The new version of ocplib-resto : - uses jbuilder ; - is functorized over `Json_encoding` rather than `Json_repr` ; - handles query parameters ; - handles HTTP methods (GET, POST, DELETE, PUT, PATCH) ; - replaces `custom_service` by a more generic trailer argument ; - replaces generic answer `(code, body)` by a more ad-hoc sum type (allowing distinct encoding for success and error) ; - includes a minimal HTTP-server based on Cohttp (includings CORS and media type negotiation). - adds a function `Directory.transparent_lookup` to lookup/call a service handler without serializing the various parameters (path, query, request body). As a first consequences in Tezos, this patch allows binary communication between the client and the node. This patch tries to be minimal inside the tezos source code and therefore it introduces a minimal compatibility layer in `RPC.ml`. This code should be removed as soon as possible.
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113 lines
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(* ocplib-resto *)
(* Copyright (C) 2016, OCamlPro. *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms *)
(* of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
open Services
open Directory
open RestoDirectory
open Lwt.Infix
let () =
Lwt_main.run begin
allowed_methods dir () ["foo";"3";"repeat"] >>= function
| Ok [`POST] -> Lwt.return_unit
| _ -> assert false
let () =
Lwt_main.run begin
allowed_methods dir () ["bar";"3";"4";"add"] >>= function
| Ok [`GET;`POST] -> Lwt.return_unit
| _ -> assert false
module Test(Request : sig
val request:
('meth, unit, 'params, 'query, 'input, 'output, 'error) Service.t ->
'params -> 'query -> 'input -> [> ('output, 'error) Answer.t ] Lwt.t
end) = struct
let () =
Lwt_main.run begin
Request.request describe_service
((), ["foo"; "3"]) { recurse = true } () >>= function
| `Ok dir ->
Format.printf "@[<v>%a@]@." Resto.Description.pp_print_directory dir ;
| _ -> assert false
let () =
Lwt_main.run begin
Request.request describe_service
((), ["bar"; "3" ; "2." ; "add"]) { recurse = false } () >>= function
| `Ok dir ->
Format.printf "@[<v>%a@]@." Resto.Description.pp_print_directory dir ;
Lwt.return_unit ;
| _ -> assert false
let () =
Lwt_main.run begin
Request.request describe_service ((), []) { recurse = true } () >>= function
| `Ok dir ->
Format.printf "@[<v>%a@]@." Resto.Description.pp_print_directory dir ;
Lwt.return_unit ;
| _ -> assert false
let () =
let test service args arg expected =
Lwt_main.run (Request.request service args () arg) = (`Ok expected) in
assert (test repeat_service ((), 3) (`A []) (`A (repeat 3 (`A [])))) ;
assert (test add_service ((), 2) 3 5) ;
assert (test alternate_add_service (((), 1), 2.5) () 3.5) ;
assert (test real_minus_service1 (((), 2.5), 1) () 1.5) ;
assert (test alternate_add_service' (1, 2) () 3) ;
module Faked = Test(struct
(** Testing faked client/server communication. *)
let request (type i) (service: (_,_,_,_,i,_,_) Service.t) params query arg =
let { Service.meth ; path ; query ; input } = Service.forge_request service params query in
let uri =
~path:(String.concat "/" path)
~query:(List.map (fun (k,v) -> k, [v]) query) () in
Format.eprintf "\nREQUEST: %a@." Uri.pp_hum uri ;
let json =
match input with
| Service.No_input -> `O []
| Service.Input input -> Json_encoding.construct input arg in
lookup dir () meth path >>= function
| Ok (Service s) -> begin
let query = Resto.Query.parse s.types.query query in
match s.types.input with
| Service.No_input -> s.handler query ()
| Service.Input input ->
s.handler query @@ Json_encoding.destruct input json
end >>= function
| `Ok res ->
let json = Json_encoding.construct s.types.output res in
Lwt.return (`Ok (Json_encoding.destruct (Service.output_encoding service) json))
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected lwt result (1)"
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected lwt result (2)"
module Transparent = Test(struct
let request x = transparent_lookup dir x
let () =
Printf.printf "\n### OK Resto ###\n\n%!"