This prepares the context to the inclusion the hash of the context in the block header. By "looking" into the resulting context of a block, we are now know able to determine whether: - no testnet is currently associated to the branch; - a testnet must be forked after the block; - a previously forked testnet is running.
210 lines
7.3 KiB
210 lines
7.3 KiB
(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
open Hash
open Context
let (>>=) = Lwt.bind
let (>|=) = Lwt.(>|=)
let (//) = Filename.concat
(** Basic blocks *)
let genesis_block =
let genesis_protocol =
let genesis_time =
Time.of_seconds 0L
let genesis : State.Net.genesis = {
time = genesis_time ;
block = genesis_block ;
protocol = genesis_protocol ;
let net_id = Net_id.of_block_hash genesis_block
(** Context creation *)
let commit = commit ~time:Time.epoch ~message:""
let block2 =
let create_block2 idx =
checkout idx genesis_block >>= function
| None ->
Assert.fail_msg "checkout genesis_block"
| Some ctxt ->
set ctxt ["a"; "b"] (MBytes.of_string "Novembre") >>= fun ctxt ->
set ctxt ["a"; "c"] (MBytes.of_string "Juin") >>= fun ctxt ->
set ctxt ["version";] (MBytes.of_string "0.0") >>= fun ctxt ->
commit block2 ctxt
let block3a =
let create_block3a idx =
checkout idx block2 >>= function
| None ->
Assert.fail_msg "checkout block2"
| Some ctxt ->
del ctxt ["a"; "b"] >>= fun ctxt ->
set ctxt ["a"; "d"] (MBytes.of_string "Mars") >>= fun ctxt ->
commit block3a ctxt
let block3b =
let block3c =
let create_block3b idx =
checkout idx block2 >>= function
| None ->
Assert.fail_msg "checkout block3b"
| Some ctxt ->
del ctxt ["a"; "c"] >>= fun ctxt ->
set ctxt ["a"; "d"] (MBytes.of_string "Février") >>= fun ctxt ->
commit block3b ctxt
let wrap_context_init f base_dir =
let root = base_dir // "context" in
Context.init root >>= fun idx ->
Context.commit_genesis idx
~protocol:genesis.protocol >>= fun _ ->
create_block2 idx >>= fun () ->
create_block3a idx >>= fun () ->
create_block3b idx >>= fun () ->
f idx >>= fun result ->
Error_monad.return result
(** Simple test *)
let c = function
| None -> None
| Some s -> Some (MBytes.to_string s)
let test_simple idx =
checkout idx block2 >>= function
| None ->
Assert.fail_msg "checkout block2"
| Some ctxt ->
get ctxt ["version"] >>= fun version ->
Assert.equal_string_option ~msg:__LOC__ (c version) (Some "0.0") ;
get ctxt ["a";"b"] >>= fun novembre ->
Assert.equal_string_option (Some "Novembre") (c novembre) ;
get ctxt ["a";"c"] >>= fun juin ->
Assert.equal_string_option ~msg:__LOC__ (Some "Juin") (c juin) ;
Lwt.return ()
let test_continuation idx =
checkout idx block3a >>= function
| None ->
Assert.fail_msg "checkout block3a"
| Some ctxt ->
get ctxt ["version"] >>= fun version ->
Assert.equal_string_option ~msg:__LOC__ (Some "0.0") (c version) ;
get ctxt ["a";"b"] >>= fun novembre ->
Assert.is_none ~msg:__LOC__ (c novembre) ;
get ctxt ["a";"c"] >>= fun juin ->
Assert.equal_string_option ~msg:__LOC__ (Some "Juin") (c juin) ;
get ctxt ["a";"d"] >>= fun mars ->
Assert.equal_string_option ~msg:__LOC__ (Some "Mars") (c mars) ;
Lwt.return ()
let test_fork idx =
checkout idx block3b >>= function
| None ->
Assert.fail_msg "checkout block3b"
| Some ctxt ->
get ctxt ["version"] >>= fun version ->
Assert.equal_string_option ~msg:__LOC__ (Some "0.0") (c version) ;
get ctxt ["a";"b"] >>= fun novembre ->
Assert.equal_string_option ~msg:__LOC__ (Some "Novembre") (c novembre) ;
get ctxt ["a";"c"] >>= fun juin ->
Assert.is_none ~msg:__LOC__ (c juin) ;
get ctxt ["a";"d"] >>= fun mars ->
Assert.equal_string_option ~msg:__LOC__ (Some "Février") (c mars) ;
Lwt.return ()
let test_replay idx =
checkout idx genesis_block >>= function
| None ->
Assert.fail_msg "checkout genesis_block"
| Some ctxt0 ->
set ctxt0 ["version"] (MBytes.of_string "0.0") >>= fun ctxt1 ->
set ctxt1 ["a"; "b"] (MBytes.of_string "Novembre") >>= fun ctxt2 ->
set ctxt2 ["a"; "c"] (MBytes.of_string "Juin") >>= fun ctxt3 ->
set ctxt3 ["a"; "d"] (MBytes.of_string "July") >>= fun ctxt4a ->
set ctxt3 ["a"; "d"] (MBytes.of_string "Juillet") >>= fun ctxt4b ->
set ctxt4a ["a"; "b"] (MBytes.of_string "November") >>= fun ctxt5a ->
get ctxt4a ["a";"b"] >>= fun novembre ->
Assert.equal_string_option ~msg:__LOC__ (Some "Novembre") (c novembre) ;
get ctxt5a ["a";"b"] >>= fun november ->
Assert.equal_string_option ~msg:__LOC__ (Some "November") (c november) ;
get ctxt5a ["a";"d"] >>= fun july ->
Assert.equal_string_option ~msg:__LOC__ (Some "July") (c july) ;
get ctxt4b ["a";"b"] >>= fun novembre ->
Assert.equal_string_option ~msg:__LOC__ (Some "Novembre") (c novembre) ;
get ctxt4b ["a";"d"] >>= fun juillet ->
Assert.equal_string_option ~msg:__LOC__ (Some "Juillet") (c juillet) ;
Lwt.return ()
let test_list idx =
checkout idx genesis_block >>= function
| None ->
Assert.fail_msg "checkout genesis_block"
| Some ctxt ->
set ctxt ["a"; "b"] (MBytes.of_string "Novembre") >>= fun ctxt ->
set ctxt ["a"; "c"] (MBytes.of_string "Juin") >>= fun ctxt ->
set ctxt ["a"; "d"; "e"] (MBytes.of_string "Septembre") >>= fun ctxt ->
set ctxt ["f";] (MBytes.of_string "Avril") >>= fun ctxt ->
set ctxt ["g"; "h"] (MBytes.of_string "Avril") >>= fun ctxt ->
list ctxt [[]] >>= fun l ->
Assert.equal_string_list_list ~msg:__LOC__ [["a"];["f"];["g"]] l ;
list ctxt [["a"]] >>= fun l ->
~msg:__LOC__ [["a";"b"]; ["a";"c"]; ["a";"d"]] l ;
list ctxt [["f"]] >>= fun l ->
Assert.equal_string_list_list ~msg:__LOC__ [] l ;
list ctxt [["g"]] >>= fun l ->
Assert.equal_string_list_list ~msg:__LOC__ [["g";"h"]] l ;
list ctxt [["i"]] >>= fun l ->
Assert.equal_string_list_list ~msg:__LOC__ [] l ;
list ctxt [["a"];["g"]] >>= fun l ->
Assert.equal_string_list_list ~msg:__LOC__
[["a"; "b"]; ["a"; "c"]; ["a"; "d"]; ["g"; "h"]] l ;
Lwt.return ()
let tests : (string * (index -> unit Lwt.t)) list = [
"simple", test_simple ;
"continuation", test_continuation ;
"fork", test_fork ;
"replay", test_replay ;
"list", test_list ;
let () =
Test.run "context." (List.map (fun (s, f) -> s, wrap_context_init f) tests)