(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Proto_alpha open Alpha_context type operation = { hash: Operation_hash.t ; content: Operation.t option } type valid_endorsement = { hash: Operation_hash.t ; source: public_key_hash ; block: Block_hash.t ; slots: int list ; } (* let filter_valid_endorsement cctxt ({ hash ; content } : operation) = let open Alpha_context in match content with | None | Some { contents = Anonymous_operations _ } | Some { contents = Sourced_operations (Dictator_operation _ ) } | Some { contents = Sourced_operations (Manager_operations _ ) } -> Lwt.return_none | Some { shell = {chain_id} ; contents = Sourced_operations (Delegate_operations { source ; operations }) } -> let source = Signature.Public_key.hash source in let endorsements = Utils.unopt_list @@ List.map (function | Endorsement { block ; slot } -> Some (block, slot) | _ -> None) operations in match endorsements with | [] -> Lwt.return_none | ((block, _) :: _) as slots -> try let slots = List.map (fun (block', slot) -> if not (Block_hash.equal block block') then raise Not_found ; slot) slots in (* Ensure thath the block has been previously validated by the node. This might took some times... *) Client_node_rpcs.validate_block cctxt chain_id block >>= function | Error error -> lwt_log_info "@[Found endorsement for an invalid block@,%a@[" pp_print_error error >>= fun () -> Lwt.return_none | Ok () -> Client_node_rpcs.Blocks.preapply cctxt (`Hash block) [Client_node_rpcs.Hash hash] >>= function | Ok _ -> Lwt.return (Some { hash ; source ; block ; slots }) | Error error -> lwt_log_error "@[Error while prevalidating endorsements@,%a@[" pp_print_error error >>= fun () -> Lwt.return_none with Not_found -> Lwt.return_none let monitor_endorsement cctxt = monitor cctxt ~contents:true ~check:true () >>=? fun ops_stream -> let endorsement_stream, push = Lwt_stream.create () in Lwt.async begin fun () -> Lwt_stream.closed ops_stream >|= fun () -> push None end ; Lwt.async begin fun () -> Lwt_stream.iter_p (fun ops -> match ops with | Error _ as err -> push (Some err) ; Lwt.return_unit | Ok ops -> Lwt_list.iter_p (fun e -> filter_valid_endorsement cctxt e >>= function | None -> Lwt.return_unit | Some e -> push (Some (Ok e)) ; Lwt.return_unit) ops) ops_stream end ; return endorsement_stream *) (* Temporary desactivate the monitoring of endorsement: too slow for now. *) let monitor_endorsement _ = let stream, _push = Lwt_stream.create () in return stream