2020-08-13 16:13:42 +04:00

374 lines
8.1 KiB

let sepBy1 = (sep, p) => seq(p, repeat(seq(sep, p)))
let sepBy = (sep, p) => optional(sepBy1(sep, p))
function mkOp($, opExpr) {
return seq(
field("arg1", $._expr),
field("op", opExpr),
field("arg2", $._expr)
module.exports = grammar({
name: 'CameLigo',
extras: $ => [$.comment, $.ocaml_comment, /\s/],
rules: {
contract: $ => repeat($._declaration),
_declaration: $ => choice(
type_annot: $ => seq(
field("annotExpr", $.type_expr)
argument: $ => seq(
field("argPattern", $._pattern),
field("argAnnot", $.type_annot),
let_decl: $ => seq(
field("binder", $._binder),
optional(field("bindAnnot", $.type_annot)),
_binder: $ => choice(
field("letBinds", $.let_binds),
field("letPat", $.let_pat)
//========== EXPR ============
_let_expr: $ => choice(
let_binds: $ => prec(1, seq(
optional(field("recursive", "rec")),
field("bindName", $.Name),
repeat(field("bindArgument", $.argument))
let_pat: $ => $._pattern,
let_expr1: $ => seq(
choice(field("letBinds", $.let_binds), field("letPat", $.let_pat)),
optional(field("bindAnnot", $.type_annot)),
field("innerExpr", $._let_expr)
// [1;2]
list_pattern: $ => seq(
sepBy1(';', field("patternListItem", $._pattern)),
// a :: b
list_con_pattern: $ => prec.right(9, seq(
field("patX", $._pattern),
field("patXs", $._pattern)
// a, b, c
tup_pattern: $ => prec.right(8,seq(
field("tuplePatternItem", $._pattern),
sepBy1(",", field("tuplePatternItem", $._pattern))
_pattern: $ => choice(
con_pattern: $ => prec(10,
field("conPattern", $.data_con),
paren_pattern: $ => seq(
field("innerPattern", $._pattern),
call: $ => choice(
_mod_op_app: $ => prec.left(16, mkOp($, "mod")),
_mul_op_app: $ => prec.left(15, mkOp($, choice("/", "*"))),
_add_op_app: $ => prec.left(14, mkOp($, choice("-", "+"))),
_list_con_op_app: $ => prec.right(13, mkOp($, "::")),
_string_cat_op_app: $ => prec.right(12, mkOp($, "^")),
_bool_op_app: $ => prec.left(11, mkOp($, choice("&&", "||"))),
_comp_op_app: $ => prec.left(10, mkOp($, choice("=", "<>", "==", "<", "<=", ">", ">="))),
// - a
unary_op_app: $ => prec(19, choice(
seq(field("unaryOp", "-"), field("arg", $._expr))),
// f a
fun_app: $ => prec.left(20, seq(field("appF", $.sub_expr), field("appArg",$.sub_expr))),
// a.0
index_accessor: $ => prec.right(21, seq(field("exp", $.sub_expr), ".", field("ix", $.sub_expr))),
// { p with a = b; c = d }
rec_expr: $ => seq(
optional(seq(field("updateTarget", $.Name), "with")),
field("assignment", $.rec_assignment),
repeat(seq(";", field("assignment", $.rec_assignment))),
// a = b;
rec_assignment: $ => seq(
field("assignmentLabel", $._expr),
field("assignmentExpr", $._expr),
// if a then b else c
if_expr: $ => seq(
field("condition", $._expr),
field("thenBranch", $._expr),
field("elseBranch", $._expr)
// match x with ...
match_expr: $ => prec.right(1,seq(
field("matchTarget", $._expr),
sepBy('|', field("matching", $.matching))
// Dog as x -> f x
matching: $ => seq(
field("pattern", $._pattern),
field("matchingExpr", $._expr)
lambda_expr: $ => seq(
repeat1(field("arg", $.argument)),
field("body", $._expr)
list_expr: $ => seq(
sepBy(";", field("item", $._expr)),
tup_expr: $ => prec.right(9,seq(
field("fst", $._expr),
field("snd", $._expr),
_expr: $ => choice(
sub_expr: $ => choice(
paren_expr: $ => seq(
field("innerExpr", $._expr),
optional(field("exprAnnot", $.type_annot)),
//========== TYPE_EXPR ============
// t, test, string, integer
type_con: $ => $.TypeName,
// Red, Green, Blue, Cat
data_con: $ => $.Name_Capital,
// a t, (a, b) t
type_app: $ => prec(10,seq(
field("argument", $.type_expr),
sepBy1(",", field("argument", $.type_expr)),
field("typeAppCon", $.type_con)
// string * integer
type_product: $ => prec.right(5, seq(
field("fst", $.type_expr),
field("snd", $.type_expr)
// int -> string
type_fun: $ => prec.right(8, seq(
field("domain", $.type_expr),
field("codomain", $.type_expr)
type_expr: $ => choice(
paren_type_expr: $ => seq(
field("innerTypeExpr", $.type_expr),
// Cat of string, Person of string * string
variant: $ => seq(
field("constructor", $.data_con),
field("constructor_data", $.type_expr)
// Cat of string | Personn of string * string
type_sum: $ => seq(
sepBy1('|', field("variant", $.variant)),
// field : string * int
_label: $ => $.FieldName,
type_rec_field: $ => seq(
field("recLabel", $._label),
field("labelType", $.type_expr)
// { field1 : a; field2 : b }
type_rec: $ => seq(
sepBy(";", field("recField", $.type_rec_field)),
type_def_body: $ => choice(
type_def: $ => seq(
field("typeName", $.type_con),
field("typeValue", $.type_def_body)
type_decl: $ => seq(
field("typeDef", $.type_def)
_literal: $ => choice(
String: $ => /\"(\\.|[^"])*\"/,
Int: $ => /-?([1-9][0-9_]*|0)/,
Nat: $ => /([1-9][0-9_]*|0)n/,
Tez: $ => /([1-9][0-9_]*|0)(\.[0-9_]+)?(tz|tez|mutez)/,
Bytes: $ => /0x[0-9a-fA-F]+/,
Name: $ => /[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/,
TypeName: $ => /[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/,
FieldName: $ => /[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/,
Name_Capital: $ => /[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/,
Keyword: $ => /[A-Za-z][a-z]*/,
False: $ => 'false',
True: $ => 'true',
Unit: $ => '()',
comment: $ => /\/\/[^\n]*\n/,
ocaml_comment: $ =>
/'([^'\\]|\\[\\"'ntbr ]|\\[0-9][0-9][0-9]|\\x[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]|\\o[0-3][0-7][0-7])'/,
'(', "'", '*',