This is a rewrite of the build system with `jbuilder`, with just a minimal toplevel Makefile for backward compatibility. This first patch preserves the project architecture, we only gain proper dependencies handling and always up-to-date `.merlin` files. A latter patch may split the project in smaller "sub-package", i.e. multiple `.opam` files. The embedded versions of the economic protocol are now compiled with `jbuilder` instead of `tezos-protocol-compiler`, potentially allowing proper inlining at the cost of slightly-less-stricter sandboxing. Nevertheless, dynamically loaded protocol are still compiled with the `tezos-protocol-compiler` and thus strictly sandboxed ; and a CI rule also checks the proper sandboxing of embedded protocols. This patch is coauthored with @hnrgrgr
56 lines
1.6 KiB
56 lines
1.6 KiB
(jbuild_version 1)
((targets (environment.ml))
(write-file ${@}
"include Tezos_protocol_environment.Make(struct let name = \"demo\" end)()"))))
((targets (registerer.ml))
(write-file ${@}
"module Ignored =
let hash =
Some (Hash.Protocol_hash.of_b58check_exn
let sources = Tezos_data.Protocol.{
expected_env = V1 ;
components = [(* FIXME ?? *)] ;
} end)"))))
((name tezos_protocol_environment_demo)
(libraries (node_updater))
(modules (Environment))))
((name tezos_embedded_raw_protocol_demo)
(libraries (tezos_protocol_environment_demo))
(library_flags (:standard -linkall))
(flags (:standard -nopervasives -nostdlib
-w +a-4-6-7-9-29-40..42-44-45-48
-warn-error -a+8
-open Tezos_protocol_environment_demo__Environment
-open Error_monad
-open Hash
-open Tezos_data))
(modules (:standard \ Environment Registerer))))
((name tezos_embedded_protocol_demo)
(library_flags (:standard -linkall))
(libraries (tezos_embedded_raw_protocol_demo node_shell))
(modules (Registerer))))
((name runtest_sandboxing)
(deps ((glob_files *.ml)
(glob_files *.mli)
(action (run ${exe:../../compiler_main.exe} dummy_genesis ${path-no-dep:.}))))