490 lines
17 KiB
490 lines
17 KiB
open Trace
open Mini_c
open Michelson
module Stack = Meta_michelson.Stack
module Contract_types = Meta_michelson.Types
open Memory_proto_alpha.Script_ir_translator
open Operators.Compiler
open Proto_alpha_utils
let get_predicate : string -> type_value -> expression list -> predicate result = fun s ty lst ->
match Map.String.find_opt s Operators.Compiler.predicates with
| Some x -> ok x
| None -> (
match s with
let%bind v = match lst with
| [ _ ; expr ] ->
let%bind (_, v) = Mini_c.Combinators.(get_t_map (Expression.get_type expr)) in
ok v
| _ -> simple_fail "mini_c . MAP_REMOVE" in
let%bind v_ty = Compiler_type.type_ v in
ok @@ simple_binary @@ seq [dip (i_none v_ty) ; prim I_UPDATE ]
| "LEFT" ->
let%bind r = match lst with
| [ _ ] -> get_t_right ty
| _ -> simple_fail "mini_c . LEFT" in
let%bind r_ty = Compiler_type.type_ r in
ok @@ simple_unary @@ prim ~children:[r_ty] I_LEFT
| "RIGHT" ->
let%bind l = match lst with
| [ _ ] -> get_t_left ty
| _ -> simple_fail "mini_c . RIGHT" in
let%bind l_ty = Compiler_type.type_ l in
ok @@ simple_unary @@ prim ~children:[l_ty] I_RIGHT
let%bind r = match lst with
| [ _ ] -> get_t_contract ty
| _ -> simple_fail "mini_c . CONTRACT" in
let%bind r_ty = Compiler_type.type_ r in
ok @@ simple_unary @@ seq [
prim ~children:[r_ty] I_CONTRACT ;
i_assert_some_msg (i_push_string "bad address for get_contract") ;
| x -> simple_fail ("predicate \"" ^ x ^ "\" doesn't exist")
let rec translate_value (v:value) : michelson result = match v with
| D_bool b -> ok @@ prim (if b then D_True else D_False)
| D_int n -> ok @@ int (Z.of_int n)
| D_nat n -> ok @@ int (Z.of_int n)
| D_tez n -> ok @@ int (Z.of_int n)
| D_string s -> ok @@ string s
| D_bytes s -> ok @@ bytes (Tezos_stdlib.MBytes.of_bytes s)
| D_unit -> ok @@ prim D_Unit
| D_pair (a, b) -> (
let%bind a = translate_value a in
let%bind b = translate_value b in
ok @@ prim ~children:[a;b] D_Pair
| D_left a -> translate_value a >>? fun a -> ok @@ prim ~children:[a] D_Left
| D_right b -> translate_value b >>? fun b -> ok @@ prim ~children:[b] D_Right
| D_function anon -> translate_function anon
| D_none -> ok @@ prim D_None
| D_some s ->
let%bind s' = translate_value s in
ok @@ prim ~children:[s'] D_Some
| D_map lst ->
let%bind lst' = bind_map_list (bind_map_pair translate_value) lst in
let aux (a, b) = prim ~children:[a;b] D_Elt in
ok @@ seq @@ List.map aux lst'
| D_list lst ->
let%bind lst' = bind_map_list translate_value lst in
ok @@ seq lst'
| D_operation _ ->
simple_fail "can't compile an operation"
and translate_function (content:anon_function) : michelson result =
let%bind body = translate_quote_body content in
ok @@ seq [ body ]
and translate_expression ?(first=false) (expr:expression) (env:environment) : (michelson * environment) result =
let (expr' , ty) = Combinators.Expression.(get_content expr , get_type expr) in
let error_message () =
Format.asprintf "\n- expr: %a\n- type: %a\n" PP.expression expr PP.type_ ty
let i_skip = i_push_unit in
let return ?prepend_env ?end_env code =
let%bind env' =
match (prepend_env , end_env) with
| (Some _ , Some _) -> simple_fail ("two args to return at " ^ __LOC__)
| None , None -> ok @@ Environment.add ("_tmp_expression" , ty) env
| Some prepend_env , None ->
ok @@ Environment.add ("_tmp_expression" , ty) prepend_env
| None , Some end_env -> ok end_env in
let%bind (Stack.Ex_stack_ty input_stack_ty) = Compiler_type.Ty.environment env in
let%bind output_type = Compiler_type.type_ ty in
let%bind (Stack.Ex_stack_ty output_stack_ty) = Compiler_type.Ty.environment env' in
let error_message () =
let%bind schema_michelsons = Compiler_type.environment env in
ok @@ Format.asprintf
"expression : %a\ncode : %a\nschema type : %a\noutput type : %a"
PP.expression expr
Michelson.pp code
PP_helpers.(list_sep Michelson.pp (const ".")) schema_michelsons
Michelson.pp output_type
let%bind _ =
(fun () ->
let%bind error_message = error_message () in
ok @@ (fun () -> error (thunk "error parsing expression code")
(fun () -> error_message)
())) @@
Memory_proto_alpha.parse_michelson code
input_stack_ty output_stack_ty
ok (code , env')
trace (error (thunk "compiling expression") error_message) @@
match expr' with
| E_skip -> return @@ i_skip
| E_environment_capture c ->
let%bind code = Compiler_environment.pack_select env c in
return @@ code
| E_environment_load (expr , load_env) ->
let%bind (expr' , _) = translate_expression expr env in
let%bind clear = Compiler_environment.select env [] in
let%bind unpack = Compiler_environment.unpack load_env in
return ~prepend_env:load_env @@ seq [
expr' ;
dip clear ;
unpack ;
i_skip ;
| E_environment_select sub_env ->
let%bind code = Compiler_environment.select_env env sub_env in
return ~prepend_env:sub_env @@ seq [
code ;
i_skip ;
| E_environment_return expr -> (
let%bind (expr' , env) = translate_expression expr env in
let%bind (code , cleared_env) = Compiler_environment.clear env in
return ~end_env:cleared_env @@ seq [
expr' ;
code ;
| E_literal v ->
let%bind v = translate_value v in
let%bind t = Compiler_type.type_ ty in
return @@ i_push t v
| E_application(f, arg) -> (
match Combinators.Expression.get_type f with
| T_function _ -> (
trace (simple_error "Compiling quote application") @@
let%bind (f , env') = translate_expression ~first f env in
let%bind (arg , _) = translate_expression arg env' in
return @@ seq [
i_comment "quote application" ;
i_comment "get f" ;
f ;
i_comment "get arg" ;
arg ;
prim I_EXEC ;
| T_deep_closure (small_env, input_ty , _) -> (
trace (simple_error "Compiling deep closure application") @@
let%bind (arg' , env') = translate_expression arg env in
let%bind (f' , env'') = translate_expression f env' in
let%bind f_ty = Compiler_type.type_ f.type_value in
let%bind append_closure = Compiler_environment.add_packed_anon small_env input_ty in
let error =
let error_title () = "michelson type-checking closure application" in
let error_content () =
Format.asprintf "\nEnv. %a\nEnv'. %a\nEnv''. %a\nclosure. %a ; %a ; %a\narg. %a\n"
PP.environment env
PP.environment env'
PP.environment env''
PP.expression_with_type f Michelson.pp f_ty Michelson.pp f'
PP.expression_with_type arg
error error_title error_content
trace error @@
return @@ seq [
i_comment "closure application" ;
i_comment "arg" ;
arg' ;
i_comment "f'" ;
f' ; i_unpair ;
i_comment "append" ;
dip @@ seq [i_swap ; append_closure] ;
i_comment "exec" ;
i_swap ; i_exec ;
| _ -> simple_fail "E_applicationing something not appliable"
| E_variable x ->
let%bind code = Compiler_environment.get env x in
return code
| E_sequence (a , b) ->
let%bind (a' , env_a) = translate_expression a env in
let%bind env_a' = Compiler_environment.pop env_a in
let%bind (b' , env_b) = translate_expression b env_a' in
return ~end_env:env_b @@ seq [
a' ;
i_drop ;
b' ;
(* | E_sequence_drop (a , b) ->
* let%bind (a' , env_a) = translate_expression a env in
* let%bind (b' , env_b) = translate_expression b env_a in
* return ~end_env:env_b @@ seq [
* a' ;
* i_drop ;
* b' ;
* ] *)
| E_constant(str, lst) ->
let module L = Logger.Stateful() in
let%bind lst' =
let aux env expr =
let%bind (code , env') = translate_expression expr env in
L.log @@ Format.asprintf "\n%a -> %a in %a\n"
PP.expression expr
Michelson.pp code
PP.environment env ;
ok (env' , code)
bind_fold_map_right_list aux env lst in
let%bind predicate = get_predicate str ty lst in
let pre_code = seq @@ List.rev lst' in
let%bind code = match (predicate, List.length lst) with
| Constant c, 0 -> ok @@ seq [
pre_code ;
c ;
| Unary f, 1 -> ok @@ seq [
pre_code ;
f ;
| Binary f, 2 -> ok @@ seq [
pre_code ;
f ;
| Ternary f, 3 -> ok @@ seq [
pre_code ;
f ;
| _ -> simple_fail "bad arity"
let error =
let title () = "error compiling constant" in
let content () = L.get () in
error title content in
trace error @@
return code
| E_make_empty_map sd ->
let%bind (src, dst) = bind_map_pair Compiler_type.type_ sd in
return @@ i_empty_map src dst
| E_make_empty_list t ->
let%bind t' = Compiler_type.type_ t in
return @@ i_nil t'
| E_make_none o ->
let%bind o' = Compiler_type.type_ o in
return @@ i_none o'
| E_if_bool (c, a, b) -> (
let%bind (c' , env') = translate_expression c env in
let%bind popped = Compiler_environment.pop env' in
let%bind (a' , _) = translate_expression a popped in
let%bind (b' , _) = translate_expression b popped in
let%bind code = ok (seq [
c' ;
i_if a' b' ;
]) in
return code
| E_if_none (c, n, (ntv , s)) -> (
let%bind (c' , env') = translate_expression c env in
let%bind popped = Compiler_environment.pop env' in
let%bind (n' , _) = translate_expression n popped in
let s_env = Environment.add ntv popped in
let%bind (s' , s_env') = translate_expression s s_env in
let%bind popped' = Compiler_environment.pop s_env' in
let%bind restrict_s = Compiler_environment.select_env popped' popped in
let%bind code = ok (seq [
c' ;
i_if_none n' (seq [
s' ;
dip restrict_s ;
]) in
return code
| E_if_left (c, (l_ntv , l), (r_ntv , r)) -> (
let%bind (c' , _env') = translate_expression c env in
let l_env = Environment.add l_ntv env in
let%bind (l' , _) = translate_expression l l_env in
let r_env = Environment.add r_ntv env in
let%bind (r' , _) = translate_expression r r_env in
let%bind restrict_l = Compiler_environment.select_env l_env env in
let%bind restrict_r = Compiler_environment.select_env r_env env in
let%bind code = ok (seq [
c' ;
i_if_left (seq [
l' ;
i_comment "restrict left" ;
dip restrict_l ;
]) (seq [
r' ;
i_comment "restrict right" ;
dip restrict_r ;
]) in
return code
| E_let_in (v , expr , body) -> (
let%bind (expr' , expr_env) = translate_expression expr env in
let%bind env' =
let%bind popped = Compiler_environment.pop expr_env in
ok @@ Environment.add v popped in
let%bind (body' , body_env) = translate_expression body env' in
let%bind restrict =
let%bind popped = Compiler_environment.pop body_env in
Compiler_environment.select_env popped env in
let%bind code = ok (seq [
expr' ;
body' ;
i_comment "restrict let" ;
dip restrict ;
]) in
return code
| E_assignment (name , lrs , expr) -> (
let%bind (expr' , env') = translate_expression expr env in
(* Format.printf "\nass env':%a\n" PP.environment env' ; *)
let%bind get_code = Compiler_environment.get env' name in
let modify_code =
let aux acc step = match step with
| `Left -> seq [dip i_unpair ; acc ; i_pair]
| `Right -> seq [dip i_unpiar ; acc ; i_piar]
let init = dip i_drop in
List.fold_right' aux init lrs
let%bind set_code = Compiler_environment.set env name in
let error =
let title () = "michelson type-checking patch" in
let content () =
let aux ppf = function
| `Left -> Format.fprintf ppf "left"
| `Right -> Format.fprintf ppf "right" in
Format.asprintf "Sub path: %a\n"
PP_helpers.(list_sep aux (const " , ")) lrs
error title content in
trace error @@
return ~prepend_env:env @@ seq [
i_comment "assign: start # env" ;
expr' ;
i_comment "assign: compute rhs # rhs : env" ;
get_code ;
i_comment "assign: get name # name : rhs : env" ;
i_swap ;
i_comment "assign: swap # rhs : name : env" ;
modify_code ;
i_comment "assign: modify code # name+rhs : env" ;
set_code ;
i_comment "assign: set new # new_env" ;
i_skip ;
| E_while (expr, block) -> (
let%bind (expr' , env') = translate_expression expr env in
let%bind popped = Compiler_environment.pop env' in
let%bind (block' , env'') = translate_expression block popped in
let%bind restrict_block = Compiler_environment.select_env env'' popped in
return @@ seq [
expr' ;
prim ~children:[seq [
block' ;
restrict_block ;
expr']] I_LOOP ;
i_skip ;
and translate_quote_body ({result ; binder ; input} as f:anon_function) : michelson result =
let env = Environment.(add (binder , input) empty) in
let%bind (expr , _) = translate_expression result env in
let code = seq [
i_comment "function result" ;
expr ;
] in
let%bind _assert_type =
let%bind (Ex_ty input_ty) = Compiler_type.Ty.type_ f.input in
let%bind (Ex_ty output_ty) = Compiler_type.Ty.type_ f.output in
let input_stack_ty = Stack.(input_ty @: nil) in
let output_stack_ty = Stack.(output_ty @: nil) in
let error_message () =
"\ncode : %a\ninput : %a\noutput : %a\n"
Michelson.pp code
PP.type_ f.input
PP.type_ f.output
let%bind _ =
Trace.trace_tzresult_lwt (
error (thunk "error parsing quote code") error_message
) @@
Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha.parse_michelson code
input_stack_ty output_stack_ty
ok ()
ok code
type compiled_program = {
input : ex_ty ;
output : ex_ty ;
body : michelson ;
let get_main : program -> string -> anon_function result = fun p entry ->
let is_main (((name , expr), _):toplevel_statement) =
match Combinators.Expression.(get_content expr , get_type expr)with
| (E_literal (D_function content) , T_function _)
when name = entry ->
Some content
| _ -> None
let%bind main =
trace_option (simple_error "no functional entry") @@
List.find_map is_main p
ok main
let translate_program (p:program) (entry:string) : compiled_program result =
let%bind main = get_main p entry in
let {input;output} : anon_function = main in
let%bind body = translate_quote_body main in
let%bind input = Compiler_type.Ty.type_ input in
let%bind output = Compiler_type.Ty.type_ output in
ok ({input;output;body}:compiled_program)
let translate_entry (p:anon_function) : compiled_program result =
let {input;output} : anon_function = p in
let%bind body =
trace (simple_error "compile entry body") @@
translate_quote_body p in
let%bind input = Compiler_type.Ty.type_ input in
let%bind output = Compiler_type.Ty.type_ output in
ok ({input;output;body}:compiled_program)
module Errors = struct
let corner_case ~loc message =
let title () = "corner case" in
let content () = "we don't have a good error message for this case. we are
striving find ways to better report them and find the use-cases that generate
them. please report this to the developers." in
let data = [
("location" , fun () -> loc) ;
("message" , fun () -> message) ;
] in
error ~data title content
open Errors
let translate_contract : anon_function -> michelson result = fun f ->
let%bind compiled_program =
trace_strong (corner_case ~loc:__LOC__ "compiling") @@
translate_entry f in
let%bind (param_ty , storage_ty) = Combinators.get_t_pair f.input in
let%bind param_michelson = Compiler_type.type_ param_ty in
let%bind storage_michelson = Compiler_type.type_ storage_ty in
let contract = Michelson.contract param_michelson storage_michelson compiled_program.body in
ok contract