Intead of providing a `fitness` function, an economic protocol should now call `Context.set_fitness`. This simplify the shell's code and avoid complexity on protocol change. Previously the fitness of a context produced by the old protocol had to be read by the new protocol. Now, the shell read the context without requesting the help of the economic protocol.
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(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
(** Tezos - Versioned, block indexed (key x value) store *)
(** A block-indexed (key x value) store directory. *)
type index
(** A (key x value) store for a given block. *)
type t
type context = t
(** Open or initialize a versioned store at a given path. *)
val init:
?patch_context:(context -> context Lwt.t) ->
root:string ->
index Lwt.t
val commit_genesis:
index ->
id:Block_hash.t ->
time:Time.t ->
protocol:Protocol_hash.t ->
test_protocol:Protocol_hash.t ->
context Lwt.t
(** {2 Generic interface} ****************************************************)
include Persist.STORE with type t := context
(** {2 Accessing and Updating Versions} **************************************)
exception Preexistent_context of Block_hash.t
val exists: index -> Block_hash.t -> bool Lwt.t
val checkout: index -> Block_hash.t -> context option Lwt.t
val checkout_exn: index -> Block_hash.t -> context Lwt.t
val commit: Store.Block_header.t -> Block_hash.t -> context -> unit Lwt.t
(** {2 Predefined Fields} ****************************************************)
val get_protocol: context -> Protocol_hash.t Lwt.t
val set_protocol: context -> Protocol_hash.t -> context Lwt.t
val get_test_protocol: context -> Protocol_hash.t Lwt.t
val set_test_protocol: context -> Protocol_hash.t -> context Lwt.t
val get_test_network: context -> Store.Net_id.t option Lwt.t
val set_test_network: context -> Store.Net_id.t -> context Lwt.t
val del_test_network: context -> context Lwt.t
val get_test_network_expiration: context -> Time.t option Lwt.t
val set_test_network_expiration: context -> Time.t -> context Lwt.t
val del_test_network_expiration: context -> context Lwt.t
val read_and_reset_fork_test_network: context -> (bool * context) Lwt.t
val fork_test_network: context -> context Lwt.t
val get_genesis_time: context -> Time.t Lwt.t
val get_genesis_block: context -> Block_hash.t Lwt.t
val set_fitness: context -> Fitness.fitness -> context Lwt.t
val get_fitness: context -> Fitness.fitness Lwt.t
val init_test_network:
context -> time:Time.t -> genesis:Block_hash.t -> context tzresult Lwt.t