Grégoire Henry b6449cae87 Jbuilder: split src/utils/ in multiple OPAM packages
* `lib_stdlib`: basic extended OCaml stdlib and generic data structures

* `lib_data_encoding`: almost independant 'Data_encoding'
* `lib_error_monad`: almost independant 'Error_monad'

* `lib_stdlib_lwt`: extended Lwt library
* `lib_crypto`: all the crypto stuff (hashing, signing, cryptobox).

* `lib_base`:
  - basic type definitions (Block_header, Operation, ...)
  - a module `TzPervasives` to bind them all and to be the
    single module opened everywhere.

In the process, I splitted `Tezos_data` and `Hash` in multiple
submodules, thus removing a lot of `-open`.

The following two modules may not have found their place yet:
- Base58 (currently in `lib_crypto`)
- Cli_entries (currently in `lib_stdlib_lwt`)
2017-12-04 16:05:54 +01:00

143 lines
3.8 KiB

(* *)
(* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *)
(* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <> *)
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(* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *)
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(** {2 Hash Types} ************************************************************)
(** The signature of an abstract hash type, as produced by functor
{!Make_Blake2B}. The {!t} type is abstracted for separating the
various kinds of hashes in the system at typing time. Each type is
equipped with functions to use it as is of as keys in the database
or in memory sets and maps. *)
module type MINIMAL_HASH = sig
type t
val name: string
val title: string
val hash_bytes: MBytes.t list -> t
val hash_string: string list -> t
val size: int (* in bytes *)
val compare: t -> t -> int
val equal: t -> t -> bool
val to_hex: t -> string
val of_hex: string -> t option
val of_hex_exn: string -> t
val to_string: t -> string
val of_string: string -> t option
val of_string_exn: string -> t
val to_bytes: t -> MBytes.t
val of_bytes: MBytes.t -> t option
val of_bytes_exn: MBytes.t -> t
val read: MBytes.t -> int -> t
val write: MBytes.t -> int -> t -> unit
val to_path: t -> string list -> string list
val of_path: string list -> t option
val of_path_exn: string list -> t
val prefix_path: string -> string list
val path_length: int
module type INTERNAL_MINIMAL_HASH = sig
module Table : Hashtbl.S with type key = t
module type HASH = sig
val of_b58check_exn: string -> t
val of_b58check_opt: string -> t option
val to_b58check: t -> string
val to_short_b58check: t -> string
val encoding: t Data_encoding.t
val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val pp_short: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
type += Hash of t
val b58check_encoding: t Base58.encoding
module Set : sig
include Set.S with type elt = t
val encoding: t Data_encoding.t
module Map : sig
include Map.S with type key = t
val encoding: 'a Data_encoding.t -> 'a t Data_encoding.t
module type INTERNAL_HASH = sig
include HASH
val of_b58check: string -> t tzresult
val param:
?name:string ->
?desc:string ->
('a, 'arg, 'ret) Cli_entries.params ->
(t -> 'a, 'arg, 'ret) Cli_entries.params
val random_set_elt: Set.t -> t
module Table : Hashtbl.S with type key = t
module type INTERNAL_MERKLE_TREE = sig
type elt
val compute: elt list -> t
val empty: t
type path =
| Left of path * t
| Right of t * path
| Op
val compute_path: elt list -> int -> path
val check_path: path -> elt -> t * int
val path_encoding: path Data_encoding.t
module type MERKLE_TREE = sig
type elt
include HASH
val compute: elt list -> t
val empty: t
type path =
| Left of path * t
| Right of t * path
| Op
val compute_path: elt list -> int -> path
val check_path: path -> elt -> t * int
val path_encoding: path Data_encoding.t
(** {2 Building Hashes} *******************************************************)
(** The parameters for creating a new Hash type using
{!Make_Blake2B}. Both {!name} and {!title} are only informative,
used in error messages and serializers. *)
module type Name = sig
val name : string
val title : string
val size : int option
module type PrefixedName = sig
include Name
val b58check_prefix : string