383 lines
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383 lines
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(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
(* *)
(* Tezos Protocol Implementation - Typed storage accessor builders *)
open Misc
type context = Context.t * Constants_repr.constants
(*-- Errors ------------------------------------------------------------------*)
type error += Storage_error of string
let () =
let open Data_encoding in
register_error_kind `Permanent
~title: "Storage error (fatal internal error)"
"An error that should never happen unless something \
has been deleted or corrupted in the database"
~pp:(fun ppf msg ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>Storage error:@ %a@]"
pp_print_paragraph msg)
(obj1 (req "msg" string))
(function Storage_error msg -> Some msg | _ -> None)
(fun msg -> Storage_error msg)
(*-- Generic data accessor ---------------------------------------------------*)
module type Raw_data_description = sig
type key
type value
val name : string
val key : key -> string list
val of_bytes : MBytes.t -> value tzresult
val to_bytes : value -> MBytes.t
module Make_raw_data_storage (P : Raw_data_description) = struct
type key = P.key
type value = P.value
let key k = P.key k
let key_to_string l = String.concat "/" (key l)
let get (c, _) k =
Context.get c (key k) >>= function
| None ->
let msg =
"cannot get undefined " ^ P.name ^ " key " ^ key_to_string k in
fail (Storage_error msg)
| Some bytes ->
Lwt.return (P.of_bytes bytes)
let mem (c, _) k = Context.mem c (key k)
let get_option (c, _) k =
Context.get c (key k) >>= function
| None -> return None
| Some bytes ->
Lwt.return (P.of_bytes bytes >|? fun v -> Some v)
(* Verify that the key is present before modifying *)
let set (c, x) k v =
let key = key k in
Context.get c key >>= function
| None ->
let msg =
"cannot set undefined " ^ P.name ^ " key " ^ key_to_string k in
fail (Storage_error msg)
| Some old ->
let bytes = P.to_bytes v in
if MBytes.(old = bytes) then
return (c, x)
Context.set c key (P.to_bytes v) >>= fun c ->
return (c, x)
(* Verify that the key is not present before inserting *)
let init (c, x) k v =
let key = key k in
Context.get c key >>=
| Some _ ->
let msg
= "cannot init existing " ^ P.name ^ " key " ^ key_to_string k in
fail (Storage_error msg)
| None ->
Context.set c key (P.to_bytes v) >>= fun c ->
return (c, x)
(* Does not verify that the key is present or not *)
let init_set (c, x) k v =
Context.set c (key k) (P.to_bytes v) >>= fun c -> return (c, x)
(* Verify that the key is present before deleting *)
let delete (c, x) k =
let key = key k in
Context.get c key >>= function
| Some _ ->
Context.del c key >>= fun c ->
return (c, x)
| None ->
let msg =
"cannot delete undefined " ^ P.name ^ " key " ^ key_to_string k in
fail (Storage_error msg)
(* Do not verify before deleting *)
let remove (c, x) k =
Context.del c (key k) >>= fun c -> Lwt.return (c, x)
(*-- Indexed data accessor ---------------------------------------------------*)
module type Data_description = sig
type value
val name : string
val encoding : value Data_encoding.t
module type Indexed_data_description = sig
type key
val key : key -> string list
include Data_description
module Make_indexed_data_storage (P : Indexed_data_description) =
include P
let of_bytes b =
match Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes P.encoding b with
| None ->
let msg =
"cannot deserialize " ^ P.name ^ " value" in
error (Storage_error msg)
| Some v -> Ok v
let to_bytes v = Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes P.encoding v
module Make_indexed_optional_data_storage (P : Indexed_data_description) = struct
module Raw = Make_indexed_data_storage(P)
type key = P.key
type value = P.value
let get = Raw.get_option
let mem = Raw.mem
let set c k r =
match r with
| None -> Raw.remove c k >>= fun c -> return c
| Some r -> Raw.init_set c k r
(*-- Single data accessor ----------------------------------------------------*)
module type Single_data_description = sig
val key : string list
include Data_description
module Make_single_data_storage (P : Single_data_description) = struct
module Single_desc = struct
type value = P.value
type key = unit
let encoding = P.encoding
let name = P.name
let key () = P.key
include Make_indexed_data_storage(Single_desc)
let get c = get c ()
let mem c = mem c ()
let get_option c = get_option c ()
let set c r = set c () r
let init c r = init c () r
let init_set c r = init_set c () r
let remove c = remove c ()
let delete c = delete c ()
module Make_single_optional_data_storage (P : Single_data_description) = struct
module Raw = Make_single_data_storage (P)
type value = P.value
let get = Raw.get_option
let mem = Raw.mem
let set c r =
match r with
| None -> Raw.remove c >>= fun c -> return c
| Some r -> Raw.init_set c r
(*-- Data set (set of homogeneous data under a key prefix) -------------------*)
module Make_data_set_storage (P : Single_data_description) = struct
module Key = struct
include Hash.Make_minimal_Blake2B(struct
let name = P.name
let title = ("A " ^ P.name ^ "key")
let size = None
let prefix = P.key
let length = path_len
module HashTbl =
type value = P.value
let serial v =
let data = Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes P.encoding v in
Key.hash_bytes [data], data
let unserial b =
match Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes P.encoding b with
| None ->
let msg =
"cannot deserialize " ^ P.name ^ " value" in
error (Storage_error msg)
| Some v -> Ok v
let add (c, x) v =
let hash, data = serial v in
HashTbl.mem c hash >>= function
| true -> return (c, x)
| false -> HashTbl.set c hash data >>= fun c -> return (c, x)
let del (c, x) v =
let hash, _ = serial v in
HashTbl.mem c hash >>= function
| false -> return (c, x)
| true -> HashTbl.del c hash >>= fun c -> return (c, x)
let mem (c, _) v =
let hash, _ = serial v in
HashTbl.mem c hash >>= fun v ->
return v
let elements (c, _) =
HashTbl.bindings c >>= fun elts ->
map_s (fun (_, data) -> Lwt.return (unserial data)) elts
let fold (c, _) init ~f =
HashTbl.fold c (ok init)
~f:(fun _ data acc ->
match acc with
| Error _ -> Lwt.return acc
| Ok acc ->
match unserial data with
| Error _ as err -> Lwt.return err
| Ok data ->
f data acc >>= fun acc ->
return acc)
let clear (c, x) =
HashTbl.fold c c ~f:(fun hash _ c -> HashTbl.del c hash) >>= fun c ->
return (c, x)
module Raw_make_iterable_data_storage
(K: Persist.KEY)
(P: Data_description) = struct
type key = K.t
type value = P.value
module HashTbl =
type t = P.value
let of_bytes b = Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes P.encoding b
let to_bytes v = Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes P.encoding v
let key_to_string k = String.concat "/" (K.to_path k)
let get (c, _) k =
HashTbl.get c k >>= function
| None ->
let msg =
"cannot get undefined " ^ P.name ^ " key " ^ key_to_string k in
fail (Storage_error msg)
| Some v ->
return v
let mem (c, _) k = HashTbl.mem c k
let get_option (c, _) k =
HashTbl.get c k >>= function
| None -> return None
| Some v -> return (Some v)
(* Verify that the key is present before modifying *)
let set (c, x) k v =
HashTbl.get c k >>= function
| None ->
let msg =
"cannot set undefined " ^ P.name ^ " key " ^ key_to_string k in
fail (Storage_error msg)
| Some _ ->
HashTbl.set c k v >>= fun c ->
return (c, x)
(* Verify that the key is not present before inserting *)
let init (c, x) k v =
HashTbl.get c k >>=
| Some _ ->
let msg
= "cannot init existing " ^ P.name ^ " key " ^ key_to_string k in
fail (Storage_error msg)
| None ->
HashTbl.set c k v >>= fun c ->
return (c, x)
(* Does not verify that the key is present or not *)
let init_set (c, x) k v = HashTbl.set c k v >>= fun c -> return (c, x)
(* Verify that the key is present before deleting *)
let delete (c, x) k =
HashTbl.get c k >>= function
| Some _ ->
HashTbl.del c k >>= fun c ->
return (c, x)
| None ->
let msg =
"cannot delete undefined " ^ P.name ^ " key " ^ key_to_string k in
fail (Storage_error msg)
(* Do not verify before deleting *)
let remove (c, x) k =
HashTbl.del c k >>= fun c -> Lwt.return (c, x)
let clear (c, x) = HashTbl.clear c >>= fun c -> Lwt.return (c, x)
let fold (c, _) x ~f = HashTbl.fold c x ~f:(fun k v acc -> f k v acc)
let iter (c, _) ~f = HashTbl.fold c () ~f:(fun k v () -> f k v)
module Make_iterable_data_storage (H: HASH) (P: Single_data_description) =
include H
let prefix = P.key
let length = path_len
let register_resolvers (module H : Hash.HASH) prefixes =
let module Set = Hash_set(H) in
let resolvers =
(fun prefix ->
let module R = Persist.MakeHashResolver(struct
include Context
let prefix = prefix
end)(H) in
prefixes in
let resolve c m =
match resolvers with
| [resolve] -> resolve c m
| resolvers ->
Lwt_list.map_p (fun resolve -> resolve c m) resolvers >|= fun hs ->
(fun acc hs -> List.fold_left (fun acc h -> Set.add h acc) acc hs)
Set.empty hs |>
Set.elements in
Context.register_resolver H.b48check_encoding resolve