944 lines
33 KiB
944 lines
33 KiB
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
open Tezos_micheline
open Micheline
type 'l node = ('l, string) Micheline.node
type error += Unexpected_macro_annotation of string
type error += Sequence_expected of string
type error += Invalid_arity of string * int * int
let rec check_letters str i j f =
i > j || f (String.get str i) && check_letters str (i + 1) j f
let expand_caddadr original =
match original with
| Prim (loc, str, args, annot) ->
let len = String.length str in
if len > 3
&& String.get str 0 = 'C'
&& String.get str (len - 1) = 'R'
&& check_letters str 1 (len - 2)
(function 'A' | 'D' -> true | _ -> false) then
begin match args with
| [] -> ok ()
| _ :: _ -> error (Invalid_arity (str, List.length args, 0))
end >>? fun () ->
let rec parse i annot acc =
if i = 0 then
Seq (loc, acc)
let annot = if i = (String.length str - 2) then annot else [] in
match String.get str i with
| 'A' -> parse (i - 1) [] (Prim (loc, "CAR", [], annot) :: acc)
| 'D' -> parse (i - 1) [] (Prim (loc, "CDR", [], annot) :: acc)
| _ -> assert false in
ok (Some (parse (len - 2) annot []))
ok None
| _ -> ok None
let expand_set_caddadr original =
match original with
| Prim (loc, str, args, annot) ->
let len = String.length str in
if len >= 7
&& String.sub str 0 5 = "SET_C"
&& String.get str (len - 1) = 'R'
&& check_letters str 5 (len - 2)
(function 'A' | 'D' -> true | _ -> false) then
begin match args with
| [] -> ok ()
| _ :: _ -> error (Invalid_arity (str, List.length args, 0))
end >>? fun () ->
let rec parse i acc =
if i = 4 then
match String.get str i with
| 'A' ->
let acc =
Seq (loc,
[ Prim (loc, "DUP", [], []) ;
Prim (loc, "DIP",
[ Seq (loc,
[ Prim (loc, "CAR", [], []) ;
acc ]) ], []) ;
Prim (loc, "CDR", [], []) ;
Prim (loc, "SWAP", [], []) ;
Prim (loc, "PAIR", [], []) ]) in
parse (i - 1) acc
| 'D' ->
let acc =
Seq (loc,
[ Prim (loc, "DUP", [], []) ;
Prim (loc, "DIP",
[ Seq (loc,
[ Prim (loc, "CDR", [], []) ;
acc ]) ], []) ;
Prim (loc, "CAR", [], []) ;
Prim (loc, "PAIR", [], []) ]) in
parse (i - 1) acc
| _ -> assert false in
match String.get str (len - 2) with
| 'A' ->
let init =
Seq (loc,
[ Prim (loc, "CDR", [], []) ;
Prim (loc, "SWAP", [], annot) ;
Prim (loc, "PAIR", [], []) ]) in
ok (Some (parse (len - 3) init))
| 'D' ->
let init =
Seq (loc,
(Prim (loc, "CAR", [], [])) ::
(let pair = Prim (loc, "PAIR", [], []) in
match annot with
| [] -> [ pair ]
| _ -> [ Prim (loc, "SWAP", [], annot) ;
Prim (loc, "SWAP", [], []) ;
pair])) in
ok (Some (parse (len - 3) init))
| _ -> assert false
ok None
| _ -> ok None
let expand_map_caddadr original =
match original with
| Prim (loc, str, args, annot) ->
let len = String.length str in
if len >= 7
&& String.sub str 0 5 = "MAP_C"
&& String.get str (len - 1) = 'R'
&& check_letters str 5 (len - 2)
(function 'A' | 'D' -> true | _ -> false) then
begin match annot with
| _ :: _ -> (error (Unexpected_macro_annotation str))
| [] -> ok ()
end >>? fun () ->
begin match args with
| [ Seq _ as code ] -> ok code
| [ _ ] -> error (Sequence_expected str)
| [] | _ :: _ :: _ -> error (Invalid_arity (str, List.length args, 1))
end >>? fun code ->
let rec parse i acc =
if i = 4 then
match String.get str i with
| 'A' ->
let acc =
Seq (loc,
[ Prim (loc, "DUP", [], []) ;
Prim (loc, "DIP",
[ Seq (loc,
[ Prim (loc, "CAR", [], []) ;
acc ]) ], []) ;
Prim (loc, "CDR", [], []) ;
Prim (loc, "SWAP", [], []) ;
Prim (loc, "PAIR", [], []) ]) in
parse (i - 1) acc
| 'D' ->
let acc =
Seq (loc,
[ Prim (loc, "DUP", [], []) ;
Prim (loc, "DIP",
[ Seq (loc,
[ Prim (loc, "CDR", [], []) ;
acc ]) ], []) ;
Prim (loc, "CAR", [], []) ;
Prim (loc, "PAIR", [], []) ]) in
parse (i - 1) acc
| _ -> assert false in
match String.get str (len - 2) with
| 'A' ->
let init =
Seq (loc,
[ Prim (loc, "DUP", [], []) ;
Prim (loc, "CDR", [], []) ;
Prim (loc, "DIP",
[ Seq (loc, [ Prim (loc, "CAR", [], []) ; code ]) ], []) ;
Prim (loc, "SWAP", [], []) ;
Prim (loc, "PAIR", [], []) ]) in
ok (Some (parse (len - 3) init))
| 'D' ->
let init =
Seq (loc,
[ Prim (loc, "DUP", [], []) ;
Prim (loc, "CDR", [], []) ;
code ;
Prim (loc, "SWAP", [], []) ;
Prim (loc, "CAR", [], []) ;
Prim (loc, "PAIR", [], []) ]) in
ok (Some (parse (len - 3) init))
| _ -> assert false
ok None
| _ -> ok None
exception Not_a_roman
let decimal_of_roman roman =
(* http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Roman_numerals/Decode#OCaml *)
let arabic = ref 0 in
let lastval = ref 0 in
for i = (String.length roman) - 1 downto 0 do
let n =
match roman.[i] with
| 'M' -> 1000
| 'D' -> 500
| 'C' -> 100
| 'L' -> 50
| 'X' -> 10
| 'V' -> 5
| 'I' -> 1
| _ -> raise_notrace Not_a_roman
if Compare.Int.(n < !lastval)
then arabic := !arabic - n
else arabic := !arabic + n;
lastval := n
let expand_dxiiivp original =
match original with
| Prim (loc, str, args, annot) ->
let len = String.length str in
if len > 3
&& String.get str 0 = 'D'
&& String.get str (len - 1) = 'P' then
let depth = decimal_of_roman (String.sub str 1 (len - 2)) in
let rec make i acc =
if i = 0 then
make (i - 1)
(Seq (loc, [ Prim (loc, "DIP", [ acc ], annot) ])) in
match args with
| [ Seq (_, _) as arg ] -> ok @@ Some (make depth arg)
| [ _ ] -> error (Sequence_expected str)
| [] | _ :: _ :: _ -> error (Invalid_arity (str, List.length args, 1))
with Not_a_roman -> ok None
else ok None
| _ -> ok None
exception Not_a_pair
let expand_paaiair original =
match original with
| Prim (loc, str, args, annot) ->
let len = String.length str in
if len > 4
&& String.get str 0 = 'P'
&& String.get str (len - 1) = 'R'
&& check_letters str 1 (len - 2)
(function 'A' | 'I' -> true | _ -> false) then
let rec parse i acc =
if i = 0 then
else if String.get str i = 'I'
&& String.get str (i - 1) = 'A' then
parse (i - 2) (Prim (loc, "PAIR", [], if i = (len - 2) then annot else []) :: acc)
else if String.get str i = 'A' then
match acc with
| [] ->
raise_notrace Not_a_pair
| acc :: accs ->
parse (i - 1)
(Prim (loc, "DIP", [ Seq (loc, [ acc ]) ], [])
:: accs)
raise_notrace Not_a_pair in
let expanded = parse (len - 2) [] in
begin match args with
| [] -> ok ()
| _ :: _ -> error (Invalid_arity (str, List.length args, 0))
end >>? fun () ->
ok (Some (Seq (loc, expanded)))
with Not_a_pair -> ok None
ok None
| _ -> ok None
let expand_unpaaiair original =
match original with
| Prim (loc, str, args, annot) ->
let len = String.length str in
if len >= 6
&& String.sub str 0 3 = "UNP"
&& String.get str (len - 1) = 'R'
&& check_letters str 3 (len - 2)
(function 'A' | 'I' -> true | _ -> false) then
let rec parse i remaining_annots acc =
if i = 2 then
match acc with
| [ Seq _ as acc ] -> acc
| _ -> Seq (loc, List.rev acc)
else if String.get str i = 'I'
&& String.get str (i - 1) = 'A' then
let car_annot, cdr_annot, remaining_annots =
match remaining_annots with
| [] -> [], [], []
| a :: b :: r when i = 4 -> [ a ], [ b ], r
| a :: r -> [ a ], [], r in
parse (i - 2) remaining_annots
(Seq (loc, [ Prim (loc, "DUP", [], []) ;
Prim (loc, "CAR", [], car_annot) ;
Prim (loc, "DIP",
[ Seq (loc,
[ Prim (loc, "CDR", [], cdr_annot) ]) ], []) ])
:: acc)
else if String.get str i = 'A' then
match acc with
| [] ->
raise_notrace Not_a_pair
| (Seq _ as acc) :: accs ->
parse (i - 1) remaining_annots
(Prim (loc, "DIP", [ acc ], []) :: accs)
| acc :: accs ->
parse (i - 1) remaining_annots
(Prim (loc, "DIP",
[ Seq (loc, [ acc ]) ],
[]) :: accs)
raise_notrace Not_a_pair in
let expanded = parse (len - 2) annot [] in
begin match args with
| [] -> ok ()
| _ :: _ -> error (Invalid_arity (str, List.length args, 0))
end >>? fun () ->
ok (Some expanded)
with Not_a_pair -> ok None
ok None
| _ -> ok None
exception Not_a_dup
let expand_duuuuup original =
match original with
| Prim (loc, str, args, annot) ->
let len = String.length str in
if len > 3
&& String.get str 0 = 'D'
&& String.get str (len - 1) = 'P'
&& check_letters str 1 (len - 2) ((=) 'U') then
begin match args with
| [] -> ok ()
| _ :: _ -> error (Invalid_arity (str, List.length args, 0))
end >>? fun () ->
let rec parse i acc =
if i = 1 then acc
else if String.get str i = 'U' then
parse (i - 1)
(Seq (loc, [ Prim (loc, "DIP", [ acc ], []) ;
Prim (loc, "SWAP", [], []) ]))
raise_notrace Not_a_dup in
ok (Some (parse (len - 2) (Seq (loc, [ Prim (loc, "DUP", [], annot) ]))))
with Not_a_dup -> ok None
ok None
| _ -> ok None
let expand_compare original =
let cmp loc is =
let is =
List.map (fun i -> Prim (loc, i, [], [])) is in
ok (Some (Seq (loc, is))) in
let ifcmp loc is l r =
let is =
List.map (fun i -> Prim (loc, i, [], [])) is @
[ Prim (loc, "IF", [ l ; r ], []) ] in
ok (Some (Seq (loc, is))) in
match original with
| Prim (loc, "CMPEQ", [], []) ->
cmp loc [ "COMPARE" ; "EQ" ]
| Prim (loc, "CMPNEQ", [], []) ->
cmp loc [ "COMPARE" ; "NEQ" ]
| Prim (loc, "CMPLT", [], []) ->
cmp loc [ "COMPARE" ; "LT" ]
| Prim (loc, "CMPGT", [], []) ->
cmp loc [ "COMPARE" ; "GT" ]
| Prim (loc, "CMPLE", [], []) ->
cmp loc [ "COMPARE" ; "LE" ]
| Prim (loc, "CMPGE", [], []) ->
cmp loc [ "COMPARE" ; "GE" ]
| Prim (_, ("CMPEQ" | "CMPNEQ" | "CMPLT"
| "CMPGT" | "CMPLE" | "CMPGE" as str), args, []) ->
error (Invalid_arity (str, List.length args, 0))
| Prim (loc, "IFCMPEQ", [ l ; r ], []) ->
ifcmp loc [ "COMPARE" ; "EQ" ] l r
| Prim (loc, "IFCMPNEQ", [ l ; r ], []) ->
ifcmp loc [ "COMPARE" ; "NEQ" ] l r
| Prim (loc, "IFCMPLT", [ l ; r ], []) ->
ifcmp loc [ "COMPARE" ; "LT" ] l r
| Prim (loc, "IFCMPGT", [ l ; r ], []) ->
ifcmp loc [ "COMPARE" ; "GT" ] l r
| Prim (loc, "IFCMPLE", [ l ; r ], []) ->
ifcmp loc [ "COMPARE" ; "LE" ] l r
| Prim (loc, "IFCMPGE", [ l ; r ], []) ->
ifcmp loc [ "COMPARE" ; "GE" ] l r
| Prim (loc, "IFEQ", [ l ; r ], []) ->
ifcmp loc [ "EQ" ] l r
| Prim (loc, "IFNEQ", [ l ; r ], []) ->
ifcmp loc [ "NEQ" ] l r
| Prim (loc, "IFLT", [ l ; r ], []) ->
ifcmp loc [ "LT" ] l r
| Prim (loc, "IFGT", [ l ; r ], []) ->
ifcmp loc [ "GT" ] l r
| Prim (loc, "IFLE", [ l ; r ], []) ->
ifcmp loc [ "LE" ] l r
| Prim (loc, "IFGE", [ l ; r ], []) ->
ifcmp loc [ "GE" ] l r
| Prim (_, ("IFCMPEQ" | "IFCMPNEQ" | "IFCMPLT"
| "IFEQ" | "IFNEQ" | "IFLT"
| "IFGT" | "IFLE" | "IFGE" as str), args, []) ->
error (Invalid_arity (str, List.length args, 2))
| Prim (_, ("IFCMPEQ" | "IFCMPNEQ" | "IFCMPLT"
| "IFEQ" | "IFNEQ" | "IFLT"
| "IFGT" | "IFLE" | "IFGE"
| "CMPGT" | "CMPLE" | "CMPGE" as str), [], _ :: _) ->
error (Unexpected_macro_annotation str)
| _ -> ok None
let expand_asserts original =
let fail_false loc =
[ Seq(loc, []) ; Seq(loc, [ Prim (loc, "FAIL", [], []) ]) ] in
let fail_true loc =
[ Seq(loc, [ Prim (loc, "FAIL", [], []) ]) ; Seq(loc, []) ] in
match original with
| Prim (loc, "ASSERT", [], []) ->
ok @@ Some (Seq (loc, [ Prim (loc, "IF", fail_false loc, []) ]))
| Prim (loc, "ASSERT_NONE", [], []) ->
ok @@ Some (Seq (loc, [ Prim (loc, "IF_NONE", fail_false loc, []) ]))
| Prim (loc, "ASSERT_SOME", [], []) ->
ok @@ Some (Seq (loc, [ Prim (loc, "IF_NONE", fail_true loc, []) ]))
| Prim (loc, "ASSERT_LEFT", [], []) ->
ok @@ Some (Seq (loc, [ Prim (loc, "IF_LEFT", fail_false loc, []) ]))
| Prim (loc, "ASSERT_RIGHT", [], []) ->
ok @@ Some (Seq (loc, [ Prim (loc, "IF_LEFT", fail_true loc, []) ]))
| "ASSERT_LEFT" | "ASSERT_RIGHT" as str), args, []) ->
error (Invalid_arity (str, List.length args, 0))
| "ASSERT_LEFT" | "ASSERT_RIGHT" as str), [], _ :: _) ->
error (Unexpected_macro_annotation str)
| Prim (loc, s, args, annot)
when String.(length s > 7 && equal (sub s 0 7) "ASSERT_") ->
begin match args with
| [] -> ok ()
| _ :: _ -> error (Invalid_arity (s, List.length args, 0))
end >>? fun () ->
begin match annot with
| _ :: _ -> (error (Unexpected_macro_annotation s))
| [] -> ok () end >>? fun () ->
let remaining = String.(sub s 7 ((length s) - 7)) in
let remaining_prim = Prim (loc, remaining, [], []) in
match remaining with
| "EQ" | "NEQ" | "LT" | "LE" | "GE" | "GT" ->
ok @@ Some (Seq (loc, [ remaining_prim ;
Prim (loc, "IF", fail_false loc, []) ]))
| _ ->
expand_compare remaining_prim >|? function
| None -> None
| Some seq ->
Some (Seq (loc, [ seq ;
Prim (loc, "IF", fail_false loc, []) ]))
| _ -> ok None
let expand_if_some = function
| Prim (loc, "IF_SOME", [ right ; left ], []) ->
ok @@ Some (Seq (loc, [ Prim (loc, "IF_NONE", [ left ; right ], []) ]))
| Prim (_, "IF_SOME", args, []) ->
error (Invalid_arity ("IF_SOME", List.length args, 2))
| Prim (_, "IF_SOME", [], _ :: _) ->
error (Unexpected_macro_annotation "IF_SOME")
| _ -> ok @@ None
let expand_if_right = function
| Prim (loc, "IF_RIGHT", [ right ; left ], []) ->
ok @@ Some (Seq (loc, [ Prim (loc, "IF_LEFT", [ left ; right ], []) ]))
| Prim (_, "IF_RIGHT", args, []) ->
error (Invalid_arity ("IF_RIGHT", List.length args, 2))
| Prim (_, "IF_RIGHT", [], _ :: _) ->
error (Unexpected_macro_annotation "IF_RIGHT")
| _ -> ok @@ None
let expand_rename = function
| Prim (loc, "RENAME", [], annot) ->
ok @@ Some (Seq (loc, [
Prim (loc, "DUP", [], annot) ;
Prim (loc, "SWAP", [], []) ;
Prim (loc, "DROP", [], []) ;
| _ -> ok @@ None
let expand original =
let rec try_expansions = function
| [] -> ok @@ original
| expander :: expanders ->
expander original >>? function
| None -> try_expansions expanders
| Some rewritten -> ok rewritten in
[ expand_caddadr ;
expand_set_caddadr ;
expand_map_caddadr ;
expand_dxiiivp ;
expand_paaiair ;
expand_unpaaiair ;
expand_duuuuup ;
expand_compare ;
expand_asserts ;
expand_if_some ;
expand_if_right ;
expand_rename ;
let expand_rec expr =
let rec error_map (expanded, errors) f = function
| [] -> (List.rev expanded, List.rev errors)
| hd :: tl ->
let (new_expanded, new_errors) = f hd in
(new_expanded :: expanded, List.rev_append new_errors errors)
f tl in
let error_map = error_map ([], []) in
let rec expand_rec expr =
match expand expr with
| Ok expanded ->
match expanded with
| Seq (loc, items) ->
let items, errors = error_map expand_rec items in
(Seq (loc, items), errors)
| Prim (loc, name, args, annot) ->
let args, errors = error_map expand_rec args in
(Prim (loc, name, args, annot), errors)
| Int _ | String _ as atom -> (atom, []) end
| Error errors -> (expr, errors) in
expand_rec expr
let unexpand_caddadr expanded =
let rec rsteps acc = function
| [] -> Some acc
| Prim (_, "CAR" , [], []) :: rest ->
rsteps ("A" :: acc) rest
| Prim (_, "CDR" , [], []) :: rest ->
rsteps ("D" :: acc) rest
| _ -> None in
match expanded with
| Seq (loc, (Prim (_, "CAR" , [], []) :: _ as nodes))
| Seq (loc, (Prim (_, "CDR" , [], []) :: _ as nodes)) ->
begin match rsteps [] nodes with
| Some steps ->
let name = String.concat "" ("C" :: List.rev ("R" :: steps)) in
Some (Prim (loc, name, [], []))
| None -> None
| _ -> None
let unexpand_set_caddadr expanded =
let rec steps acc = function
| Seq (loc,
[ Prim (_, "CDR", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "SWAP", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "PAIR", [], []) ]) ->
Some (loc, "A" :: acc)
| Seq (loc,
[ Prim (_, "CAR", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "PAIR", [], []) ]) ->
Some (loc, "D" :: acc)
| Seq (_,
[ Prim (_, "DUP", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "DIP",
[ Seq (_,
[ Prim (_, "CAR", [], []) ;
sub ]) ], []) ;
Prim (_, "CDR", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "SWAP", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "PAIR", [], []) ]) ->
steps ("A" :: acc) sub
| Seq (_,
[ Prim (_, "DUP", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "DIP",
[ Seq (_,
[ Prim (_, "CDR", [], []) ;
sub ]) ], []) ;
Prim (_, "CAR", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "PAIR", [], []) ]) ->
steps ("D" :: acc) sub
| _ -> None in
match steps [] expanded with
| Some (loc, steps) ->
let name = String.concat "" ("SET_C" :: List.rev ("R" :: steps)) in
Some (Prim (loc, name, [], []))
| None -> None
let unexpand_map_caddadr expanded =
let rec steps acc = function
| Seq (loc,
[ Prim (_, "DUP", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "CDR", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "SWAP", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "CAR", [], []) ;
code ;
Prim (_, "PAIR", [], []) ]) ->
Some (loc, "A" :: acc, code)
| Seq (loc,
[ Prim (_, "DUP", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "CDR", [], []) ;
code ;
Prim (_, "SWAP", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "CAR", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "PAIR", [], []) ]) ->
Some (loc, "D" :: acc, code)
| Seq (_,
[ Prim (_, "DUP", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "DIP",
[ Seq (_,
[ Prim (_, "CAR", [], []) ;
sub ]) ], []) ;
Prim (_, "CDR", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "SWAP", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "PAIR", [], []) ]) ->
steps ("A" :: acc) sub
| Seq (_,
[ Prim (_, "DUP", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "DIP",
[ Seq (_,
[ Prim (_, "CDR", [], []) ;
sub ]) ], []) ;
Prim (_, "CAR", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "PAIR", [], []) ]) ->
steps ("D" :: acc) sub
| _ -> None in
match steps [] expanded with
| Some (loc, steps, code) ->
let name = String.concat "" ("MAP_C" :: List.rev ("R" :: steps)) in
Some (Prim (loc, name, [ code ], []))
| None -> None
let roman_of_decimal decimal =
(* http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Roman_numerals/Encode#OCaml *)
let digit x y z = function
| 1 -> [ x ]
| 2 -> [ x ; x ]
| 3 -> [ x ; x ; x ]
| 4 -> [ x ; y ]
| 5 -> [ y ]
| 6 -> [ y ; x ]
| 7 -> [ y ; x ; x ]
| 8 -> [ y ; x ; x ; x ]
| 9 -> [ x ; z ]
| _ -> assert false in
let rec to_roman x =
if x = 0 then []
else if x < 0 then
invalid_arg "Negative roman numeral"
else if x >= 1000 then
"M" :: to_roman (x - 1000)
else if x >= 100 then
digit "C" "D" "M" (x / 100) @ to_roman (x mod 100)
else if x >= 10 then
digit "X" "L" "C" (x / 10) @ to_roman (x mod 10)
digit "I" "V" "X" x in
String.concat "" (to_roman decimal)
let unexpand_dxiiivp expanded =
match expanded with
| Seq (loc,
[ Prim (_, "DIP",
[ Seq (_, [ Prim (_, "DIP", [ _ ], []) ]) as sub ],
[]) ]) ->
let rec count acc = function
| Seq (_, [ Prim (_, "DIP", [ sub ], []) ]) -> count (acc + 1) sub
| sub -> (acc, sub) in
let depth, sub = count 1 sub in
let name = "D" ^ roman_of_decimal depth ^ "P" in
Some (Prim (loc, name, [ sub ], []))
| _ -> None
let unexpand_duuuuup expanded =
let rec help expanded =
match expanded with
| Seq (loc, [ Prim (_, "DUP", [], []) ]) -> Some (loc, 1)
| Seq (_, [ Prim (_, "DIP", [expanded'], []);
Prim (_, "SWAP", [], []) ]) ->
match help expanded' with
| None -> None
| Some (loc, n) -> Some (loc, n + 1)
| _ -> None
in let rec dupn = function
| 0 -> "P"
| n -> "U" ^ (dupn (n - 1)) in
match help expanded with
| None -> None
| Some (loc, n) -> Some (Prim (loc, "D" ^ (dupn n), [], []))
let unexpand_paaiair expanded =
match expanded with
| Seq (_, [ Prim (_, "PAIR", [], []) ]) -> Some expanded
| Seq (loc, (_ :: _ as nodes)) ->
let rec destruct acc = function
| [] -> Some acc
| Prim (_, "DIP", [ Seq (_, [ sub ]) ], []) :: rest ->
destruct ("A" :: acc) (sub :: rest)
| Prim (_, "PAIR", [], []) :: rest ->
destruct ("AI" :: acc) rest
| _ -> None in
begin match destruct [] nodes with
| None -> None
| Some seq ->
let name = String.concat "" ("P" :: List.rev ("R" :: seq)) in
Some (Prim (loc, name, [], []))
| _ -> None
let unexpand_unpaaiair expanded =
match expanded with
| Seq (loc, (_ :: _ as nodes)) ->
let rec destruct sacc acc = function
| [] -> Some acc
| Prim (_, "DIP", [ Seq (_, [ sub ]) ], []) :: rest
| Prim (_, "DIP", [ Seq (_, _) as sub ], []) :: rest ->
destruct ("A" :: sacc) acc (sub :: rest)
| Seq (_, [ Prim (_, "DUP", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "CAR", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "DIP",
[ Seq (_, [ Prim (_, "CDR", [], []) ]) ],
[]) ]) :: rest ->
destruct [] (List.rev ("AI" :: sacc) :: acc) rest
| _ -> None in
begin match destruct [] [ [ "R" ] ] nodes with
| None -> None
| Some seq ->
let name = String.concat "" ("UNP" :: List.flatten seq) in
Some (Prim (loc, name, [], []))
| _ -> None
let unexpand_compare expanded =
match expanded with
| Seq (loc, [ Prim (_, "COMPARE", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "EQ", [], []) ]) ->
Some (Prim (loc, "CMPEQ", [], []))
| Seq (loc, [ Prim (_, "COMPARE", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "NEQ", [], []) ]) ->
Some (Prim (loc, "CMPNEQ", [], []))
| Seq (loc, [ Prim (_, "COMPARE", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "LT", [], []) ]) ->
Some (Prim (loc, "CMPLT", [], []))
| Seq (loc, [ Prim (_, "COMPARE", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "GT", [], []) ]) ->
Some (Prim (loc, "CMPGT", [], []))
| Seq (loc, [ Prim (_, "COMPARE", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "LE", [], []) ]) ->
Some (Prim (loc, "CMPLE", [], []))
| Seq (loc, [ Prim (_, "COMPARE", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "GE", [], []) ]) ->
Some (Prim (loc, "CMPGE", [], []))
| Seq (loc, [ Prim (_, "COMPARE", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "EQ", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "IF", args, []) ]) ->
Some (Prim (loc, "IFCMPEQ", args, []))
| Seq (loc, [ Prim (_, "COMPARE", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "NEQ", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "IF", args, []) ]) ->
Some (Prim (loc, "IFCMPNEQ", args, []))
| Seq (loc, [ Prim (_, "COMPARE", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "LT", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "IF", args, []) ]) ->
Some (Prim (loc, "IFCMPLT", args, []))
| Seq (loc, [ Prim (_, "COMPARE", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "GT", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "IF", args, []) ]) ->
Some (Prim (loc, "IFCMPGT", args, []))
| Seq (loc, [ Prim (_, "COMPARE", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "LE", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "IF", args, []) ]) ->
Some (Prim (loc, "IFCMPLE", args, []))
| Seq (loc, [ Prim (_, "COMPARE", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "GE", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "IF", args, []) ]) ->
Some (Prim (loc, "IFCMPGE", args, []))
| Seq (loc, [ Prim (_, "EQ", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "IF", args, []) ]) ->
Some (Prim (loc, "IFEQ", args, []))
| Seq (loc, [ Prim (_, "NEQ", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "IF", args, []) ]) ->
Some (Prim (loc, "IFNEQ", args, []))
| Seq (loc, [ Prim (_, "LT", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "IF", args, []) ]) ->
Some (Prim (loc, "IFLT", args, []))
| Seq (loc, [ Prim (_, "GT", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "IF", args, []) ]) ->
Some (Prim (loc, "IFGT", args, []))
| Seq (loc, [ Prim (_, "LE", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "IF", args, []) ]) ->
Some (Prim (loc, "IFLE", args, []))
| Seq (loc, [ Prim (_, "GE", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "IF", args, []) ]) ->
Some (Prim (loc, "IFGE", args, []))
| _ -> None
let unexpand_asserts expanded =
match expanded with
| Seq (loc, [ Prim (_, "IF", [ Seq (_, []) ;
Seq (_, [ Prim(_, "FAIL", [], []) ]) ],
[]) ]) ->
Some (Prim (loc, "ASSERT", [], []))
| Seq (loc, [ Seq (_, [ Prim(_, "COMPARE", [], []) ; Prim (_, comparison, [], []) ]) ;
Prim (_, "IF", [ Seq (_, []) ;
Seq (_, [ Prim (_, "FAIL", [], []) ]) ],
[]) ]) ->
Some (Prim (loc, "ASSERT_CMP" ^ comparison, [], []))
| Seq (loc, [ Prim (_, comparison, [], []) ;
Prim (_, "IF", [ Seq (_, []) ;
Seq (_, [ Prim (_, "FAIL", [], []) ]) ],
[]) ]) ->
Some (Prim (loc, "ASSERT_" ^ comparison, [], []))
| Seq (loc, [ Prim (_, "IF_NONE", [ Seq (_, []) ;
Seq (_, [ Prim (_, "FAIL", [], []) ]) ],
[]) ]) ->
Some (Prim (loc, "ASSERT_NONE", [], []))
| Seq (loc, [ Prim (_, "IF_NONE", [ Seq (_, [ Prim (_, "FAIL", [], []) ]) ;
Seq (_, [])],
[]) ]) ->
Some (Prim (loc, "ASSERT_SOME", [], []))
| Seq (loc, [ Prim (_, "IF_LEFT", [ Seq (_, []) ;
Seq (_, [ Prim (_, "FAIL", [], []) ]) ],
[]) ]) ->
Some (Prim (loc, "ASSERT_LEFT", [], []))
| Seq (loc, [ Prim (_, "IF_LEFT", [ Seq (_, [ Prim (_, "FAIL", [], []) ]) ;
Seq (_, []) ],
[]) ]) ->
Some (Prim (loc, "ASSERT_RIGHT", [], []))
| _ -> None
let unexpand_if_some = function
| Seq (loc, [ Prim (_, "IF_NONE", [ left ; right ], []) ]) ->
Some (Prim (loc, "IF_SOME", [ right ; left ], []))
| _ -> None
let unexpand_if_right = function
| Seq (loc, [ Prim (_, "IF_LEFT", [ left ; right ], []) ]) ->
Some (Prim (loc, "IF_RIGHT", [ right ; left ], []))
| _ -> None
let unexpand_rename = function
| Seq (loc, [
Prim (_, "DUP", [], annot) ;
Prim (_, "SWAP", [], []) ;
Prim (_, "DROP", [], []) ;
]) ->
Some (Prim (loc, "RENAME", [], annot))
| _ -> None
let unexpand original =
let try_unexpansions unexpanders =
(fun acc f ->
match acc with
| None -> f original
| Some rewritten -> Some rewritten)
None unexpanders with
| None -> original
| Some rewritten -> rewritten in
[ unexpand_asserts ;
unexpand_caddadr ;
unexpand_set_caddadr ;
unexpand_map_caddadr ;
unexpand_dxiiivp ;
unexpand_paaiair ;
unexpand_unpaaiair ;
unexpand_duuuuup ;
unexpand_compare ;
unexpand_if_some ;
unexpand_if_right ;
unexpand_rename ]
let rec unexpand_rec expr =
match unexpand expr with
| Seq (loc, items) ->
Seq (loc, List.map unexpand_rec items)
| Prim (loc, name, args, annot) ->
Prim (loc, name, List.map unexpand_rec args, annot)
| Int _ | String _ as atom -> atom
let () =
let open Data_encoding in
~title:"Unexpected annotation"
~description:"A macro had an annotation, but no annotation was permitted on this macro."
~pp:(fun ppf ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"Unexpected annotation on macro %s.")
(req "macro_name" string))
| Unexpected_macro_annotation str -> Some str
| _ -> None)
(fun s -> Unexpected_macro_annotation s) ;
~title:"Macro expects a sequence"
~description:"An macro expects a sequence, but a sequence was not provided"
~pp:(fun ppf name ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"Macro %s expects a sequence, but did not receive one." name)
(req "macro_name" string))
| Sequence_expected name -> Some name
| _ -> None)
(fun name -> Sequence_expected name) ;
~title:"Wrong number of arguments to macro"
~description:"A wrong number of arguments was provided to a macro"
~pp:(fun ppf (name, got, exp) ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"Macro %s expects %d arguments, was given %d." name got exp)
(req "macro_name" string)
(req "given_number_of_arguments" uint16)
(req "expected_number_of_arguments" uint16))
| Invalid_arity (name, got, exp) -> Some (name, got, exp)
| _ -> None)
(fun (name, got, exp) -> Invalid_arity (name, got, exp))