277 lines
12 KiB
277 lines
12 KiB
open Trace
open Test_helpers
let type_file f =
let%bind typed,state = Ligo.Compile.Utils.type_file f "pascaligo" (Contract "main") in
ok @@ (typed,state)
let get_program =
let s = ref None in
fun () -> match !s with
| Some s -> ok s
| None -> (
let%bind program = type_file "./contracts/multisig-v2.ligo" in
s := Some program ;
ok program
let compile_main () =
let%bind typed_prg,_ = get_program () in
let%bind mini_c_prg = Ligo.Compile.Of_typed.compile typed_prg in
let%bind michelson_prg = Ligo.Compile.Of_mini_c.aggregate_and_compile_contract mini_c_prg "main" in
let%bind (_contract: Tezos_utils.Michelson.michelson) =
(* fails if the given entry point is not a valid contract *)
Ligo.Compile.Of_michelson.build_contract michelson_prg in
ok ()
open Ast_imperative
let empty_op_list =
(e_typed_list [] (t_operation ()))
let empty_message = e_lambda (Location.wrap @@ Var.of_name "arguments")
(Some (t_bytes ())) (Some (t_list (t_operation ())))
let empty_message2 = e_lambda (Location.wrap @@ Var.of_name "arguments")
(Some (t_bytes ())) (Some (t_list (t_operation ())))
( e_let_in ((Location.wrap @@ Var.of_name "foo"),Some (t_unit ())) false (e_unit ()) empty_op_list)
let send_param msg = e_constructor "Send" msg
let withdraw_param = e_constructor "Withdraw" empty_message
type st_type = {
state_hash : bytes ;
threshold:int ;
max_proposal:int ;
max_msg_size:int ;
id_counter_list: (int * int) list ;
msg_store_list: (expression * expression) list ;
let storage {state_hash ; threshold ; max_proposal ; max_msg_size ; id_counter_list ; msg_store_list} =
let auth_set,counter_store = List.fold_left
(fun (auth_set,counter_st) (id,ctr) ->
let addr_exp = e_address @@ addr id in
addr_exp::auth_set , (addr_exp, e_nat ctr)::counter_st)
id_counter_list in
e_record_ez [
("state_hash" , e_bytes_raw state_hash ) ;
("threshold" , e_nat threshold ) ;
("max_proposal" , e_nat max_proposal ) ;
("max_message_size" , e_nat max_msg_size ) ;
("authorized_addresses", e_typed_set auth_set (t_address ()) ) ;
("message_store" , e_typed_map msg_store_list (t_bytes ()) (t_set (t_address ())) ) ;
("proposal_counters" , e_typed_map counter_store (t_address ()) (t_nat ()) ) ;
(* sender not stored in the authorized set *)
let wrong_addr () =
let%bind (program , state) = get_program () in
let init_storage = storage {
threshold = 1 ; max_proposal = 1 ; max_msg_size = 1 ; state_hash = Bytes.empty ;
id_counter_list = [1,0 ; 2,0] ;
msg_store_list = []
} in
let sender = contract 3 in
let options = Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.make_options ~sender () in
let%bind () =
let exp_failwith = "Unauthorized address" in
expect_string_failwith ~options (program, state) "main"
(e_pair (send_param empty_message) init_storage) exp_failwith in
ok ()
(* send a message which exceed the size limit *)
let message_size_exceeded () =
let%bind (program , state) = get_program () in
let init_storage = storage {
threshold = 1 ; max_proposal = 1 ; max_msg_size = 1 ; state_hash = Bytes.empty ;
id_counter_list = [1,0] ;
msg_store_list = []
} in
let sender = contract 1 in
let options = Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.make_options ~sender () in
let%bind () =
let exp_failwith = "Message size exceed maximum limit" in
expect_string_failwith ~options (program, state) "main"
(e_pair (send_param empty_message) init_storage) exp_failwith in
ok ()
(* sender has already has reached maximum number of proposal *)
let maximum_number_of_proposal () =
let%bind (program , state) = get_program () in
let%bind packed_payload1 = pack_payload program (send_param empty_message) in
let bytes1 = e_bytes_raw packed_payload1 in
let init_storage = storage {
threshold = 1 ; max_proposal = 1 ; max_msg_size = 15 ; state_hash = Bytes.empty ;
id_counter_list = [1,1] ;
msg_store_list = [(bytes1, e_set [e_address@@ addr 1])]
} in
let sender = contract 1 in
let options = Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.make_options ~sender () in
let%bind () =
let exp_failwith = "Maximum number of proposal reached" in
expect_string_failwith ~options (program, state) "main"
(e_pair (send_param empty_message2) init_storage) exp_failwith in
ok ()
(* sender message is already stored in the message store *)
let send_already_accounted () =
let%bind (program , state) = get_program () in
let%bind packed_payload = pack_payload program empty_message in
let bytes = e_bytes_raw packed_payload in
let init_storage = storage {
threshold = 2 ; max_proposal = 1 ; max_msg_size = 15 ; state_hash = Bytes.empty ;
id_counter_list = [1,1 ; 2,0] ;
msg_store_list = [(bytes, e_set [e_address@@ addr 1])]
} in
let options =
let sender = contract 1 in
Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.make_options ~sender () in
expect_eq ~options (program, state) "main"
(e_pair (send_param empty_message) init_storage) (e_pair empty_op_list init_storage)
(* sender message isn't stored in the message store *)
let send_never_accounted () =
let%bind (program , state) = get_program () in
let%bind packed_payload = pack_payload program empty_message in
let bytes = e_bytes_raw packed_payload in
let init_storage' = {
threshold = 2 ; max_proposal = 1 ; max_msg_size = 15 ; state_hash = Bytes.empty ;
id_counter_list = [1,0 ; 2,0] ;
msg_store_list = []
} in
let init_storage = storage init_storage' in
let final_storage = storage { init_storage' with
id_counter_list = [1,1 ; 2,0] ;
msg_store_list = [(bytes, e_set [e_address@@ addr 1])] ;
} in
let options =
let sender = contract 1 in
Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.make_options ~sender () in
expect_eq ~options (program, state) "main"
(e_pair (send_param empty_message) init_storage) (e_pair empty_op_list final_storage)
(* sender withdraw message is already binded to one address in the message store *)
let withdraw_already_accounted_one () =
let%bind (program , state) = get_program () in
let%bind packed_payload = pack_payload program empty_message in
let bytes = e_bytes_raw packed_payload in
let param = withdraw_param in
let init_storage' = {
threshold = 2 ; max_proposal = 1 ; max_msg_size = 1 ; state_hash = Bytes.empty ;
id_counter_list = [1,1 ; 2,0] ;
msg_store_list = [(bytes, e_set [e_address@@ addr 1])] ;
} in
let init_storage = storage init_storage' in
let final_storage = storage { init_storage' with
id_counter_list = [1,0 ; 2,0] ;
msg_store_list = [] } in
let options =
let sender = contract 1 in
Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.make_options ~sender () in
expect_eq ~options (program, state) "main"
(e_pair param init_storage) (e_pair empty_op_list final_storage)
(* sender withdraw message is already binded to two addresses in the message store *)
let withdraw_already_accounted_two () =
let%bind (program , state) = get_program () in
let%bind packed_payload = pack_payload program empty_message in
let bytes = e_bytes_raw packed_payload in
let param = withdraw_param in
let init_storage' = {
threshold = 2 ; max_proposal = 2 ; max_msg_size = 1 ; state_hash = Bytes.empty ;
id_counter_list = [1,1 ; 2,1] ;
msg_store_list = [(bytes, e_set [e_address@@ addr 1; e_address@@ addr 2])] ;
} in
let init_storage = storage init_storage' in
let final_storage = storage { init_storage' with
id_counter_list = [1,0 ; 2,1] ;
msg_store_list = [(bytes, e_set [e_address@@ addr 2])] } in
let options =
let sender = contract 1 in
Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.make_options ~sender () in
expect_eq ~options (program, state) "main"
(e_pair param init_storage) (e_pair empty_op_list final_storage)
(* triggers the threshold and check that all the participants get their counters decremented *)
let counters_reset () =
let%bind (program , state) = get_program () in
let%bind packed_payload = pack_payload program empty_message in
let bytes = e_bytes_raw packed_payload in
let param = send_param empty_message in
let hash_after_msg = sha_256_hash (Bytes.concat Bytes.empty [Bytes.empty ; packed_payload]) in
let init_storage' = {
threshold = 3 ; max_proposal = 2 ; max_msg_size = 15 ; state_hash = Bytes.empty ;
id_counter_list = [1,1 ; 2,1 ; 3,0] ;
msg_store_list = [(bytes, e_set [e_address@@ addr 1; e_address@@ addr 2])] ;
} in
let init_storage = storage init_storage' in
let final_storage = storage { init_storage' with
state_hash = hash_after_msg ;
id_counter_list = [1,0 ; 2,0 ; 3,0] ;
msg_store_list = [] } in
let options =
let sender = contract 3 in
Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.make_options ~sender () in
expect_eq ~options (program, state) "main"
(e_pair param init_storage) (e_pair empty_op_list final_storage)
(* sender withdraw message was never accounted *)
let withdraw_never_accounted () =
let%bind (program , state) = get_program () in
let param = withdraw_param in
let init_storage = storage {
threshold = 2 ; max_proposal = 1 ; max_msg_size = 1 ; state_hash = Bytes.empty ;
id_counter_list = [1,0 ; 2,0] ;
msg_store_list = [] ;
} in
let options =
let sender = contract 1 in
Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.make_options ~sender () in
expect_eq ~options (program, state) "main"
(e_pair param init_storage) (e_pair empty_op_list init_storage)
(* successful storing in the message store *)
let succeeded_storing () =
let%bind (program , state) = get_program () in
let%bind packed_payload = pack_payload program empty_message in
let bytes = e_bytes_raw packed_payload in
let init_storage th = {
threshold = th ; max_proposal = 1 ; max_msg_size = 15 ; state_hash = Bytes.empty ;
id_counter_list = [1,0 ; 2,0 ; 3,0] ;
msg_store_list = [(bytes, e_typed_set [] (t_address ()))] ;
} in
let options =
let sender = contract 1 in
Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.make_options ~sender () in
let%bind () = expect_eq_n_trace_aux ~options [1;2] (program, state) "main"
(fun th ->
let init_storage = storage (init_storage th) in
ok @@ e_pair (send_param empty_message) init_storage
(fun th ->
let hash_after_msg = sha_256_hash (Bytes.concat Bytes.empty [Bytes.empty ; packed_payload]) in
let final_id_counter, final_msg_store, ret, final_state_hash = match th with
| 1 -> [1,0 ; 2,0 ; 3,0] , [] , empty_op_list , hash_after_msg
| 2 -> [1,1 ; 2,0 ; 3,0] , [(bytes, e_set [e_address@@ addr 1])] , empty_op_list , (init_storage th).state_hash
| _ -> assert false in
let final_storage = storage { (init_storage th) with
state_hash = final_state_hash ;
msg_store_list = final_msg_store ;
id_counter_list = final_id_counter } in
ok @@ e_pair ret final_storage
) in
ok ()
let main = test_suite "Multisig v2" [
test "compile" compile_main ;
test "wrong_addr" wrong_addr ;
test "message_size_exceeded" message_size_exceeded ;
test "maximum_number_of_proposal" maximum_number_of_proposal ;
test "send_already_accounted" send_already_accounted ;
test "send_never_accounted" send_never_accounted ;
test "succeeded_storing" succeeded_storing ;
test "withdraw_already_accounted_one" withdraw_already_accounted_one ;
test "withdraw_already_accounted_two" withdraw_already_accounted_two ;
test "counters_reset" counters_reset ;