478 lines
15 KiB

(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
type service_repr =
{ path : string list ;
meth : Resto.meth ;
description : string ;
input : Json_schema.schema option ;
output : Json_schema.schema option ;
example : string option ;
error : Json_schema.schema option
type service_tree =
| Root of service_tree list
| Node of service_repr * service_tree list
| SymbNode of string list * service_tree list
let make_descr = function
| None | Some "" -> "No description"
| Some s -> s
(** Inspect a JSON schema: if it doesn't contain any field (e.g. { }),
return None *)
let normalize_json_schema = function
| None -> None
| Some schema ->
let open Json_schema in
let elt = root schema in
match elt.kind with
| Object specs when
specs = object_specs ||
specs = { object_specs with additional_properties = None } ->
| _ -> Some schema
let repr_of_service path
RPC_description.{ description ; error ;
meth ; input ; output ; _ } : service_repr =
{ path ; meth ;
description = make_descr description ;
input = normalize_json_schema input ;
output = normalize_json_schema (Some output) ;
example = None ; error = Some error }
open Format
let pp_print_service fmt
{ path ; meth }
fprintf fmt "%s %s" (Resto.string_of_meth meth) (String.concat "/" path)
let rec pp_print_service_tree fmt = function
| Root l ->
fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>/";
(fun tree ->
fprintf fmt "@ ";
fprintf fmt "%a" pp_print_service_tree tree
) l;
fprintf fmt "@]"
| Node (repr, l) ->
fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>%a" pp_print_service repr;
(fun tree ->
fprintf fmt "@ ";
fprintf fmt "%a" pp_print_service_tree tree
) l;
fprintf fmt "@]"
| SymbNode (sl, l) ->
fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>%s" (String.concat "/" sl);
(fun tree ->
fprintf fmt "@ ";
fprintf fmt "%a" pp_print_service_tree tree
) l;
fprintf fmt "@]"
let make_tree cctxt path =
(* TODO : add automatic example generation *)
let open RPC_description in
describe cctxt ~recurse:true path >>=? fun dir ->
let rec loop path : _ directory -> service_tree list = function
| Dynamic descr ->
[ Node ({ path ; meth=`POST ;
description=make_descr descr ;
input = None ; output = None ;
example = None ; error = None }, []) ]
| Empty -> []
| Static { services ; subdirs = None } ->
let l = RPC_service.MethMap.bindings services in
let l = List.map snd l in
(fun service -> Node (repr_of_service path service, []))
| Static { services ; subdirs = Some (Suffixes subdirs) } ->
let subdirs = Resto.StringMap.bindings subdirs in
let l = List.map (fun (name, subdir) ->
loop (path @ [ name ]) subdir
) subdirs |> List.concat
let services = RPC_service.MethMap.bindings services in
let services = List.map snd services in
match services with
| [] -> [ SymbNode (path, l) ]
| service::[] -> [ Node (repr_of_service path service, l) ]
| _ -> assert false (* ? *)
| Static { services ; subdirs = Some (Arg (arg, solo)) } ->
let name = Printf.sprintf "<%s>" arg.RPC_arg.name in
let services = RPC_service.MethMap.bindings services in
let services = List.map snd services in
let l = loop (path @ [ name ]) solo in
match services with
| [] -> [ SymbNode (path, l) ]
| service::[] -> [ Node (repr_of_service path service, l) ]
| _ -> assert false (* ? *)
return (Root (loop path dir))
let rec pp_print_hierarchy fmt =
let open Format in
| Root l ->
(fun tree ->
fprintf fmt "@ ";
fprintf fmt "%a" pp_print_hierarchy tree
) l;
fprintf fmt "@]"
| SymbNode (path, l)
| Node ( { path } , l) ->
if List.length path = 0 then begin
(fun tree ->
fprintf fmt "@ ";
fprintf fmt "%a" pp_print_hierarchy tree
) l;
fprintf fmt "@]"
let name = "/" ^ List.hd (List.rev path) in
let offset = max 2 (String.length name / 2) in
if List.length l = 0 then
pp_open_vbox fmt 0
pp_open_vbox fmt offset;
fprintf fmt "%s" name;
(fun tree ->
fprintf fmt "@ ";
fprintf fmt "%a" pp_print_hierarchy tree)
pp_close_box fmt ()
(**************** RST PRINTING ****************)
let pp_print_rst_title ~char ppf title =
let sub = String.map (fun _ -> char) title in
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v 0>%s@ %s@ @ @]" title sub
let pp_print_rst_h1 = pp_print_rst_title ~char:'#'
let pp_print_rst_h2 = pp_print_rst_title ~char:'*'
let pp_print_rst_h3 = pp_print_rst_title ~char:'='
let pp_print_rst_h4 = pp_print_rst_title ~char:'`'
let pp_print_rst_raw_html fmt str =
(* let ic = open_in file in *)
fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>.. raw:: html@ @ %s@ @ @]" str
let label_table = Hashtbl.create 17
let make_counter () =
let i = ref 1 in
fun () -> incr i; !i
let count = make_counter ()
let rst_label_of_path path =
let label = Printf.sprintf "ref%d" (count ()) in
Hashtbl.add label_table path label;
"<" ^ label ^ "_>"
let ref_of_path path =
Hashtbl.find label_table path
let rec pp_print_rst_hierarchy fmt ~title node =
fprintf fmt "%a@ " pp_print_rst_h2 title;
let rst_name =
String.lowercase_ascii title
|> String.map (function ' ' -> '-' | x -> x)
let rst_name =
let rec loop str =
let open Stringext in
if find_from str ~pattern:"--" <> None then
loop (replace_all_assoc str [("--","-")])
in loop rst_name
fprintf fmt "%a@." pp_print_rst_raw_html
(sprintf "<style>#%s * { margin-bottom:0px }\
#%s > *:last-child { margin-bottom:15px }\
#%s > h2 { margin-bottom:15px}</style>" rst_name rst_name rst_name);
let rec loop fmt tree =
match tree with
| Root l ->
(* fprintf fmt "@[<v 4>/"; *)
fprintf fmt "@[<v 0>";
(fun tree ->
fprintf fmt "@ ";
fprintf fmt "%a" loop tree
) l;
fprintf fmt "@]"
| Node ( { path }, l) ->
let name = "/" ^ String.concat "/" path in
fprintf fmt "@[<v 4>";
fprintf fmt "`%s %s`_" name (rst_label_of_path path);
fprintf fmt "@ ";
(fun tree ->
fprintf fmt "@ ";
fprintf fmt "%a" loop tree
) l;
fprintf fmt "@]"
| SymbNode (path, l) ->
if List.length path > 0 then begin
let name = "\\/" ^ String.concat "/" path in
fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>%s" name;
(* fprintf fmt "%s" name; *)
fprintf fmt "@ ";
(fun tree ->
fprintf fmt "@ ";
fprintf fmt "%a" loop tree
) l;
fprintf fmt "@]"
end else
(fun tree ->
fprintf fmt "@ ";
fprintf fmt "%a" loop tree
) l
loop fmt node
let pp_print_html_tab_button fmt ?(default=false) ~shortlabel ~content path =
let target_ref = ref_of_path path in
fprintf fmt "<button class=\"tablinks%s\" onclick=\"showTab(this, '%s', '%s')\">%s</button>@ "
(if default then " defaultOpen" else "")
(target_ref ^ shortlabel)
let pp_print_html_tab_content fmt ~tag ~shortlabel ~pp_content ~content path =
let target_ref = ref_of_path path in
fprintf fmt "@[<v 2><div id=\"%s\" class=\"%s tabcontent\" style=\"max-height:200px; overflow:auto\" >@ "
(target_ref ^ shortlabel) target_ref;
fprintf fmt "<%s>@ %a</%s>@ " tag pp_content content tag;
fprintf fmt "</div>@]"
let pp_print_html_tabs fmt { path ; description ; input ; output ; _ (* example ; error *) } =
fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>.. raw:: html@ @ ";
fprintf fmt "@[<v 2><div class=\"tab\">@ ";
fprintf fmt "%a" (pp_print_html_tab_button ~default:true ~shortlabel:"descr" ~content:"Description") path;
(match input with
| Some _ ->
fprintf fmt "%a" (pp_print_html_tab_button ~default:false ~shortlabel:"input" ~content:"Input format") path;
| None -> ());
(match output with
| Some _ ->
fprintf fmt "%a" (pp_print_html_tab_button ~default:false ~shortlabel:"output" ~content:"Output format") path;
| None -> ());
(* (match example with
* | Some _ ->
* fprintf fmt "%a" (pp_print_html_tab_button ~default:false ~shortlabel:"example" ~content:"Example") path;
* | None -> ()); *)
fprintf fmt "</div>@]@ ";
fprintf fmt "%a@ " (pp_print_html_tab_content ~tag:"p" ~shortlabel:"descr"
~pp_content:pp_print_string ~content:description) path;
(match input with
| Some x -> fprintf fmt "%a@ " (pp_print_html_tab_content ~tag:"pre" ~shortlabel:"input"
~pp_content:Json_schema.pp ~content:x) path;
| None -> ());
(match output with
| Some x -> fprintf fmt "%a@ " (pp_print_html_tab_content ~tag:"pre" ~shortlabel:"output"
~pp_content:Json_schema.pp ~content:x) path;
| None -> ());
(* (match example with
* | Some x -> fprintf fmt "%a@ " (pp_print_html_tab_content ~tag:"pre" ~shortlabel:"example"
* ~pp_content:pp_print_string ~content:x) path;
* | None -> ()); *)
fprintf fmt "@]"
let pp_print_rst_full_service fmt ({ path ; meth } as repr) =
fprintf fmt ".. _%s :@\n@\n**%s %s**@\n@\n"
(ref_of_path path)
(Resto.string_of_meth meth)
("/" ^ String.concat "/" path);
fprintf fmt "%a" pp_print_html_tabs repr
let rec pp_print_rst_service_tree fmt node =
let open Format in
match node with
| Root l -> (pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_print_cut pp_print_rst_service_tree) fmt l
| SymbNode (_, l) -> (pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_print_cut pp_print_rst_service_tree) fmt l
| Node ( repr , l) ->
(* Generates services details and ref for links *)
fprintf fmt "%a@\n@\n" pp_print_rst_full_service repr;
fprintf fmt "%a" (pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_print_newline pp_print_rst_service_tree) l
let style =
.tab {\
overflow: hidden;\
border: 1px solid #ccc;\
background-color: #f1f1f1;\
.tab button {\
background-color: inherit;\
float: left;\
border: none;\
outline: none;\
cursor: pointer;\
padding: 5px 10px;\
.tab button:hover {\
background-color: #ddd;\
.tab button.active {\
background-color: #ccc;\
.tabcontent {\
display: none;\
padding: 6px 12px;\
border: 1px solid #ccc;\
border-top: none;\
margin-bottom: 20px;\
pre {\
font-size: 12px\
let script =
function showTab(elt, tab, ref) {\
var i, tabcontent, tablinks;\
tabcontent = document.getElementsByClassName(ref);\
for (i = 0; i < tabcontent.length; i++) {\
tabcontent[i].style.display = 'none';\
tablinks = elt.parentNode.children;\
for (i = 0; i < tablinks.length; i++) {\
tablinks[i].className = tablinks[i].className.replace(' active', '');\
document.getElementById(tab).style.display = 'block';\
elt.className += ' active';\
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){\
var a = document.getElementsByClassName('defaultOpen');\
for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { a[i].click() }\
let ppf = Format.std_formatter
let err_ppf = Format.err_formatter
let run ?(rpc_port=18731) () =
(* Client context *)
let rpc_config = { RPC_client.default_config with port=rpc_port } in
let open Client_config in
let {block; _} = default_cli_args in
let (cctxt : #Tezos_client_base.Client_context.full) =
new Client_context_unix.unix_full ~block ~base_dir: "/" ~rpc_config
let print_header () =
(* Style : hack *)
fprintf ppf "%a@." pp_print_rst_raw_html style;
(* Script : hack *)
fprintf ppf "%a@." pp_print_rst_raw_html script;
(* Page title *)
fprintf ppf "%a" pp_print_rst_h1 "RPC API";
(* include/copy usage.rst from input *)
let rec loop () =
let s = read_line () in
fprintf ppf "%s@\n" s;
loop ()
in begin try loop () with End_of_file -> () end
(make_tree cctxt [] >>= function
| Ok service_tree ->
(* Print header!! *)
fprintf ppf "@\n";
print_header ();
fprintf ppf "@\n";
(* Shell RPCs tree *)
fprintf ppf "%a@." (pp_print_rst_hierarchy ~title:"Client RPCs - Index") service_tree;
fprintf ppf "%a" pp_print_rst_h2 "Client RPCs - Full description";
fprintf ppf "%a@." pp_print_rst_service_tree service_tree;
Lwt.return 0
| Error _ ->
Format.eprintf "[RPC Doc Generation] Client : Couldn't reach node\n";
Lwt.return 1) >>= function
| 0 ->
(* Alpha Protocol RPCs *)
let path_proto_alpha = String.split '/' "/blocks/head/proto" in
make_tree cctxt path_proto_alpha >>= function
| Ok service_tree ->
(* Proto alpha RPCs tree *)
fprintf ppf "%a@." (pp_print_rst_hierarchy ~title:"Protocol Alpha RPCs - Index") service_tree;
fprintf ppf "%a" pp_print_rst_h2 "Protocol Alpha RPCs - Full description";
fprintf ppf "%a@." pp_print_rst_service_tree service_tree;
Lwt.return 0
| Error _ ->
Format.fprintf err_ppf "[RPC Doc Generation] Proto alpha : Couldn't reach node\n";
Lwt.return 1
| _ -> Lwt.return 1
let () =
begin try
if Array.length Sys.argv > 1 then
let rpc_port = int_of_string Sys.argv.(1) in
run ~rpc_port ()
run ()
with _ ->
run ()