Now `make test` fails when sources are not indented correctly, the indentation test is also executed in the CI.
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(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
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(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
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type t = {
level: Raw_level_repr.t ;
level_position: int32 ;
cycle: Cycle_repr.t ;
cycle_position: int32 ;
voting_period: Voting_period_repr.t ;
voting_period_position: int32 ;
type level = t
let pp ppf { level } = Raw_level_repr.pp ppf level
let pp_full ppf l =
Format.fprintf ppf
"%a.%ld (cycle %a.%ld) (vote %a.%ld)"
Raw_level_repr.pp l.level l.level_position
Cycle_repr.pp l.cycle l.cycle_position
Voting_period_repr.pp l.voting_period l.voting_period_position
let encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
(fun { level ; level_position ;
cycle ; cycle_position ;
voting_period; voting_period_position } ->
(level, level_position,
cycle, cycle_position,
voting_period, voting_period_position))
(fun (level, level_position,
cycle, cycle_position,
voting_period, voting_period_position) ->
{ level ; level_position ;
cycle ; cycle_position ;
voting_period ; voting_period_position })
(req "level" Raw_level_repr.encoding)
(req "level_position" int32)
(req "cycle" Cycle_repr.encoding)
(req "cycle_position" int32)
(req "voting_period" Voting_period_repr.encoding)
(req "voting_period_position" int32))
let root first_level =
{ level = first_level ;
level_position = 0l ;
cycle = Cycle_repr.root ;
cycle_position = 0l ;
voting_period = Voting_period_repr.root ;
voting_period_position = 0l ;
let from_raw ~first_level ~cycle_length ~voting_period_length level =
let raw_level = Raw_level_repr.to_int32 level in
let first_level = Raw_level_repr.to_int32 first_level in
let level_position =
Compare.Int32.max 0l (Int32.sub raw_level first_level) in
let cycle =
Cycle_repr.of_int32_exn (Int32.div level_position cycle_length) in
let cycle_position = Int32.rem level_position cycle_length in
let voting_period =
(Int32.div level_position voting_period_length) in
let voting_period_position =
Int32.rem level_position voting_period_length in
{ level ; level_position ;
cycle ; cycle_position ;
voting_period ; voting_period_position }
let diff { level = l1 } { level = l2 } =
Int32.sub (Raw_level_repr.to_int32 l1) (Raw_level_repr.to_int32 l2)
let compare { level = l1 } { level = l2 } = Raw_level_repr.compare l1 l2
let (=) { level = l1 } { level = l2 } = Raw_level_repr.(=) l1 l2
let (<>) { level = l1 } { level = l2 } = Raw_level_repr.(<>) l1 l2
let (>) { level = l1 } { level = l2 } = Raw_level_repr.(>) l1 l2
let (>=) { level = l1 } { level = l2 } = Raw_level_repr.(>=) l1 l2
let (<=) { level = l1 } { level = l2 } = Raw_level_repr.(<=) l1 l2
let (<) { level = l1 } { level = l2 } = Raw_level_repr.(<) l1 l2
let min l1 l2 = if l1 <= l2 then l1 else l2
let max l1 l2 = if l1 >= l2 then l1 else l2