335 lines
11 KiB

(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
(** The OCaml compiler not being implemented with Lwt, the compilation
take place in a separated process (by using [Lwt_process.exec]).
The [main] function is the entry point for the forked process.
While [Updater.compile] is the 'forking' function to be called by
the [tezos-node] process.
(* TODO: fail in the presence of "external" *)
module Backend = struct
(* See backend_intf.mli. *)
let symbol_for_global' = Compilenv.symbol_for_global'
let closure_symbol = Compilenv.closure_symbol
let really_import_approx = Import_approx.really_import_approx
let import_symbol = Import_approx.import_symbol
let size_int = Arch.size_int
let big_endian = Arch.big_endian
let max_sensible_number_of_arguments =
(* The "-1" is to allow for a potential closure environment parameter. *)
Proc.max_arguments_for_tailcalls - 1
let backend = (module Backend : Backend_intf.S)
let warnings = "+a-4-6-7-9-29-40..42-44-45-48"
let warn_error = "-a+8"
let () =
Clflags.unsafe_string := false ;
Clflags.native_code := true
(** Override the default 'Env.Persistent_signature.load'
with a lookup in locally defined hashtable.
let preloaded_cmis : (string, Env.Persistent_signature.t) Hashtbl.t =
Hashtbl.create ~random:true 42
(* Set hook *)
let () =
Env.Persistent_signature.load :=
(fun ~unit_name ->
try Some (Hashtbl.find preloaded_cmis (String.capitalize_ascii unit_name))
with Not_found -> None)
let load_cmi_from_file file =
Hashtbl.add preloaded_cmis
(String.capitalize_ascii Filename.(basename (chop_extension file)))
{ filename = file ;
cmi = Cmi_format.read_cmi file ;
let load_embeded_cmi (unit_name, content) =
let content = Bytes.of_string content in
(* Read cmi magic *)
let magic_len = String.length Config.cmi_magic_number in
let magic = Bytes.sub content 0 magic_len in
assert (magic = Bytes.of_string Config.cmi_magic_number) ;
(* Read cmi_name and cmi_sign *)
let pos = magic_len in
let (cmi_name, cmi_sign) = Marshal.from_bytes content pos in
let pos = pos + Marshal.total_size content pos in
(* Read cmi_crcs *)
let cmi_crcs = Marshal.from_bytes content pos in
let pos = pos + Marshal.total_size content pos in
(* Read cmi_flags *)
let cmi_flags = Marshal.from_bytes content pos in
(* TODO check crcrs... *)
(String.capitalize_ascii unit_name)
{ filename = unit_name ^ ".cmi" ;
cmi = { cmi_name; cmi_sign; cmi_crcs; cmi_flags } ;
let load_embeded_cmis cmis = List.iter load_embeded_cmi cmis
(** Compilation environment.
[tezos_protocol_env] defines the list of [cmi] available while compiling
the protocol version. The [cmi] are packed into the [tezos-node]
binary by using [ocp-ocamlres], see the Makefile.
[register_env] defines a complementary list of [cmi] available
while compiling the generated [register.ml] file (that register
the protocol first-class module into the [Updater.versions]
let tezos_protocol_env =
let open Embedded_cmis in
"CamlinternalFormatBasics", camlinternalFormatBasics_cmi ;
"Tezos_protocol_environment_sigs", tezos_protocol_environment_sigs_cmi ;
"Tezos_protocol_environment_sigs__V1", tezos_protocol_environment_sigs__V1_cmi ;
let register_env =
let open Embedded_cmis in
"tezos_protocol_compiler__Registerer", tezos_protocol_compiler__Registerer_cmi ;
(** Helpers *)
let (//) = Filename.concat
let create_file ?(perm = 0o644) name content =
let open Unix in
let fd = openfile name [O_TRUNC; O_CREAT; O_WRONLY] perm in
ignore(write_substring fd content 0 (String.length content));
close fd
let safe_unlink file =
try Unix.unlink file
with Unix.Unix_error(Unix.ENOENT, _, _) -> ()
let unlink_cmi dir (file, _) =
safe_unlink (dir // file ^ ".cmi")
let unlink_object obj =
safe_unlink obj;
safe_unlink (Filename.chop_suffix obj ".cmx" ^ ".cmi");
safe_unlink (Filename.chop_suffix obj ".cmx" ^ ".o")
let debug_flag = ref false
let debug fmt =
if !debug_flag then Format.eprintf fmt
else Format.ifprintf Format.err_formatter fmt
let hash_file file =
let open Sodium.Generichash in
let buflen = 8092 in
let buf = BytesLabels.create buflen in
let fd = Unix.openfile file [Unix.O_RDONLY] 0o600 in
let state = init ~size:32 () in
let loop () =
match Unix.read fd buf 0 buflen with
| 0 -> ()
| nb_read ->
Bytes.update state @@
if nb_read = buflen then buf else BytesLabels.sub buf ~pos:0 ~len:nb_read
loop () ;
Unix.close fd ;
BytesLabels.unsafe_to_string (Bytes.of_hash (final state))
(** Semi-generic compilation functions *)
let pack_objects output objects =
let output = output ^ ".cmx" in
Compmisc.init_path true;
~backend Format.err_formatter Env.initial_safe_string objects output ;
Warnings.check_fatal () ;
let link_shared output objects =
Compenv.(readenv Format.err_formatter Before_link) ;
Compmisc.init_path true;
Asmlink.link_shared Format.err_formatter objects output ;
Warnings.check_fatal ()
let compile_ml ?for_pack ml =
let target = Filename.chop_extension ml in
Clflags.for_package := for_pack ;
Compenv.(readenv Format.err_formatter (Before_compile ml));
Optcompile.implementation ~backend Format.err_formatter ml target ;
Clflags.for_package := None ;
target ^ ".cmx"
module Meta = struct
let name = "TEZOS_PROTOCOL"
let config_file_encoding =
let open Data_encoding in
(opt "hash"
~description:"Used to force the hash of the protocol"
(opt "expected_env_version"
(req "modules"
~description:"Modules comprising the protocol"
(list string))
let to_file dirname ?hash ?env_version modules =
let config_file =
(hash, env_version, modules) in
Utils.write_file ~bin:false (dirname // name) @@
Data_encoding_ezjsonm.to_string config_file
let of_file dirname =
Utils.read_file ~bin:false (dirname // name) |>
Data_encoding_ezjsonm.from_string |> function
| Error err -> Pervasives.failwith err
| Ok json -> Data_encoding.Json.destruct config_file_encoding json
let find_component dirname module_name =
let open Protocol in
let name_lowercase = String.uncapitalize_ascii module_name in
let implementation = dirname // name_lowercase ^ ".ml" in
let interface = implementation ^ "i" in
match Sys.file_exists implementation, Sys.file_exists interface with
| false, _ -> Pervasives.failwith @@ "Not such file: " ^ implementation
| true, false ->
let implementation = Utils.read_file ~bin:false implementation in
{ name = module_name; interface = None; implementation }
| _ ->
let interface = Utils.read_file ~bin:false interface in
let implementation = Utils.read_file ~bin:false implementation in
{ name = module_name; interface = Some interface; implementation }
let read_dir dirname =
let hash, expected_env, modules = Meta.of_file dirname in
let components = List.map (find_component dirname) modules in
let expected_env = match expected_env with None -> Protocol.V1 | Some v -> v in
let protocol = Protocol.{ expected_env ; components } in
let hash =
match hash with
| None -> Protocol.hash protocol
| Some hash -> hash in
hash, protocol
(** Main *)
let mktemp_dir () =
Filename.get_temp_dir_name () //
Printf.sprintf "tezos-protocol-build-%06X" (Random.int 0xFFFFFF)
let main () =
Random.self_init () ;
let anonymous = ref []
and static = ref false
and build_dir = ref None in
let args_spec = [
"-static", Arg.Set static, " Only build the static library (no .cmxs)";
"-bin-annot", Arg.Set Clflags.binary_annotations, " (see ocamlopt)" ;
"-g", Arg.Set Clflags.debug, " (see ocamlopt)" ;
"-build-dir", Arg.String (fun s -> build_dir := Some s),
"use custom build directory and preserve build artifacts"
] in
let usage_msg =
"Usage: %s [options] <out> <srcdir>\nOptions are:"
Sys.argv.(0) in
Arg.parse args_spec (fun s -> anonymous := s :: !anonymous) usage_msg ;
let (output, source_dir) =
match List.rev !anonymous with
| [ output ; protocol_dir ] -> output, protocol_dir
| _ -> Arg.usage args_spec usage_msg ; Pervasives.exit 1 in
let build_dir =
match !build_dir with
| None ->
let dir = mktemp_dir () in
at_exit (fun () -> Lwt_main.run (Lwt_utils.remove_dir dir)) ;
| Some dir -> dir in
Lwt_main.run (Lwt_utils.create_dir ~perm:0o755 build_dir) ;
Lwt_main.run (Lwt_utils.create_dir ~perm:0o755 (Filename.dirname output)) ;
let hash, protocol = read_dir source_dir in
(* Generate the 'functor' *)
let functor_file = build_dir // "functor.ml" in
let oc = open_out functor_file in
Packer.dump oc
begin fun { Protocol.name } ->
let name_lowercase = String.uncapitalize_ascii name in
source_dir // name_lowercase ^ ".ml"
(Array.of_list protocol.components)) ;
close_out oc ;
(* Compile the protocol *)
let proto_cmi = Filename.chop_extension functor_file ^ ".cmi" in
let functor_unit =
Filename.(basename (chop_extension functor_file)) in
let for_pack = String.capitalize_ascii (Filename.basename output) in
(* Initialize the compilers *)
Compenv.(readenv Format.err_formatter Before_args);
Clflags.nopervasives := true;
Clflags.no_std_include := true ;
Clflags.include_dirs := [Filename.dirname functor_file] ;
Warnings.parse_options false warnings ;
Warnings.parse_options true warn_error ;
load_embeded_cmis tezos_protocol_env ;
let packed_protocol_object = compile_ml ~for_pack functor_file in
load_embeded_cmis register_env ;
load_cmi_from_file proto_cmi ;
(* Compiler the 'registering module' *)
let register_file = Filename.dirname functor_file // "register.ml" in
create_file register_file
"module Name = struct let name = %S end\n\
\ let () = Tezos_protocol_compiler__Registerer.register Name.name (module %s.Make)"
(Protocol_hash.to_b58check hash)
functor_unit) ;
let register_object = compile_ml ~for_pack register_file in
let resulting_object =
pack_objects output [ packed_protocol_object ; register_object ] in
(* Create the final [cmxs] *)
if not !static then begin
Clflags.link_everything := true ;
link_shared (output ^ ".cmxs") [resulting_object] ;