Ouch! That was a subtle Lwt misuse. With the current (very-old) validator code, when the validation of block is waiting to the validation of its predecessor, a "pending" Lwt thread is created. The validation of the predecessor might also wait on its own predecessor, potentially creating a very long chain of pending validation"... If in the process one of the block is tagged invalid, all the pending "successors" in the chain are 'wakeuped' immediatly and in sequence, potentially blowing the stack in the process. A quick fix is to add an `Lwt_unix.yield` to break the recursion. A better fix is to not create such long chain of "pending" validations. See merge request !59.
944 lines
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944 lines
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(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
open Logging.Node.Validator
type worker = {
activate: ?parent:t -> State.Net.t -> t Lwt.t ;
get: Net_id.t -> t tzresult Lwt.t ;
get_exn: Net_id.t -> t Lwt.t ;
deactivate: t -> unit Lwt.t ;
?force:bool ->
MBytes.t -> Distributed_db.operation list list ->
(Block_hash.t * State.Block.t tzresult Lwt.t) tzresult Lwt.t ;
notify_block: Block_hash.t -> Block_header.t -> unit Lwt.t ;
shutdown: unit -> unit Lwt.t ;
valid_block_input: State.Block.t Watcher.input ;
db: Distributed_db.t ;
and t = {
net: State.Net.t ;
worker: worker ;
parent: t option ;
mutable child: t option ;
prevalidator: Prevalidator.t ;
net_db: Distributed_db.net_db ;
notify_block: Block_hash.t -> Block_header.t -> unit Lwt.t ;
fetch_block: Block_hash.t -> State.Block.t tzresult Lwt.t ;
State.Block.t -> Protocol_hash.t -> Time.t -> unit tzresult Lwt.t ;
Block_hash.t -> Protocol_hash.t -> Time.t -> Time.t -> unit tzresult Lwt.t ;
deactivate_child: unit -> unit Lwt.t ;
test_validator: unit -> (t * Distributed_db.net_db) option ;
shutdown: unit -> unit Lwt.t ;
valid_block_input_for_net: State.Block.t Watcher.input ;
new_head_input: State.Block.t Watcher.input ;
bootstrapped: unit Lwt.t ;
let net_state { net } = net
let net_db { net_db } = net_db
let activate w net = w.activate net
let deactivate t = t.worker.deactivate t
let get w = w.get
let get_exn w = w.get_exn
let notify_block w = w.notify_block
let inject_block w = w.inject_block
let shutdown w = w.shutdown ()
let test_validator w = w.test_validator ()
let fetch_block v = v.fetch_block
let prevalidator v = v.prevalidator
let bootstrapped v = v.bootstrapped
(** Current block computation *)
let fetch_protocol v hash =
lwt_log_notice "Fetching protocol %a"
Protocol_hash.pp_short hash >>= fun () ->
Distributed_db.Protocol.fetch v.worker.db hash () >>= fun protocol ->
Updater.compile hash protocol >>= fun valid ->
if valid then begin
lwt_log_notice "Successfully compiled protocol %a"
Protocol_hash.pp_short hash >>= fun () ->
Distributed_db.commit_protocol v.worker.db hash >>=? fun _ ->
return true
end else begin
lwt_log_error "Failed to compile protocol %a"
Protocol_hash.pp_short hash >>= fun () ->
failwith "Cannot compile the protocol %a" Protocol_hash.pp_short hash
let fetch_protocols v (block: State.Block.t) =
State.Block.context block >>= fun context ->
let proto_updated =
Context.get_protocol context >>= fun protocol_hash ->
match State.Registred_protocol.get protocol_hash with
| Some _ -> return false
| None -> fetch_protocol v protocol_hash
and test_proto_updated =
Context.get_test_network context >>= function
| Not_running -> return false
| Forking { protocol }
| Running { protocol } ->
match State.Registred_protocol.get protocol with
| Some _ -> return false
| None -> fetch_protocol v protocol in
proto_updated >>=? fun proto_updated ->
test_proto_updated >>=? fun test_proto_updated ->
return (proto_updated && test_proto_updated)
let rec may_set_head v (block: State.Block.t) =
Chain.head v.net >>= fun head ->
let head_header = State.Block.header head
and head_hash = State.Block.hash head
and block_header = State.Block.header block
and block_hash = State.Block.hash block in
head_header.shell.fitness block_header.shell.fitness >= 0
else begin
Chain.test_and_set_head v.net ~old:head block >>= function
| false -> may_set_head v block
| true ->
Distributed_db.broadcast_head v.net_db block_hash [] ;
Prevalidator.flush v.prevalidator block ;
State.Block.test_network block >>= function
| Not_running -> v.deactivate_child () >>= return
| Running { genesis ; protocol ; expiration } ->
v.check_child genesis protocol expiration
| Forking { protocol ; expiration } ->
v.create_child block protocol expiration
end >>= function
| Ok () -> Lwt.return_unit
| Error err ->
lwt_log_error "@[<v 2>Error while switch test network:@ %a@]"
Error_monad.pp_print_error err
end >>= fun () ->
Watcher.notify v.new_head_input block ;
lwt_log_notice "update current head %a %a %a(%t)"
Block_hash.pp_short block_hash
Fitness.pp block_header.shell.fitness
Time.pp_hum block_header.shell.timestamp
(fun ppf ->
if Block_hash.equal head_hash block_header.shell.predecessor then
Format.fprintf ppf "same branch"
Format.fprintf ppf "changing branch") >>= fun () ->
(** Block validation *)
type error +=
| Invalid_operation of Operation_hash.t
| Invalid_fitness of { block: Block_hash.t ;
expected: Fitness.t ;
found: Fitness.t }
| Unknown_protocol
| Non_increasing_timestamp
| Non_increasing_fitness
| Wrong_level of Int32.t * Int32.t
| Wrong_proto_level of int * int
| Replayed_operation of Operation_hash.t
| Outdated_operation of Operation_hash.t * Block_hash.t
let () =
~title:"Invalid fitness"
~description:"The computed fitness differs from the fitness found \
\ in the block header."
~pp:(fun ppf (block, expected, found) ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@[<v 2>Invalid fitness for block %a@ \
\ expected %a@ \
\ found %a"
Block_hash.pp_short block
Fitness.pp expected
Fitness.pp found)
(req "block" Block_hash.encoding)
(req "expected" Fitness.encoding)
(req "found" Fitness.encoding))
(function Invalid_fitness { block ; expected ; found } ->
Some (block, expected, found) | _ -> None)
(fun (block, expected, found) ->
Invalid_fitness { block ; expected ; found }) ;
~title:"Wrong level"
~description:"The block level is not the expected one"
~pp:(fun ppf (e, g) ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"The declared level %ld is not %ld" g e)
(req "expected" int32)
(req "provided" int32))
(function Wrong_level (e, g) -> Some (e, g) | _ -> None)
(fun (e, g) -> Wrong_level (e, g)) ;
~title:"Wrong protocol level"
~description:"The protocol level is not the expected one"
~pp:(fun ppf (e, g) ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"The declared protocol level %d is not %d" g e)
(req "expected" uint8)
(req "provided" uint8))
(function Wrong_proto_level (e, g) -> Some (e, g) | _ -> None)
(fun (e, g) -> Wrong_proto_level (e, g)) ;
~title:"Replayed operation"
~description:"The block contains an operation that was previously \
included in the chain"
~pp:(fun ppf oph ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"The operation %a was previously included in the chain."
Operation_hash.pp oph)
Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "hash" Operation_hash.encoding))
(function Replayed_operation oph -> Some oph | _ -> None)
(function oph -> Replayed_operation oph) ;
~title:"Outdated operation"
~description:"The block contains an operation which is outdated."
~pp:(fun ppf (oph, bh)->
Format.fprintf ppf
"The operation %a is outdated (%a)"
Operation_hash.pp oph
Block_hash.pp bh)
(req "operation" Operation_hash.encoding)
(req "block" Block_hash.encoding))
(function Outdated_operation (oph, bh) -> Some (oph, bh) | _ -> None)
(function (oph, bh) -> Outdated_operation (oph, bh))
let apply_block net_state db
(pred: State.Block.t) hash (block: Block_header.t) =
let pred_header = State.Block.header pred
and pred_hash = State.Block.hash pred in
State.Block.context pred >>= fun pred_context ->
let id = State.Net.id net_state in
lwt_log_notice "validate block %a (after %a), net %a"
Block_hash.pp_short hash
Block_hash.pp_short block.shell.predecessor
Net_id.pp id >>= fun () ->
(Int32.succ pred_header.shell.level = block.shell.level)
(Wrong_level (Int32.succ pred_header.shell.level,
block.shell.level)) >>=? fun () ->
lwt_log_info "validation of %a: looking for dependencies..."
Block_hash.pp_short hash >>= fun () ->
db (hash, 0) block.shell.operations_hash >>= fun operations ->
let operation_hashes = List.map Operation.hash operations in
lwt_debug "validation of %a: found operations"
Block_hash.pp_short hash >>= fun () ->
begin (* Are we validating a block in an expired test network ? *)
match State.Net.expiration net_state with
| Some eol when Time.(eol <= block.shell.timestamp) ->
failwith "This test network expired..."
| None | Some _ -> return ()
end >>=? fun () ->
if Time.(pred_header.shell.timestamp >= block.shell.timestamp) then
fail Non_increasing_timestamp
return ()
end >>=? fun () ->
if Fitness.compare pred_header.shell.fitness block.shell.fitness >= 0 then
fail Non_increasing_fitness
return ()
end >>=? fun () ->
pred (State.Block.max_operations_ttl pred) >>= fun (live_blocks,
live_operations) ->
let rec assert_no_duplicates live_operations = function
| [] -> return ()
| oph :: ophs ->
if Operation_hash.Set.mem oph live_operations then
fail (Replayed_operation oph)
(Operation_hash.Set.add oph live_operations) ophs in
let assert_live operations =
(fun acc op ->
acc >>=? fun () ->
(Block_hash.Set.mem op.Operation.shell.branch live_blocks)
(Outdated_operation (Operation.hash op, op.shell.branch)))
(return ()) operations in
assert_no_duplicates live_operations operation_hashes >>=? fun () ->
assert_live operations
end >>=? fun () ->
Context.get_protocol pred_context >>= fun pred_protocol_hash ->
match State.Registred_protocol.get pred_protocol_hash with
| None -> fail Unknown_protocol
| Some p -> return p
end >>=? fun (module Proto) ->
lwt_debug "validation of %a: Proto %a"
Block_hash.pp_short hash
Protocol_hash.pp_short Proto.hash >>= fun () ->
lwt_debug "validation of %a: parsing header..."
Block_hash.pp_short hash >>= fun () ->
lwt_debug "validation of %a: parsing operations..."
Block_hash.pp_short hash >>= fun () ->
(fun op_hash raw ->
Lwt.return (Proto.parse_operation op_hash raw)
|> trace (Invalid_operation op_hash))
operations >>=? fun parsed_operations ->
lwt_debug "validation of %a: applying block..."
Block_hash.pp_short hash >>= fun () ->
pred_context pred_hash block.shell.timestamp >>= fun context ->
block >>=? fun state ->
fold_left_s (fun state op ->
Proto.apply_operation state op >>=? fun state ->
return state)
state parsed_operations >>=? fun state ->
Proto.finalize_block state >>=? fun new_context ->
Context.get_protocol new_context.context >>= fun new_protocol ->
let expected_proto_level =
if Protocol_hash.equal new_protocol pred_protocol_hash then
(pred_header.shell.proto_level + 1) mod 256 in
fail_when (block.shell.proto_level <> expected_proto_level)
(Wrong_proto_level (block.shell.proto_level, expected_proto_level))
>>=? fun () ->
(Fitness.equal new_context.fitness block.shell.fitness)
{ block = hash ;
expected = block.shell.fitness ;
found = new_context.fitness ;
}) >>=? fun () ->
let max_operations_ttl =
max 0
((State.Block.max_operations_ttl pred)+1)
new_context.max_operations_ttl) in
let new_context =
{ new_context with max_operations_ttl } in
lwt_log_info "validation of %a: success"
Block_hash.pp_short hash >>= fun () ->
return new_context
(** *)
module Context_db = struct
type key = Block_hash.t
type value = State.Block.t
type data =
{ validator: t ;
state: [ `Inited of Block_header.t tzresult
| `Initing of Block_header.t tzresult Lwt.t
| `Running of State.Block.t tzresult Lwt.t ] ;
wakener: State.Block.t tzresult Lwt.u }
type context =
{ tbl : data Block_hash.Table.t ;
canceler : Lwt_utils.Canceler.t ;
worker_trigger: unit -> unit;
worker_waiter: unit -> unit Lwt.t ;
worker: unit Lwt.t ;
net_db : Distributed_db.net_db ;
net_state : State.Net.t }
let pending_requests { tbl } =
(fun h data acc ->
match data.state with
| `Initing _ -> acc
| `Running _ -> acc
| `Inited d -> (h, d, data) :: acc)
tbl []
let pending { tbl } hash = Block_hash.Table.mem tbl hash
let request validator { tbl ; worker_trigger ; net_db } hash =
assert (not (Block_hash.Table.mem tbl hash));
let waiter, wakener = Lwt.wait () in
let data =
Distributed_db.Block_header.fetch net_db hash () >>= return in
match Lwt.state data with
| Lwt.Return data ->
let state = `Inited data in
Block_hash.Table.add tbl hash { validator ; state ; wakener } ;
worker_trigger () ;
| _ ->
let state = `Initing data in
Block_hash.Table.add tbl hash { validator ; state ; wakener } ;
(fun () ->
data >>= fun data ->
let state = `Inited data in
Block_hash.Table.replace tbl hash { validator ; state ; wakener } ;
worker_trigger () ;
Lwt.return_unit) ;
let prefetch validator ({ net_state ; tbl } as session) hash =
(State.Block.known_valid net_state hash >>= fun exists ->
if not exists && not (Block_hash.Table.mem tbl hash) then
request validator session hash >>= fun _ -> Lwt.return_unit
let known { net_state } hash =
State.Block.known_valid net_state hash
let read { net_state } hash =
State.Block.read net_state hash
let fetch ({ net_state ; tbl } as session) validator hash =
try Lwt.waiter_of_wakener (Block_hash.Table.find tbl hash).wakener
with Not_found ->
State.Block.known_invalid net_state hash >>= fun known_invalid ->
if known_invalid then
Lwt.return (Error [failure "Invalid predecessor"])
State.Block.read_opt net_state hash >>= function
| Some op ->
Lwt.return (Ok op)
| None ->
try Lwt.waiter_of_wakener (Block_hash.Table.find tbl hash).wakener
with Not_found -> request validator session hash
let store { net_db ; tbl } hash data =
match data with
| Ok data -> begin
Distributed_db.commit_block net_db hash 1 data >>=? function
| None ->
(* Should not happen if the block is not validated twice *)
assert false
| Some block ->
return (Ok block)
| Error err ->
Distributed_db.commit_invalid_block net_db hash 1 >>=? fun changed ->
assert changed ;
return (Error err)
end >>= function
| Ok block ->
let wakener = (Block_hash.Table.find tbl hash).wakener in
Block_hash.Table.remove tbl hash;
Lwt.wakeup wakener block ;
| Error _ as err ->
let wakener = (Block_hash.Table.find tbl hash).wakener in
Block_hash.Table.remove tbl hash;
Lwt.wakeup wakener err ;
let process (v:t) ~get_context ~set_context hash block =
let net_state = Distributed_db.state v.net_db in
get_context v block.Block_header.shell.predecessor >>= function
| Error _ as error ->
Lwt_unix.yield () >>= fun () ->
set_context v hash (Error [(* TODO *)]) >>= fun () ->
Lwt.return error
| Ok _context ->
lwt_debug "process %a" Block_hash.pp_short hash >>= fun () ->
Chain.genesis net_state >>= fun genesis ->
if Block_hash.equal (State.Block.hash genesis)
block.shell.predecessor then
Lwt.return genesis
State.Block.read_exn net_state block.shell.predecessor
end >>= fun pred ->
apply_block net_state v.net_db pred hash block >>= function
| Error ([Unknown_protocol] as err) as error ->
"@[<v 2>Ignoring block %a@ %a@]"
Block_hash.pp_short hash
Error_monad.pp_print_error err >>= fun () ->
Lwt.return error
| Error exns as error ->
set_context v hash error >>= fun () ->
lwt_warn "Failed to validate block %a."
Block_hash.pp_short hash >>= fun () ->
lwt_debug "%a" Error_monad.pp_print_error exns >>= fun () ->
Lwt.return error
| Ok new_context ->
(* The sanity check `set_context` detects differences
between the computed fitness and the fitness announced
in the block header. Then `Block.read` will
return an error. *)
set_context v hash (Ok new_context) >>= fun () ->
State.Block.read net_state hash >>= function
| Error err as error ->
"@[<v 2>Ignoring block %a@ %a@]"
Block_hash.pp_short hash
Error_monad.pp_print_error err >>= fun () ->
Lwt.return error
| Ok block ->
"validation of %a: reevaluate current block"
Block_hash.pp_short hash >>= fun () ->
Watcher.notify v.worker.valid_block_input block ;
Watcher.notify v.valid_block_input_for_net block ;
fetch_protocols v block >>=? fun _fetched ->
may_set_head v block >>= fun () ->
return block
let request session ~get_context ~set_context pendings =
let time = Time.now () in
let min_block b pb =
match pb with
| None -> Some b
| Some pb
when b.Block_header.shell.timestamp
< pb.Block_header.shell.timestamp ->
Some b
| Some _ as pb -> pb in
let next =
(fun acc (hash, block, (data : data)) ->
match block with
| Error _ ->
| Ok block ->
if Time.(block.Block_header.shell.timestamp > time) then
min_block block acc
else begin
Block_hash.Table.replace session.tbl hash { data with state = `Running begin
Lwt_main.yield () >>= fun () ->
process data.validator ~get_context ~set_context hash block >>= fun res ->
Block_hash.Table.remove session.tbl hash ;
Lwt.return res
end } ;
pendings in
match next with
| None -> 0.
| Some b -> Int64.to_float (Time.diff b.Block_header.shell.timestamp time)
let create net_db =
let net_state = Distributed_db.state net_db in
let tbl = Block_hash.Table.create 50 in
let canceler = Lwt_utils.Canceler.create () in
let worker_trigger, worker_waiter = Lwt_utils.trigger () in
let session =
{ tbl ; net_db ; net_state ; worker = Lwt.return () ;
canceler ; worker_trigger ; worker_waiter } in
let worker =
let rec worker_loop () =
Lwt_utils.protect ~canceler begin fun () ->
worker_waiter () >>= return
end >>= function
| Error [Lwt_utils.Canceled] -> Lwt.return_unit
| Error err ->
"@[Unexpected error in validation:@ %a@]"
pp_print_error err >>= fun () ->
worker_loop ()
| Ok () ->
match pending_requests session with
| [] -> ()
| requests ->
let set_context _validator hash context =
store session hash context >>= fun _ ->
Lwt.return_unit in
let timeout =
request session
~get_context:(fetch session)
~set_context requests in
if timeout > 0. then
(Lwt_unix.sleep timeout >|= worker_trigger);
end ;
worker_loop ()
Lwt_utils.worker "validation"
~cancel:(fun () -> Lwt_utils.Canceler.cancel canceler) in
{ session with worker }
let shutdown { canceler ; worker } =
Lwt_utils.Canceler.cancel canceler >>= fun () -> worker
let rec create_validator ?max_ttl ?parent worker state db net =
let queue = Lwt_pipe.create () in
let current_ops = ref (fun () -> []) in
let callback : Distributed_db.callback = {
notify_branch = begin fun gid locator ->
Lwt.async (fun () -> Lwt_pipe.push queue (`Branch (gid, locator)))
end ;
current_branch = begin fun size ->
Chain.head net >>= fun head ->
Chain_traversal.block_locator head size
end ;
notify_head = begin fun gid block ops ->
Lwt.async (fun () -> Lwt_pipe.push queue (`Head (gid, block, ops))) ;
end ;
current_head = begin fun size ->
Chain.head net >>= fun head ->
Lwt.return (State.Block.hash head, Utils.list_sub (!current_ops ()) size)
end ;
disconnection = (fun _gid -> ()) ;
} in
let net_id = State.Net.id net in
let net_db = Distributed_db.activate ~callback db net in
let session = Context_db.create net_db in
Prevalidator.create net_db >>= fun prevalidator ->
current_ops :=
(fun () ->
let res, _ = Prevalidator.operations prevalidator in
let new_blocks = ref Lwt.return_unit in
let shutdown () =
lwt_log_notice "shutdown %a" Net_id.pp net_id >>= fun () ->
Distributed_db.deactivate net_db >>= fun () ->
Lwt_pipe.close queue ;
Lwt.join [
Context_db.shutdown session ;
!new_blocks ;
Prevalidator.shutdown prevalidator ;
let valid_block_input_for_net = Watcher.create_input () in
let new_head_input = Watcher.create_input () in
let bootstrapped =
(* TODO improve by taking current peers count and current
locators into account... *)
let stream, stopper =
Watcher.create_stream valid_block_input_for_net in
let rec wait () =
Lwt.pick [ ( Lwt_stream.get stream ) ;
( Lwt_unix.sleep 30. >|= fun () -> None) ] >>= function
| Some block when
Time.((State.Block.header block).shell.timestamp < add (Time.now ()) (-60L)) ->
wait ()
| _ ->
Chain.head net >>= fun head ->
Chain.genesis net >>= fun genesis ->
if State.Block.equal head genesis then
wait ()
Lwt.return_unit in
let t =
wait () >>= fun () ->
Watcher.shutdown stopper ;
Lwt.return_unit in
Lwt.no_cancel t
let rec v = {
net ;
worker ;
parent ;
child = None ;
prevalidator ;
net_db ;
shutdown ;
notify_block ;
fetch_block ;
create_child ;
check_child ;
deactivate_child ;
test_validator ;
bootstrapped ;
new_head_input ;
valid_block_input_for_net ;
and notify_block hash block =
lwt_debug "-> Validator.notify_block %a"
Block_hash.pp_short hash >>= fun () ->
Chain.head net >>= fun head ->
let head_header = State.Block.header head in
if Fitness.compare head_header.shell.fitness block.shell.fitness <= 0 then
Context_db.prefetch v session hash ;
and fetch_block hash =
Context_db.fetch session v hash
and create_child block protocol expiration =
if State.Net.allow_forked_network net then begin
deactivate_child () >>= fun () ->
State.Net.get state net_id >>= function
| Ok net_store -> return net_store
| Error _ ->
state block protocol expiration >>=? fun net_store ->
Chain.head net_store >>= fun block ->
Watcher.notify v.worker.valid_block_input block ;
return net_store
end >>=? fun net_store ->
worker.activate ~parent:v net_store >>= fun child ->
v.child <- Some child ;
return ()
end else begin
(* Ignoring request... *)
return ()
and deactivate_child () =
match v.child with
| None -> Lwt.return_unit
| Some child ->
v.child <- None ;
deactivate child
and check_child genesis protocol expiration current_time =
let activated =
match v.child with
| None -> false
| Some child ->
Block_hash.equal (State.Net.genesis child.net).block genesis in
match max_ttl with
| None -> Lwt.return expiration
| Some ttl ->
Distributed_db.Block_header.fetch net_db genesis () >>= fun genesis ->
(Time.min expiration
(Time.add genesis.shell.timestamp (Int64.of_int ttl)))
end >>= fun local_expiration ->
let expired = Time.(local_expiration <= current_time) in
if expired && activated then
deactivate_child () >>= return
else if not activated && not expired then
fetch_block genesis >>=? fun genesis ->
create_child genesis protocol expiration
return ()
and test_validator () =
match v.child with
| None -> None
| Some child -> Some (child, child.net_db)
new_blocks := begin
let rec loop () =
Lwt_pipe.pop queue >>= function
| `Branch (_gid, locator) ->
List.iter (Context_db.prefetch v session) locator ;
loop ()
| `Head (gid, head, ops) ->
Context_db.prefetch v session head ;
Prevalidator.notify_operations prevalidator gid ops ;
loop ()
Lwt.catch loop
(function Lwt_pipe.Closed -> Lwt.return_unit
| exn -> Lwt.fail exn)
end ;
Lwt.return v
type error += Unknown_network of Net_id.t
let create_worker ?max_ttl state db =
let validators : t Lwt.t Net_id.Table.t =
Net_id.Table.create 7 in
let valid_block_input = Watcher.create_input () in
let get_exn net = Net_id.Table.find validators net in
let get net =
try get_exn net >>= fun v -> return v
with Not_found -> fail (State.Unknown_network net) in
let remove net = Net_id.Table.remove validators net in
let deactivate { net } =
let id = State.Net.id net in
get id >>= function
| Error _ -> Lwt.return_unit
| Ok v ->
lwt_log_notice "deactivate network %a" Net_id.pp id >>= fun () ->
remove id ;
v.shutdown ()
let notify_block hash (block : Block_header.t) =
match get_exn block.shell.net_id with
| exception Not_found -> Lwt.return_unit
| net ->
net >>= fun net ->
net.notify_block hash block in
let cancelation, cancel, _on_cancel = Lwt_utils.canceler () in
let maintenance_worker =
let next_net_maintenance = ref (Time.now ()) in
let net_maintenance () =
lwt_log_info "net maintenance" >>= fun () ->
let time = Time.now () in
(fun _ v acc ->
v >>= fun v ->
acc >>= fun () ->
match State.Net.expiration v.net with
| Some eol when Time.(eol <= time) -> deactivate v
| Some _ | None -> Lwt.return_unit)
validators Lwt.return_unit >>= fun () ->
State.Net.all state >>= fun all_net ->
(fun net ->
match State.Net.expiration net with
| Some eol when Time.(eol <= time) ->
lwt_log_notice "destroy network %a"
Net_id.pp (State.Net.id net) >>= fun () ->
State.Net.destroy state net
| Some _ | None -> Lwt.return_unit)
all_net >>= fun () ->
next_net_maintenance := Time.add (Time.now ()) (Int64.of_int 55) ;
Lwt.return_unit in
let next_head_maintenance = ref (Time.now ()) in
let head_maintenance () =
lwt_log_info "head maintenance" >>= fun () ->
(* TODO *)
next_head_maintenance := Time.add (Time.now ()) (Int64.of_int 55) ;
Lwt.return_unit in
let rec worker_loop () =
let timeout =
let next = min !next_head_maintenance !next_net_maintenance in
let delay = Time.(diff next (now ())) in
if delay <= 0L then
Lwt_unix.sleep (Int64.to_float delay) in
Lwt.pick [(timeout >|= fun () -> `Process);
(cancelation () >|= fun () -> `Cancel)] >>= function
| `Cancel -> Lwt.return_unit
| `Process ->
if !next_net_maintenance < Time.now () then
net_maintenance ()
Lwt.return ()
end >>= fun () ->
if !next_head_maintenance < Time.now () then
head_maintenance ()
Lwt.return ()
end >>= fun () ->
worker_loop ()
Lwt_utils.worker "validator_maintenance" ~run:worker_loop ~cancel in
let shutdown () =
cancel () >>= fun () ->
let validators =
(fun _ (v: t Lwt.t) acc -> (v >>= fun v -> v.shutdown ()) :: acc)
validators [] in
Lwt.join (maintenance_worker :: validators) in
let inject_block ?(force = false) bytes operations =
Distributed_db.inject_block db bytes operations >>=? fun (hash, block) ->
get block.shell.net_id >>=? fun net ->
let validation =
~on_error: begin fun err ->
net.net_db hash (List.length operations) ;
Lwt.return (Error err)
begin fun () ->
Chain.head net.net >>= fun head ->
let head_header = State.Block.header head in
if force ||
Fitness.compare head_header.shell.fitness block.shell.fitness <= 0
fetch_block net hash
failwith "Fitness is below the current one"
end in
return (hash, validation) in
let rec activate ?parent net =
let net_id = State.Net.id net in
lwt_log_notice "activate network %a"
Net_id.pp net_id >>= fun () ->
get net_id >>= function
| Error _ ->
let v = create_validator ?max_ttl ?parent worker state db net in
Net_id.Table.add validators net_id v ;
| Ok v -> Lwt.return v
and worker = {
get ; get_exn ;
activate ; deactivate ;
notify_block ;
inject_block ;
shutdown ;
valid_block_input ;
db ;
let new_head_watcher { new_head_input } =
Watcher.create_stream new_head_input
let watcher { valid_block_input_for_net } =
Watcher.create_stream valid_block_input_for_net
let global_watcher ({ valid_block_input } : worker) =
Watcher.create_stream valid_block_input