- do not use plain JSON rep for errors and use polymorphic variants instead - split formatting for human readable and JSON output - no more simple_errors simple_fails - much less result bindings used in stages
47 lines
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47 lines
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type json = Yojson.Basic.t
type 'a display_format =
| Human_readable : string display_format
| Dev : string display_format
| Json : json display_format
type ex_display_format = Ex_display_format : 'a display_format -> ex_display_format
let human_readable = Ex_display_format Human_readable
let dev = Ex_display_format Dev
let json = Ex_display_format Json
type 'a pp = display_format:(string display_format) -> Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
type 'a format = {
pp : 'a pp ;
to_json : 'a -> json ;
type 'a with_format = {
value : 'a ;
format : 'a format ;
type displayable = Displayable : 'a with_format -> displayable
let convert : type output . display_format:(output display_format) -> displayable -> output =
fun ~display_format (Displayable { value ; format }) ->
match display_format with
| Json -> format.to_json value
| Dev -> Format.asprintf "%a" (format.pp ~display_format) value
| Human_readable -> Format.asprintf "%a" (format.pp ~display_format) value
let to_json : displayable -> json = convert ~display_format:Json
let bind_format :
'value format -> 'error format -> ('value,'error) result format =
fun value_format error_format ->
let pp ~display_format f a = match a with
| Error e -> error_format.pp ~display_format f e
| Ok v -> value_format.pp ~display_format f v in
let to_json a = match a with
| Error e -> error_format.to_json e
| Ok v -> value_format.to_json v in
{ pp ; to_json }