265 lines
9.3 KiB
265 lines
9.3 KiB
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception as E
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Data.Default
import Data.Foldable
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.String.Interpolate (i)
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Control as CTRL
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Core as Core
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Diagnostics
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Messages as Msg
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as J
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens as J
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Utility as U
import Language.Haskell.LSP.VFS
import System.Exit
import qualified System.Log as L
import Duplo.Pretty
import Parser
import ParseTree
import Range
import Product
import AST hiding (def)
import qualified AST.Find as Find
-- import Error
main :: IO ()
main = do
return ()
for_ [1.. 100] \_ -> do
print . length . show . pp =<< sample' "../../../src/test/contracts/loop.ligo"
-- errCode <- mainLoop
-- exit errCode
-- mainLoop :: IO Int
-- mainLoop = do
-- chan <- atomically newTChan :: IO (TChan FromClientMessage)
-- let
-- callbacks = Core.InitializeCallbacks
-- { Core.onInitialConfiguration = const $ Right ()
-- , Core.onConfigurationChange = const $ Right ()
-- , Core.onStartup = \lFuns -> do
-- _ <- forkIO $ eventLoop lFuns chan
-- return Nothing
-- }
-- Core.setupLogger (Just "log.txt") [] L.INFO
-- CTRL.run callbacks (lspHandlers chan) lspOptions (Just "log.txt")
-- `catches`
-- [ Handler \(e :: SomeException) -> do
-- print e
-- return 1
-- ]
-- syncOptions :: J.TextDocumentSyncOptions
-- syncOptions = J.TextDocumentSyncOptions
-- { J._openClose = Just True
-- , J._change = Just J.TdSyncIncremental
-- , J._willSave = Just False
-- , J._willSaveWaitUntil = Just False
-- , J._save = Just $ J.SaveOptions $ Just False
-- }
-- lspOptions :: Core.Options
-- lspOptions = def
-- { Core.textDocumentSync = Just syncOptions
-- , Core.executeCommandCommands = Just ["lsp-hello-command"]
-- }
-- lspHandlers :: TChan FromClientMessage -> Core.Handlers
-- lspHandlers rin = def
-- { Core.initializedHandler = Just $ passHandler rin NotInitialized
-- , Core.definitionHandler = Just $ passHandler rin ReqDefinition
-- , Core.referencesHandler = Just $ passHandler rin ReqFindReferences
-- , Core.didOpenTextDocumentNotificationHandler = Just $ passHandler rin NotDidOpenTextDocument
-- , Core.didSaveTextDocumentNotificationHandler = Just $ passHandler rin NotDidSaveTextDocument
-- , Core.didChangeTextDocumentNotificationHandler = Just $ passHandler rin NotDidChangeTextDocument
-- , Core.didCloseTextDocumentNotificationHandler = Just $ passHandler rin NotDidCloseTextDocument
-- , Core.cancelNotificationHandler = Just $ passHandler rin NotCancelRequestFromClient
-- , Core.responseHandler = Just $ responseHandlerCb rin
-- , Core.codeActionHandler = Just $ passHandler rin ReqCodeAction
-- , Core.executeCommandHandler = Just $ passHandler rin ReqExecuteCommand
-- }
-- passHandler :: TChan FromClientMessage -> (a -> FromClientMessage) -> Core.Handler a
-- passHandler rin c notification = do
-- atomically $ writeTChan rin (c notification)
-- responseHandlerCb :: TChan FromClientMessage -> Core.Handler J.BareResponseMessage
-- responseHandlerCb _rin resp = do
-- U.logs $ "******** got ResponseMessage, ignoring:" ++ show resp
-- send :: Core.LspFuncs () -> FromServerMessage -> IO ()
-- send = Core.sendFunc
-- nextID :: Core.LspFuncs () -> IO J.LspId
-- nextID = Core.getNextReqId
-- eventLoop :: Core.LspFuncs () -> TChan FromClientMessage -> IO ()
-- eventLoop funs chan = do
-- forever do
-- msg <- atomically (readTChan chan)
-- U.logs [i|Client: ${msg}|]
-- case msg of
-- RspFromClient {} -> do
-- return ()
-- NotInitialized _notif -> do
-- let
-- registration = J.Registration
-- "lsp-haskell-registered"
-- J.WorkspaceExecuteCommand
-- Nothing
-- registrations = J.RegistrationParams $ J.List [registration]
-- rid <- nextID funs
-- send funs
-- $ ReqRegisterCapability
-- $ fmServerRegisterCapabilityRequest rid registrations
-- NotDidOpenTextDocument notif -> do
-- let
-- doc = notif
-- ^.J.params
-- .J.textDocument
-- .J.uri
-- ver = notif
-- ^.J.params
-- .J.textDocument
-- .J.version
-- collectErrors funs
-- (J.toNormalizedUri doc)
-- (J.uriToFilePath doc)
-- (Just ver)
-- NotDidChangeTextDocument notif -> do
-- let
-- doc = notif
-- ^.J.params
-- .J.textDocument
-- .J.uri
-- collectErrors funs
-- (J.toNormalizedUri doc)
-- (J.uriToFilePath doc)
-- (Just 0)
-- ReqDefinition req -> do
-- stopDyingAlready funs req do
-- let uri = req^.J.params.J.textDocument.J.uri
-- let pos = posToRange $ req^.J.params.J.position
-- tree <- loadByVFS funs uri
-- case Find.definitionOf pos tree of
-- Just defPos -> do
-- respondWith funs req RspDefinition $ J.MultiLoc [J.Location uri $ rangeToLoc defPos]
-- Nothing -> do
-- respondWith funs req RspDefinition $ J.MultiLoc []
-- ReqFindReferences req -> do
-- stopDyingAlready funs req do
-- let uri = req^.J.params.J.textDocument.J.uri
-- let pos = posToRange $ req^.J.params.J.position
-- tree <- loadFromVFS funs uri
-- case Find.referencesOf pos tree of
-- Just refs -> do
-- let locations = J.Location uri . rangeToLoc <$> refs
-- respondWith funs req RspFindReferences $ J.List locations
-- Nothing -> do
-- respondWith funs req RspFindReferences $ J.List []
-- _ -> U.logs "unknown msg"
-- respondWith
-- :: Core.LspFuncs ()
-- -> J.RequestMessage J.ClientMethod req rsp
-- -> (J.ResponseMessage rsp -> FromServerMessage)
-- -> rsp
-- -> IO ()
-- respondWith funs req wrap rsp = Core.sendFunc funs $ wrap $ Core.makeResponseMessage req rsp
-- stopDyingAlready :: Core.LspFuncs () -> J.RequestMessage m a b -> IO () -> IO ()
-- stopDyingAlready funs req = flip catch \(e :: SomeException) -> do
-- Core.sendErrorResponseS (Core.sendFunc funs) (req^.J.id.to J.responseId) J.InternalError
-- $ fromString
-- $ "this happened: " ++ show e
-- posToRange :: J.Position -> Range
-- posToRange (J.Position l c) = Range (l + 1, c + 1, 0) (l + 1, c + 1, 0) ""
-- rangeToLoc :: Range -> J.Range
-- rangeToLoc (Range (a, b, _) (c, d, _) _) =
-- J.Range
-- (J.Position (a - 1) (b - 1))
-- (J.Position (c - 1) (d - 1))
-- loadFromVFS
-- :: Core.LspFuncs ()
-- -> J.Uri
-- -> IO (Pascal (Product [[ScopedDecl], Maybe Category, Range, [Text]]))
-- loadFromVFS funs uri = do
-- Just vf <- Core.getVirtualFileFunc funs $ J.toNormalizedUri uri
-- let txt = virtualFileText vf
-- let Just fin = J.uriToFilePath uri
-- (tree, _) <- runParser contract (Text fin txt)
-- return $ addLocalScopes tree
-- loadByURI
-- :: J.Uri
-- -> IO (Pascal (Product [[ScopedDecl], Maybe Category, Range, [Text]]))
-- loadByURI uri = do
-- case J.uriToFilePath uri of
-- Just fin -> do
-- (tree, _) <- runParser contract (Path fin)
-- return $ addLocalScopes tree
-- Nothing -> do
-- error $ "uriToFilePath " ++ show uri ++ " has failed. We all are doomed."
-- collectErrors
-- :: Core.LspFuncs ()
-- -> J.NormalizedUri
-- -> Maybe FilePath
-- -> Maybe Int
-- -> IO ()
-- collectErrors funs uri path version = do
-- case path of
-- Just fin -> do
-- (tree, errs) <- runParser contract (Path fin)
-- Core.publishDiagnosticsFunc funs 100 uri version
-- $ partitionBySource
-- $ map errorToDiag (errs <> errors tree)
-- Nothing -> error "TODO: implement URI file loading"
-- errorToDiag :: Error ASTInfo -> J.Diagnostic
-- errorToDiag (Expected what _ (getRange -> (Range (sl, sc, _) (el, ec, _) _))) =
-- J.Diagnostic
-- (J.Range begin end)
-- (Just J.DsError)
-- Nothing
-- (Just "ligo-lsp")
-- (Text.pack [i|Expected #{what}|])
-- (Just $ J.List[])
-- where
-- begin = J.Position (sl - 1) (sc - 1)
-- end = J.Position (el - 1) (ec - 1)
-- exit :: Int -> IO ()
-- exit 0 = exitSuccess
-- exit n = exitWith (ExitFailure n)