2018-03-26 01:04:07 +02:00

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(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
(* Todo : add section descriptions *)
let default_section_id = "default"
let default_section_title = "Miscellaneous"
(* Association list where keys are set of identifier's prefixes that
maps to a section title. The ordering of sections in the rst output
depends on their position in this list.
e.g. : an error which id is 'utils.Timeout' will be documented
under the `Miscellaneous` section which will be displayed at the
bottom of the document. Unprefixed ids or unreferenced prefixes
will default to `Miscellaneous` *)
let section_titles =
[ "proto" ], "Protocol Alpha";
[ "baking" ], "Baking" ;
[ "contract" ], "Smart Contracts" ;
[ "distributed_db" ], "Database" ;
[ "micheline" ; "michelson" ], "Smart Contracts" ;
(* [ "michelson" ], "Michelson" ; *)
[ "node" ], "Client Node" ;
[ "operation" ], "Operations" ;
[ "prevalidation" ], "Prevalidation" ;
[ "raw_store" ], "Store" ;
[ "rpc_client" ], "RPC Client" ;
[ "tez" ], "Tezos operations" ;
[ "validator" ], "Validator" ;
[ "worker" ], "Worker" ;
(* [ "cli" ], "Command Line" ; *)
[ "cli"; "utils"; default_section_id ], default_section_title ;
let categories_detail =
[ "temporary", "An error resulting from an operation that might be \
valid in the future, for example, a contracts balance \
being too low to execute the intended operation. This \
can be fixed by adding more to the contracts balance."
; "branch", "An error that occurs in one branch of the chain, but may not \
occur in a different one. For example, receiving an \
operation for an old or future protocol version."
; "permanent", "An error that is not recoverable because the operation \
is never going to be valid. For example, an invalid ꜩ \
notation." ]
let pp_rst_title ~char ppf title =
let sub = (fun _ -> char) title in
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v 0>%s@\n@]@[<v 0>%s@\n@\n@]" title sub
let pp_rst_h1 = pp_rst_title ~char:'#'
let pp_rst_h2 = pp_rst_title ~char:'*'
let pp_rst_h3 = pp_rst_title ~char:'='
let pp_rst_h4 = pp_rst_title ~char:'`'
let string_of_err_category =
let open Error_monad in function
| `Branch -> "branch"
| `Temporary -> "temporary"
| `Permanent -> "permanent"
let pp_info_to_rst
{ ; title ; category ; description ; schema } =
let open Format in
fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>- **%s**@,@,"
(if title = "" then "<Untitled>" else title) ;
fprintf ppf "@[<v 0>%s@\n@\n@]"
(if description = "" then "Not description available" else description) ;
fprintf ppf "@[<v 0>* *Id* : %s@\n@\n@]" id ;
fprintf ppf "@[* *Category* : %s@\n@\n@]" (string_of_err_category category) ;
fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>.. container:: schema-button@\n@\n" ;
fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>Show schema@]@]@\n@\n" ;
fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>.. container:: schema@\n@\n" ;
fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>.. code-block:: json@\n@\n" ;
fprintf ppf "@[%a@]@]@]@]" Json_schema.pp schema
module ErrorSet = Set.Make(struct
type t = Error_monad.error_info
let compare { ; _ } { = id' ; _ } = id id'
module ErrorPartition = struct
include Map.Make(struct
include String
let titles = snd section_titles
let compare s s' =
let idx s =
let rec loop acc = function
| [] -> assert false
| h::_ when h = s -> acc
| _::t -> loop (acc + 1) t
in loop 0 titles
in (idx s) (idx s')
let add_error (id : key) (error : Error_monad.error_info) (map : 'a t) =
let lr_opt = Stringext.cut id ~on:"." in
let id_prefix =
match lr_opt with
| None -> default_section_id
| Some (prefix, _r) -> prefix
let title =
snd (List.find
(fun (id_set, _) -> List.mem id_prefix id_set)
| Not_found -> default_section_title
let set =
find title map
| Not_found -> ErrorSet.empty
add title (ErrorSet.add error set) map
let pp_error_map ppf (map : ErrorSet.t ErrorPartition.t) : unit =
let open Format in
ErrorPartition.iter (fun section_title set ->
fprintf ppf "%a" pp_rst_h2 section_title ;
(fun error_repr ->
fprintf ppf "@[%a@]@\n@\n" pp_info_to_rst error_repr
) set
) map
let print_script ppf =
(* HACK : show/hide JSON schemas + style *)
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>.. raw:: html@\n@\n" ;
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v 0>%s%s@]@\n@\n@]"
"<script>document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){\
.first().toggle()})}, false);</script>"
"<style>.schema { display:none; margin:0 0 0 10px; }\
.schema-button { cursor:pointer; font-size:11px;\
font-weight: bold; background-color: #EEEEEE;\
color: #333333; padding: 2px 6px 2px 6px;\
border-top: 1px solid #CCCCCC; border-right: 1px solid #333333;\
border-bottom: 1px solid #333333; border-left: 1px solid #CCCCCC;\
width : -moz-fit-content; }\
section li { margin:10px 0 10px 0; } </style>"
(* Main *)
let () =
let open Format in
let ppf = std_formatter in
(* Header *)
let title = "Tezos Client Errors" in
fprintf ppf "%a" pp_rst_h1 title ;
print_script ppf ;
fprintf ppf "This document references possible errors.@\n@\n" ;
fprintf ppf "There are three categories of error :@\n@\n" ;
List.iter (fun (cat, descr) ->
fprintf ppf "- :literal:`%s` - %s@\n@\n" cat descr) categories_detail ;
fprintf ppf "See `The Error Monad`_ for further details.@\n@\n" ;
ppf ".. _The Error Monad: \
../tutorials/error_monad.html#the-actual-tezos-error-monad@\n@\n" ;
(* Body *)
let map =
let all_errors =
Error_monad.get_registered_errors () in
(fun acc ( Error_monad.{ id ; _ } as error ) ->
ErrorPartition.add_error id error acc
) ErrorPartition.empty all_errors
fprintf ppf "%a" pp_error_map map