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(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
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(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
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(** Typed RPC services: definition, binding and dispatch. *)
module Data : Resto.ENCODING with type 'a t = 'a Data_encoding.t
and type schema = Data_encoding.json_schema
include (module type of struct include Resto end)
include (module type of struct include RestoDirectory end)
module Directory : (module type of struct include RestoDirectory.MakeDirectory(Data) end)
module Service : (module type of struct include Directory.Service end)
(** Compatibility layer, to be removed ASAP. *)
type 'a directory = 'a Directory.t
type ('prefix, 'params, 'input, 'output) service =
([ `POST ], 'prefix, 'params, unit, 'input, 'output, unit) Service.t
val service:
?description: string ->
input: 'input Data_encoding.t ->
output: 'output Data_encoding.t ->
('prefix, 'params) Path.t ->
('prefix, 'params, 'input, 'output) service
type directory_descr = Data_encoding.json_schema Description.directory
val empty: 'a directory
val register:
'prefix directory ->
('prefix, 'params, 'input, 'output) service ->
('params -> 'input -> [< ('output, unit) RestoDirectory.Answer.t ] Lwt.t) ->
'prefix directory
val register0:
unit directory ->
(unit, unit, 'i, 'o) service ->
('i -> [< ('o, unit) Answer.t ] Lwt.t) ->
unit directory
val register1:
'prefix directory ->
('prefix, unit * 'a, 'i, 'o) service ->
('a -> 'i -> [< ('o, unit) Answer.t ] Lwt.t) ->
'prefix directory
val register2:
'prefix directory ->
('prefix, (unit * 'a) * 'b, 'i, 'o) service ->
('a -> 'b -> 'i -> [< ('o, unit) Answer.t ] Lwt.t) ->
'prefix directory
val register_dynamic_directory1:
?descr:string ->
'prefix directory ->
('prefix, unit * 'a) Path.path ->
('a -> (unit * 'a) directory Lwt.t) ->
'prefix directory
val forge_request:
(unit, 'params, 'input, _) service ->
'params -> 'input -> MethMap.key * string list * Data_encoding.json