2017-12-11 17:53:49 +00:00

362 lines
14 KiB

(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
open Lwt.Infix
module Make (Encoding : Resto.ENCODING) = struct
open Cohttp
module Media_type = Media_type.Make(Encoding)
module Service = Resto.MakeService(Encoding)
type content_type = (string * string)
type raw_content = Cohttp_lwt.Body.t * content_type option
type content = Cohttp_lwt.Body.t * content_type option * Media_type.t option
type ('o, 'e) generic_rest_result =
[ `Ok of 'o option
| `Conflict of 'e
| `Error of 'e
| `Forbidden of 'e
| `Not_found of 'e
| `Unauthorized of 'e
| `Bad_request of string
| `Method_not_allowed of string list
| `Unsupported_media_type
| `Not_acceptable of string
| `Unexpected_status_code of Cohttp.Code.status_code * content
| `Connection_failed of string ]
type ('o, 'e) service_result =
[ ('o, 'e option) generic_rest_result
| `Unexpected_content_type of raw_content
| `Unexpected_content of (string * Media_type.t) * string
| `Unexpected_error_content_type of raw_content
| `Unexpected_error_content of (string * Media_type.t) * string ]
module type LOGGER = sig
type request
val log_empty_request: Uri.t -> request Lwt.t
val log_request:
?media:Media_type.t -> 'a Encoding.t ->
Uri.t -> string -> request Lwt.t
val log_response:
request -> ?media:Media_type.t -> 'a Encoding.t ->
Cohttp.Code.status_code -> string Lwt.t Lazy.t -> unit Lwt.t
type logger = (module LOGGER)
let null_logger =
(module struct
type request = unit
let log_empty_request = (fun _ -> Lwt.return_unit)
let log_request = (fun ?media:_ _ _ _-> Lwt.return_unit)
let log_response = (fun _ ?media:_ _ _ _ -> Lwt.return_unit)
end : LOGGER)
let timings_logger ppf =
(module struct
type request = string * float
let log_empty_request uri =
let tzero = Unix.gettimeofday () in
Lwt.return (Uri.to_string uri, tzero)
let log_request ?media:_ _enc uri _body = log_empty_request uri
let log_response (uri, tzero) ?media:_ _enc _code _body =
let time = Unix.gettimeofday () -. tzero in
Format.fprintf ppf "Request to %s succeeded in %gs@." uri time ;
end : LOGGER)
let faked_media = {
Media_type.name = AnyMedia ;
q = None ;
pp = (fun _enc ppf s -> Format.pp_print_string ppf s) ;
construct = (fun _ -> assert false) ;
destruct = (fun _ -> assert false) ;
let full_logger ppf =
(module struct
let cpt = ref 0
type request = int * string
let log_empty_request uri =
let id = !cpt in
let uri = Uri.to_string uri in
incr cpt ;
Format.fprintf ppf ">>>>%d: %s@." id uri ;
Lwt.return (id, uri)
let log_request ?(media = faked_media) enc uri body =
let id = !cpt in
let uri = Uri.to_string uri in
incr cpt ;
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<2>>>>>%d: %s@,%a@]@." id uri (media.pp enc) body ;
Lwt.return (id, uri)
let log_response (id, _uri) ?(media = faked_media) enc code body =
Lazy.force body >>= fun body ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<2><<<<%d: %s@,%a@]@."
id (Cohttp.Code.string_of_status code) (media.pp enc) body ;
end : LOGGER)
let find_media received media_types =
match received with
| Some received ->
Media_type.find_media received media_types
| None ->
match media_types with
| [] -> None
| m :: _ -> Some m
let clone_body = function
| `Stream s -> `Stream (Lwt_stream.clone s)
| x -> x
let generic_call meth ?(logger = null_logger) ?accept ?body ?media uri : (content, content) generic_rest_result Lwt.t =
let module Logger = (val logger) in
let headers = Header.init () in
match body with
| None->
Logger.log_empty_request uri
| Some (`Stream _) ->
Logger.log_request Encoding.untyped uri "<stream>"
| Some body ->
Cohttp_lwt.Body.to_string body >>= fun body ->
Logger.log_request ?media Encoding.untyped uri body
end >>= fun log_request ->
let body, headers =
match body, media with
| None, _ -> Cohttp_lwt.Body.empty, headers
| Some body, None ->
body, headers
| Some body, Some media ->
body, Header.add headers "content-type" (Media_type.name media) in
let headers =
match accept with
| None -> headers
| Some ranges ->
Header.add headers "accept" (Media_type.accept_header ranges) in
Lwt.catch begin fun () ->
(meth :> Code.meth) ~body uri >>= fun (response, ansbody) ->
let headers = Response.headers response in
let media_name =
match Header.get headers "content-type" with
| None -> None
| Some s ->
match Utils.split_path s with
| [x ; y] -> Some (x, y)
| _ -> None (* ignored invalid *) in
let media =
match accept with
| None -> None
| Some media_types -> find_media media_name media_types in
let status = Response.status response in
let log_ansbody = clone_body ansbody in
Logger.log_response log_request ?media Encoding.untyped status
(lazy (Cohttp_lwt.Body.to_string log_ansbody)) >>= fun () ->
match status with
| `OK -> Lwt.return (`Ok (Some (ansbody, media_name, media)))
| `No_content -> Lwt.return (`Ok None)
| `Created ->
(* TODO handle redirection ?? *)
failwith "Resto_cohttp_client.generic_json_call: unimplemented"
| `Unauthorized -> Lwt.return (`Unauthorized (ansbody, media_name, media))
| `Forbidden -> Lwt.return (`Forbidden (ansbody, media_name, media))
| `Not_found -> Lwt.return (`Not_found (ansbody, media_name, media))
| `Conflict -> Lwt.return (`Conflict (ansbody, media_name, media))
| `Internal_server_error -> Lwt.return (`Error (ansbody, media_name, media))
| `Bad_request ->
Cohttp_lwt.Body.to_string body >>= fun body ->
Lwt.return (`Bad_request body)
| `Method_not_allowed ->
let allowed = Cohttp.Header.get_multi headers "accept" in
Lwt.return (`Method_not_allowed allowed)
| `Unsupported_media_type ->
Lwt.return `Unsupported_media_type
| `Not_acceptable ->
Cohttp_lwt.Body.to_string body >>= fun body ->
Lwt.return (`Not_acceptable body)
| code ->
(`Unexpected_status_code (code, (ansbody, media_name, media)))
end begin fun exn ->
let msg =
match exn with
| Unix.Unix_error (e, _, _) -> Unix.error_message e
| Failure msg -> msg
| Invalid_argument msg -> msg
| e -> Printexc.to_string e in
Lwt.return (`Connection_failed msg)
type log = {
'a. ?media:Media_type.t -> 'a Encoding.t -> Cohttp.Code.status_code ->
string Lwt.t Lazy.t -> unit Lwt.t ;
let handle_error log service (body, media_name, media) status f =
Cohttp_lwt.Body.is_empty body >>= fun empty ->
if empty then
log.log Encoding.untyped status (lazy (Lwt.return "")) >>= fun () ->
Lwt.return (f None)
match media with
| None ->
Lwt.return (`Unexpected_error_content_type (body, media_name))
| Some media ->
Cohttp_lwt.Body.to_string body >>= fun body ->
let error = Service.error_encoding service in
log.log ~media error status (lazy (Lwt.return body)) >>= fun () ->
match media.Media_type.destruct error body with
| Ok body -> Lwt.return (f (Some body))
| Error msg ->
Lwt.return (`Unexpected_error_content ((body, media), msg))
let prepare (type i)
media_types ?(logger = null_logger) ?base
(service : (_,_,_,_,i,_,_) Service.t) params query body =
let module Logger = (val logger : LOGGER) in
let media =
match Media_type.first_complete_media media_types with
| None -> invalid_arg "Resto_cohttp_client.call_service"
| Some (_, m) -> m in
let { Service.meth ; uri ; input } =
Service.forge_request ?base service params query in
match input with
| Service.No_input ->
Logger.log_empty_request uri >>= fun log_request ->
Lwt.return (None, None, log_request)
| Service.Input input ->
let body = media.Media_type.construct input body in
Logger.log_request ~media input uri body >>= fun log_request ->
Lwt.return (Some (Cohttp_lwt.Body.of_string body),
Some media,
end >>= fun (body, media, log_request) ->
let log = { log = fun ?media -> Logger.log_response log_request ?media } in
Lwt.return (log, meth, uri, body, media)
let call_service media_types
?logger ?base service params query body =
media_types ?logger ?base
service params query body >>= fun (log, meth, uri, body, media) ->
generic_call ~accept:media_types meth ?body ?media uri >>= function
| `Ok None ->
log.log Encoding.untyped `No_content (lazy (Lwt.return "")) >>= fun () ->
Lwt.return (`Ok None)
| `Ok (Some (body, media_name, media)) -> begin
match media with
| None ->
Lwt.return (`Unexpected_content_type (body, media_name))
| Some media ->
Cohttp_lwt.Body.to_string body >>= fun body ->
let output = Service.output_encoding service in
log.log ~media output `OK (lazy (Lwt.return body)) >>= fun () ->
match media.destruct output body with
| Ok body -> Lwt.return (`Ok (Some body))
| Error msg ->
Lwt.return (`Unexpected_content ((body, media), msg))
| `Conflict body ->
handle_error log service body `Conflict (fun v -> `Conflict v)
| `Error body ->
handle_error log service body `Internal_server_error (fun v -> `Error v)
| `Forbidden body ->
handle_error log service body `Forbidden (fun v -> `Forbidden v)
| `Not_found body ->
handle_error log service body `Not_found (fun v -> `Not_found v)
| `Unauthorized body ->
handle_error log service body `Unauthorized (fun v -> `Unauthorized v)
| `Bad_request _
| `Method_not_allowed _
| `Unsupported_media_type
| `Not_acceptable _
| `Unexpected_status_code _
| `Connection_failed _ as err -> Lwt.return err
end >>= fun ans ->
Lwt.return (meth, uri, ans)
let call_streamed_service media_types
?logger ?base service ~on_chunk ~on_close params query body =
media_types ?logger ?base
service params query body >>= fun (log, meth, uri, body, media) ->
generic_call ~accept:media_types meth ?body ?media uri >>= function
| `Ok None ->
on_close () ;
log.log Encoding.untyped `No_content (lazy (Lwt.return "")) >>= fun () ->
Lwt.return (`Ok None)
| `Ok (Some (body, media_name, media)) -> begin
match media with
| None ->
Lwt.return (`Unexpected_content_type (body, media_name))
| Some media ->
let stream = Cohttp_lwt.Body.to_stream body in
Lwt_stream.get stream >>= function
| None ->
on_close () ;
Lwt.return (`Ok None)
| Some chunk ->
let output = Service.output_encoding service in
log.log ~media output
`OK (lazy (Lwt.return chunk)) >>= fun () ->
match media.destruct output chunk with
| Error msg ->
Lwt.return (`Unexpected_content ((chunk, media), msg))
| Ok body ->
on_chunk body ;
let rec loop () =
Lwt_stream.get stream >>= function
| None -> on_close () ; Lwt.return_unit
| Some chunk ->
log.log ~media output
`OK (lazy (Lwt.return chunk)) >>= fun () ->
match media.destruct output chunk with
| Ok body -> on_chunk body ; loop ()
| Error _msg ->
(* TODO log error. *)
ignore (Lwt_stream.junk_while (fun _ -> true) stream
: unit Lwt.t) ;
on_close () ; Lwt.return_unit in
ignore (loop () : unit Lwt.t) ;
Lwt.return (`Ok (Some (fun () ->
ignore (Lwt_stream.junk_while (fun _ -> true) stream
: unit Lwt.t) ;
| `Conflict body ->
handle_error log service body `Conflict (fun v -> `Conflict v)
| `Error body ->
handle_error log service body `Internal_server_error (fun v -> `Error v)
| `Forbidden body ->
handle_error log service body `Forbidden (fun v -> `Forbidden v)
| `Not_found body ->
handle_error log service body `Not_found (fun v -> `Not_found v)
| `Unauthorized body ->
handle_error log service body `Unauthorized (fun v -> `Unauthorized v)
| `Bad_request _
| `Method_not_allowed _
| `Unsupported_media_type
| `Not_acceptable _
| `Unexpected_status_code _
| `Connection_failed _ as err -> Lwt.return err
end >>= fun ans ->
Lwt.return (meth, uri, ans)