2017-06-12 11:08:41 +02:00

616 lines
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(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
module type BASIC_DATA = sig
type t
include Compare.S with type t := t
val encoding: t Data_encoding.t
val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
type t
type context = t
module Contract_hash = Tezos_hash.Contract_hash
module Nonce_hash = Tezos_hash.Nonce_hash
type public_key = Ed25519.Public_key.t
type public_key_hash = Ed25519.Public_key_hash.t
type secret_key = Ed25519.Secret_key.t
type signature = Ed25519.Signature.t
module Tez : sig
include BASIC_DATA
type tez = t
val zero: tez
val one_cent : tez
val fifty_cents : tez
val one : tez
val ( -? ) : tez -> tez -> tez tzresult
val ( +? ) : tez -> tez -> tez tzresult
val ( *? ) : tez -> int64 -> tez tzresult
val ( /? ) : tez -> int64 -> tez tzresult
val of_string: string -> tez option
val to_string: tez -> string
val of_cents: int64 -> tez option
val to_cents: tez -> int64
module Period : sig
include BASIC_DATA
type period = t
val of_seconds: int64 -> period tzresult
val mult: int32 -> period -> period tzresult
val one_second : period
val one_minute : period
val one_hour : period
module Timestamp : sig
include BASIC_DATA with type t = Time.t
type time = t
val (+?) : time -> Period.t -> time tzresult
val of_notation: string -> time option
val to_notation: time -> string
val of_seconds: string -> time option
val to_seconds: time -> string
val current: context -> Time.t
module Raw_level : sig
include BASIC_DATA
type raw_level = t
val arg: raw_level RPC.Arg.arg
val diff: raw_level -> raw_level -> int32
val root: raw_level
val succ: raw_level -> raw_level
val pred: raw_level -> raw_level option
val to_int32: raw_level -> int32
module Cycle : sig
include BASIC_DATA
type cycle = t
val arg: cycle RPC.Arg.arg
val root: cycle
val succ: cycle -> cycle
val pred: cycle -> cycle option
val to_int32: cycle -> int32
module Script_int : module type of Script_int_repr
module Script : sig
type location = int
type expr =
| Int of location * string
| String of location * string
| Prim of location * string * expr list
| Seq of location * expr list
type code = {
code: expr ;
arg_type: expr ;
ret_type: expr ;
storage_type: expr ;
type storage = {
storage: expr ;
storage_type: expr ;
type t =
{ code : code ;
storage : storage }
val location_encoding: location Data_encoding.t
val expr_encoding: expr Data_encoding.t
val storage_encoding: storage Data_encoding.t
val code_encoding: code Data_encoding.t
val encoding: t Data_encoding.t
val hash_expr : expr -> string
module Bootstrap : sig
type account = {
public_key_hash: public_key_hash ;
public_key: public_key ;
val accounts: context -> account list
val account_encoding: account Data_encoding.t
val refill: context -> context tzresult Lwt.t
module Constants : sig
val proof_of_work_nonce_size: int
val mining_reward: Tez.t
val endorsement_reward: Tez.t
val max_number_of_operations: int
val nonce_length: int
val seed_nonce_revelation_tip: Tez.t
val origination_burn: Tez.t
val mining_bond_cost: Tez.t
val endorsement_bond_cost: Tez.t
val faucet_credit: Tez.t
val cycle_length: context -> int32
val voting_period_length: context -> int32
val time_before_reward: context -> Period.t
val slot_durations: context -> Period.t list
val first_free_mining_slot: context -> int
val max_signing_slot: context -> int
val instructions_per_transaction: context -> int
val proof_of_work_threshold: context -> int64
val dictator_pubkey: context -> Ed25519.Public_key.t
module Public_key : sig
val get:
context -> public_key_hash -> public_key tzresult Lwt.t
val get_option:
context -> public_key_hash -> public_key option tzresult Lwt.t
val reveal:
context -> public_key_hash -> public_key -> context tzresult Lwt.t
val remove:
context -> public_key_hash -> context Lwt.t
val list:
context -> (public_key_hash * public_key) list tzresult Lwt.t
module Voting_period : sig
include BASIC_DATA
type voting_period = t
val arg: voting_period RPC.Arg.arg
val root: voting_period
val succ: voting_period -> voting_period
type kind =
| Proposal
| Testing_vote
| Testing
| Promotion_vote
val kind_encoding: kind Data_encoding.encoding
val to_int32: voting_period -> int32
module Level : sig
type t = private {
level: Raw_level.t ;
level_position: int32 ;
cycle: Cycle.t ;
cycle_position: int32 ;
voting_period: Voting_period.t ;
voting_period_position: int32 ;
include BASIC_DATA with type t := t
val pp_full: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
type level = t
val root: context -> level
val succ: context -> level -> level
val pred: context -> level -> level option
val from_raw: context -> ?offset:int32 -> Raw_level.t -> level
val diff: level -> level -> int32
val current: context -> level
val last_level_in_cycle: context -> Cycle.t -> level
val levels_in_cycle: context -> Cycle.t -> level list
module Fitness : sig
include (module type of Fitness)
type fitness = t
val increase: context -> context
val current: context -> int64
val to_int64: fitness -> int64 tzresult
module Nonce : sig
type t
type nonce = t
val encoding: nonce Data_encoding.t
val record_hash:
context -> public_key_hash -> Tez.t -> Nonce_hash.t ->
context tzresult Lwt.t
val reveal:
context -> Level.t -> nonce ->
(context * public_key_hash * Tez.t) tzresult Lwt.t
type status =
| Unrevealed of {
nonce_hash: Nonce_hash.t ;
delegate_to_reward: public_key_hash ;
reward_amount: Tez.t ;
| Revealed of nonce
val get: context -> Level.t -> status tzresult Lwt.t
val of_bytes: MBytes.t -> nonce tzresult
val hash: nonce -> Nonce_hash.t
val check_hash: nonce -> Nonce_hash.t -> bool
module Seed : sig
val compute_for_cycle: context -> Cycle.t -> context tzresult Lwt.t
val clear_cycle: context -> Cycle.t -> context tzresult Lwt.t
module Contract : sig
include BASIC_DATA
type contract = t
val arg: contract RPC.Arg.arg
val to_b58check: contract -> string
val of_b58check: string -> contract tzresult
val default_contract: public_key_hash -> contract
val is_default: contract -> public_key_hash option
val exists: context -> contract -> bool tzresult Lwt.t
val must_exist: context -> contract -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
val list: context -> contract list tzresult Lwt.t
type origination_nonce
val origination_nonce_encoding : origination_nonce Data_encoding.t
val originated_contract : origination_nonce -> contract
val originated_contracts : origination_nonce -> contract list
val initial_origination_nonce : Operation_hash.t -> origination_nonce
val get_manager:
context -> contract -> public_key_hash tzresult Lwt.t
val get_delegate_opt:
context -> contract -> public_key_hash option tzresult Lwt.t
val is_delegatable:
context -> contract -> bool tzresult Lwt.t
val is_spendable:
context -> contract -> bool tzresult Lwt.t
val get_script:
context -> contract -> (Script.t option) tzresult Lwt.t
val get_counter: context -> contract -> int32 tzresult Lwt.t
val get_balance:
context -> contract -> Tez.t tzresult Lwt.t
val set_delegate:
context -> contract -> public_key_hash option -> context tzresult Lwt.t
type error += Initial_amount_too_low of contract * Tez.t * Tez.t
val originate:
context ->
origination_nonce ->
balance: Tez.t ->
manager: public_key_hash ->
?script: (Script.t * (Tez.t * Tez.t)) ->
delegate: public_key_hash option ->
spendable: bool ->
delegatable: bool -> (context * contract * origination_nonce) tzresult Lwt.t
type error += Balance_too_low of contract * Tez.t * Tez.t
val spend:
context -> contract -> Tez.t -> context tzresult Lwt.t
val spend_from_script:
context -> contract -> Tez.t -> context tzresult Lwt.t
val credit:
context -> contract -> Tez.t -> context tzresult Lwt.t
val update_script_storage_and_fees:
context -> contract -> Tez.t -> Script.expr -> context tzresult Lwt.t
val increment_counter:
context -> contract -> context tzresult Lwt.t
val check_counter_increment:
context -> contract -> int32 -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
module Vote : sig
type proposal = Protocol_hash.t
val record_proposal:
context -> Protocol_hash.t -> public_key_hash ->
context tzresult Lwt.t
val get_proposals:
context -> int32 Protocol_hash.Map.t tzresult Lwt.t
val clear_proposals: context -> context tzresult Lwt.t
val freeze_listings: context -> context tzresult Lwt.t
val clear_listings: context -> context tzresult Lwt.t
val listing_size: context -> int32 tzresult Lwt.t
val in_listings: context -> public_key_hash -> bool Lwt.t
type ballot = Yay | Nay | Pass
type ballots = {
yay: int32 ;
nay: int32 ;
pass: int32 ;
val record_ballot:
context -> public_key_hash -> ballot -> context tzresult Lwt.t
val get_ballots: context -> ballots tzresult Lwt.t
val clear_ballots: context -> context Lwt.t
val get_current_period_kind:
context -> Voting_period.kind tzresult Lwt.t
val set_current_period_kind:
context -> Voting_period.kind -> context tzresult Lwt.t
val get_current_quorum: context -> int32 tzresult Lwt.t
val set_current_quorum: context -> int32 -> context tzresult Lwt.t
val get_current_proposal:
context -> proposal tzresult Lwt.t
val init_current_proposal:
context -> proposal -> context tzresult Lwt.t
val clear_current_proposal:
context -> context tzresult Lwt.t
type operation = {
hash: Operation_hash.t ;
shell: Operation.shell_header ;
contents: proto_operation ;
signature: signature option ;
and proto_operation =
| Anonymous_operations of anonymous_operation list
| Sourced_operations of sourced_operations
and anonymous_operation =
| Seed_nonce_revelation of {
level: Raw_level.t ;
nonce: Nonce.t ;
| Faucet of {
id: Ed25519.Public_key_hash.t ;
nonce: MBytes.t ;
and sourced_operations =
| Manager_operations of {
source: Contract.t ;
public_key: public_key option ;
fee: Tez.t ;
counter: counter ;
operations: manager_operation list ;
| Delegate_operations of {
source: public_key ;
operations: delegate_operation list ;
| Dictator_operation of dictator_operation
and manager_operation =
| Transaction of {
amount: Tez.t ;
parameters: Script.expr option ;
destination: Contract.contract ;
| Origination of {
manager: public_key_hash ;
delegate: public_key_hash option ;
script: Script.t option ;
spendable: bool ;
delegatable: bool ;
credit: Tez.t ;
| Delegation of public_key_hash option
and delegate_operation =
| Endorsement of {
block: Block_hash.t ;
slot: int ;
| Proposals of {
period: Voting_period.t ;
proposals: Protocol_hash.t list ;
| Ballot of {
period: Voting_period.t ;
proposal: Protocol_hash.t ;
ballot: Vote.ballot ;
and dictator_operation =
| Activate of Protocol_hash.t
| Activate_testnet of Protocol_hash.t
and counter = Int32.t
module Operation : sig
type raw = Operation.t = {
shell: Operation.shell_header ;
proto: MBytes.t ;
val raw_encoding: raw Data_encoding.t
type t = operation
val encoding: operation Data_encoding.t
type error += Cannot_parse_operation (* `Branch *)
val parse: Operation_hash.t -> Operation.t -> operation tzresult
val parse_proto:
MBytes.t -> (proto_operation * signature option) tzresult Lwt.t
type error += Missing_signature (* `Permanent *)
type error += Invalid_signature (* `Permanent *)
val check_signature: public_key -> operation -> unit tzresult Lwt.t
val forge: Operation.shell_header -> proto_operation -> MBytes.t
val proto_operation_encoding: proto_operation Data_encoding.t
val unsigned_operation_encoding:
(Operation.shell_header * proto_operation) Data_encoding.t
val max_operation_data_length: int
module Block_header : sig
type t = {
shell: Block_header.shell_header ;
proto: proto_header ;
signature: Ed25519.Signature.t ;
and proto_header = {
priority: int ;
seed_nonce_hash: Nonce_hash.t ;
proof_of_work_nonce: MBytes.t ;
type block_header = t
type raw = Tezos_data.Block_header.t
type shell_header = Tezos_data.Block_header.shell_header
val hash: block_header -> Block_hash.t
val hash_raw: raw -> Block_hash.t
val encoding: block_header Data_encoding.encoding
val raw_encoding: raw Data_encoding.t
val proto_header_encoding: proto_header Data_encoding.encoding
val shell_header_encoding: shell_header Data_encoding.encoding
val max_header_length: int
(** The maximum size of block headers in bytes *)
val parse: Block_header.t -> block_header tzresult
(** Parse the protocol-specific part of a block header. *)
val parse_unsigned_proto_header: MBytes.t -> proto_header tzresult
(** Parse the (unsigned) protocol-specific part of a block header. *)
val forge_unsigned_proto_header: proto_header -> MBytes.t
(** [forge_header proto_hdr] is the binary serialization
(using [proto_header_encoding]) of the protocol-specific part
of a block header, without the signature. *)
val forge_unsigned:
Block_header.shell_header -> proto_header -> MBytes.t
(** [forge_header shell_hdr proto_hdr] is the binary serialization
(using [unsigned_header_encoding]) of a block header,
comprising both the shell and the protocol part of the header,
without the signature. *)
module Roll : sig
val freeze_rolls_for_cycle: context -> Cycle.t -> context tzresult Lwt.t
val clear_cycle: context -> Cycle.t -> context tzresult Lwt.t
val mining_rights_owner:
context -> Level.t -> priority:int -> public_key_hash tzresult Lwt.t
val endorsement_rights_owner:
context -> Level.t -> slot:int -> public_key_hash tzresult Lwt.t
module Reward : sig
val record:
context -> public_key_hash -> Cycle.t -> Tez.t -> context tzresult Lwt.t
val discard:
context -> public_key_hash -> Cycle.t -> Tez.t -> context tzresult Lwt.t
val set_reward_time_for_cycle:
context -> Cycle.t -> Time.t -> context tzresult Lwt.t
val pay_due_rewards: context -> context tzresult Lwt.t
val init:
Context.t ->
level:Int32.t ->
timestamp:Time.t ->
fitness:Fitness.t ->
context tzresult Lwt.t
val finalize: ?commit_message:string -> context -> Updater.validation_result
val configure_sandbox:
Context.t -> Data_encoding.json option -> Context.t tzresult Lwt.t
val activate: context -> Protocol_hash.t -> context Lwt.t
val fork_test_network: context -> Protocol_hash.t -> Time.t -> context Lwt.t