The single validation module is split in multiple (simpler) modules. In the process, we introduce one "validation worker" per peer. This worker handle all the `New_head` and `New_branch` advertised by a given peer. For so, it sends "fetching request" and "validation request" to respectively the `Distributed_db` and and the `Block_validator`. These two global workers are responsible of the 'fair' allocation of network and CPU ressources amongst the connected 'peers'.
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(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *)
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(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
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(* Tezos Command line interface - RPC Calls *)
open Client_rpcs
module Services = Node_rpc_services
let errors cctxt =
call_service0 cctxt Services.Error.service ()
let forge_block_header cctxt header =
call_service0 cctxt Services.forge_block_header header
type operation = Node_rpc_services.operation =
| Blob of Operation.t
| Hash of Operation_hash.t
let operation_encoding = Node_rpc_services.operation_encoding
let inject_block cctxt ?(async = false) ?(force = false) raw operations =
call_err_service0 cctxt Services.inject_block
{ raw ; blocking = not async ; force ; operations }
let inject_operation cctxt ?(async = false) ?force operation =
call_err_service0 cctxt Services.inject_operation
(operation, not async, force)
let inject_protocol cctxt ?(async = false) ?force protocol =
call_err_service0 cctxt Services.inject_protocol
(protocol, not async, force)
let bootstrapped cctxt =
call_streamed_service0 cctxt Services.bootstrapped ()
let complete cctxt ?block prefix =
match block with
| None ->
call_service1 cctxt Services.complete prefix ()
| Some block ->
call_service2 cctxt Services.Blocks.complete block prefix ()
let describe config ?recurse path =
call_describe0 config Services.describe path recurse
module Blocks = struct
type block = Services.Blocks.block
type block_info = Services.Blocks.block_info = {
hash: Block_hash.t ;
net_id: Net_id.t ;
level: Int32.t ;
proto_level: int ; (* uint8 *)
predecessor: Block_hash.t ;
timestamp: Time.t ;
validation_passes: int ; (* uint8 *)
operations_hash: Operation_list_list_hash.t ;
fitness: MBytes.t list ;
data: MBytes.t ;
operations: Operation_hash.t list list option ;
protocol: Protocol_hash.t ;
test_network: Context.test_network;
type preapply_param = Services.Blocks.preapply_param = {
timestamp: Time.t ;
proto_header: MBytes.t ;
operations: operation list ;
sort_operations: bool ;
type preapply_result = Services.Blocks.preapply_result = {
shell_header: Block_header.shell_header ;
operations: error Prevalidation.preapply_result ;
let net_id cctxt h =
call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.net_id h ()
let level cctxt h =
call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.level h ()
let predecessor cctxt h =
call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.predecessor h ()
let predecessors cctxt h l =
call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.predecessors h l
let hash cctxt h =
call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.hash h ()
let timestamp cctxt h =
call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.timestamp h ()
let fitness cctxt h =
call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.fitness h ()
let operations cctxt ?(contents = false) h =
call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.operations h
{ contents ; monitor = false }
let protocol cctxt h =
call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.protocol h ()
let test_network cctxt h =
call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.test_network h ()
let preapply cctxt h
?(timestamp = Time.now ()) ?(sort = false) ~proto_header operations =
cctxt Services.Blocks.preapply h
{ timestamp ; proto_header ; sort_operations = sort ; operations }
let pending_operations cctxt block =
call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.pending_operations block ()
let info cctxt ?(include_ops = true) h =
call_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.info h include_ops
let complete cctxt block prefix =
call_service2 cctxt Services.Blocks.complete block prefix ()
let list cctxt ?(include_ops = false)
?length ?heads ?delay ?min_date ?min_heads () =
call_service0 cctxt Services.Blocks.list
{ include_ops ; length ; heads ; monitor = Some false ; delay ;
min_date ; min_heads }
let monitor cctxt ?(include_ops = false)
?length ?heads ?delay ?min_date ?min_heads () =
call_streamed_service0 cctxt Services.Blocks.list
{ include_ops ; length ; heads ; monitor = Some true ; delay ;
min_date ; min_heads }
module Operations = struct
let monitor cctxt ?(contents = false) () =
call_streamed_service1 cctxt Services.Blocks.operations
{ contents ; monitor = true }
module Protocols = struct
let contents cctxt hash =
call_service1 cctxt Services.Protocols.contents hash ()
let list cctxt ?contents () =
cctxt Services.Protocols.list
{ contents; monitor = Some false }
module Network = struct
let stat cctxt =
call_service0 cctxt Services.Network.stat ()
let connections cctxt =
call_service0 cctxt Services.Network.Connection.list ()
let peers cctxt =
call_service0 cctxt Services.Network.Peer_id.list []
let points cctxt =
call_service0 cctxt Services.Network.Point.list []