2019-03-25 20:52:09 +00:00

376 lines
15 KiB

open! Ligo_helpers.Trace
open Mini_c
open Combinators
module AST = Ast_typed
open AST.Combinators
let list_of_map m = List.rev @@ Ligo_helpers.X_map.String.fold (fun _ v prev -> v :: prev) m []
let kv_list_of_map m = List.rev @@ Ligo_helpers.X_map.String.fold (fun k v prev -> (k, v) :: prev) m []
let map_of_kv_list lst =
let open AST.SMap in
List.fold_left (fun prev (k, v) -> add k v prev) empty lst
let rec translate_type (t:AST.type_value) : type_value result =
match t.type_value with
| Type_constant ("bool", []) -> ok (`Base Bool)
| Type_constant ("int", []) -> ok (`Base Int)
| Type_constant ("string", []) -> ok (`Base String)
| Type_constant _ -> simple_fail "unrecognized constant"
| Type_sum m ->
let node = Append_tree.of_list @@ list_of_map m in
let aux a b : type_value result =
let%bind a = a in
let%bind b = b in
ok (`Or (a, b))
Append_tree.fold_ne translate_type aux node
| Type_record m ->
let node = Append_tree.of_list @@ list_of_map m in
let aux a b : type_value result =
let%bind a = a in
let%bind b = b in
ok (`Pair (a, b))
Append_tree.fold_ne translate_type aux node
| Type_tuple lst ->
let node = Append_tree.of_list lst in
let aux a b : type_value result =
let%bind a = a in
let%bind b = b in
ok (`Pair (a, b))
Append_tree.fold_ne translate_type aux node
| Type_function (param, result) ->
let%bind param' = translate_type param in
let%bind result' = translate_type result in
ok (`Function (param', result'))
let rec translate_block env (b:AST.block) : block result =
let%bind (instructions, env') =
let rec aux e acc lst = match lst with
| [] -> ok (acc, e)
| hd :: tl ->
match%bind translate_instruction e hd with
| Some ((_, e') as i) -> aux e'.post_environment (i :: acc) tl
| None -> aux e acc tl
let%bind (lst, e) = aux env [] b in
ok (List.rev lst, e)
ok (instructions, environment_wrap env env')
and translate_instruction (env:Environment.t) (i:AST.instruction) : statement option result =
let return ?(env' = env) x : statement option result = ok (Some (x, environment_wrap env env')) in
match i with
| Assignment {name;annotated_expression} ->
let%bind (_, t, _) as expression = translate_annotated_expression env annotated_expression in
let env' = Environment.add (name, t) env in
return ~env' (Assignment (name, expression))
| Matching (expr, Match_bool {match_true ; match_false}) ->
let%bind expr' = translate_annotated_expression env expr in
let%bind true_branch = translate_block env match_true in
let%bind false_branch = translate_block env match_false in
return (Cond (expr', true_branch, false_branch))
| Matching _ -> simple_fail "todo : match"
| Loop (expr, body) ->
let%bind expr' = translate_annotated_expression env expr in
let%bind body' = translate_block env body in
return (While (expr', body'))
| Skip -> ok None
| Fail _ -> simple_fail "todo : fail"
and translate_annotated_expression (env:Environment.t) (ae:AST.annotated_expression) : expression result =
let%bind tv = translate_type ae.type_annotation in
match ae.expression with
| Literal (Bool b) -> ok (Literal (`Bool b), tv, env)
| Literal (Int n) -> ok (Literal (`Int n), tv, env)
| Literal (Nat n) -> ok (Literal (`Nat n), tv, env)
| Literal (Bytes s) -> ok (Literal (`Bytes s), tv, env)
| Literal (String s) -> ok (Literal (`String s), tv, env)
| Literal Unit -> ok (Literal `Unit, tv, env)
| Variable name -> ok (Var name, tv, env)
| Application (a, b) ->
let%bind a = translate_annotated_expression env a in
let%bind b = translate_annotated_expression env b in
ok (Apply (a, b), tv, env)
| Constructor (m, param) ->
let%bind (param'_expr, param'_tv, _) = translate_annotated_expression env ae in
let%bind map_tv = get_t_sum ae.type_annotation in
let node_tv = Append_tree.of_list @@ kv_list_of_map map_tv in
let%bind ae' =
let leaf (k, tv) : (expression' option * type_value) result =
if k = m then (
let%bind _ =
trace (simple_error "constructor parameter doesn't have expected type (shouldn't happen here)")
@@ AST.assert_type_value_eq (tv, param.type_annotation) in
ok (Some (param'_expr), param'_tv)
) else (
let%bind tv = translate_type tv in
ok (None, tv)
) in
let node a b : (expression' option * type_value) result =
let%bind a = a in
let%bind b = b in
match (a, b) with
| (None, a), (None, b) -> ok (None, `Or (a, b))
| (Some _, _), (Some _, _) -> simple_fail "several identical constructors in the same variant (shouldn't happen here)"
| (Some v, a), (None, b) -> ok (Some (Predicate ("LEFT", [v, a, env])), `Or (a, b))
| (None, a), (Some v, b) -> ok (Some (Predicate ("RIGHT", [v, b, env])), `Or (a, b))
let%bind (ae_opt, tv) = Append_tree.fold_ne leaf node node_tv in
let%bind ae =
trace_option (simple_error "constructor doesn't exist in claimed type (shouldn't happen here)")
ae_opt in
ok (ae, tv, env) in
ok ae'
| Tuple lst ->
let node = Append_tree.of_list lst in
let aux (a:expression result) (b:expression result) : expression result =
let%bind (_, a_ty, _) as a = a in
let%bind (_, b_ty, _) as b = b in
ok (Predicate ("PAIR", [a; b]), `Pair(a_ty, b_ty), env)
Append_tree.fold_ne (translate_annotated_expression env) aux node
| Tuple_accessor (tpl, ind) ->
let%bind (tpl'_expr, _, _) = translate_annotated_expression env tpl in
let%bind tpl_tv = get_t_tuple ae.type_annotation in
let node_tv = Append_tree.of_list @@ List.mapi (fun i a -> (a, i)) tpl_tv in
let%bind ae' =
let leaf (tv, i) : (expression' option * type_value) result =
let%bind tv = translate_type tv in
if i = ind then (
ok (Some (tpl'_expr), tv)
) else (
ok (None, tv)
) in
let node a b : (expression' option * type_value) result =
let%bind a = a in
let%bind b = b in
match (a, b) with
| (None, a), (None, b) -> ok (None, `Pair (a, b))
| (Some _, _), (Some _, _) -> simple_fail "several identical indexes in the same tuple (shouldn't happen here)"
| (Some v, a), (None, b) -> ok (Some (Predicate ("CAR", [v, a, env])), `Pair (a, b))
| (None, a), (Some v, b) -> ok (Some (Predicate ("CDR", [v, b, env])), `Pair (a, b))
let%bind (ae_opt, tv) = Append_tree.fold_ne leaf node node_tv in
let%bind ae = trace_option (simple_error "bad index in tuple (shouldn't happen here)")
ae_opt in
ok (ae, tv, env) in
ok ae'
| Record m ->
let node = Append_tree.of_list @@ list_of_map m in
let aux a b : expression result =
let%bind (_, a_ty, _) as a = a in
let%bind (_, b_ty, _) as b = b in
ok (Predicate ("PAIR", [a; b]), `Pair(a_ty, b_ty), env)
Append_tree.fold_ne (translate_annotated_expression env) aux node
| Record_accessor (r, key) ->
let%bind (r'_expr, _, _) = translate_annotated_expression env r in
let%bind r_tv = get_t_record ae.type_annotation in
let node_tv = Append_tree.of_list @@ kv_list_of_map r_tv in
let%bind ae' =
let leaf (key', tv) : (expression' option * type_value) result =
let%bind tv = translate_type tv in
if key = key' then (
ok (Some (r'_expr), tv)
) else (
ok (None, tv)
) in
let node a b : (expression' option * type_value) result =
let%bind a = a in
let%bind b = b in
match (a, b) with
| (None, a), (None, b) -> ok (None, `Pair (a, b))
| (Some _, _), (Some _, _) -> simple_fail "several identical keys in the same record (shouldn't happen here)"
| (Some v, a), (None, b) -> ok (Some (Predicate ("CAR", [v, a, env])), `Pair (a, b))
| (None, a), (Some v, b) -> ok (Some (Predicate ("CDR", [v, b, env])), `Pair (a, b))
let%bind (ae_opt, tv) = Append_tree.fold_ne leaf node node_tv in
let%bind ae = trace_option (simple_error "bad key in record (shouldn't happen here)")
ae_opt in
ok (ae, tv, env) in
ok ae'
| Constant (name, lst) ->
let%bind lst' = bind_list @@ (translate_annotated_expression env) lst in
ok (Predicate (name, lst'), tv, env)
| Lambda l -> translate_lambda env l tv
and translate_lambda_shallow env l tv =
let { binder ; input_type ; output_type ; body ; result } : AST.lambda = l in
(* Shallow capture. Capture the whole environment. Extend it with a new scope. Append it the input. *)
let%bind input = translate_type input_type in
let sub_env = Environment.extend env in
let full_env = Environment.add (binder, input) sub_env in
let%bind (_, e) as body = translate_block full_env body in
let%bind result = translate_annotated_expression e.post_environment result in
let capture_type = Shallow_capture sub_env in
let input = Environment.to_mini_c_type full_env in
let%bind output = translate_type output_type in
let content = {binder;input;output;body;result;capture_type} in
ok (Function_expression content, tv, env)
and translate_lambda env l tv =
let { binder ; input_type ; output_type ; body ; result } : AST.lambda = l in
(* Try to type it in an empty env, if it succeeds, transpiles it as a quote value, else, as a closure expression. *)
let%bind init_env =
let%bind input = translate_type input_type in
ok Environment.(add (binder, input) empty) in
match to_option (translate_block init_env body) with
| Some ((_, e) as body) -> (
match to_option (translate_annotated_expression e.post_environment result) with
| Some result -> (
let capture_type = No_capture in
let%bind input = translate_type input_type in
let%bind output = translate_type output_type in
let content = {binder;input;output;body;result;capture_type} in
ok (Literal (`Function {capture=None;content}), tv, env)
| _ -> translate_lambda_shallow init_env l tv
| _ -> translate_lambda_shallow init_env l tv
let translate_declaration env (d:AST.declaration) : toplevel_statement result =
match d with
| Constant_declaration {name;annotated_expression} ->
let%bind ((_, tv, _) as expression) = translate_annotated_expression env annotated_expression in
let env' = Environment.add (name, tv) env in
ok @@ ((name, expression), environment_wrap env env')
let translate_program (lst:AST.program) : program result =
let aux (prev:(toplevel_statement list * Environment.t) result) cur =
let%bind (tl, env) = prev in
let%bind ((_, env') as cur') = translate_declaration env cur in
ok (cur' :: tl, env'.post_environment)
let%bind (statements, _) = List.fold_left aux (ok ([], Environment.empty)) lst in
ok statements
let translate_main (l:AST.lambda) (t:AST.type_value) : anon_function result =
let%bind t' = translate_type t in
let%bind (expr, _, _) = translate_lambda Environment.empty l t' in
match expr with
| Literal (`Function f) -> ok f
| _ -> simple_fail "main is not a function"
let translate_entry (lst:AST.program) (name:string) : anon_function result =
let rec aux acc (lst:AST.program) =
match lst with
| [] -> None
| hd :: tl -> (
let AST.Constant_declaration an = hd in
if = name
then (
match an.annotated_expression.expression with
| Lambda l -> Some (acc, l, an.annotated_expression.type_annotation)
| _ -> None
) else (
aux ((AST.Assignment an) :: acc) tl
let%bind (lst', l, tv) =
let%bind (lst', l, tv) =
trace_option (simple_error "no functional entry-point with given name")
@@ aux [] lst in
ok (List.rev lst', l, tv) in
let l' = {l with body = lst' @ l.body} in
trace (simple_error "translate entry")
@@ translate_main l' tv
open Combinators
let rec exp x n =
if n = 0
then 1
let exp' = exp (x * x) (n / 2) in
let m = if n mod 2 = 0 then 1 else x in
m * exp'
let exp2 = exp 2
let extract_constructor (v : value) (tree : _ Append_tree.t') : (string * value * AST.type_value) result =
let open Append_tree in
let rec aux tv : (string * value * AST.type_value) result=
match tv with
| Leaf (k, t), v -> ok (k, v, t)
| Node {a}, `Left v -> aux (a, v)
| Node {b}, `Right v -> aux (b, v)
| _ -> simple_fail "bad constructor path"
let%bind (s, v, t) = aux (tree, v) in
ok (s, v, t)
let extract_tuple (v : value) (tree : AST.type_value Append_tree.t') : ((value * AST.type_value) list) result =
let open Append_tree in
let rec aux tv : ((value * AST.type_value) list) result =
match tv with
| Leaf t, v -> ok @@ [v, t]
| Node {a;b}, `Pair (va, vb) ->
let%bind a' = aux (a, va) in
let%bind b' = aux (b, vb) in
ok (a' @ b')
| _ -> simple_fail "bad tuple path"
aux (tree, v)
let extract_record (v : value) (tree : _ Append_tree.t') : (_ list) result =
let open Append_tree in
let rec aux tv : ((string * (value * AST.type_value)) list) result =
match tv with
| Leaf (s, t), v -> ok @@ [s, (v, t)]
| Node {a;b}, `Pair (va, vb) ->
let%bind a' = aux (a, va) in
let%bind b' = aux (b, vb) in
ok (a' @ b')
| _ -> simple_fail "bad record path"
aux (tree, v)
let rec untranspile (v : value) (t : AST.type_value) : AST.annotated_expression result =
let open! AST in
let return e = ok AST.(annotated_expression e t) in
match t.type_value with
| Type_constant ("bool", []) ->
let%bind b = get_bool v in
return (Literal (Bool b))
| Type_constant ("int", []) ->
let%bind n = get_int v in
return (Literal (Int n))
| Type_constant ("string", []) ->
let%bind n = get_string v in
return (Literal (String n))
| Type_constant _ ->
simple_fail "unknown type_constant"
| Type_sum m ->
let lst = kv_list_of_map m in
let%bind node = match Append_tree.of_list lst with
| Empty -> simple_fail "empty sum type"
| Full t -> ok t
let%bind (name, v, tv) = extract_constructor v node in
let%bind sub = untranspile v tv in
return (Constructor (name, sub))
| Type_tuple lst ->
let%bind node = match Append_tree.of_list lst with
| Empty -> simple_fail "empty tuple"
| Full t -> ok t in
let%bind tpl = extract_tuple v node in
let%bind tpl' = bind_list
@@ (fun (x, y) -> untranspile x y) tpl in
return (Tuple tpl')
| Type_record m ->
let lst = kv_list_of_map m in
let%bind node = match Append_tree.of_list lst with
| Empty -> simple_fail "empty record"
| Full t -> ok t in
let%bind lst = extract_record v node in
let%bind lst = bind_list
@@ (fun (x, (y, z)) -> let%bind yz = untranspile y z in ok (x, yz)) lst in
let m' = map_of_kv_list lst in
return (Record m')
| Type_function _ -> simple_fail "no untranspilation for functions yet"