(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) type error += No_identity_file of string type error += Insufficient_proof_of_work of { expected: float } let () = register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"main.identity.no_file" ~title:"TODO" ~description:"TODO" ~pp:(fun ppf file -> Format.fprintf ppf "Cannot read the identity file: `%s`. \ See `%s identity --help` on how to generate an identity." file Sys.argv.(0)) Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "file" string)) (function No_identity_file file -> Some file | _ -> None) (fun file -> No_identity_file file) let () = register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"main.identity.insufficient_proof_of_work" ~title:"TODO" ~description:"TODO" ~pp:(fun ppf expected -> Format.fprintf ppf "The current identity does not embed a sufficient stamp of proof-of-work. \ (expected level: %.2f). \ See `%s identity --help` on how to generate a new identity." expected Sys.argv.(0)) Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "expected" float)) (function Insufficient_proof_of_work { expected } -> Some expected | _ -> None) (fun expected -> Insufficient_proof_of_work { expected }) let read ?expected_pow file = Lwt_unix.file_exists file >>= function | false -> fail (No_identity_file file) | true -> Lwt_utils_unix.Json.read_file file >>=? fun json -> let id = Data_encoding.Json.destruct P2p_identity.encoding json in match expected_pow with | None -> return id | Some expected -> let target = Crypto_box.make_target expected in if (Crypto_box.check_proof_of_work id.public_key id.proof_of_work_stamp target) then return id else fail (Insufficient_proof_of_work { expected }) type error += Existent_identity_file of string let () = register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"main.identity.existent_file" ~title:"TODO" ~description:"TODO" ~pp:(fun ppf file -> Format.fprintf ppf "Cannot implicitely overwrite the current identity file: '%s'. \ See `%s identity --help` on how to generate a new identity." file Sys.argv.(0)) Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "file" string)) (function Existent_identity_file file -> Some file | _ -> None) (fun file -> Existent_identity_file file) let write file identity = if Sys.file_exists file then fail (Existent_identity_file file) else Node_data_version.ensure_data_dir (Filename.dirname file) >>=? fun () -> Lwt_utils_unix.Json.write_file file (Data_encoding.Json.construct P2p_identity.encoding identity)