2020-08-11 12:32:06 +04:00

142 lines
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{- |
Pretty printer, a small extension of GHC `pretty` package.
module Pretty
( -- * Output `Text`
-- * `Show` instance generator
, PP(..)
-- * Interfaces
, Pretty(..)
, Pretty1(..)
-- * Helpers
, tuple
, list
, indent
, above
, train
, block
, sepByDot
, mb
, sparseBlock
, color
-- * Full might of pretty printing
, module Text.PrettyPrint
import Data.Sum
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import Text.PrettyPrint hiding ((<>))
import Product
-- | Pretty-print to `Text`. Through `String`. Yep.
ppToText :: Pretty a => a -> Text
ppToText = pack . show . pp
-- | With this, one can `data X = ...; derive Show via PP X`
newtype PP a = PP { unPP :: a }
instance Pretty a => Show (PP a) where
show = show . pp . unPP
-- | Pretty-printable types.
class Pretty p where
pp :: p -> Doc
-- | Pretty-printable `Functors`.
class Pretty1 p where
pp1 :: p Doc -> Doc
instance Pretty1 (Sum '[]) where
pp1 = error "Sum.empty"
instance (Pretty1 f, Pretty1 (Sum fs)) => Pretty1 (Sum (f : fs)) where
pp1 = either pp1 pp1 . decompose
instance Pretty () where
pp _ = "-"
instance (Pretty1 p, Functor p, Pretty a) => Pretty (p a) where
pp = pp1 . fmap pp
instance Pretty1 [] where
pp1 = list
instance Pretty1 Maybe where
pp1 = maybe empty pp
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (Pretty a, Pretty b) => Pretty (Either a b) where
pp = either pp pp
instance Pretty Int where
pp = int
-- | Common instance.
instance Pretty Text where
pp = text . Text.unpack
-- | Common instance.
instance Pretty Doc where
pp = id
-- | Decorate list of stuff as a tuple.
tuple :: Pretty p => [p] -> Doc
tuple = parens . train ","
-- | Decorate list of stuff as a list.
list :: Pretty p => [p] -> Doc
list = brackets . train ";"
infixr 2 `indent`
-- | First argument is a header to an indented second one.
indent :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
indent a b = hang a 2 b
infixr 1 `above`
-- | Horisontal composition.
above :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
above a b = hang a 0 b
-- | Pretty print as a sequence with given separator.
train :: Pretty p => Doc -> [p] -> Doc
train sep' = fsep . punctuate sep' . map pp
-- | Pretty print as a vertical block.
block :: Pretty p => [p] -> Doc
block = foldr ($+$) empty . map pp
-- | For pretty-printing qualified names.
sepByDot :: Pretty p => [p] -> Doc
sepByDot = cat . map (("." <>) . pp)
-- | For pretty-printing `Maybe`s.
mb :: Pretty a => (Doc -> Doc) -> Maybe a -> Doc
mb f = maybe empty (f . pp)
-- | Pretty print as a vertical with elements separated by newline.
sparseBlock :: Pretty a => [a] -> Doc
sparseBlock = vcat . punctuate "\n" . map (($$ empty) . pp)
type Color = Int
color :: Color -> Doc -> Doc
color c d = zeroWidthText begin <> d <> zeroWidthText end
begin = "\x1b[" ++ show (30 + c) ++ "m"
end = "\x1b[0m"
instance Pretty (Product '[]) where
pp _ = "{}"
instance (Pretty x, Pretty (Product xs)) => Pretty (Product (x : xs)) where
pp (Cons x xs) = pp x <+> "&" <+> pp xs