Preprocessor is now a library installed by opam. Replaced ligolang@gmail.com by contact@ligolang.org in opam files. Reformatted some opam files. Removed #line directive from preprocessor. Added to the interface of ParserUnit. Script messages.sh now checks the identity of .msg and .msg.old to avoid undue warning about possibly different LR items.
227 lines
6.1 KiB
Executable File
227 lines
6.1 KiB
Executable File
# This script uses Menhir to generate the exhaustive list of errors
# for a given parser specification. The generated file has to be
# filled with the error messages. The script must be called in the
# same directory where the parser specification and external token
# specifications are located, in accordance with the convention of the
# LIGO compiler source code.
#set -x
# ====================================================================
# General Settings and wrappers
script=$(basename $0)
print_nl () { test "$quiet" != "yes" && echo "$1"; }
print () { test "$quiet" != "yes" && printf "$1"; }
fatal_error () {
echo "$script: fatal error:"
echo "$1" 1>&2
exit 1
warn () {
print_nl "$script: warning:"
print_nl "$1"
failed () {
printf "\033[31mFAILED$1\033[0m\n"
emphasise () {
printf "\033[31m$1\033[0m\n"
# ====================================================================
# Parsing loop
while : ; do
case "$1" in
"") break;;
if test -n "$par_tokens"; then
fatal_error "Repeated option --par-tokens."; fi
par_tokens=$(expr "$1" : "[^=]*=\(.*\)")
if test -n "$lex_tokens"; then
fatal_error "Repeated option --lex-tokens."; fi
lex_tokens=$(expr "$1" : "[^=]*=\(.*\)")
-h | --help | -help)
# Invalid option
fatal_error "Invalid option \"$1\"."
# Invalid argument
if test -n "$parser"; then
fatal_error "Only one Menhir specification allowed."; fi
# ====================================================================
# Help
usage () {
cat <<EOF
Usage: $(basename $0) [-h|--help] --lex-tokens=<lex_tokens>.mli \
--par-tokens=<par_tokens>.mly <parser>.mly
Generates in place <parser>.msg, the form containing the exhaustive
list of errors for the LR automaton generated by Menhir from
<parser>.mly, <par_tokens>.mly and <lex_tokens>.mli. The file
<parser>.msg is meant to be edited and filled with the error messages.
The following options, if given, must be given only once.
Display control:
-h, --help display this help and exit
Mandatory options:
--lex-tokens=<name>.mli the lexical tokens
--par-tokens=<name>.mly the syntactical tokens
exit 1
if test "$help" = "yes"; then usage; fi
# ====================================================================
# Checking the command-line options and arguments and applying some of
# them.
# It is a common mistake to forget the "=" in GNU long-option style.
if test -n "$no_eq"; then
fatal_error "Long option style $no_eq must be followed by \"=\"."
# Checking the parser and tokens
if test -z "$parser"; then
fatal_error "No parser specification."; fi
if test -z "$par_tokens"; then
fatal_error "No syntactical tokens specification (use --par-tokens)."; fi
if test -z "$lex_tokens"; then
fatal_error "No lexical tokens specification (use --lex-tokens)."; fi
if test ! -e "$parser"; then
fatal_error "Parser specification \"$parser\" not found."; fi
if test ! -e "$lex_tokens"; then
fatal_error "Lexical tokens specification \"$lex_tokens\" not found."; fi
if test ! -e "$par_tokens"; then
fatal_error "Syntactical tokens specification \"$par_tokens\" not found."; fi
parser_ext=$(expr "$parser" : ".*\.mly$")
if test "$parser_ext" = "0"; then
fatal_error "Parser specification must have extension \".mly\"."; fi
par_tokens_ext=$(expr "$par_tokens" : ".*\.mly$")
if test "$par_tokens_ext" = "0"; then
fatal_error "Syntactical tokens specification must have extension \".mly\"."
lex_tokens_ext=$(expr "$lex_tokens" : ".*\.mli$")
if test "$lex_tokens_ext" = "0"; then
fatal_error "Lexical tokens specification must have extension \".mli\"."
parser_base=$(basename $mly .mly)
par_tokens_base=$(basename $par_tokens .mly)
lex_tokens_base=$(basename $lex_tokens .mli)
# ====================================================================
# Menhir's flags
flags="--table --strict --external-tokens $lex_tokens_base \
--base $parser_base $par_tokens"
# ====================================================================
# Generating error messages with Menhir
if test -e $msg; then mv -f $msg $msg.old; echo "Saved $msg."; fi
printf "Making new $msg from $mly... "
menhir --list-errors $flags $mly > $msg 2>$out
if test "$?" = "0"; then
sentences=$(grep "YOUR SYNTAX ERROR MESSAGE HERE" $msg | wc -l)
if test -z "$sentences"; then printf "done.\n"
spurious=$(grep WARNING $msg | wc -l)
printf "done:\n"
printf "There are %s error sentences, %s with spurious reductions.\n" \
$sentences $spurious; fi
if test -s $out; then cat $out; fi
if test -f $msg.old; then
printf "Checking inclusion of mappings (new in old)... "
menhir --compare-errors $msg \
--compare-errors $msg.old \
$flags $mly 2> $out
if test "$?" = "0"; then
if test -s $out; then
printf "done:\n"
cat $out
else printf "done.\n"; fi
rm -f $out
printf "Updating $msg... "
menhir --update-errors $msg.old \
$flags $mly > $msg 2> $err
if test "$?" = "0"; then
if $(diff $msg $msg.old 2>&1 > /dev/null); then
echo "done."
printf "done:\n"
emphasise "Warning: The LR items may have changed."
emphasise "> Check your error messages again."
rm -f $err
else failed "."
touch $err
mv -f $msg.old $msg
echo "Restored $msg."; fi
else failed ":"
mv -f $out $err
sed -i -e "s/\.msg/.msg.new/g" \
-e "s/\.new\.old//g" $err
mv -f $msg $msg.new
emphasise "See $err and update $msg."
echo "The default messages are in $msg.new."
mv -f $msg.old $msg
echo "Restored $msg."; fi; fi
failed ":"
mv -f $out $err
emphasise "> See $err."
mv -f $msg.old $msg
echo "Restored $msg."