291 lines
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291 lines
12 KiB
open Trace
open Main_errors
type test_case = unit Alcotest.test_case
type test =
| Test_suite of (string * test list)
| Test of test_case
let test_format : 'a Simple_utils.Display.format = {
(* do not display anything if test succeed *)
pp = (fun ~display_format _ _ -> ignore display_format; ()) ;
to_json = (fun _ -> (`Null:Display.json)) ;
let wrap_test name f =
let result =
trace (test_tracer name) @@
f ()
let format = Display.bind_format test_format Main.Formatter.error_format in
let disp = Simple_utils.Display.Displayable {value=result ; format} in
let s = Simple_utils.Display.convert ~display_format:(Human_readable) disp in
match result with
| Ok ((), annotations) -> ignore annotations; ()
| Error _ ->
Format.printf "%s\n%!" s ;
raise Alcotest.Test_error
let test name f =
Test (
Alcotest.test_case name `Quick @@ fun () ->
wrap_test name f
let test_suite name lst = Test_suite (name , lst)
let expression_to_core expression =
let%bind sugar = Compile.Of_imperative.compile_expression expression in
let%bind core = Compile.Of_sugar.compile_expression sugar in
ok @@ core
open Ast_imperative
let pack_payload (program:Ast_typed.program) (payload:expression) : (bytes,_) result =
let%bind code =
let env = Ast_typed.program_environment Environment.default program in
let%bind sugar = Compile.Of_imperative.compile_expression payload in
let%bind core = Compile.Of_sugar.compile_expression sugar in
let%bind (typed,_) = Compile.Of_core.compile_expression
~env ~state:(Typer.Solver.initial_state) core in
let%bind mini_c = Compile.Of_typed.compile_expression typed in
Compile.Of_mini_c.compile_expression mini_c in
let (Ex_ty payload_ty) = code.expr_ty in
let%bind (payload: Tezos_utils.Michelson.michelson) =
Ligo.Run.Of_michelson.evaluate_expression code.expr code.expr_ty in
Ligo.Run.Of_michelson.pack_payload payload payload_ty
let sign_message (program:Ast_typed.program) (payload : expression) sk : (string,_) result =
let open Tezos_crypto in
let%bind packed_payload = pack_payload program payload in
let signed_data = Signature.sign sk packed_payload in
let signature_str = Signature.to_b58check signed_data in
ok signature_str
let contract id =
let open Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha in
let id = List.nth dummy_environment.identities id in
let addr id =
let open Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha in
Protocol.Alpha_context.Contract.to_b58check @@ contract id
let gen_keys = fun () ->
let open Tezos_crypto in
let (raw_pkh,raw_pk,raw_sk) = Signature.generate_key () in
let str_keys (raw_pkh, raw_pk, raw_sk) =
let open Tezos_crypto in
let sk_str = Signature.Secret_key.to_b58check raw_sk in
let pk_str = Signature.Public_key.to_b58check raw_pk in
let pkh_str = Signature.Public_key_hash.to_b58check raw_pkh in
let sha_256_hash pl =
let open Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.Alpha_environment in
Raw_hashes.sha256 pl
open Ast_imperative.Combinators
let typed_program_with_imperative_input_to_michelson
((program , state): Ast_typed.program * Typesystem.Solver_types.typer_state) (entry_point: string)
(input: Ast_imperative.expression) : (Stacking.compiled_expression,_) result =
Printexc.record_backtrace true;
let env = Ast_typed.program_environment Environment.default program in
let%bind sugar = Compile.Of_imperative.compile_expression input in
let%bind core = Compile.Of_sugar.compile_expression sugar in
let () = (if Ast_typed.Debug.debug_new_typer then Printf.printf "\nINPUT = %s\n\n%!" (Format.asprintf "%a" Ast_core.PP.expression core)) in
let%bind app = Compile.Of_core.apply entry_point core in
let () = (if Ast_typed.Debug.debug_new_typer then Format.printf "\n\nSTATE IZ=%a\n\n" Typesystem.Solver_types.pp_typer_state state) in
let%bind (typed_app,new_state) = Compile.Of_core.compile_expression ~env ~state app in
let () = Typer.Solver.discard_state new_state in
let%bind compiled_applied = Compile.Of_typed.compile_expression typed_app in
let%bind mini_c_prg = Compile.Of_typed.compile program in
Compile.Of_mini_c.aggregate_and_compile_expression mini_c_prg compiled_applied
let run_typed_program_with_imperative_input ?options
((program , state): Ast_typed.program * Typesystem.Solver_types.typer_state) (entry_point: string)
(input: Ast_imperative.expression) : (Ast_core.expression, _) result =
let%bind michelson_program = typed_program_with_imperative_input_to_michelson (program , state) entry_point input in
let%bind michelson_output = Ligo.Run.Of_michelson.run_no_failwith ?options michelson_program.expr michelson_program.expr_ty in
let%bind res = Decompile.Of_michelson.decompile_typed_program_entry_function_result program entry_point (Runned_result.Success michelson_output) in
match res with
| Runned_result.Success exp -> ok exp
| Runned_result.Fail _ -> fail test_not_expected_to_fail
let expect ?options program entry_point input expecter =
let%bind result =
trace (test_run_tracer entry_point) @@
run_typed_program_with_imperative_input ?options program entry_point input in
expecter result
let expect_fail ?options program entry_point input =
trace (test_run_tracer entry_point) @@
Assert.assert_fail (test_expected_to_fail) @@
run_typed_program_with_imperative_input ?options program entry_point input
let expect_string_failwith ?options program entry_point input expected_failwith =
let%bind michelson_program = typed_program_with_imperative_input_to_michelson program entry_point input in
let%bind err = Ligo.Run.Of_michelson.run_failwith
?options michelson_program.expr michelson_program.expr_ty in
match err with
| Runned_result.Failwith_string s when String.equal s expected_failwith -> ok ()
| _ -> fail test_expected_to_fail
let expect_eq ?options program entry_point input expected =
let%bind expected = expression_to_core expected in
let expecter = fun result ->
trace_option (test_expect expected result) @@
Ast_core.Misc.assert_value_eq (expected,result) in
expect ?options program entry_point input expecter
let expect_eq_core ?options program entry_point input expected =
let expecter = fun result ->
trace_option (test_expect expected result) @@
Ast_core.Misc.assert_value_eq (expected,result) in
expect ?options program entry_point input expecter
let expect_evaluate (program, _state) entry_point expecter =
trace (test_run_tracer entry_point) @@
let%bind mini_c = Ligo.Compile.Of_typed.compile program in
let%bind (exp,_) = trace_option unknown @@ Mini_c.get_entry mini_c entry_point in
let%bind michelson_value = Ligo.Compile.Of_mini_c.aggregate_and_compile_expression mini_c exp in
let%bind res_michelson = Ligo.Run.Of_michelson.run_no_failwith michelson_value.expr michelson_value.expr_ty in
let%bind res = Decompile.Of_michelson.decompile_typed_program_entry_expression_result program entry_point (Success res_michelson) in
let%bind res' = match res with
| Runned_result.Success exp -> ok exp
| Runned_result.Fail _ -> fail test_not_expected_to_fail in
expecter res'
let expect_eq_evaluate ((program , state) : Ast_typed.program * Typesystem.Solver_types.typer_state) entry_point expected =
let%bind expected = expression_to_core expected in
let expecter = fun result ->
trace_option (test_expect expected result) @@
Ast_core.Misc.assert_value_eq (expected , result) in
expect_evaluate (program, state) entry_point expecter
let expect_n_aux ?options lst program entry_point make_input make_expecter =
let aux n =
let input = make_input n in
let expecter = make_expecter n in
trace (test_expect_n_tracer n) @@
let result = expect ?options program entry_point input expecter in
let%bind _ = bind_map_list aux lst in
ok ()
let expect_eq_n_trace_aux ?options lst program entry_point make_input make_expected =
let aux n =
let%bind input = make_input n in
let%bind expected = make_expected n in
trace (test_expect_n_tracer n) @@
let result = expect_eq ?options program entry_point input expected in
let%bind _ = bind_map_list_seq aux lst in
ok ()
let expect_eq_exp_trace_aux ?options explst program entry_point make_input make_expected =
let aux exp =
let%bind input = make_input exp in
let%bind expected = make_expected exp in
trace (test_expect_exp_tracer exp) @@
let result = expect_eq ?options program entry_point input expected in
let%bind _ = bind_map_list_seq aux explst in
ok ()
let expect_failwith_exp_trace_aux ?options explst program entry_point make_input make_expected_failwith =
let aux exp =
let%bind input = make_input exp in
let%bind expected = make_expected_failwith exp in
trace (test_expect_exp_tracer exp) @@
let result = expect_string_failwith ?options program entry_point input expected in
let%bind _ = bind_map_list_seq aux explst in
ok ()
let expect_eq_n_aux ?options lst program entry_point make_input make_expected =
let aux n =
let input = make_input n in
let expected = make_expected n in
trace (test_expect_eq_n_tracer n) @@
let result = expect_eq ?options program entry_point input expected in
let%bind _ = bind_map_list_seq aux lst in
ok ()
let expect_eq_n ?options = expect_eq_n_aux ?options [0 ; 1 ; 2 ; 42 ; 163 ; -1]
let expect_eq_n_pos ?options = expect_eq_n_aux ?options [0 ; 1 ; 2 ; 42 ; 163]
let expect_eq_n_strict_pos ?options = expect_eq_n_aux ?options [2 ; 42 ; 163]
let expect_eq_n_pos_small ?options = expect_eq_n_aux ?options [0 ; 1 ; 2 ; 10]
let expect_eq_n_strict_pos_small ?options = expect_eq_n_aux ?options [1 ; 2 ; 10]
let expect_eq_n_pos_mid = expect_eq_n_aux [0 ; 1 ; 2 ; 10 ; 33]
let expect_n_pos_small ?options = expect_n_aux ?options [0 ; 2 ; 10]
let expect_n_strict_pos_small ?options = expect_n_aux ?options [2 ; 10]
let expect_eq_b program entry_point make_expected =
let aux b =
let input = e_bool b in
let expected = make_expected b in
expect_eq program entry_point input expected
let%bind _ = bind_map_list_seq aux [false ; true] in
ok ()
let expect_eq_n_int a b c =
expect_eq_n a b e_int (fun n -> e_int (c n))
let expect_eq_b_bool a b c =
expect_eq_b a b (fun bool -> e_bool (c bool))
let rec test_height : test -> int = fun t ->
match t with
| Test _ -> 1
| Test_suite (_ , lst) -> (List.fold_left max 1 @@ List.map test_height lst) + 1
let extract_test : test -> test_case = fun t ->
match t with
| Test tc -> tc
| _ -> assert false
let extract_param : test -> (string * (string * test_case list) list) =
let extract_element = extract_test in
let extract_group : test -> (string * test_case list) = fun t ->
match t with
| Test tc -> ("isolated" , [ tc ])
| Test_suite (name , lst) -> (name , List.map extract_element lst) in
fun t ->
match t with
| Test tc -> ("" , [ ("isolated" , [ tc ] ) ])
| Test_suite (name , lst) -> (name , List.map extract_group lst)
let x : _ -> (unit Alcotest.test) = fun x -> x
Alcotest.run parameters:
string * (string * f list) list
let rec run_test ?(prefix = "") : test -> unit = fun t ->
match t with
| Test case -> Alcotest.run "isolated test" [ ("" , [ case ]) ]
| Test_suite (name , lst) -> (
if (test_height t <= 3) then (
let (name , tests) = extract_param t in
Alcotest.run (prefix ^ name) tests
) else (
List.iter (run_test ~prefix:(prefix ^ name ^ "_")) lst