', v1 = e1 buf ofs (len - n) in
let ofs'', v2 = e2 buf ofs' n in
ofs'', (v1, v2)
| _ -> assert false (* Should be rejected by Kind.combine *)
let list read buf ofs len =
let rec loop acc ofs len =
assert (len >= 0);
if len <= 0
then ofs, List.rev acc
let ofs', v = read buf ofs len in
assert (ofs' > ofs);
loop (v :: acc) ofs' (len - (ofs' - ofs))
loop [] ofs len
let array read buf ofs len =
let ofs, l = list read buf ofs len in
ofs, Array.of_list l
let conv inj r buf ofs len =
let ofs, v = r buf ofs len in
ofs, inj v
let read_tag = function
| `Uint8 -> uint8
| `Uint16 -> uint16
let union r sz cases =
let read_cases =
| (Case { tag = None }) -> None
| (Case { encoding = e ; inj ; tag = Some tag }) ->
let read = e in
Some (tag, fun len buf ofs ->
let ofs, v = read len buf ofs in
ofs, inj v))
cases in
fun buf ofs len ->
let ofs, tag = read_tag sz buf ofs len in
try List.assoc tag read_cases buf ofs (len - tag_size sz)
with Not_found -> raise (Unexpected_tag tag)
let rec read_rec : type a l. a t-> MBytes.t -> int -> int -> int * a = fun e ->
let open Kind in
let open Reader in
match e.encoding with
| Null -> (fun _buf ofs _len -> ofs, ())
| Empty -> (fun _buf ofs _len -> ofs, ())
| Constant _ -> (fun _buf ofs _len -> ofs, ())
| Ignore -> (fun _buf ofs len -> ofs + len, ())
| Bool -> bool
| Int8 -> int8
| Uint8 -> uint8
| Int16 -> int16
| Uint16 -> uint16
| Int31 -> int31
| Int32 -> int32
| Int64 -> int64
| Float -> float
| Bytes (`Fixed n) -> fixed_length_bytes n
| String (`Fixed n) -> fixed_length_string n
| Bytes `Variable -> fun buf ofs len -> fixed_length_bytes len buf ofs len
| String `Variable -> fun buf ofs len -> fixed_length_string len buf ofs len
| String_enum (kind, l) -> begin
fun buf ofs len ->
let ofs, str = read_rec (make @@ (String kind)) buf ofs len in
try ofs, List.assoc str l
with Not_found -> raise (Unexpected_enum (str, fst l))
| Array e -> array (read_rec e)
| List e -> list (read_rec e)
| Obj (Req (_, e)) -> read_rec e
| Obj (Opt (`Dynamic, _, t)) ->
let read = read_rec t in
(fun buf ofs len ->
let ofs, v = int8 buf ofs len in
if v = 0 then ofs, None
else let ofs, v = read buf ofs (len - Size.int8) in ofs, Some v)
| Obj (Opt (`Variable, _, t)) ->
let read = read_rec t in
(fun buf ofs len ->
if len = 0 then ofs, None
let ofs', v = read buf ofs len in
assert (ofs' = ofs + len) ;
ofs + len, Some v)
| Obj (Dft (_, e, _)) -> read_rec e
| Objs ((`Fixed _ | `Dynamic), e1, e2) ->
seq (read_rec e1) (read_rec e2)
| Objs (`Variable, e1, e2) ->
varseq { read = fun t -> read_rec t } e1 e2
| Tup e -> read_rec e
| Tups ((`Fixed _ | `Dynamic), e1, e2) ->
seq (read_rec e1) (read_rec e2)
| Tups (`Variable, e1, e2) ->
varseq { read = fun t -> read_rec t } e1 e2
| Conv { inj ; encoding = e } -> conv inj (read_rec e)
| Describe { encoding = e } -> read_rec e
| Def { encoding = e } -> read_rec e
| Splitted { encoding = e } -> read_rec e
| Union (_, sz, cases) ->
union { read = fun t -> read_rec t } sz cases
| Mu (_, _, self) -> fun buf ofs len -> read_rec (self e) buf ofs len
| Dynamic_size e ->
let read = read_rec e in
fun buf ofs len ->
let ofs, sz = int32 buf ofs len in
let sz = Int32.to_int sz in
if sz < 0 then raise (Invalid_size sz);
read buf ofs sz
let read t buf ofs len =
try Some (read_rec t buf ofs len)
with _ -> None
let write = write
let of_bytes_exn ty buf =
let len = MBytes.length buf in
let read_len, r = read_rec ty buf 0 len in
if read_len <> len then
failwith "Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes_exn: remainig data" ;
let of_bytes ty buf =
try Some (of_bytes_exn ty buf)
with _ -> None
let to_bytes = to_bytes
let length = length
let fixed_length e =
match classify e with
| `Fixed n -> Some n
| `Dynamic | `Variable -> None
let fixed_length_exn e =
match fixed_length e with
| Some n -> n
| None -> invalid_arg "Data_encoding.Binary.fixed_length_exn"
(* Facilities to decode streams of binary data *)
type 'a status =
| Success of { res : 'a ; res_len : int ; remaining : MBytes.t list }
| Await of (MBytes.t -> 'a status)
| Error
module Stream_reader = struct
(* used as a zipper to code the function read_checker with the
ability to stop and wait for more data. In 'P_seq' case, data
length is parameterized by the current offset. Hence, it's a
function 'fun_data_len'. For the 'P_list' case, we store the
base offset (before starting reading the elements) and the
number of elements that have been read so far. *)
type path =
| P_top : path
| P_await : { path : path ; encoding : 'a t ; data_len : int } -> path
| P_seq : { path : path ; encoding : 'a t ;
fun_data_len : int -> int } -> path
| P_list : { path:path ; encoding:'a t ; data_len : int ;
base_ofs : int ; nb_elts_read : int } -> path
(* used to accumulate given mbytes when reading a list of blocks,
as well as the current offset and the number of unread bytes *)
type mbytes_stream = {
past : MBytes.t Queue.t ; (* data that have been entirely read *)
future : (MBytes.t * int) Queue.t ; (* data that are not (fully) read *)
mutable past_len : int ; (*length of concatenation of data in 'past'*)
mutable unread : int ; (*number of cells that are unread in 'future'*)
ofs : int (*current absolute offset wrt to concatenation past @ future*)
(* exception raised when additional mbytes are needed to continue
decoding *)
exception Need_more_data
(* read a data that is stored in may Mbytes *)
let read_from_many_blocks reader buf ofs d_ofs =
let tmp = MBytes.create d_ofs in (*we will merge data in this mbyte*)
let r = ref d_ofs in (*to count the cells to be read*)
let rel_ofs = ref ofs in (*= ofs for first mbyte, 0 for others*)
while !r > 0 do
assert (not (Queue.is_empty buf.future)) ;
let b, len_b = Queue.peek buf.future in (*take the next mbyte*)
let len_chunk = len_b - !rel_ofs in (*the number of cells to read*)
if !r >= len_chunk then
begin (*copy b in 'past' if it is read entirely*)
ignore (Queue.pop buf.future) ;
Queue.push b buf.past ;
buf.past_len <- buf.past_len + len_b ;
end ;
(* copy (min !r len_chunk) data from b to tmp *)
MBytes.blit b !rel_ofs tmp (d_ofs - !r) (min !r len_chunk) ;
r := !r - len_chunk ; (* len_chunk data read during this round*)
rel_ofs := 0 ; (*next mbytes will be read starting from zero*)
done ;
reader tmp 0 d_ofs
(* generic function that reads data from an mbytes_stream. It is
parameterized by a function "reader" that effectively reads the
data *)
let generic_read_data delta_ofs reader buf =
let absolute_ofs = buf.ofs in
if buf.unread < delta_ofs then (*not enough data*)
raise Need_more_data ;
if delta_ofs = 0 then (*we'll read nothing*)
buf, reader (MBytes.create 0) 0 0
let new_ofs = absolute_ofs + delta_ofs in
let ofs = absolute_ofs - buf.past_len in (*relative ofs wrt 'future'*)
buf.unread <- buf.unread-delta_ofs ; (*'delta_ofs' cells will be read*)
assert (not (Queue.is_empty buf.future)) ; (*we have some data to read*)
let b, len_b = Queue.peek buf.future in
let buf = { buf with ofs = new_ofs } in
if ofs + delta_ofs > len_b then
(*should read data from many mbytes*)
buf, read_from_many_blocks reader buf ofs delta_ofs
if ofs + delta_ofs = len_b then
begin (*the rest of b will be entirely read. Put it in 'past'*)
ignore (Queue.pop buf.future) ;
Queue.push b buf.past ;
buf.past_len <- buf.past_len + len_b ;
end ;
buf, reader b ofs delta_ofs
(* functions that try to read data from a given mbytes_stream,
or raise Need_more_data *)
let int8 buf =
generic_read_data Size.int8 (fun x y _ -> MBytes.get_int8 x y) buf
let uint8 buf =
generic_read_data Size.uint8 (fun x y _ -> MBytes.get_uint8 x y) buf
let char buf =
let buf, v = int8 buf in
buf, Char.chr v
let bool buf =
let buf, v = int8 buf in
buf, v <> 0
let int16 buf =
generic_read_data Size.int16 (fun x y _ -> MBytes.get_int16 x y) buf
let uint16 buf =
generic_read_data Size.uint16 (fun x y _ -> MBytes.get_uint16 x y) buf
let int31 buf =
generic_read_data Size.int31
(fun x y _ -> Int32.to_int (MBytes.get_int32 x y)) buf
let int32 buf =
generic_read_data Size.int32 (fun x y _ -> MBytes.get_int32 x y) buf
let int64 buf =
generic_read_data Size.int64 (fun x y _ -> MBytes.get_int64 x y) buf
(** read a float64 (double) **)
let float buf =
(*Here, float means float64, which is read using MBytes.get_double !!*)
generic_read_data Size.float (fun x y _ -> MBytes.get_double x y) buf
let fixed_length_bytes length buf =
generic_read_data length MBytes.sub buf
let fixed_length_string length buf =
generic_read_data length MBytes.substring buf
let read_tag = function
| `Uint8 -> uint8
| `Uint16 -> uint16
(* auxiliary function: computing size of data in branches
Objs(`Variable) and Tups(`Variable) *)
let varseq_lengths e1 e2 ofs len = match classify e1, classify e2 with
| (`Dynamic | `Fixed _), `Variable -> len, (fun ofs' -> len - ofs' + ofs)
| `Variable, `Fixed n -> (len - n), (fun _ -> n)
| _ -> assert false (* Should be rejected by Kind.combine *)
(* adaptation of function read_rec to check binary data
incrementally. The function takes (and returns) a 'path' (for
incrementality), and 'mbytes_stream' *)
let rec data_checker
: type a.
path -> a encoding -> mbytes_stream -> int ->
path * mbytes_stream =
fun path e buf len ->
(*length of data with `Variable kind should be given by the caller*)
assert (classify e != `Variable || len >= 0) ;
try match e.encoding with
| Null -> next_path path buf
| Empty -> next_path path buf
| Constant _ -> next_path path buf
| Ignore -> next_path path { buf with ofs = buf.ofs + len }
| Bool -> next_path path (fst (bool buf))
| Int8 -> next_path path (fst (int8 buf))
| Uint8 -> next_path path (fst (uint8 buf))
| Int16 -> next_path path (fst (int16 buf))
| Uint16 -> next_path path (fst (uint16 buf))
| Int31 -> next_path path (fst (int31 buf))
| Int32 -> next_path path (fst (int32 buf))
| Int64 -> next_path path (fst (int64 buf))
| Float -> next_path path (fst (float buf))
| Bytes (`Fixed n) ->
next_path path (fst (fixed_length_bytes n buf))
| String (`Fixed n) ->
next_path path (fst (fixed_length_string n buf))
| Bytes `Variable ->
next_path path (fst (fixed_length_bytes len buf))
| String `Variable ->
next_path path (fst (fixed_length_string len buf))
| String_enum (kind, _) -> (* ! approx! *)
data_checker path (make @@ (String kind)) buf len
| Array e ->
let p = P_list { path ; encoding = e ; base_ofs = buf.ofs ;
data_len = len ; nb_elts_read = 0 } in
next_path p buf
| List e ->
let p = P_list { path ; encoding = e ; base_ofs = buf.ofs ;
data_len = len ; nb_elts_read = 0 } in
next_path p buf
| Obj (Req (_, e)) -> data_checker path e buf len
| Obj (Opt (`Dynamic, _, e)) ->
let buf, v = int8 buf in
if v = 0 then next_path path buf
else data_checker path e buf (len - Size.int8)
| Obj (Opt (`Variable, _, e)) ->
if len = 0 then next_path path buf
else data_checker path e buf len
| Obj (Dft (_, e, _)) -> data_checker path e buf len
| Objs ((`Fixed _ | `Dynamic), e1, e2) ->
let f_len2 ofs' = len - (ofs' - buf.ofs) in
let path =
P_seq { path ; encoding = e2 ; fun_data_len = f_len2 } in
data_checker path e1 buf len
| Objs (`Variable, e1, e2) ->
let len1, f_len2 = varseq_lengths e1 e2 buf.ofs len in
let path =
P_seq { path ; encoding = e2 ; fun_data_len = f_len2 } in
data_checker path e1 buf len1
| Tup e -> data_checker path e buf len
| Tups ((`Fixed _ | `Dynamic), e1, e2) ->
let f_len2 ofs' = len - (ofs' - buf.ofs) in
let path =
P_seq { path ; encoding = e2 ; fun_data_len = f_len2 } in
data_checker path e1 buf len
| Tups (`Variable, e1, e2) ->
let len1, f_len2 = varseq_lengths e1 e2 buf.ofs len in
let path =
P_seq { path ; encoding = e2 ; fun_data_len = f_len2 } in
data_checker path e1 buf len1
| Conv { encoding = e } -> data_checker path e buf len
| Describe { encoding = e } -> data_checker path e buf len
| Def { encoding = e } -> data_checker path e buf len
| Splitted { encoding = e } -> data_checker path e buf len
| Mu (_, _, self) -> data_checker path (self e) buf len
| Union (_, sz, cases) ->
let buf, ctag = read_tag sz buf in
let opt =
(fun acc c -> match c with
| (Case { encoding ; tag = Some tag })
when tag == ctag ->
assert (acc == None) ;
Some (data_checker path encoding buf)
| _ -> acc
)None cases
begin match opt with
| None -> raise (Unexpected_tag ctag)
| Some func -> func (len - (tag_size sz))
| Dynamic_size e ->
let buf, sz = int32 buf in
let sz = Int32.to_int sz in
if sz < 0 then raise (Invalid_size sz) ;
data_checker path e buf sz
with Need_more_data ->
P_await { path ; encoding = e ; data_len = len }, buf
and next_path : path -> mbytes_stream -> path * mbytes_stream =
fun path buf ->
match path with
| P_top ->
P_top, buf (* success case *)
| P_seq { path ; encoding ; fun_data_len } ->
(* check the right branch of a sequence. fun_data_len ofs gives
the length of the data to read *)
data_checker path encoding buf (fun_data_len buf.ofs)
| P_await { path ; encoding ; data_len } ->
(* resume from an await *)
data_checker path encoding buf data_len
| P_list
({ path ; encoding ; base_ofs ; data_len ; nb_elts_read } as r) ->
(* read/check an eventual element of a list *)
if data_len = buf.ofs - base_ofs then
(* we've read all the elements of the list *)
next_path path buf
(*some more elements to read*)
assert (data_len > buf.ofs - base_ofs) ;
(*check: if we've already read some elements, then currrent ofs
should be greater then initial ofs *)
assert (nb_elts_read <= 0 || buf.ofs - base_ofs > 0) ;
let path =
P_list { r with nb_elts_read = nb_elts_read + 1} in
data_checker path encoding buf data_len
let data_checker = next_path
(* insert a given MBytes.t in a given mbytes_stream *)
let insert_mbytes mb_buf mb =
let len = MBytes.length mb in
if len > 0 then begin
Queue.push (mb, len) mb_buf.future ;
mb_buf.unread <- mb_buf.unread + len ;
(* aux function called when data_checker succeeds: splits a given
mbytes_stream into a 'read' and 'unread' queues. This may
modify the content of the given mbytes_stream *)
let split_mbytes_stream { past_len ; past ; future ; unread ; ofs } =
let rel_ofs = ofs - past_len in
assert (rel_ofs >= 0) ;
if rel_ofs = 0 then past, future (* already done *)
else begin
assert (not(Queue.is_empty future)) ; (*because data_checker succeeded*)
let b, len = Queue.pop future in
assert (rel_ofs < len) ; (*inv. maintained by read_from_many_blocks*)
let b1 = MBytes.sub b 0 rel_ofs in (* read part of b *)
let b2 = MBytes.sub b rel_ofs (len-rel_ofs) in (* unread part of b *)
Queue.push b1 past ;
(* push b2 at the beginning of 'future' using Queue.transfer*)
let tmp = Queue.create() in
Queue.push (b2, unread) tmp ;
Queue.transfer future tmp ; (*tmp === b2 ::: future in constant time*)
past, tmp
(* given a state, this function returns a new status:
- if data are successfully checked, accumulated mbytes are
passed to 'success_result' that computes the final
result. Unread mbytes are also returned
- if some more data are needed, a function that waits for some
additional mbytes is returned
- eventual errors are reported/returned *)
let rec bytes_stream_reader_rec (path, mb_buf) success_result =
let success =
match path with
| P_top -> true
| P_await _ -> false
| _ -> assert false
assert (mb_buf.ofs >= mb_buf.past_len) ;
if success then
let q_read, q_unread = split_mbytes_stream mb_buf in
match success_result q_read mb_buf.ofs with
| Some a ->
let remaining =
List.rev @@
(fun acc (b, len) ->
if len = 0 then acc else b:: acc) [] q_unread
Success { res = a ; res_len = mb_buf.ofs ; remaining }
| None -> Error
(* success_result may fail because data_checker is
approximative in some situations *)
(fun mb ->
insert_mbytes mb_buf mb ;
let state = data_checker path mb_buf in
bytes_stream_reader_rec state success_result
with _ -> Error)
(* This function checks reading a stream of 'MBytes.t' wrt. a given
- the given data encoding should have a 'Fixed' or a 'Dynamic'
size, otherwise an error is returned,
- the function returns an 'Error', a function w
('Await w') that waits for more data (Mbytes.t), or
'Success'. The function is parameterized by 'success_result'
that computes the data to return in case of success.
An exception 'Invalid_argument "streaming data with variable
size"' is raised if the encoding has a variable size *)
let bytes_stream_reader :
MBytes.t list -> 'a t ->
(MBytes.t Queue.t -> int -> 'b option) -> 'b status
= fun l e success_result ->
match classify e with
| `Variable -> invalid_arg "streaming data with variable size"
| `Fixed _ | `Dynamic ->
let mb_buf = {
past = Queue.create() ; past_len = 0 ;
future = Queue.create() ; unread = 0; ofs = 0 }
List.iter (insert_mbytes mb_buf) l ;
let path =
P_await { path = P_top ; encoding = e ; data_len = - 1 } in
try bytes_stream_reader_rec (data_checker path mb_buf) success_result
with _ -> Error
(* concats a queue of mbytes into one MByte *)
let concat_mbyte_chunks queue tot_len =
if Queue.length queue = 1 then Queue.pop queue (* no copy *)
else (* copy smaller mbytes into one big mbyte *)
let buf = MBytes.create tot_len in
let cpt = ref 0 in
let tot_len' = ref tot_len in
while not (Queue.is_empty queue) do
let mb = Queue.pop queue in
let len = MBytes.length mb in
tot_len' := !tot_len' - len ;
assert (!tot_len' >= 0) ;
MBytes.blit mb 0 buf !cpt len ;
cpt := !cpt + len ;
done ;
assert (!tot_len' = 0) ;
(* Decode a stream of MBytes. see
Stream_reader.bytes_stream_traversal for more details *)
let read_stream_of_bytes ?(init=[]) encoding =
Stream_reader.bytes_stream_reader init encoding
(fun read_q ofs -> of_bytes encoding (concat_mbyte_chunks read_q ofs))
(* Check reading a stream of MBytes. see
Stream_reader.bytes_stream_traversal for more details *)
let check_stream_of_bytes ?(init=[]) encoding =
Stream_reader.bytes_stream_reader init encoding (fun _ _ -> Some ())